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It is a truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in possession of a large fortune must be in need of a wife . - Pride and Prejudice While watching1. topic -one word 2. title-pride and prejudice3. character-featurePride and PrejudiceThe Book ReviewOFContentsA Brief Introduction to the AuthorCharacters relationshipPlot SummaryAnalysis of Major CharactersDiscussion for conclusion12345A brief introduction to the authorJane Austen Becoming a woman. Becoming a legend (1775 1817 )English writer, who first gave the novel its modern character through the treatment of everyday life. Born: on 16 December, 1775at the rectory in the village of Steventon, in EnglandFamily : the seventh of eight children (six brothers and a sister)Education: mainly at home by her father About her lifeHobbies: reading,dancing,writingMarriage: neverAt the age of 14 :wrote her first novel -Love and Freindship and then A History of EnglandIn her early twenties :wrote the novels that were later to be re-worked and publishedIn 1809-1816: revised Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice and published them ( in 1811 and 1813) and then embarked on(着手着手) a period of intense productivity. Mansfield Park came out in 1814, followed by Emma in 1815 and completed Persuasion (which was published together with Northanger Abbey in 1818.) In 1816,she started Sanditon, but illness prevented its completion. (None of her books published in her life-time had her name on themthey were described as being written “By a lady”)Died: 18 July, 1817 because of Addisons Disease(爱迪生氏病爱迪生氏病,(,(肾上腺性肾上腺性) )青铜色皮肤病青铜色皮肤病 ) Masterpieces sense and sensibility 1811 理智与情感理智与情感 Pride and Prejudice 1813 傲慢与偏见傲慢与偏见Mansfield Park 1814 曼斯菲尔德庄园曼斯菲尔德庄园Emma 1815 爱玛爱玛Sanditon (unfinished) 1816 桑底顿桑底顿 Northanger Abbey 1818 诺桑觉寺诺桑觉寺Persuasion 1818 劝导劝导Master WorksWriting Style 1. The rationalism of neoclassicism 2. The variety of romanticism 3. The fruitfully / detailed description of realism所谓“两寸牙雕”(two inches wide ivory),其实是当时使用的一种用象牙片做成的写字板,可以反复擦写使用。简奥斯汀在给侄子 James Edward 的信中提及自己的创作: How could I possibly join them on the little bit (two Inches wide) of Ivory on which I work with so fine a Brush,as produces little effect after much labour?形容自己的作品不能与其它作者的“大作”相比。 Details (1) The theme are mostly about love and marriage. (2) The language is simple, humorous, witty and with quiet irony. (3) The dialogue is not only fit for the characteristics but also with satire.Part of Austens works1811 Sense and Sensibility1811 Sense and Sensibility11813 Pride and Prejudice1813 Pride and Prejudice21814 Mansfield Park 1814 Mansfield Park 31815 Emma 1815 Emma 4Her realism, biting (adj.辛辣的辛辣的) social commentary and masterful (adj.熟练的熟练的) use of free indirect speech, burlesque (adj.滑稽的滑稽的) and irony have earned her a place as one of the most widely read and most beloved writers in English literature.The most popular among the Austens volumes is Pride and Prejudice that takes the theme of love and marriage in a mildly humorous way of expression. As a female writer, she shows different attitudes toward marriage by depicting (vt.描绘描绘) several young women of different descent (n.血统血统), economic position and horizon of knowledge. A simple theme introduces a great deal of what is about life. The whole book teems (vt.充满充满) with authoress wit and insight . And this inclination (n.