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Module 1本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。满分满分120分,考试时间分,考试时间100分钟。分钟。第第卷(选择题)卷(选择题) 单项填空(共单项填空(共15小题;每小题小题;每小题1分,满分分,满分15分)分)21. Would you like to try on this suit? It _ your pretty skin. A. matches B. fits C. suits D. goes with 【解解析析】选选C。考考查查动动词词词词义义辨辨析析。句句意意为为:你你乐乐意意穿穿上上这这套套西西装装试试试试吗吗?它它很很适适合合你你的的漂漂亮亮皮皮肤肤。suit表表示示衣衣服服的的颜颜色色、式式样样等等适适合合某某人人的的肤肤色色、气气质质、身身份份等等,符符合合句句意意。match着着重重服服饰饰搭搭配配和和谐谐;fit强强调调大大小小合合适适、吻吻合合;go with表表示示与与配套;均不合句意。配套;均不合句意。22. If you are feeling very tired and sick of fatty food, that is _ you are supposed to go to the hospital for a medical examination. A. why B. how C. where D. what 【解解析析】选选A。考考查查表表语语从从句句。句句意意为为:如如果果你你感感到到很很累累并并且且厌厌倦倦油油腻腻的的食食物物,那那就就是是你你应应该该去去医医院院接接受受检检查查的的原原因因。if从从句表示原因,主句是结果,所以选句表示原因,主句是结果,所以选A。Can you see the ladder leaning against the wall? So that is _ you get off the roof?A. what B. why C. how D. because【解解析析】选选C。考考查查表表语语从从句句。句句意意为为:看看到到倚倚在在墙墙上上的的梯梯子子了了吗吗?这这就就是是你你从从房房顶顶上上下下来来的的方方式式?thats how. . . 表示表示“这就是这就是的方式的方式”。符合句意。符合句意。 23. Are you satisfied with this hotel? Not a little. We cant have _. A. a worse one B. a nicer oneC. such a bad one D. so nice one【解解析析】选选B。考考查查形形容容词词比比较较级级。句句意意为为:你你对对这这个个旅旅馆馆满满意意吗吗?很很满满意意。我我们们找找不不到到更更好好的的了了。not a little不不是是否否定定意意思思,而而是是意意味味着着“非非常常,相相当当”,因因此此后后一一句句应应该该表表示示满满意意。cant/couldnt与与比比较较级级连连用用表表示示“再再不不过过了了,最最不过了不过了”。24. A(n) _ adult man burns 1, 500 to 2, 000 calories per day. 2010沈阳高一检测沈阳高一检测Acommon B. ordinary Caverage D. normal【解解析析】选选D。考考查查形形容容词词词词义义辨辨析析。句句意意为为:一一个个正正常常的的成成年年人人每每天天消消耗耗1 500至至2 000卡卡的的热热量量。normal“正正常常的的,一一般般的的”,强强调调没没有有异异常常,符符合合句句意意。common强强调调因因为为常常见见而而显显得得一一般般;ordinary“一一般般的的,普普通通的的”,强强调调没没有有特特殊殊之之处处;average“平均的,一般的平均的,一般的”;均不合句意。;均不合句意。25. Mr. Smith speaks Chinese terribly well. So he does. He _ while working in Beijing. Asent it up B. put it upC. took it up D. picked it up【解解析析】选选D。考考查查动动词词短短语语辨辨析析。句句意意为为:史史密密斯斯先先生生汉汉语语说说得得相相当当好好。的的确确如如此此。他他是是在在北北京京工工作作时时学学会会的的。pick up表表示示无无意意中中学学会会,符符合合句句意意。send up“发发射射”;put up“张贴张贴”;take up“从事,占据从事,占据”,均不合句意。,均不合句意。26. Alice is so _ about physics that she spends most of her time on it. A. crazy B. anxious C. interested D. eager【解解析析】选选A。考考查查形形容容词词词词义义辨辨析析。句句意意为为:艾艾丽丽斯斯对对物物理理太太痴痴迷迷了了以以致致她她把把大大部部分分时时间间花花费费在在它它上上面面了了。be crazy about“对对痴痴迷迷”,符符合合句句意意。be anxious about“对对担担心心”;be interested通通常常与与in连连用用,“对对感感兴兴趣趣”;be eager about“渴望渴望”,均不合句意。,均不合句意。27. Rarely _ so anxious about his future before. A. he has been B. has he beenC. was he D. he was【解解析析】选选B。考考查查倒倒装装。句句意意为为:他他以以前前很很少少为为自自己己的的未未来来担担忧忧。rarely是是表表示示否否定定意意义义的的副副词词,放放在在句句首首时时,应应该该使使用用部部分分倒倒装装,即即将将助助动动词词、系系动动词词或或情情态态动动词词提提到到主主语语前前。本本句强调对现在的影响和结果,所以用现在完成时。句强调对现在的影响和结果,所以用现在完成时。28. _ that, or one day you may regret what you have done. AStop doing B. If you stop doingCIf you dont stop doing D. You stop doing【解解析析】选选A。考考查查句句式式。句句意意为为:别别再再那那么么做做了了,否否则则有有一一天天你你会会对对你你做做过过的的事事感感到到后后悔悔的的。本本句句中中or是是连连词词,连连接接两两个并列的分句。个并列的分句。“祈使句祈使句+or+陈述句陈述句”因此选因此选A。29. It is reported that several new types of robots _ next year. 2010衡水高一检测衡水高一检测A. will develop B. will be developedC. are developing D. are developed【解解析析】选选B。