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海报制作素材与内容内容与布局 page 2与与“宣传册宣传册”参照参照 page 3素材(草拟的例子)page 4-7内容与布局1.内容:-“五圆图” + 团队成员照片(照片旁可加简要介绍,见第四页)-Slogan-背景中包含哈佛剑桥图片(第四页给出参考参考,请设计人员再找点好的 )2. 布局(设计者可以根据效果调整,能突出主体就好)权威建议Advise from Experts多对一全程辅导More than one Consultants just for You深知欧美教育体系Understanding of Western Education System本专业权威指导Experts of Your Research Area顶级名校顾问Consultants from Top Institutions最权威的留学咨询最专业的文书美化最权威的留学咨询最专业的文书美化u与与“宣传册宣传册”参照参照建议与宣传册首页(右侧图)建议与宣传册首页(右侧图)所表现的内容(比如飞航梦想所表现的内容(比如飞航梦想的的logo和和slogan“最权威最权威最专最专业业”)相呼应)相呼应如有底色或纹样,可以和宣传如有底色或纹样,可以和宣传册封面的设计一脉相承。册封面的设计一脉相承。飞航梦想留学咨询飞航梦想留学咨询Camflying Consulting宣传册Brochure最权威的留学咨询留学咨询最专业的文书美化文书美化飞航梦想顾问团Camflying Consultants你you你的未来你的未来梦想彼岸your futureABROADIts not just a brochure.Its your future, your dreams.Its not just a piece of information.Its your desire, your ambitions.素材and there is nothing to fear! 李峰李峰英国剑桥大学材料与冶金系博士生剑桥-麻省理工联合纳米技术硕士多次主讲“飞跃梦想”留学申请与海外生活讲座,累计听众上千人;长期担任新东方国际夏令营、冬令营主讲教师;帮助多名同学成功申请到美国南加州、宾夕法尼亚及英国剑桥、牛津和帝国理工等名校。翟玮翟玮 英国剑桥大学工程系博士生申请到英国剑桥、牛津、帝国理工、伯明翰、曼彻斯特大学、圣安德鲁和诺丁汉大学,并获得Cambridge Overseas Trust Scholarship 奖学金。 。擅长于英国硕博申请,精通简历及研究计划的写作。帮助同学申请到剑桥、牛津的录取。牛菲菲牛菲菲麻省理工土木与环境工程系硕士生对所学专业,尤其是土木结构方向有研究。对留学见解着独特,非常熟悉申请流程。扎实的英文写作能力,条理清晰,提供申请文书修改等服务。作为留学申请过来人的她了解国内学生需求,更好的帮助学生进入理想的高校。 Chris BurrowsPhD in Materials Science at OxfordMPhil in Nanotechnology at CambridgeBS in Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College Londoncurrently working in Materials Science Department at the Oxford with the nuclear fusion research groupChris completed an MPhil at Cambridge in Micro and Nanotechnology and undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College London.Charlie Melvoin (马景阳马景阳)Harvard University with top honorsGates Scholarship in MPhil study at Cambridgegraduated with top honors from Harvard. won a Gates Scholarship to study at Cambridge in Development Studies. has had a longstanding passion for Chinese culture and has studied Mandarin for several years. In 2008, he worked for NBC as a guide and translator at the Beijing Olympics. served as an editor on Harvards newspaper and has extensive experience in collaborating to produce polished pieces.We are ready to help in taking you abroad! You ready to be on board?权威建议Advise from Experts多对一全程辅导More than one Consultants just for You深知欧美教育体系Understanding of Western Education System本专业权威指导Experts of Your Research Area顶级名校顾问Consultants from Top Institutions最权威的留学咨询最专业的文书美化
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