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定义器件结构定义器件结构器件和工艺数值模拟定义器件结构REGIONThe REGION statement defines the location of materials in a rectangular mesh.REGION NAME Materials LocationNAME=器件和工艺数值模拟定义器件结构Semiconductor MaterialsSILICON 硅硅GAAS 砷化镓砷化镓POLYSILI 多晶硅多晶硅GERMANIU 锗锗SIC 碳化硅碳化硅SEMICOND 半导体半导体SIGE 锗硅锗硅ALGAAS 铝镓砷铝镓砷A-SILICO 多晶硅多晶硅DIAMOND 金刚石金刚石HGCDTE INAS INGAASINP S.OXIDE ZNSE ZNTE ALINAS GAASP INGAP INASP器件和工艺数值模拟定义器件结构Insulator MaterialsOXIDE NITRIDE SAPPHIRE OXYNITRI INSULATO器件和工艺数值模拟定义器件结构Location Case1: X.MIN= X.MAX= Y.MIN= Y.MAX= IX.MIN= IX.MAX= IY.MIN= IY.MAX= Case 2: ROTATE R.INNER= R.OUTER= X.CENTER= Y.CENTER=Case 3: POLYGON X.POLY= Y.POLY= 器件和工艺数值模拟定义器件结构The following REGION statements may be used to define the material regions for a MOSFET that has an interface between oxide and silicon at y=0. In this example, the silicon region was named “Body” and the oxide region was named“SiO2”:REGION NAME=Body SILICONREGION NAME=Si02 OXIDE Y.MAX=0SiSiO2器件和工艺数值模拟定义器件结构Polygon region A polygon can be specified which defines boundaries of a region. The following statement could be used to specify a triangular polysilicon region:REGION NAME=STRANGE POLYGON POLY+ X.POLY=(1, 2, 3)+ Y.POLY=(1, 2, 1)Circular regionA circular region can be defined by specifying a 0 parameter. The following statement could be used to specify a donut-shaped nitride region with a center at x=0 and y=0, internal radius of 0.5 micron and external radius of 1 micron:A zero internal radius would convert a donut-shaped region into a circular one.REGION NAME=RING ROTATE NITRIDE+ X.CENTER=0 Y.CENTER=0+ R.INNER=0.5 R.OUTER=1器件和工艺数值模拟定义器件结构ELECTRODEThe ELECTRODE statement specifies the placement of electrodes in a devicestructure.ELECTRODE NAME= LOCAL器件和工艺数值模拟定义器件结构ELECTRODENAME= VOID TOP | BOTTOM | LEFT | RIGHT | INTERFAC | PERIMETE X.MIN= | IX.MIN= X.MAX= | IX.MAX= Y.MIN= | IY.MIN= Y.MAX= | IY.MAX= (ROTATE X.CENTER= Y.CENTER= R.INNER= R.OUTER=)| (POLYGON X.POLY= Y.POLY=) | REGION=器件和工艺数值模拟定义器件结构ELECTROD NAME=Drain INTERFAC X.MIN=2.5ELECTROD NAME=Gate TOP X.MIN=1.0 X.MAX=2.0ELECTROD NAME=Source INTERFAC X.MAX=0.5ELECTROD NAME=Substrate BOTTOM器件和工艺数值模拟定义器件结构ELECTROD NAME=RING ROTATE+ X.CENTER=0 Y.CENTER=0+ R.INNER=0.5 R.OUTER=1器件和工艺数值模拟定义器件结构A region name may be specified that is converted to an electrode. In this case, every node in the specified region becomes part of the electrode. As an example,the following statement converts region named Top_part into an electrode. The electrode name in this example is arbitrarily chosen to be Anode. ELECTROD NAME=Anode REGION=Top_part器件和工艺数值模拟定义器件结构PROFILEThe PROFILE statement defines impurity profiles to be used in the device structure.Statement formatPROFILE type local Profiles Output器件和工艺数值模拟定义器件结构type N-TYPE P-TYPE regionREGION=localX.MIN= WIDTH= | X.MAX= Y.MIN= DEPTH= | Y.MAX= Output Doping FileOUT.FILE=器件和工艺数值模拟定义器件结构 Uniform Profile