句句意意为为:据据报报道道明明年年将将开开发发几几款款新新型型机机器器人人。next year作作时时间间状状语语,谓谓语语应应用用将将来来时时,机机器器人人是是被被开开发发的的,应用被动语态。故选应用被动语态。故选B。30. The street is _ after the hero so that he will be remembered by the future generation. A. called B. named C. taken D. looked【解解析析】选选B。考考查查动动词词词词义义辨辨析析。句句意意为为:这这条条街街道道以以这这位位英英雄雄的的名名字字来来命命名名以以便便后后人人能能记记住住他他。name after“以以的的名字命名名字命名”;name是名词用作动词,符合句意。是名词用作动词,符合句意。31. Why didnt you catch the last bus _ I told you to? A. when B. while C. as D. which【解解析析】选选C。考考查查as引引导导方方式式状状语语从从句句。句句意意为为:你你为为什什么么不不听听我我的的话话乘乘末末班班公公共共汽汽车车呢呢?as I told you to正正如如我我告告诉诉你你的那样,的那样,as正如,正像,引导方式状语从句。正如,正像,引导方式状语从句。32. To our surprise, she was the first person _ the work without others help. A. finish B. finished C. to finish D. finishing【解解析析】选选C。考考查查非非谓谓语语动动词词。句句意意为为:令令我我们们惊惊讶讶的的是是,她她是是第第一一个个没没有有他他人人帮帮助助完完成成工工作作的的人人。person由由序序数数词词修修饰,后面应该接不定式。饰,后面应该接不定式。33. He was brave and strong-willed and would _ whatever difficulty he would meet. A. shoulder B. back C. hand D. head【解解析析】选选A。考考查查名名词词用用作作动动词词。句句意意为为:他他勇勇敢敢、意意志志坚坚强强,无无论论什什么么样样的的困困难难都都乐乐于于承承担担。shoulder“肩肩负负着着,承承担担着着”,符符合合句句意意。hand“交交,递递给给”;back“向向后后去去;支支持持”;head“向向去去”,均不合句意。,均不合句意。34. This is the tallest building in the area, from _ top you can enjoy a good view of the city. A. its B. that C. which D. whose【解解析析】选选D。考考查查定定语语从从句句。句句意意为为:这这是是这这个个地地区区最最高高的的建建筑筑物物,从从它它的的顶顶上上我我们们能能好好好好地地欣欣赏赏这这个个城城市市。from whose top引导定语从句。引导定语从句。35. Mrs Black, you _ weight. The dress looks a little bigger on you. Yes. I have been working out in the gym in the past two months. A. lost B. have lostC. are losing D. lose【解解析析】选选B。考考查查时时态态。句句意意为为:布布莱莱克克太太太太,你你已已经经减减轻轻了了体体重重。这这件件裙裙子子你你穿穿着着有有点点大大了了。是是的的。过过去去两两个个月月我我一一直直在在健健身身房房里里锻锻炼炼。“裙裙子子穿穿着着肥肥大大了了”说说明明已已经经减减轻轻了体重,所以选了体重,所以选B,表示过去动作对现在的影响和结果。,表示过去动作对现在的影响和结果。 完形填空(共完形填空(共20小题;每小题小题;每小题1分,满分分,满分20分)分) The Balanced Life Mary and Susan, both in their forties, have been friends for years. They grew up together and 36 the same schools. They both have had great careers and education, 37 family value and financial position. But theres one bigdifference. Mary never seems to have enough time, 38 Susan is quite the opposite. 39 her career and three children, Susan has time for her 40 , one of which is golf. One day after lunch, Susan told Mary about the 41 game she had played last weekend. “Susan, how do you 42 to find the time to play golf? ”asked Mary. “I 43 seem to have time. ” Susan looked at Mary and laughed. “Mary, my days are just as long as yours. I 44 work night and day and, of course, on weekends. I always went home 45 Luckily, I got a newboss, who was older and 46 . One day he came to my desk and passed me a card that 47 , What I do today is important, because I will never have 48 again. I suddenly 49 what was important to me. Although my work was important, I 50 my children and family and having time for 51 were also very important. ” Mary took a drink of her tea and looked at Susan, “Thanks for telling me that. Perhaps next weekend, Ill have time to go 52 with you! ” Keep a 53 between your work, your family life and time for yourself. Every part of your life is important. Without a balance, you will 54 nothing and feel that life isnt 55 living. 