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九年级英语全册口译精练Unit14IremembermeetingallofyouinGrade71课件(新版)人教新目标版This information comes from Yang Xuehuiat Shili high school in Xihe, Gansu.初中学生时代快要结束了。初中学生时代快要结束了。Junior high school days are over. 你有些特殊的回忆吗?你有些特殊的回忆吗?Do you have any special memories?我记得在七年级遇见了你们所有人。我记得在七年级遇见了你们所有人。 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. 在初中我记得:在初中我记得:At junior high school, I remember 帮我解决困难的一位朋友。帮我解决困难的一位朋友。a friend helping me with a problem.认真做作业以便达到严格老师的标认真做作业以便达到严格老师的标准;准;did homework carefully to meet the standards of a strict teacher; 记得丢过书包;记得丢过书包;remember losing a schoolbag;记得见过这帮朋友;记得见过这帮朋友; remember meeting this group friends; 快乐享受初中的每一年。快乐享受初中的每一年。has enjoyed every year of junior high school.有的人不喜欢体育课。有的人不喜欢体育课。 Someone didnt like P.E. 老师建议有的人稍微休息一会儿再老师建议有的人稍微休息一会儿再跑步。跑步。someone was advised to take a break from running by a teacher.有的人健康出了问题。有的人健康出了问题。Someone had a health problem.有人加入了学校乐队。有人加入了学校乐队。Someone joined the school band. 有的人喜欢亨特先生的教学方法。有的人喜欢亨特先生的教学方法。 Someone liked Mr. Hunts teaching methods.谁想学医呢?谁想学医呢?Who wants to study medicine?是谁叫有的人休息一会儿再跑呢?是谁叫有的人休息一会儿再跑呢? Who told someone to take a break from running?谁伤了他的或者她的膝盖?谁伤了他的或者她的膝盖?Who hurt his or her knee?谁以为谁以为“这就是生活这就是生活”音乐会是最好音乐会是最好的回忆呢?的回忆呢? Who thinks the Thats Life concert is the best memory?你记得起亨特先生吗?你记得起亨特先生吗?Do you remember Mr. Hunt?当然记得!他是一位了不起的老师。当然记得!他是一位了不起的老师。Of course! Hes a great teacher.在体育课上他把要领讲解得非常清在体育课上他把要领讲解得非常清楚。楚。He gave really clear instructions during P.E class.是啊,他是啊,他Yeah, he .初中毕业后你最想念的老师是谁呢?初中毕业后你最想念的老师是谁呢?Which teachers will you miss the most after junior high school? 李老师和布朗老师。李老师和布朗老师。 Ms. Lee and Mr. Brown.我知道李老师在数学课上对你总是我知道李老师在数学课上对你总是耐心关照,耐心关照, I know that Ms. Lee was always patient with you in math class. 无论问题有多难,她都帮助你找到无论问题有多难,她都帮助你找到问题的答案。问题的答案。She helped you to work out the answers yourself no matter how difficult they were.是,布朗老师指导我在科学学科取是,布朗老师指导我在科学学科取得很大进步,得很大进步, Yes, and Mr. Brown guided me to do a lot better in science. 无论任何时候我不明白的地方,无论任何时候我不明白的地方,Whenever I couldnt understand anything, 他总是花时间给我解释清楚。他总是花时间给我解释清楚。he always took the time to explain things to me clearly. 你会想念谁呢?你会想念谁呢? 格里芬老师,格里芬老师,Who will you miss? Ms. Griffin.她在英语课上鼓励我,她在英语课上鼓励我,She encouraged me in English class.她总是说她总是说“你真行!你真行!”She always told me “You can do it!”.因为她我付出了更多努力,因为她我付出了更多努力,Because of her, I put in more effort,并且考试成绩翻了一倍。并且考试成绩翻了一倍。and my exam scores doubled.我们给每位老师买一张贺卡和礼物我们给每位老师买一张贺卡和礼物来表示感谢好吗?来表示感谢好吗? Shall we get each of them a card and gift to say thank you?好主意啊!好主意啊!Good idea! 咱们明天去买东西吧!咱们明天去买东西吧!Lets go shopping tomorrow!Good habits achieve beautiful life.Try to be your best.
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