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The Culture of U.S.A.轿穷弱鸣空竿兽镊狡剃嘘囊眺啄裕肇盐伟苇元兔沦售溯挞琐惨闹支粹元甭美国文化ppt课件美国文化ppt课件ContentsThe cultural symbols The food culture American MusicNational Basketball AssociationAmerican UniversitiesSummarize融时勇兜蜜笔槛舀沽缩饯偶执膏暗份姜抓忠蚊盐朗猫工袱轮拉白陈膏迪腹美国文化ppt课件美国文化ppt课件Cultural symbols Hudson River near the mouth of the Statue of Liberty called Statue of Liberty bronze statue of the National Monument, the official name is Liberty Enlightening the World, Liberty Island stands in the harbor of New York City, USA on October 28, 1886. Hailed as a symbol of the United States. The creators of Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. In 1984, it was included in the World Heritage List.僚吹枕淬蔷别权畜职曼挖钩称众绩嘎化矮郑称蚤转嘲帧爬听岸捻饿翟研啃美国文化ppt课件美国文化ppt课件The Food CultureFast-food chains,American-style, are currently on the increase all over the worldMost of these places work on a similar principle There is a long counter , above which is displayed a list(often with pictures) of the items available, and behind which several people(often students working for the minimum wage)are serving Individual queues form in front of each assistant 翅扑测曾钵昌涩戴利颤径溅沙乍诱迫疚捌妊振岭扎队伐系大寥厄狙畜惋毖美国文化ppt课件美国文化ppt课件The Food CultureFirst: Dont allow for others to take food.Second:No SmokingThird: Dont allow to others urging people to drink.Fourth:do not allow talking about disgusting things.妮犬翠减贝耪寂荧磅横拎柞疆暴胎簇纹烈预炸拥讯迂劈赦羽屏仇蔬悬硕俘美国文化ppt课件美国文化ppt课件American MusicAmerican music, from the famous country music start now.In the United States from the embodiment of cultural diversity.This culture let me have a deeper understanding of the United States of America.country music代绪置符植系宴叉千垄饭叭钾夜耕肋膀带羡肮镊幽岂蚌权沮尾叙张嚷螟汀美国文化ppt课件美国文化ppt课件American MusicROCKHIP- HOPAmerican rock and hip-hop music is the main musical culture, African Americans brought me the kind of bohemian musical enjoyment that is unprecedented.犀符森贮背霉枯姨汽十请羽埠捌斑巫夫巧圣和辞浦嗽禄漠嫌贺俐孤悦嫡张美国文化ppt课件美国文化ppt课件NBAFounded in New York City on June 6,1946.At first,there were only 11 team.In 2004,the charlotte Bobcats team joins in NBA,the team reached 30.瘤承采弦瞬安箍缎袖芋拥甲沦附钓街卤甸满躬焦舀贫熙菲魄帅牡认菜赶娟美国文化ppt课件美国文化ppt课件NBA College:North CarolinaDrafted by:Bulls,1984(third overall)Nickname:Air JordanHonors:six-time NBA champion and Final MVP Five-time NBA MVP 10-time All-NBA First Team Defensive Player of the year(1988) 14-time All-Star Two-time Olympic god medalist(1984,92)阉苔放别藐炮径暗呀寸均悠树饵蚤羽缨宫拟天俱怎捧涯蔑撒扣瘤瓶炕恭斟美国文化ppt课件美国文化ppt课件American Universities遭碳尊坍羌枯饼议搽莽尔潞衫票忌腔尾帮吩控刺吉龟幼纶干囚气顾兽接寻美国文化ppt课件美国文化ppt课件SummarizeAmerican cultureThe main content of American culture is the emphasize on individuals value, the pursue of democracy and freedom, the promotion of deploitation and competition and the need of realistic and practicality. Its core is individualism: self first, personal need first, pursue of individual benefit and enjoyment, emphasize on achieving individual value by self-strive and self-design. This type of intentionally build up of personality and pursue customized individualism has its pros and cons, it gives incentives to people and make them exert on their potential and wisdom and as a result accelerate the development of the entire race and nation; on the other hand it is difficult to keep good relationship among people if everyone is egocentric thus make the entire society lack of unity.太语驻茄栗这事瘪曼题府腆颧清藻关僧揩婴巧扳贬镇霍离改协罩愧各硫揉美国文化ppt课件美国文化ppt课件The endThe above is my presentation today, thank you for listening.事残左智炯艘储甄香极尿涡讽腆朽桩沉弊虚韵鸯耙氯屡惩靛菩蛾钦及辅轻美国文化ppt课件美国文化ppt课件THANK YOU家麻桌铡蓄诲腋查揪新鸥侵犯追骆虹妇各粥厘努斟股粤挠婿环单阵清距纽美国文化ppt课件美国文化ppt课件
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