36. A. attended B. joined C. learned D. studied【解解析析】选选A。Mary和和Susan一一起起长长大大并并在在同同一一所所学学校校上上学学。attend表表示示上上课课、上上学学;符符合合句句意意。join“参参加加活活动动,同同某某人人在在一一起起,加加入入某某团团体体”;不不合合句句意意。learn“学学会会,学学习习”;study“学习,研究学习,研究”;均需加介词才能与;均需加介词才能与school连用。连用。37. A. different B. same C. similar D. hard【解解析析】选选C。本本文文主主要要通通过过玛玛丽丽和和苏苏珊珊的的共共同同之之处处,揭揭示示她她们们生生活活方方式式的的不不同同。因因此此应应该该是是她她们们有有类类似似的的教教育育、家家庭庭观观念和经济背景。所以本句应选念和经济背景。所以本句应选similar。38. A. as B. while C. so D. or【解解析析】选选B。本本句句意意为为:玛玛丽丽似似乎乎从从没没有有足足够够的的时时间间而而苏苏珊珊却不同。却不同。while表示对比。表示对比。39. A. Except B. Besides C. Like D. Despite【解解析析】选选D。虽虽然然苏苏珊珊有有事事业业和和三三个个孩孩子子,但但她她有有时时间间从从事事业业余余爱爱好好打打高高尔尔夫夫球球。 despite“虽虽然然,尽尽管管”符符合合句句意意。except“除除之之外外,排排除除”;besides“另另外外,除除外外还还有有”;like“与与一样一样”;均不合句意。;均不合句意。40. A. interests B. hobbies C. tastes D. habits【解析解析】选选B。打球是她的爱好,所以选。打球是她的爱好,所以选hobbies。41. A. tennis B. chess C. golf D. volleyball【解解析析】选选C。根根据据上上句句可可知知苏苏珊珊的的爱爱好好是是高高尔尔夫夫球球,因因此此她她同好友谈论起上周打高尔夫球。同好友谈论起上周打高尔夫球。42. A. manage B. try C. intend D. succeed【解解析析】选选A。玛玛丽丽整整天天忙忙得得不不可可开开交交,而而苏苏珊珊居居然然有有时时间间打打球球,她她自自然然不不解解,就就会会问问“你你怎怎么么能能设设法法找找到到时时间间打打球球呢呢?”manage“设设法法做做到到”,强强调调结结果果,符符合合句句意意。try虽虽然然也也表表示示“设设法法,尽尽力力”,但但不不强强调调结结果果,因因此此不不合合题题意意。intend“打打算算,企企图图”;succeed“成成功功”通通常常与与介介词词in连连用用;均均不不合合句句意。意。43. A. often B. always C. already D. never【解解析析】选选D。根根据据第第一一段段第第五五句句,可可知知玛玛丽丽的的时时间间从从来来不不够够用。所以选用。所以选never。44. A. had to B. were used toC. came to D. used to【解解析析】选选D。在在第第三三段段中中苏苏珊珊向向玛玛丽丽讲讲述述她她的的经经历历。她她自自己己曾曾经经也也天天天天忙忙于于工工作作甚甚至至周周末末都都不不休休息息。used to do表表示示过过去去常常常常做做,而而现现在在不不再再做做的的事事;符符合合句句意意。have to do“不不得得不不做做,只只好好做做”;be used to do表表示示“被被用用来来做做”, 而而be used to doing表表示示“习习惯惯做做”;come to do“开开始始逐逐渐渐地做地做”;均不合句意。;均不合句意。45. A. exhausted B. bored C. relaxed D. quiet【解解析析】选选A。整整天天忙忙于于工工作作自自然然会会很很劳劳累累,所所以以选选exhausted“精疲力竭的精疲力竭的”。46. A. weaker B. wiserC. stricter D. more hard-working【解解析析】选选B。根根据据下下面面,老老板板递递给给苏苏珊珊纸纸条条让让她她好好好好享享受受今今天,可以推断出老板很英明。天,可以推断出老板很英明。47. A. said B. wrote C. spoke D. told【解析解析】选选A。纸条上写的话说,所以选。纸条上写的话说,所以选said或或read。48. A. yesterday B. tomorrowC. today D. future【解解析析】选选C。纸纸条条上上说说“我我今今天天做做的的事事很很重重要要,因因为为我我永永远远不会再有今天。不会再有今天。”所以选所以选today。49. A. noticed B. decidedC. said D. understood【解析解析】选选D。句意为:我突然懂得了对我来说重要的东西。句意为:我突然懂得了对我来说重要的东西。50. A. remembered B. realizedC. wondered D. meant【解解析析】选选B。句句意意为为:虽虽然然工工作作很很重重要要,但但我我意意识识到到为为家家庭庭、孩孩子子和和自自己己留留出出时时间间更更重重要要。realize“意意识识到到”,符符合合句句意意。remember“记记住住”;wonder“想想知知道道”;mean“意意思思是是”,均均不不合句意。合句意。51. A. them B. us C. it D. myself【解析解析】选选D。根据上题,确定答案为。根据上题,确定答案为myself。52. A. golfing B. hikingC. fishing D. swimming【解解析析】选选A。听听了了苏苏珊珊的的话话,玛玛丽丽恍恍然然大大悟悟,决决定定下下周周同同她她一起去打高尔夫球。一起去打高尔夫球。53. A. record B. space C. balance D. distance【解解析析】选选C。句句意意为为:保保持持工工作作、家家庭庭生生活活和和个个人人时时间间的的平平衡衡。balance“平平衡衡”;符符合合句句意意。record“记记录录,唱唱片片”;space“空间空间”;distance“距离距离”;均不合句意。;均不合句意。54. A. succeed B. gain C. realize D. lose【解解析析】选选B。句句意意为为:没没有有平平衡衡,你你将将一一事事无无成成感感到到生生活活不不值值得得过过。gain“获获得得”,符符合合句句意意。succeed“成成功功”;realize“实现实现”;lose“丢失丢失”;均不合句意。;均不合句意。55. A. worthy B. busy C. free D. worth【解解析析】选选D。be worth doing“某某事事值值得得做做”;符符合合句句意意。