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ABC English Digest Sept. 3Oth, 2008ABCEnglishDigest第2期课件Contents *本材料仅作中国农业银行系统内部学习之用*vInternational MarketvABC PeersvChina TodayvFormats of DocumentsvBusiness EtiquettevEnglish ExpresswayHappy National Day!ABCEnglishDigest第2期课件Bail-out(1) cost impossible to estimate(2) The cost of the Treasury(3) plan to save the US financial system(4) from collapse cannot be estimated because it is too vague(5), Peter Orszag, head of the Congressional Budget Office(6), told legislators(7) on Wednesday.International MarketSept.24, 2008 Source: Difficulty coefficient: medium1)to bail out:帮助摆脱困境2)to estimate:估计; 评价, 评估3)treasury:(政府的)财政部4)financial system:金融体系5)vague:不具体的、不明确的6)Congressional Budget Office:美国国会预算办公室7)legislator:立法者ABCEnglishDigest第2期课件International Market At a hearing(1) before the House budget committee(2), Mr Orszag said: “The secretary would have the authority(3) to purchase virtually(4) any asset, at any price, and sell it at any future date; the lack of specificity(5) regarding how that authority would be implemented makes it impossible at this point to provide a quantitative analysis(6) of the net cost(7) to the federal government(8).” 1)hearing:听证会2)House budget committee:众议院预算委员会3)authority:权力、职权4)virtually:实际上、事实上5)specificity:特征、特性、专属性6)quantitative analysis:定量分析7)net cost:净成本、费用净额8)the federal government:联邦政府ABCEnglishDigest第2期课件ICBC New York Branch Granted Business LicenseABC Peers Sept.24, 2008 Source:china.com Difficulty coefficient: medium The New York branch(1) of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd. (ICBC)(2), the worlds largest bank by market capitalization(3), was officially granted(4) business license(5) in New York Tuesday. 1)New York branch:纽约分行2)Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd (ICBC):中国工商银行3)market capitalization:市场资本总值4)to grant:准许、承认、给予5)business license:营业执照ABCEnglishDigest第2期课件ABC Peers In accordance with the business license, ICBC New York branch will engage in wholesale deposits(1), loans, trade finance(2), U.S. dollar clearing(3), treasury and other banking businesses(4). ICBC filed application to(5) open branch in New York in April, 2007, and obtained official approval(6) by the U.S. Federal Reserve(7) on Aug. 5 this year. The ICBC New York branch is scheduled to(8) start operation in October.1)wholesale deposit:大额存款2)trade finance:贸易融资3)U.S. dollar clearing:美元清算4)banking business:银行业务5)to to:提交申请材料6)to obtain official approval:获得正式批准7)U.S. Federal Reserve:美国联邦储备委员会8)to be scheduled to do sth.:计划做ABCEnglishDigest第2期课件温家宝总理答中外记者问温家宝总理答中外记者问China TodayDifficulty coefficient: difficult Mar. 18th, 2008 (excerpt) 最近因为美国次贷危机的影响,造成美元贬值,几次降息,石油价格居高不下,已经达到每桶110美元,这对世界的股市也造成很大的影响,出现了震荡。 Recently, the subprime crisis in the United States has dragged down the world economy particularly the financial markets and the US side has lowered its interest rates. On several occasions, the international oil prices are hovering at a very high level as high as 110 US dollars a barrel. And all these factors had adversely affected the Stock Exchanges all over the world. We have seen major fluctuations in the market. ABCEnglishDigest第2期课件China Today 我对世界经济,特别是美国的经济十分关注,而且深感忧虑。 中国实行从紧的货币政策和稳健的财政政策,是从中国的实际出发,主要是投资增长幅度过快、货币和信贷增长过大、外贸的顺差增长过快。 I, myself, watch very closely the developments in the world economy and in the US economy and I am deeply worried. China pursues a tight monetary policy and a prudent fiscal policy based on its own reality. And the main problems we face now are the excess growth rate of investment and the excess growth rate of money supply and credit supply as well as the excess growth rate of Chinas trade surplus.ABCEnglishDigest第2期课件商务信函信首范例商务信函信首范例Formats of DocumentsDifficulty coefficient: easy1)正如我月日信函所说的 As I informed you by my letter dated.2)正如你从随函附件中看到的 As you will see from the enclosed copy.3)收到此信函后,请告知我方是否 Will you please call us on receipt of this letter to let us know if .ABCEnglishDigest第2期课件Question 1Business EtiquetteDifficulty coefficient: medium1)One of the most ill-mannered things to do at a business meal is _.a)order a lot of foodb)smoke while the others are eatingc)set up business papers on the tabled)use a cell phoneAnswer: c)ABCEnglishDigest第2期课件Business Etiquette2)When you have a business meeting in the UK, you should:a)get down to business straight awayb)spend an hour introducing yourselvesc)avoid talking business immediatelyd)spend time eating and drinking and getting to know each other Answer: a)Question 2ABCEnglishDigest第2期课件Banking EnglishEnglish ExpresswayDifficulty coefficient: easy1)支票户头要收服务费,现金户头不收。 Theres a service charge for the checking account but no charge for the savings. 2)我们储蓄存款的最低存款额是100美元。 Our minimum deposit for a savings account is 100 dollars. ABCEnglishDigest第2期课件Well-known Quotations & Idioms事业最要紧,名誉是空言歌德,诗人English Expressway Career is the most precious, while reputation is the most useless.J.W. Goethe, PoetDifficulty coefficient: easyv没有规矩不成方圆。Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards.v 好事不出门,坏事传千里。Good news never goes beyond the gate, while bad news spread far and wide.ABCEnglishDigest第2期课件A JokeEnglish ExpresswayWhose Dog is Smarter Two women who are dog owners are arguing about whose dog is smarter. Women A: My dog is very smart, every morning he waits for the paper boy to come around and then he takes the newspaper and brings it to me. Women B: I know Women A: How? Women B: My dog told me.Difficulty coefficient: easyABCEnglishDigest第2期课件Read & Listen Wall Street, Without the Big Investment BanksThe Credit CrunchDifficulty coefficient: medium - difficultCredit panic hits historic levelsRead, pressListen, pressRead, pressListen, pressRead, pressLets study the word “mate”.Listen, pressABCEnglishDigest第2期课件Your suggestions and contributions are welcome.欢迎大家提出宝贵意见,踊跃投稿。Please contact: 宋明明 国际业务部Tele: (010) 8510 5528Email: International Department of ABCSept. 30th, 2008ABCEnglishDigest第2期课件
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