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Task Writing a covering letter1. When reading an advertisement, we should pay more attention to 1) _ 2) _ _ 3) _ Read this part and answer the following questions:what position is being offered.what sort of person the company is looking for.how to apply for the job.Skills building 1:understanding a job advertisement2. Read the advertisement and answer:1) What position is being offered?2) The sort of person the company is looking for?3) How to apply for the job?Software developer. A degree in computer programming, at least four years experience, speak fluent Chinese and English, creative ideas, able to work in a team.Send your CV and covering letter.A. Listen and take notes. Then fill in the blanks on page 26.B. Listen again and complete the notes.Step 1 listening to a job advertisementAnswers:A.1. United 2. China 3. services B. 4. managers 5. management C. 6. research 7. weekend D. 8. Business AdministrationE. 9. English 10. work hard F.B. 11. full CV G. 12. the 14th of June/14 June/June 14Discussion Suppose you are very interested in the job advertisement and you want to apply for this job. What could you do first?1. search for more information about the company2. discuss it with parents or friends3. ask a careers officer for advice4. writer a cover letter5. prepare a CVC. Read the following example of a covering letter and underline all the examples of the applicants qualifications, experience, skill and personal qualities.1. Qualifications:2. Experience:graduated from Jingnan University in 2008 with a diploma in Computer sciencehave been working as a software engineer for Hanyang Computers3. Skills:4. Personal qualities:a team player and get along well with other people; work on my own; honest and hard-workinghave good fluency in English and have no problem communicating with English speakersI have some job-hunters here. Please find out their qualities.John is a constructionworker. He can work very well with others.He is a team player.Skills building 2:talking about personal qualitiesThis girl likes to learn. She is always improving her knowledge and skills. She is willing to learn.She is a successful woman. She can work on her own without being told what to do. She is a self starter.Bill is an astronaut.He always has strongreasons for wantingto do something. He is has the motivation to succeed.The bees are happyto work hard. They are hard-working.She is a film star.She is always excitedand interested in what she does.She is enthusiastic.They are famous comperes. They find it easy to talk and listen to other people. They aregood at communicating with others.Talk about your personal qualities:a team player willing to learn a self-starter have the motivation to succeed hard-working enthusiastic good at communicating with othersShe is a careers officer. And you are a job hunter. You want to work in groups with other trainees to conduct research and support managers. Here are some useful words. Please role play it in pairs. can work with other people, find it easy to talk with and listen to othersStep 2 getting advice from a careers officerYou want to be a famous architect.You want to buildmore beautiful houses.Role play the scene.want to improve your knowledge and skills You want to run a company and be a boss yourself. work on your own without being told what to dohave strong reasons for wanting to do your workexcited and interested in workYou are a student.You want to further your degree but lack money. You want to work extra hours. For example, weekend.willing to work hard1. Why should we write a good covering letter?It will increase our chances of getting a job.2. What should your letter be like?It should not be more than one page long and should only contain information relevant to the job advertised.Skills building 3:formatting a covering letter3. How many paragraphs does a usual covering letter have? 4. What should you say in para one? Four.Why I am writing and where I saw the advertisement.5. What should you say in para two?Give my background and experience. My abilities and achievements, my qualifications experience and skills to those mentioned in the ad., ask the reader to look at your CV.My personal qualities linked to thosementioned in the advertisement.Im available for an interview. 6. What should you say in para three? 7. What should you say in para four? 8. What should you do after you have finished the letter?Read it through very carefully. Check for spelling and grammar mistakes.Check that nothing missed.9. What had you better do when your letter is ready? 10. When should you send your letter?To ask someone else to read it.When I am certain that it is definitely without mistakes.You are a would-be graduate from Tsinghua university majoring in English.Write a letter to a company applying for aposition. Your letter should include:Writing a covering letter1. An introduction of yourself.2. Your qualification for the position.3. Asking for an interview.
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