be worthy of being done或或be worthy to be done才才是是正正确确形形式式;不不合合题题意意。busy“繁繁忙忙的的,忙忙碌碌的的”;free“有有空空的的,自自由由的的”;均不合句意。;均不合句意。. 阅读理解(共两节,满分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)分)第一节(共第一节(共15小题;每小题小题;每小题2分,满分分,满分30分)分)(A)2010汕头高一检测汕头高一检测 Will it matter if you dont take your breakfast? Recently a test was given in the United States. Those tested included people of different ages, from 12 to 83. During the experiment, these people were given all kinds of breakfasts, and sometimes they got no breakfast at all. Special tests wereset up to see how well their bodies worked when they had eaten a certain kind of breakfast. The results show that if a person eats a proper breakfast, he or she will work with better effect than if he or she has no breakfast. This fact appears to be especially true if a person works with his brains. If a student eats fruit, eggs, bread and milk before going to school, he will learn more quickly and listen with more attention in class. Opposite to what many people believe, if you dont eat breakfast, you will not lose weight. This is because people become so hungry at noon that they eat too much for lunch, and end up gaining weight instead of losing. You will probably lose more weight if you reduce your other meals. 56. During the test, those who were tested were given _. A. no breakfast at allB. very rich breakfastC. little food for breakfast D. different breakfast or none【解解析析】选选D。考考查查细细节节理理解解。根根据据第第二二段段第第三三句句“在在实实验验中中,有有时时给给参参加加测测试试者者各各种种各各样样的的早早餐餐,有有时时根根本本没没有有早早餐餐”,可以知道选可以知道选D。57. The results of the test show that _. A. breakfast has great effect on work and studiesB. breakfast has little to do with a persons workC. a person will work better if he has a simple breakfastD. those working with brains should have much for breakfast【解解析析】选选 A。考考查查细细节节理理解解。根根据据第第三三段段第第一一句句“吃吃适适当当早早餐餐的的人人比比不不吃吃早早餐餐的的人人工工作作效效率率高高”可可知知早早餐餐对对学学习习和和工工作影响很大。根据作影响很大。根据“proper”一词可以确定一词可以确定C和和D项都不正确。项都不正确。58. The passage mentions that many people believe that if you dont eat breakfast, you will _. A. lose weight B. not lose weightC. be healthier D. gain a lot of weight【解解析析】选选A。考考查查推推理理判判断断。根根据据最最后后一一段段第第一一句句“与与许许多多人人认认为为的的相相反反,如如果果不不吃吃早早餐餐,也也不不会会减减肥肥。”可可以以推推断断出出“许多人以为不吃早餐会减肥许多人以为不吃早餐会减肥”,因此选,因此选A项。项。59. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. Poor breakfasts affect those who work with brains. B. Morning diet may cause one to get fatter. C. Reducing lunch and supper is of less value in weight losing. D. Eating less in lunch and supper may help to lose weight. 【解解析析】选选C。考考查查推推理理判判断断。根根据据第第四四段段最最后后一一句句“减减少少午午餐餐和和晚晚餐餐食食量量的的人人很很可可能能会会减减肥肥”可可以以推推断断出出C项项表表述述不不正正确确,符符合合题题意意。根根据据第第三三段段第第一一、二二句句“吃吃适适当当早早餐餐的的人人比比不不吃吃早早餐餐的的人人工工作作效效率率高高,这这一一点点对对从从事事脑脑力力工工作作的的人人尤尤为为正正确确。”可可以以推推断断A项项表表述述正正确确,不不合合题题意意;根根据据第第四四段段第第二二句句可可知知B项项表表述述正正确确,不不合合题题意意;根根据据第第四四段段最最后后一一句句可可知知D项项也也不不合题意。合题意。