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教育部大学外语四级考试汉英翻译高分策略汉英翻译高分策略 主讲人:马鹤鸣主讲人:马鹤鸣 北京对外经济贸易大学北京对外经济贸易大学 副教授副教授 北京市高等院校外语教学研究中心北京市高等院校外语教学研究中心 副主任副主任 国家商务英语研究中心国家商务英语研究中心 研究员研究员 大学外语四六级考试阅卷组大学外语四六级考试阅卷组 成成 员员 上海外国语大学英语语言学上海外国语大学英语语言学 博博 士士讲座内容提要讲座内容提要1.1.大学外语四级考试汉英翻译大学外语四级考试汉英翻译1010大考点及例句分析大考点及例句分析2.2.汉英翻译汉英翻译A A类句型练习(类句型练习(5454个个基本句式)基本句式)1.1.大学外语四级考试汉英翻译大学外语四级考试汉英翻译1010大考点大考点2.2. 及例句分析及例句分析 汉英翻译中的汉英翻译中的1010大必考考点:大必考考点:1.1.被动语态在不同时态中的应用被动语态在不同时态中的应用2.2.形容词和副词的比较级(一般不考最高级)形容词和副词的比较级(一般不考最高级)3.3.倍数、半数的表达法倍数、半数的表达法4.require4.require、demanddemand、orderorder、claimclaim等动词后接宾语从等动词后接宾语从句时从句的虚拟性表达句时从句的虚拟性表达5.It is time5.It is time、It is naturalIt is natural等词后接宾语从句等词后接宾语从句时从句的虚拟性表达时从句的虚拟性表达6.If 6.If 引导的条件状语从句、及虚拟语气的表达引导的条件状语从句、及虚拟语气的表达定语从句的恰当表达定语从句的恰当表达7.no matter 7.no matter 引导的状语从句引导的状语从句8.8.主语从句、动词不定式复合结构作主语主语从句、动词不定式复合结构作主语9.9.现在分词和过去分词在句子中的应用现在分词和过去分词在句子中的应用10. 10. 倒装句式的使用倒装句式的使用1.被动语态在不同时态中的应用被动语态在不同时态中的应用I eat the apple. The apple is eaten (by me). 一般现在时一般现在时I ate the apple. The apple was eaten (by me). 一般过去时一般过去时I will eat the apple. The apple will be eaten (by me). 一般将来时一般将来时I am eating the apple. The apple is being eaten (by me). 现在进行时现在进行时I was eating the apple. The apple was being eaten (by me). 过去进行时过去进行时I will be eating the apple. The apple will be being eaten (by me). 将来进行时将来进行时I have eaten the apple. The apple has been eaten (by me). 现在完成时现在完成时I had eaten the apple. The apple had been eaten (by me). 过去完成时过去完成时I will have eaten the apple. The apple will have been eaten. 将来完成时将来完成时2. 形容词和副词的比较级(一般不考最高级)形容词和副词的比较级(一般不考最高级)2.1 The morethe more I my sixties one change I notice is that I feel more tired than (I was) before. .(2007/12) The more you explain, the more I was confused. (2006/6)2.2 2.2 表示表示“比较比较”的短语的短语compare sth. with sth. sth. is compared with sth.in comparison withYour losses in trade this year are nothing when (they are) compared with mine. (2005/6样题样题)3. 3. 倍数、半数的表达法倍数、半数的表达法3.1 倍数的表达倍数的表达 The size of my room is three times the size of yours. 我房间的面积是你房间的三倍。我房间的面积是你房间的三倍。 The money you earn is four times that I earn. 你的挣的钱是我的三倍。你的挣的钱是我的三倍。3.2 半数的表达半数的表达On average, visitors spend only half as much as in a day in Leeds as in London. (2009/12样题样题)His income is one-forth as much as mine.His income is one-forth of mine. 4.require4.require、demanddemand、orderorder、claimclaim等动词后接等动词后接宾语从句时从句的虚拟性表达宾语从句时从句的虚拟性表达The professor required that our report be handed in by Wednesday. (2006/6)Some psychologists claim that people feel lonely when they go out on their own.