倾向倾向,爱好爱好) and intention cannot escape from the reach of her living circle and reveal some of her points about worldly life.Pride and PrejudiceCultural notesRegency DanceRegency dance is the term for historical dances of the period ranging roughly from 1790 to 1825.Dances in the Regency era were elaborate, involving intricate steps and quite difficult to learn. Most of the dances were English Country Dances - these were somewhat similar to Scottish Country Dancing - all the dancers faced each other in a long line, and the movements involved elaborate patterns.Most of the dances were English Country Dances - these were somewhat similar to Scottish Country Dancing - all the dancers faced each other in a long line, and the movements involved elaborate patterns.Characters Relationship Mr.BennetMr. Bennet is an English gentleman with an estate (n.房地房地产产) in Hertfordshire. He has five unmarried daughters .Mrs.BennetMr. Bennets wife ,a noisy and foolish woman .Elizabeth BennetJane Bennet Lydia BennetKitty BennetMary BennetFitzwilliam DarcyThe son of a wealthy, well-established family and the master of the great estate (n.财产财产;房地产房地产) of Pemberley, Darcy is Elizabeths male counterpart. Mr. Bingley,Darcys wealthy best friend.Charles BingleyMrs.CharlotteElis best frend ,who finally married to Mr . Collions.Mr. Collins Elis elder male cousin ,who will come to Hertfordshire to inherit the Bennetts property by rules .He is a clergyman (n.牧牧师师) .7. Elis cousin Mr. Collin came to Hertfordshire to inherit the Bennetts property, He asked Elizabeth to marry him but was seriously rejected.At last he proposed to Charllote who was Elis friend. He is an officer . His father had been the steward (n.管家管家) of the Darcys. Mr. WickhamPlot Summary1. The Bennets had a new neighbor called Bingley who was a wealthy bachelor and followed be the target of Mrs. Bennet.2. At a ball Bingley fell in love with Jane .3.Bingleys friend Darcy also came to the ball and struck the sights, many girls liked him while he thought all of them couldnt suit his preference. Including Elizabeth.4.Mr. Darcy always shows others a impression of pride, having found this Elizabeth began to hate Mr. Darcy.5.Before long Darcy fell in love with Elizabeth. because of her lovely behavior,while Elizabeth is disgusted by his pride and has a prejudice about him. 6.After a series of affairs, such as Mr. Wickhams, all this increased Elis prejudice about Mr. Darcy. 8. Once Collinss family was invited to Rosings Garden by Lady Catherine 【his patron (n.资助人资助人), Darcys aunt 】. Elizabeth also went there with them .There she met Mr. Darcy .Later in a garden, Sir William told Eli about Mr. Darcys latest act of dissuading (vt.劝阻劝阻) Mr. Bingleys marring Jane Bennet which caused Elis exceedingly anger.9.Then Mr. Darcy came to the Collins and confessed his love for Elizabeth, of course he was rejected impolitely.10. Afterwards Mr. Darcy wrote a letter to Eli in order to remove her misunderstandings of him. Elizabeths uncle and aunt were also impressed by Mr. Darcys politeness.11. Gradually Elis prejudice of Mr. Darcy disappeared. 12. Of course Jane and Bingley finally became couple ,too.Analysis of Major CharactersElizabethThe second daughter in the Bennet family, and the most intelligent and quick-witted (adj.机智灵敏的机智灵敏的), Elizabeth is the protagonist (n.主角主角) of Pride and Prejudice and one of the most well-known female characters in English literature.Her admirable qualities are numerousShe is lovely, clevershe converses (vi.谈话谈话) as brilliantly as anyone.Her honesty, virtue, and lively wit enable her to rise above the nonsense and bad behavior that pervade (vt.遍及遍及;弥漫弥漫) her class-bound and often spiteful (adj.恶意的恶意的) society.Nevertheless, her sharp tongue and tendency to make hasty judgments often lead her astray (adj.误误入歧途的入歧途的).Mr. DarcyDarcy is Elizabeths male counterpart. Intelligent and forthright (adj.直率直率的的), he too has a tendency to judge too hastily and harshly, and his high birth and wealth make him overly proud and overly conscious of his social status.Indeed, his haughtiness (n.