(B) More than 25% of adults in China are now considered overweight, according to a new research. The findings, in the Journal Health Affairs, say less physical activity and a more unhealthy diet lead to overweight. The report warns that the overweight rate will double by 2028 if the Chinese government fails to take action. Researchers say what is happening in China can be seen as a mark for what is going to happen in the other developing countries. Poorness and overweight link Recently, fat people become more and more. The report finds that an unhealthy diet and overweight can lead to many diseases. According to the BBCs Asia analyst(分分 析析 家家 ), Jill McGivering, overweight has often been connected with Chinas new development and new lifestyle. But this survey suggests that low income people in the countryside are now more likely to be overweight than those with higher income in the cities. Prof. Popkin told the BBC that Chinas traditional balanced diet is increasingly giving way to one high in oil and meat. And reporters say that even in the countryside, people are getting much less exercise. Agriculture is more mechanized(机机械械化化的的), and cars, motorbikes and tractors are replacing bicycles. People are also watching much more television. The Chinese government also pays much attention to the health problems, but so far it is being scored for failing to meet the need for a healthy weight. It should take powerful means and offer good services. 60. What is the subject of the passage? A. Overweight and health. B. Chinas overweight problems. C. Health problems the world faces. D. How to have a healthy weight. 【解解析析】选选B。考考查查主主旨旨大大意意。本本题题是是调调查查报报告告,由由第第一一段段可可知全文主要讲中国的成年人很多过度肥胖。知全文主要讲中国的成年人很多过度肥胖。61. Which group is all the reasons for more Chinese being overweight? less physical exercise unhealthy eating habitsmore low income families Chinas developmenttraditional balanced dietsA. B. C. D. 【解解析析】选选A。考考查查细细节节理理解解。根根据据第第二二段段可可知知“缺缺乏乏身身体体锻锻炼炼”和和“不不健健康康的的饮饮食食习习惯惯”是是中中国国成成年年人人过过度度肥肥胖胖的的原原因因;第第六六段段告告诉诉读读者者,肥肥胖胖与与中中国国的的发发展展和和新新的的生生活活方方式式有有关关;第第七七段段虽虽然然说说收收入入低低的的家家庭庭会会肥肥胖胖,但但不不会会越越来来越越多多;第第八八段段说说传传统统的的营营养养均均衡衡的的饮饮食食让让路路给给富富含含肉肉、油油的的食食物物;所所以以选选A。62. Which of the following is NOT true? A. People in the countryside spend less time on exercise than before. B. Rich city families become overweight more easily than low income village families. C. Many diseases can result from an unhealthy diet and overweight. D. The overweight rate will be controlled if the Chinese government takes action. 【解解析析】选选B。考考查查细细节节理理解解。根根据据第第七七段段“农农村村低低收收入入的的家家庭庭比比城城市市高高收收入入的的家家庭庭肥肥胖胖的的人人多多。”因因此此B项项表表述述不不正正确确。倒倒数数第第二二段段证证明明A项项正正确确;根根据据第第五五段段可可知知C项项正正确确;根根据据最最后一段可知后一段可知D项正确。项正确。63. The underlined word “scored” in the last paragraph probably means _. A. praised B. defeatedC. changed D. criticized(批评批评)【解解析析】选选D。考考查查词词义义推推断断。根根据据最最后后一一段段可可知知,尽尽管管中中国国政政府府采采取取了了措措施施,但但是是未未能能达达到到健健康康体体重重的的标标准准,所所以以score的意思是的意思是“批评批评”。(C)2010聊城高一检测聊城高一检测 In general, people who smoke cigarettes weigh less than people who do not smoke. Some experts say this is because nicotine(尼尼古古丁丁)in cigarettes helps make the body burn food energy more quickly. Scientists said their study showed that people who stopsmoking generally return to the weight of people who never smoked In the new report, government researchers examined two health studies done in the early 1970s and 1980s. The nationwide studies