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话题十四文娱与体育话题十四文娱与体育 (Recreation and Sports)第三部分中考话题综合训练Part 1:话题相关词句话题相关词句重点单词重点单词音乐 music 歌曲 song 钢琴piano 小提琴 violin 鼓drum 享受enjoy 收音机radio 磁带tape 俱乐部club 音乐会concert 表演performance 人物;角色character 电影院cinema 剧院theater 电影movie / film 恐怖片thriller动画片cartoon 喜剧comedy 体育运动sports 节目program 放松relax 比赛game / competition / contest打败beat 获胜win 篮球basketball 排球volleyball 网球tennis 羽毛球badminton 棒球baseball 滑雪ski 滑冰skate跳水diving 体操gymnastics 教练coach 法官;裁判judge 跑步run 跳jump 骑ride 游泳swim危险的dangerous 放松的relaxing 感到放松的relaxed 乏味的boring感到无聊乏味的bored 令人兴奋的exciting感到兴奋的excited常用词组常用词组流行音乐pop music 乡村音乐country music 古典音乐classical music 民俗音乐folk music 弹吉他play the guitar 弹钢琴play the piano体育明星sports star 奥运会the Olympic Games 闲逛hang out 运动会the sports meeting 推迟put off 去音乐会go to the concert看电影go to the movies 相声cross talk 动作片action movie 踢足球play football / soccer 去滑雪go skiing 骑单车go bike riding去滑冰go skating 校运会the school sports meeting 追上catch up (with)落后fall behind 保持纪录hold a record打破世界纪录break the world record典型句子典型句子 1. 生命在于运动。Life lies in movement. 2. 林丹是中国最受欢迎的体育明星之一。Lin Dan is one of the most popular sports stars in China. 3. 我经常课后跑步,我发现它对我的健康和学习很有益。I often run after class and I find that its good for my health and study. 4. 我期待着能参加下一届的奥运会并打破世界纪录。Im looking forward to taking part in the next Olympic Games and breaking the world record. 5. 他认为与朋友出去闲逛也是一种放松的方式。He thinks hanging out with friends is also a way to relax. 6. 游泳是我最喜爱的体育运动。Swimming is my favorite sport. 7. 在这种情况下,运动会推迟到下周举行。In this case, the sports meeting will be put off till next week. 8. 那是一场惊心动魄的足球赛,我们都感到很激动。That was an exciting football match. We all felt excited. 9. 我周末经常去看电影 ,但我不喜欢这种电影,很无聊。I often go to the movies on weekends, but I dont like this kind of movie. Its boring. 10. 我有两张票,今晚去音乐会好吗?I have two tickets. Shall we go to the concert tonight? 11. 你更喜欢古典音乐还是流行音乐?Which do you prefer / like better,classical music or pop music? 12. 我喜欢古典音乐胜于流行音乐。I prefer class-ical music to pop music. / I like classical music better than pop music.
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