(2006/12)I suggest that he go to see the doctor after the test. (2010/6样题样题)5.It is time5.It is time、It is naturalIt is natural等词后接宾语等词后接宾语从句时从句的虚拟性表达从句时从句的虚拟性表达It is time for us to have a walk. It is the right time (exact time/ high time) that I had a walk. It is natural for us to try our best to study well.It is natural that we () try our best to study well.It is natural that we tried our best to study well.6. If6. If引导的条件状语从句、及虚拟语气的表达引导的条件状语从句、及虚拟语气的表达If it rains tomorrow, I wont go to school. (真实语真实语气气)6.1如设想的事情在将来不可能发生,则表现为:从如设想的事情在将来不可能发生,则表现为:从句一般过去时句一般过去时+主句过去将来时主句过去将来时If in 2010 all the dogs became donkeys, there would be no animal to safeguard homes. 6.2 如果如果If假设的事情在现在或惯常现象中不可能发假设的事情在现在或惯常现象中不可能发生,则表现为:从句一般过去时生,则表现为:从句一般过去时+主句过去将来时主句过去将来时If I were you, I would not change her habit. 6.3 如果如果If对过去已成事实的东西表示一种后悔,则对过去已成事实的东西表示一种后悔,则表现为:从句过去完成时表现为:从句过去完成时+主句主句would +现在完成时现在完成时事实:事实:Yesterday I went to the downtown and I lost my money.后悔:后悔:If yesterday I had not gone to the downtown, I would not have lost my money.7.no matter 引导的状语从句引导的状语从句The substance does not dissolve in the water no matter whether it is heated.(2010/6样题样题)This is your home for ever no matter how far you are in the world. 8. 主语从句、动词不定式复合结构作主语主语从句、动词不定式复合结构作主语That he joined the army made everyone surprised. It made everyone surprised that he joined the army.That he died last night was a shocking piece of news. It was a shocking piece of news that he died last night. 9.现在分词和过去分词在句子中的应用现在分词和过去分词在句子中的应用9.1 两种分词作状语两种分词作状语Because Tim came late, Tim was very shy. 省略省略 省略省略Coming late, Tim was very shy.Because Tim was scolded, Tim was very shy.省略省略 省略省略省略省略 Scolded, Tim was very shy现在分词表示主动或进行;过去分词表示被现在分词表示主动或进行;过去分词表示被动或完成。动或完成。9.2 两种分词作定语两种分词作定语Mr. Lu is a teacher who teaches us English.Mr. Lu is a teacher 省略省略 teaching us English. Mr. Lu is a teacher who was praised by us. Mr. Lu is a teacher 省略省略 省略省略 praised by us.9.3 两种分词作补语两种分词作补语All of us saw he worked for 6 hours.All of us saw him working for 6 hours.All of us saw he was punished by the teacher.All of us saw him 省略省略 punished by the teacher. 10. 倒装句型:倒装句型:Only by doing this , can + 主语主语+谓语谓语Only by doing this , can we realize the 4 modenness. Not untildo (did) +主语主语+谓语谓语Not until he came back, did I go to sleep. 2.汉英翻译汉英翻译A类句型练习类句型练习 (54个个/出现率出现率66.66%)1)The size of my room is three times the size of yours. 我房间的面积是你房间的三倍。我房间的面积是你房间的三倍。2) Tom bought a same book as mine early this morning.汤姆今天早上买了一本和我的一样的书。汤姆今天早上买了一本和我的一样的书。3) I was reading a novel when my mother came in to fetch some books.我正在读小说,突然我妈妈进来送些书给我。