involved 9, 000 people. The researchers found that in general people who stop smoking gain 23 kilograms in the next 5 years. Also about one in ten people who stop smoking will gain 13 kilograms or more. The study found that blacks are much more likely than whites to gain weight after they stop smoking. Also people who stop smoking continue to gain weight at a faster rate than smokers for at least seven years after they stop. In a separate report, the New England Journal of Medicine said the likelihood of weight gain is not a good reason to continue smoking. It said cigarette smoking has been linked to lung cancer, heart attacks and other health problems. Studies have shown that cigarette smoking kills 400, 000 Americans a year. Scientists said these health dangers are far greater than the problems caused by a few extra kilograms of weight. 64. In general, people who smoke cigarettes weigh less than people who do not smoke because _ A. they eat less than people who dont smokeB. they eat more than people who dont smoke C. sometimes smoking can take the place of food D. nicotine in cigarettes helps make the body burn food energy more quickly【解解析析】选选D。考考查查细细节节理理解解。第第一一段段第第A二二句句“香香烟烟里里的的尼尼古丁有助于使身体消耗食物能量更快古丁有助于使身体消耗食物能量更快”可知可知D项正确。项正确。65. Some science studies said that _ A. smoking is necessary if you want to lose weight B. many people are afraid to put on weight if they stop smoking C. people who stop smoking generally return to the weight of people who never smoked D. people who never smoke will never become fat【解解析析】选选C。考考查查细细节节理理解解。根根据据第第一一段段最最后后一一句句可可以以确确定定C项项正正确确。根根据据最最后后一一段段可可知知吸吸烟烟的的危危害害巨巨大大,不不能能为为了了减减肥肥而冒损害健康的危险,因此而冒损害健康的危险,因此A项不对;项不对;B和和D项文章没有提及。项文章没有提及。66. The passage does not say _. A. why blacks are more likely than whites to gain weight after they stop smokingB. that one in ten people who stop smoking will gain 13 kilograms or more C. that the government has done some research concerned smokingD. smoking kills 400, 000 Americans a year 【解解析析】选选A。考考查查推推理理判判断断。文文章章只只说说黑黑人人比比白白人人在在停停止止吸吸烟烟后后更更容容易易变变胖胖,但但没没有有解解释释原原因因,因因此此A项项没没有有提提及及。第第二二段段第第四四句句提提到到B项项,第第二二段段第第一一句句说说到到了了政政府府研研究究,显显然然C项项提到了;第四段倒数第二句提到了提到了;第四段倒数第二句提到了D项。项。 (D) Former International Olympic Committee President Juan Antonio Samaranch died in a hospital in Barcelona on Wednesday at the age of 89. Samaranch was hospitalized on Tuesday in “very critical condition” after suffering a heart attack. He had been in intensive care in the Hospital Quiron in Barcelona. Born in Barcelona in 1920, Samaranch pursued a career as diplomat and sports administrator before leading the IOC for 21 years from 1980 to 2001. Yu Zaiqing, vice president of the Chinese Olympic Committee (COC), on Wednesday paid tribute to the late former International Olympic Committee Chief Juan Antonio Samaranch, naming him “an old friend of the Chinese people. ” Yu said in a statement, “Samaranch is an old friend of the Chinese people. He had always hoped that China could host an Olympic Games. And his wish was finally realized in 2008. The Chinese people thank him. ” It was during Samaranchs reign(任任 职职 ) that