傲慢傲慢) makes him initially bungle (v.把把搞搞糟糟) his courtship (n.求爱求爱). When he proposes to her, for instance, he dwell (vi.细想细想) more on how unsuitable a match she is than on her charms, beauty, or anything else complimentary. Her rejection of his advances builds a kind of humility (n.谦卑谦卑) in him.Darcy demonstrates his continued devotion (n.忠诚,热爱忠诚,热爱) to Elizabeth, in spite of his distaste (vt.厌恶厌恶) for her low connections, when he rescues Lydia and the entire Bennet family from disgrace (n.耻辱耻辱) , and when he goes against the wishes of his haughty (adj.傲慢的傲慢的) aunt, Lady Catherine, by continuing to pursue Elizabeth. Darcy proves himself worthy of Elizabeth, and she ends up repenting her earlier, overly harsh judgment of him. Mr. bennetMr. Bennet is the patriarch (n.家长家长;族长族长) of the Bennet household .He is a man driven to exasperation (n.恼怒恼怒) by his ridiculous wife and difficult daughters. He reacts by withdrawing (离离开开;变得冷漠变得冷漠) from his family and assuming a detached (adj.分开的分开的;超然超然的的) attitude punctuated (vt.不时打断不时打断) by bursts of sarcastic (adj.尖酸的尖酸的) humor.He is closest to Elizabeth because they are the two most intelligent Bennets. Initially (adv.最初最初),his dry wit (n.智慧智慧) and self-possession in the face of his wifes hysteria (n.歇歇斯底里斯底里)make him a sympathetic figure,In particular, his foolish indulgence (n.放放纵纵)of Lydias immature behavior nearly leads to general disgrace (n.耻辱耻辱) when she elopes (vi.私奔私奔) with Wickham. Further, upon her disappearance, he proves largely ineffective. It is left to Mr. Gardiner and Darcy to track Lydia down and rectify (vt.改正改正) the situation. Ultimately, Mr. Bennet would rather withdraw from the world than cope with it.But ,Mrs .BennetMrs. Bennet is a miraculously (adv.非凡地)非凡地)tiresome character. Noisy and foolish, she is a woman consumed by the desire to see her daughters married and seems to care for nothing else in the world. Ironically (adv.讽刺地讽刺地), her single-minded pursuit of this goal tends to backfire (n.事与愿违事与愿违), as her lack of social graces alienates (vt.使疏远使疏远) the very people (Darcy and Bingley) whom she tries desperately to attract. Austen uses her continually to highlight the necessity of marriage for young women. Mrs. Bennet also serves as a middle-class counterpoint (n.对应物对应物) to such upper-class snobs (n.势利小人势利小人) as Lady Catherine and Miss Bingley, demonstrating that foolishness can be found at every level of societyIn the end, however, Mrs. Bennet proves such an unattractive figure, lacking redeeming (adj.弥补的弥补的)characteristics of any kind, that some readers have accused Austen of unfairness in portraying (vt.描绘描绘) heras if Austen, like Mr. Bennet, took perverse (adj.不正不正当的当的) pleasure in poking fun at a woman already scorned (v.轻蔑轻蔑,嘲笑嘲笑) as a result of her ill breeding.Our Opinionis essentially the story of how Elizabeth (and her true love, Darcy) overcome all obstaclesincluding their own personal failings (n.缺点缺点) to find romantic happiness. Pride and PrejudiceElizabeth must not only cope with a hopeless mother, a distant father, two badly behaved younger siblings, and several snobbish (adj.势利的势利的), antagonizing (adj.敌对的敌对的) females, she must also overcome her own mistaken impressions of Darcy, which initially lead her to reject his proposals of marriage. The book shows the writers idea about love and marriage:Its wrong to get married just for property, wealth and status while neither would it be without caring about those elements .Marriage should be based on real love between the lovers. Marriage should be regarded carefully because it is not a game you could just enjoy without prudent (adj.谨慎谨慎的的) consideration.Marriage should be based on real love between the lovers. Pride and Prejudice
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