我正在读小说,突然我妈妈进来送些书给我。4)Since he has been late, I will leave some message notes for him.既然他已经晚点了,我就给他留几个便条吧。既然他已经晚点了,我就给他留几个便条吧。5) He eventually succeeded after (he experienced) many failures.在经历了许多失败之后,他终于成功了。在经历了许多失败之后,他终于成功了。6)We got very surprised at his going to school late every day.我们对他天天上学迟到感到惊奇。我们对他天天上学迟到感到惊奇。7)Everybody was shocked at her killing boyfriend.她能杀了她男朋友,大家都很吃惊。她能杀了她男朋友,大家都很吃惊。8)I dont believe that he can mock/ridicule me.我不相信他会嘲弄我。我不相信他会嘲弄我。9)The climate in Shenyang is warmer than that in Changchun.沈阳的天气比长春暖和。沈阳的天气比长春暖和。10)We spent much more money on the project than we had planned to spend. 在这个工程上,我们比原计划花费了更多的钱。在这个工程上,我们比原计划花费了更多的钱。11)Wang Tong deals with everything more carefully than I (do).王同做任何事情都比我认真王同做任何事情都比我认真.12) Situation is actually better than was expected.情况比我们预计的要好。情况比我们预计的要好。13)The money which was spent on the bridge project is much more than had been expected.在这个工程上的花费比原来计划的多得多。在这个工程上的花费比原来计划的多得多。14)We had thought that he was sure to fail the exam, but he turned out to pass it.我们原以为他一定考试不及格,但结果他过去我们原以为他一定考试不及格,但结果他过去了。了。15) Even though he failed to lend me money, but I will say “thank you all the same/ thank you anyway”.即使他没能借我钱,但是我还是要说即使他没能借我钱,但是我还是要说“无论如无论如何都谢谢你何都谢谢你”。16) Tom was seen to go in the dark street by himself.人们看见汤姆黑夜一个人在大街上走。人们看见汤姆黑夜一个人在大街上走。17) He is so selfish that everyone dislikes/ is tired of him.他太自私了,每个人都讨厌他。他太自私了,每个人都讨厌他。18)Had he not been so careless, he would not have lost his money.如果他昨天不那么如果他昨天不那么粗心,他就不会丢钱了。粗心,他就不会丢钱了。19)If you were happy every day , you would feel bored every day.如果你天天快乐,你就会觉得每天很没意思。如果你天天快乐,你就会觉得每天很没意思。20)If I had been there that day, I would have helped you.如果那天我在那,我就会无条件帮你。如果那天我在那,我就会无条件帮你。21)Because clinging to his mother frequently, the boy is disliked by his mother .由于男孩经常缠着他的妈妈,他妈妈很讨厌他。由于男孩经常缠着他的妈妈,他妈妈很讨厌他。22)Compared with other bikes of this model,this bike is the best.和其他同款自行车相比,这款是最好的。和其他同款自行车相比,这款是最好的。23)After informed of retirement, he was upset for nearly a year.当通知他退休之后,他郁闷了将近一年。当通知他退休之后,他郁闷了将近一年。24)Having the power of clay, I should be informed of everything.我有知情权,什么事情都应该通知我。我有知情权,什么事情都应该通知我。25)As is reported,he was seen to break into the bank.据新闻报道,有人看见他那天晚上闯入了银行。据新闻报道,有人看见他那天晚上闯入了银行。The house whose door is white belongs to Prof. Liu.门是白色的那个房子是刘教授的。门是白色的那个房子是刘教授的。27) There is no parent but loves their children.没有不爱子女的父母。(空格部分不能用动词没有不爱子女的父母。(空格部分不能用动词的否定式)的否定式)28) The airport being built is Shenyang Taoxian Airport .正在建设的机场是沈阳桃仙机场。正在建设的机场是沈阳桃仙机场。29)The news which we are aware of is very creative.我们注意到的那个消息很有新意。