China returned to the Olympics in 1984 after a 32-year absence. And awarding the 2008 Olympics to Beijing was widely regarded as one of Samaranchs final legacies(遗遗产产) at the end of his Olympic reign in 2001. “We can never forget President Samaranchs help in Beijings successful bid and the exceptional success of the 2008 Olympic Games. When the preparations for the Beijing Olympics were disturbed by some political factors, he always firmly stood behind us, ” said He Zhenliang, the Honorary President of the COC and one of Chinas most famous sports figure. 萨萨马马兰兰奇奇(Samaranch)走走了了,奥奥林林匹匹克克运运动动失失去去了了一一位位伟伟大大的的领领导导者者,中中国国人人民民失失去去了了一一位位真真诚诚的的老老朋朋友友。与与中中国国结结下下30年年不不解解之之缘缘的的萨萨马马兰兰奇奇,见见证证着着中中国国体体育育一一次次又又一一次次改改写写历历史史、一一遍遍又又一一遍遍创创造造辉辉煌煌。今今天天,让让我我们们追追忆忆这这位位传传奇奇人物的中国情缘,愿他一路走好!人物的中国情缘,愿他一路走好!67. What is the best title of the passage? A. Memories of SamaranchB. An old friend of the Chinese peopleC. Samaranchs lifeD. The International Olympic Committee president 【解解析析】选选A。主主旨旨大大意意题题。前前国国际际奥奥委委会会主主席席萨萨马马兰兰奇奇与与中中国国有有着着长长达达三三十十年年的的不不解解之之缘缘,对对北北京京申申奥奥成成功功及及2008北北京京奥奥运运会会的的成成功功举举办办都都给给予予了了极极大大的的帮帮助助,得得到到中中国国人人民民的的高高度度评评价价。本本文文是是在在萨萨马马兰兰奇奇去去世世后后对对他他与与中中国国人人民民之之间间深深厚厚情谊的回顾,故答案选情谊的回顾,故答案选A。68. Which is the career that Samaranch didnt take up? A. Diplomat. B. International Olympic Committee president. C. Sports administrator. D. Politician. 【解解析析】选选D。细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据文文章章第第一一段段和和第第三三段段可可知知,政治家不是萨马兰奇从事过的职业。政治家不是萨马兰奇从事过的职业。69. What is the meaning of the underlined phrase? A. 关注关注 B. 批评批评C. 向向表示敬意表示敬意 D. 帮助帮助【解解析析】选选C。词词义义猜猜测测题题。根根据据下下文文于于再再清清和和何何振振梁梁对对于于萨萨马马兰兰奇奇的的评评价价可可知知,于于再再清清把把萨萨马马兰兰奇奇称称为为“中中国国人人民民的的老老朋朋友友”,对对于于他他给给予予中中国国人人民民的的帮帮助助表表达达了了感感激激之之情情,向向他他致敬。致敬。70. We can infer from the passage that _. A. China had never taken part in the Olympic GamesB. He Zhenliang thought highly of SamaranchC. when Beijing hosted 2008 Olympic Games, Samaranch was still the International Olympic Committee presidentD. when Samaranch became the International Olympic Committee president, he was 61【解解析析】选选B。推推理理判判断断题题。根根据据文文章章最最后后一一段段何何振振梁梁的的言言语语可可知知,他他对对萨萨马马兰兰奇奇的的评评价价很很高高。根根据据倒倒数数第第二二段段第第一一句句可可知知A项项错错误误;根根据据第第三三段段中中萨萨马马兰兰奇奇的的任任职职时时间间可可以以推推知知他他担担任任国国际际奥奥委委会会主主席席时时年年龄龄是是60岁岁,而而在在2008年年北北京京举举办办奥奥运运会时他已经不再是国际奥委会主席。会时他已经不再是国际奥委会主席。第二节(共第二节(共5小题;每小题小题;每小题2分,满分分,满分10分分) 根根据据短短文文内内容容,从从短短文文后后的的选选项项中中选选出出能能填填入入空空白白处处的的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 The American book Who Moved My Cheese has been a bestseller all over the world. 71 . Now its author Spencer Johnson has written a book just for teenagers. The book tells us that when facing changes in our lives, like a new school or new friends, dont be afraid. Instead, use these changes to make a better life. 72 . A school is changing from having two terms to three terms because there are too many students. Several teenagers are talking about this. Most of them are unhappy and worried. But Chris laughs and tells a story about two mice, two little people and some cheese. 73 . Here, cheese means something important in life, like moving to a new class or getting into college. 