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OxymoronOxymoron 1. 1.The definition of OxymoronThe definition of Oxymoron 2.2.The structure of OxymoronThe structure of Oxymoron 3.The translation of Oxymoron 3.The translation of Oxymoron Whats Oxymoron ?Lets look at some examples:Gentle nightmare 温和梦魇Thunderous silence 无声胜有声“Impossible made possible, Cannon printing.”使不可能变为可能,佳能复印机。Die merrily 快快乐乐地死去Mortal enemies 不共戴天的敌人Life-death struggle 生死搏斗Audible stillness黑得连肉眼都可以看见1. The definition of Oxymoron Oxymoron(矛盾修辞法(矛盾修辞法/反义法反义法/逆喻)逆喻)朗曼现代英语词典(Longman Modern English Dictionary)的定义是“a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms are combined to produce an epigrammatic讽刺短诗般的effect.” 它将完全对立相互矛盾的两个概念置于一起,并使它们在对立中突出所要表达的意思,从而产生出奇制胜的艺术效果。 2. The structure of Oxymoron (一)完全反义关系 Would you have the cruel kindness to give me a quick death ? 求你发发残忍的善心,让我快点死。 Cruel的反义词是kindness It is an open secret that the scientist and the nurse are already of one mind.这位科学家和这位护士情投意合已成公开的秘密。Open的反义词是secret2. The structure of Oxymoron(二)准反义关系 She was half Spanish and the rest Norwegian, a smoking bubbly mixture of cold fire and hot ice.(Wilbur Smith:When the Lion Feeds) 她一半是西班牙血统,一般是挪威血统,是寒冷的火焰和炽热的冰块的混血儿,既热情又充满幻想。 从fire联想到hot,而只有hot才能与cold构成一个矛盾对立体。同样,人们也需要先从ice联想到cold,再将其与hot构成一个矛盾对立体。2. The structure of Oxymoron (二)准反义关系 The welcome of land to the man from the sea was warm and generous. But to the oiler the lands only welcome would be the cold comfort of the graves. 这块陆地对海上来客的欢迎是热情而慷慨的,而对加油工的欢迎却只能是坟墓般的凄凉的安慰了。 Cold的反义词是warm,cold和comfort之间不具备完全反义关系,它们只是准反义关系。Comfort只是给人以一种心理的warm。加油工客死他乡,凄惨可怜,唯一的安慰只是一捧黄土而已。2.The structure of Oxymoron (三)同源反义关系 His honor rooted in dishonor stood. And faith unfaithful kept him falsely true.(Alfred lord Tennyson:Lancelot and Elaine)他的荣誉根与不荣誉。他的不忠诚可靠的忠诚使他似真似假。Honor与dishonor,faith与unfaith均系同一词源,它们属于同源反义词。又如:deathless death (虽死犹生无) helpless help(助的帮助) expressionless expression(毫无表情的表情)2.The structure of Oxymoron(四)对立统一关系He is the worst best men I have ever seen.他是我见过的最差劲的男人。Worst修饰best man。Worst best是字面对立,意义统一关系。3.The translation of Oxymoron移植法移植法 There was an audible stillness, in which the common voice soundedstrange. 四周一片听的见的寂静,连平常的声音听来也觉异样。四周一片听的见的寂静,连平常的声音听来也觉异样。 Enoch had a pleasant day with his ten-year-old son.But, anxiously,he found him a changeless change. 伊诺克同十岁的儿子愉快地度过了一天,但是他却不安地发现儿子只是一个伊诺克同十岁的儿子愉快地度过了一天,但是他却不安地发现儿子只是一个没有变化的变化。没有变化的变化。 拆译法拆译法 orderly chaos 又乱又整齐又乱又整齐He sat there and watched them, so changelesslychanging, so bright and dark, so grave and gay. 他坐在那儿注视着,觉得眼前的景色既是始终如一又他坐在那儿注视着,觉得眼前的景色既是始终如一又变化多端;既是光彩夺目,又是朦胧黑暗;既是庄严变化多端;既是光彩夺目,又是朦胧黑暗;既是庄严肃穆,又是轻松愉快。肃穆,又是轻松愉快。 融贯法融贯法 Written for the sake of Forgetting为了忘却的纪念为了忘却的纪念 Hereditary disposed to myopia, he recognizes onlythe persons and habitats of his own species amongwhich he passes an existence of competitivetranquility. 他们的遗传都是有短见的,因此他只认识自己的同类和同类的巢他们的遗传都是有短见的,因此他只认识自己的同类和同类的巢 穴,也只是在他们中间能够你争我夺地安安静静地过日子穴,也只是在他们中间能够你争我夺地安安静静地过日子 增词或改词法增词或改词法 John had kept on thinking of his parents laughinggood-natured untidiness 约翰总是想到约翰总是想到你父亲那样笑容可掬,和蔼可你父亲那样笑容可掬,和蔼可亲,却不修边幅,亲,却不修边幅, Hard up, we manage to get over it each year.Homeless, we try to make home everywhere. 年年难过年年过,处处无家处处家。年年难过年年过,处处无家处处家。 引申法引申法 In the thought there was a bitter sweetness. 想到这里,她是甜中带苦,苦中有甜。想到这里,她是甜中带苦,苦中有甜。Love is a sweet torment.爱是一种甜蜜的痛而又不失幽默的效果。爱是一种甜蜜的痛而又不失幽默的效果。 an intimate stranger 亲密的陌亲密的陌生人生人 global village 地球村地球村 busy idleness 无事忙无事忙 open secret 公开的秘密公开的秘密 living death 行尸走肉行尸走肉 Silence sings all round me, my head is bound with a band. 无声在我周围歌唱无声在我周围歌唱,我头上缠着带子。我头上缠着带子。 I fear and hope, I burn and freeze like ice. 我恐惧我恐惧,但也怀有希望但也怀有希望;我燃烧我燃烧,但也冻得象冰一样。但也冻得象冰一样。 It has thepoorest millionaires, the ittlest great men, the haughtiest beggars, the lainest beauties, the lowestskyscrapers, the dolefulness pleasures of any town I ever saw. (O Henry, Duel) 这座城市里有的是心灵最空虚的百万富翁这座城市里有的是心灵最空虚的百万富翁, ,人格最渺小的伟人人格最渺小的伟人, ,最高最高傲的乞丐傲的乞丐, ,最让人瞧不起的美人最让人瞧不起的美人, ,最鄙陋不堪的摩天大楼最鄙陋不堪的摩天大楼, ,和最令人悲和最令人悲哀的娱乐。哀的娱乐。 Thank you
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