Analytic or One-Dimensional Profiles from Data Files Two-Dimensional Profiles from Data Files Polygonal Profiles Rotated Profile器件和工艺数值模拟定义器件结构Uniform ProfileUNIFORM N.PEAK= 器件和工艺数值模拟定义器件结构Analytic or One-Dimensional Profiles from Data Files| ( X.CHAR= | XY.RATIO= X.ERFC ( N.PEAK= | DOSE= Y.CHAR= | Y.JUNCTI= )器件和工艺数值模拟定义器件结构器件和工艺数值模拟定义器件结构器件和工艺数值模拟定义器件结构Two-Dimensional Profiles from Data Files| ( 2D.PROC | SUPRA | TSUPREM4| ( 2D.ASCII X.COLUMN= Y.COLUMN=N.COLUMN= P.COLUMN=)IN.FILE= N.OFFSET= X.OFFSET= Y.OFFSET=X.CHAR= X.ERFC Y.CHAR= Y.ERFC)器件和工艺数值模拟定义器件结构Choosing Impurity Profiles to InputThe choice of which impurity profiles to input from the made by specifying either, both, or none of the parameters N-TYPE and P-TYPE. If neither parameter is specified, then both the donor and acceptor impurity profiles are read from the data file.If the impurity profiles are taken from a formatted file, the parameters N.COLUMN and P.COLUMN are used to identify columns of data containing net donor and/or net acceptor impurity concentration. As an example, the following PROFILE statements read in impurity profiles generated by TMA SUPREM-3 in order to specify the doping for an N-channelMOSFET:PRO 1D.PROC IN.PRO 1D.PROC IN. X.MIN=0 WIDTH=1+ XY.RATIO=.8PRO 1D.PROC IN. X.MIN=3 WIDTH=1+ XY.RATIO=.8器件和工艺数值模拟定义器件结构Two-Dimensional Profiles From Data FilesThe entire two-dimensional impurity pro be input from a data specifying the IN.FILE parameter and one parameter from the set 2D.PROC, SUPRA, TSUPREM4, and 2D.ASCII.By default the origin for the impurity pro aligned with the origin in Medici.The X.OFFSET and Y.OFFSET parameters may be used to shift the two-dimensional impurity pro to Medici structure.器件和工艺数值模拟定义器件结构Polygonal Profiles( N.PEAK= POLYGON X.POLY= Y.POLY= N.CHAR= N.ERFC )Rotated Profile(N.PEAK= ROTATE X.CENTER= Y.CENTER= R.INNER=R.OUTER= R.CHAR= R.ERFC)器件和工艺数值模拟定义器件结构COMMENT Specify impurity profiles and fixed chargePRO N.PEAK=3E15 UNIFORM OUT.PRO N.PEAK=2E16 Y.CHAR=.25PRO N.PEAK=2E20 Y.JUNC=.34 X.MIN=0.0 WIDTH=.5+ XY.RAT=.75PRO N.PEAK=2E20 Y.JUNC=.34 X.MIN=2.5 WIDTH=.5+ XY.RAT=.75器件和工艺数值模拟定义器件结构器件和工艺数值模拟定义器件结构REGRIDThe REGRID statement allows refinement of a coarse mesh.REGRID Regrid-Criteria Regrid-Controls Local OutputLocalX.MIN= X.MAX= Y.MIN= Y.MAX=REGION= IGNORE= COS.ANGL=Output OUT.FILE= NO.TTINF ASCII 器件和工艺数值模拟定义器件结构Regrid Criteria POTENTIA | ( E.FIELD X.COMPON | Y.COMPON ) | QFN | QFP| DOPING | ELECTRON | HOLES | NET.CHAR | NET.CARR| ( MIN.CARR LOCALDOP ) | II.GENER | BB.GENER | PHOTOGEN| ELE.TEMP | HOL.TEMP | TRUNC | ARRAY1 | ARRAY2 | ARRAY3器件和工艺数值模拟定义器件结构Regrid Controls(RATIO= | FACTOR=) IN.FILE=CHANGE ABSOLUTE LOGARITH MAX.LEVE= SMOOTH.K=器件和工艺数值模拟定义器件结构器件和工艺数值模拟定义器件结构器件和工艺数值模拟定义器件结构REGRID DOPING LOG IGNORE=OXIDE RATIO=2 SMOOTH=1+ IN.器件和工艺数值模拟定义器件结构REGRID POTEN IGNORE=OXIDE RATIO=.2 MAX=1 SMOOTH=1+ IN.器件和工艺数值模拟定义器件结构
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