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Communicating with foreigners etiquette与外国人的交往礼节与外国人的交往礼节 In our daily life, we have to come into contact with foreigner in every walk of life.日常生活中,难免会和外国人打交道。Therefore, it is very important for us to know how to get along with foreigners . 所以对我们来说在日常生活中懂得怎样与外国人相处是很重要的。1The customs in different countries are rather different.不同国家有着不同的风俗习惯。 1Whats the differences between China and western countries?Firstly, if you learn culture in different countries, you may know that when communicating with a unfamiliar foreigner, you should avoid mentioning their politics and religion! 第一点:如果你学过异文化交流的话,你应该知道在与一个你并不熟悉的外国人交流时,应避免谈及他国政治以及宗教。Secondly,be careful when expressing ideas about race, income,and marriage.Foreigners dont like to talk about sensitive topics.第二点:当谈论种族,收入,婚姻等话题时,一定要慎重。外国人不喜欢谈论这些敏感的话题。Thirdly,westerners think that it is impolite to ask others age . 第三点:西方人认为问他们的年龄和婚姻是不礼貌的。Whats more, there are many differences of table manners between China and West.而且,中西方餐桌礼节存在着差异。西方餐桌礼西方餐桌礼节11drinks1That often discomforts foreigners greatly.Because it is considered bad manners in the West to leave ones food on the plate.Which behaviors should we observe?1To get well along with foreigners and win their friendships, we must observe strictly the following words.要想与外国人很好相处,并赢得友谊,就必须做到以下所述In daily life, when we meet with the familiar foreigners, we should exchange greetings.日常生活中,与熟悉的外国人见面,应互致问候,酌情寒暄。 when you receive the initiative greeting, you give the corresponding answer. 对方主方主动问好,好,一定要相一定要相应回答。回答。 We should learn how to show concern for others.我我们必必须友善待人,我友善待人,我们必必须关关心心别人。人。We should respect others culture and accept western customs. 我我们应该尊重外国人的文化,接受西方的尊重外国人的文化,接受西方的风俗俗习惯。Conclusion 11So when you go to the western country , you had better remember the famous saying: When in Rome, do as the Romans do.do as Romans do 入乡随俗1Every culture in the world is equal, We should avoid using our own culture, We should treat foreign culture objectively . 世界上的每个文化都是平等的,我们应避免仅仅使用自己国家的文化,应客观对待外国文化。
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