我们注意到的那个消息很有新意。30)Sorry, the WC is unavailable when the train is stabilizing.对不起,火车停车时厕所不能使用。对不起,火车停车时厕所不能使用。31)We had all thought that he died after the war, but he turned out to survive.我们都以为战后他已经死了,结果他还活着。我们都以为战后他已经死了,结果他还活着。32) The money the government gives me is much more than was needed.政府给我的钱要比实际需要的多很多。政府给我的钱要比实际需要的多很多。33)His coming to school late made the teacher very irritated.他上学迟到了使老师很生气。他上学迟到了使老师很生气。34) The road is being widened.道路正在被加宽。道路正在被加宽。35) Smoking is forbidden in the meeting room.会议室不许吸烟。会议室不许吸烟。36) The traffic in this crossroads is the same crowded as the one in that crossroads.这个十字路口的交通和那个一样拥挤这个十字路口的交通和那个一样拥挤 37)Sherman is much taller than I am .谢尔曼比我高得多。谢尔曼比我高得多。38) There is no parent _their children.没有不爱子女的父母。(空格部分不能用动词没有不爱子女的父母。(空格部分不能用动词的否定式)的否定式)39)Take it easy, it will be 15 minutes before I come back.别急,我别急,我15分钟就回来。分钟就回来。but40) Maybe, what he thought is right. 也许他所想的是对的。也许他所想的是对的。41) The triumph of the revolution attributes to the sacrifice of every body.革命的成功归功于每个人的牺牲。革命的成功归功于每个人的牺牲。42) Who treats me tomorrow?明天谁请我吃饭?明天谁请我吃饭? 43) Air is to the human what water is to fish.空气对于人类就像水对鱼一样。空气对于人类就像水对鱼一样。44)It is good for children to have a sunbathing in the sun .在太阳底下晒日光浴对孩子有好处。在太阳底下晒日光浴对孩子有好处。45)Chinas market entitles us a chance to develop, as is manifesting year by year.中国的市场赋予了我们很大的发展机遇,这中国的市场赋予了我们很大的发展机遇,这一点越来越明显。一点越来越明显。46)She left China right after she came just because she didnt adapt to the climate in China.她来了不久就离开了中国就是因为她不适应中她来了不久就离开了中国就是因为她不适应中国的气候。国的气候。47)I dont believe that she has said the cafeteria doesnt fit her.她说她不习惯吃快餐,我们都不信。她说她不习惯吃快餐,我们都不信。48)The line to the right is being repaired, please drive to the left.右侧道路正在维修,请靠左侧行驶。右侧道路正在维修,请靠左侧行驶。49) We are so tired after 8-hours work that went to sleep right after 9oclock.我们八小时工作之后太累了,刚刚过九点就我们八小时工作之后太累了,刚刚过九点就睡了。睡了。50)As far as I know, he is a person pursuing perfect.据我所知,他是个追求完美的人。据我所知,他是个追求完美的人。51)Thanks to his help, we can arrive the station on time.多亏了他那天的热心帮助,我们才按时到达多亏了他那天的热心帮助,我们才按时到达车站。车站。52)A big banana tree has grown up where he is buried.在埋葬他的地方,长出了一棵很大的香蕉树。在埋葬他的地方,长出了一棵很大的香蕉树。53)I solute to your honored people on behalf of Chinese people.我代表中国人民,向贵国人民表示慰问。我代表中国人民,向贵国人民表示慰问。 54) I was irritated that he talked to me the way he ordered his son. 我非常生气,他用命令他儿子的口气和我说话。我非常生气,他用命令他儿子的口气和我说话。要求同学们做三件事:要求同学们做三件事:1.谙熟汉英翻译的谙熟汉英翻译的10大基本语法点大基本语法点2.熟练熟练54个个A类基本句型类基本句型3.复习材料中的历年真题(不要记答案,要体复习材料中的历年真题(不要记答案,要体会基本句型和常用短语)会基本句型和常用短语) 2010年年10月月18日日 (星期一)(星期一)同学们同学们再再 见见
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