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Module1 Unit1Did you come back yesterday?-Miss. Yu wordsPart 1(meet的过去式)碰上,遇见在上方/之上地面playground操场那些we(主格)我们吃完,喝完,用尽,结束wait for 等待过去式 dropped talk and answerPart 2When did Amy and Sam come back? last Sunday.They came backWhere did they go? the park.They went toWho did they meet? John.They metWhat did they buy?some ice creams.They boughtHow did they go home?by bus.They went homeWhat happened then ? Lingling dropped her ice cream. 动词过去式Part 3说出下列动词的过去式回来 come - 掉落 drop - 去 go - 遇见 meet -买 buy -跑 run -做 do/does -吃完 finish -是 is/am -是 are -居住 live -等 wait -参观,拜访 visit -camedroppedwentmetboughtrandidfinishedwaswerelivedwaitedvisited看见 see - 看 look -步行walk -有,吃 have -saw lookedwalkedhad Yesterday, he_ TV.watchedYesterday, he_ his homework.didYesterday, she _to the park.walkedYesterday, he _the piano.playedYesterday, he _a car.washed listen and sayPart 4John: Did you come back yesterday ?Amy: No, we came back last Sunday.Did you walk to school?Did you go to school by?Yes ,I did ./ No , I came to school by .planetrainbuscarricemeatnoodlesfishmilkjuiceDid you have rice yesterday ?Yes ,I did ./ No, I had . practicePart 5Retell the text. Lingling came to . with Sam and Amy . One day,they went to the . and . John. They . some .They . home by . And they .to the bus. Lingling . ice cream on Johns new .London last Sundayparkmetboughtice creamswentbusrandroppedshoes1.背熟今天所学单词。2.完成课后练习。homework
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