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Unit 6Unit 6Do you like bananas?Section B 1a1eguessingUnit 6 Do you like bananas Period 3课件What do you have for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Unit 6 Do you like bananas Period 3课件fruit :_vegetables:_1b How many other words can you add to the lists?Unit 6 Do you like bananas Period 3课件Breakfast: eggs, milkLunch: chicken, vegetables, rice Dinner: salad, apples Unit 6 Do you like bananas Period 3课件1c Listen and circle the food you hearin1a.ricesaladeggsappleice-creamhamburgerbananaorangecarrotschickenCheck your answers with a partner.Unit 6 Do you like bananas Period 3课件1d Listen again. Fill in the chart.SallyTomLikesDoesnt likesalad, apples,bananas, orange,ice-creamcarrots,ricevegetablesapplesUnit 6 Do you like bananas Period 3课件Sally: Do you like carrots?Tom: Yes, I do. I like all vegetables.Sally: How about salad? Do you like salad?Tom: Yes, I do. Its great! Do you like vegetables?Sally: No, I dont like vegetables. Well, only salad. But I like fruit. I like bananas, orangesTom: How about apples? I dont like apples!Sally: Yes, I like apples. And you know what I really like?Tom: What?Sally: Ice-cream!Read after the tape.模仿听力材料中的语音语调。体会对话中人物表达的情感。模仿听力材料中的语音语调。体会对话中人物表达的情感。 Unit 6 Do you like bananas Period 3课件完成句子。完成句子。 Tom likes _, but he doesnt like _.Sally likes _, but she doesnt like _.Unit 6 Do you like bananas Period 3课件观察与思考观察与思考在听力材料中,出现了在听力材料中,出现了like的不同句式,相信你对实义动词的不同句式,相信你对实义动词like的不同人称、不同句式有了更深刻的认识。现在请你总的不同人称、不同句式有了更深刻的认识。现在请你总结一下吧,请你举例说明。结一下吧,请你举例说明。陈述句:陈述句:_; 一般疑问句:一般疑问句:_; 否定句:否定句:_。Unit 6 Do you like bananas Period 3课件跟踪跟踪训练:选出适当的句子完成出适当的句子完成对话。A: No, I dont like them.B: How about apples?C: Do you like carrots?D: Yes, I do.E: What do you like?A: _B: Yes, I do. I like all vegetables.A: How about salad? Do you like salad?B: _. Its great! Do you like vegetables?A: _. But I like fruit. I like bananas, orangesB: _? I dont like apples!A: Yes, I like apples. And you know what I really like?B: _?A: Ice-cream!Unit 6 Do you like bananas Period 3课件1ePair work:A: Does Tom like carrots?B: Yes, he does. He likes/eats carrots for lunch. Ask and answer questions about what Sally and Tom like and dont like.Unit 6 Do you like bananas Period 3课件NameBreakfastLunchDinnerTomSallyS1S2S3S4For breakfast, Tom likes _, Sally likes_ and I like _.For lunch, Tom likes _, Sally likes_ and I like _.For dinner, Tom likes _, Sally likes _ and I like _.Tom likes _for breakfast. Tom likes _ for lunch. Tom likes _ for dinner.surveyUnit 6 Do you like bananas Period 3课件【课堂练习课堂练习】一、根据句意和首字母完成单词。一、根据句意和首字母完成单词。 1. I have bread and milk for b_.2. I r_ like salad.3. Do you like v_? They are good for us. 4. He doesnt like eggs for l_.5. Next week is my brothers birthday d_. Unit 6 Do you like bananas Period 3课件二、按要求改写句子。二、按要求改写句子。1. She doesnt like ice-cream. (改为肯定句改为肯定句) She _ ice-cream.2. Tom and Sally like salad. (改为否定句改为否定句) Tom and Sally _ _ salad.3. Does Cindy like fruit? (否定回答否定回答) _, _ _.4. My cousin likes hamburgers for lunch. (改为一般疑问句改为一般疑问句) _ your cousin _ hamburgers for lunch?5. This is an egg. (改为复数形式改为复数形式) _ _ _.Unit 6 Do you like bananas Period 3课件 Meis breakfast Meis lunch Meis dinner 三、看图写话三、看图写话Unit 6 Do you like bananas Period 3课件【课堂小结课堂小结】foodfruitvegetablesotherpear,carrot, ice-cream,mealsbreakfastlunchdinnerFor breakfast, For lunch, For dinner, Unit 6 Do you like bananas Period 3课件【家庭作业家庭作业】1.听录音,模仿听录音,模仿1d听力材料,并能用自然的听力材料,并能用自然的 语音语调复述对话。(必做)语音语调复述对话。(必做)2. 把把Step 5小组汇报的结果写在作文本上。小组汇报的结果写在作文本上。(必做)(必做)3. 假如你和朋友一起去野餐,请你制作一个假如你和朋友一起去野餐,请你制作一个 需要带的食物单。(选做)。需要带的食物单。(选做)。Unit 6 Do you like bananas Period 3课件Unit 6 Do you like bananas Period 3课件
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