74 . The mice realize that they cant change what has happened and have to find more cheese. 75 . The little people, however, cant do this. They are afraid of change so they find no cheese. After Chris finishes the story, his friends understand one thing: to get more cheese, move in a new direction quickly. His friends understand how this can be used in the changes all teenagers face, such as doing well at school or having good relationships or just feeling good about yourself. A. It tells a story which happened between mice and peopleB. It teaches people how to face changes in their livesC. But they find the cheese is goneD. However, some strange things happened in a schoolE. The book gives an example of a change at schoolF. The four are in a maze looking for the cheeseG. This means finding different dreams答案:答案:7175. BEFCG第第卷(非选择题)卷(非选择题)短文填空(共短文填空(共10小题;每小题小题;每小题0. 5分,满分分,满分5分)分)Healthy Living Health is the most 76. valuable (value) thing one can have. To keep 77. fit, you must eat right foods, get enough 78. sleep, and have enough exercise. A good 79. diet is very important for good health. Avoid foods with too much sugar and fat. Eat more high-protein foods, vegetables and fruit. Remember you are what you eat. Overeating is the main cause of 80. overweight (weigh). Enough sleep is also important. You must get 8 or 9 hours of sleep every day. Without enough sleep, you will feel tired and sometimes 81. anxious . So please 82. make sure that you have enough sleep every day. Exercise helps you fight againstdiseases and 83. lose weight, making you strong and fit. Walking, running, swimming, bicycling, basketball, table tennis are all good exercise. If you can do 84. as the above, you are sure to enjoy a 85. healthy living and stay in good condition all your life. . 短文改错短文改错(共共10小题;每小题小题;每小题0. 5分分, 满分满分5分分) 下下面面短短文文中中共共有有10处处错错误误,错错误误涉涉及及一一个个单单词词的的增增加加、删删除或修改。除或修改。 增增加加:在在缺缺词词处处加加一一个个漏漏词词符符号号(),并并在在此此符符号号下下面面写出该加的词。写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。)划掉。 修修改改:在在错错的的词词下下划划一一横横线线,并并在在该该词词下下面面写写出出修修改改后后的词。的词。 注意:注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改只允许修改10处,多者(从第处,多者(从第11处起)不计分处起)不计分 86. 【解解析析】第第一一句句中中去去掉掉been 本本句句的的主主语语是是I,see的的动动作作由由“I”发出,因此用主动结构。发出,因此用主动结构。87. 【解解析析】第第一一句句中中learninglearn so as to 后后常常接接动动词词原形,表示目的。原形,表示目的。88. 【解解析析】第第二二句句的的friendsfriend “我我乐乐意意成成为为你你的的朋朋友友。”“我我”是一个人。是一个人。89. 【解解析析】第第三三句句的的studiedstudying “我我正正在在一一所所高高中中学学习习”,是主动的现在。,是主动的现在。90. 【解解析析】第第四四句句的的ChinaChinese 信信中中David要要学学习习汉汉语和中国文化,汉语应用语和中国文化,汉语应用Chinese。91. 【解解析析】第第五五句句的的第第一一个个will去去掉掉 If引引导导的的条条件件状状语语从从句句通常用一般现在时表示将来发生的动作,所以将通常用一般现在时表示将来发生的动作,所以将will去掉。去掉。92. 【解解析析】第第五五句句的的listening后后加加to listen通通常常与与to连连用用构构成短语。成短语。93. 【解解析析】第第五五句句的的at前前加加and 本本句句是是并并列列句句,应应该该用用and连接两个句子。连接两个句子。94. 【解解析析】第第六六句句的的forfrom 本本句句中中含含有有一一个个定定语语从从句句,意思是意思是“从参观中可以获得关于中国文化的许多知识。从参观中可以获得关于中国文化的许多知识。”95. 【解析解析】第六句的第六句的aboutof a knowledge of 是常用搭配。是常用搭配。书面表达(共书面表达(共1题,满分题,满分15分)分) 假假如如你你是是张张华华,你你的的表表妹妹小小梅梅喜喜欢欢边边看看书书边边吃吃零零食食,尤尤其其喜喜欢欢吃吃巧巧克克力力;周周末末通通常常整整天天看看电电视视。因因此此,她她的的学学习习退退步步了了,视视力力下下降降了了。请请你你写写一一封封信信给给她她。向向她她提提出出有有益益健康的建议,劝她改掉坏习惯,做一个健康女孩。健康的建议,劝她改掉坏习惯,做一个健康女孩。_【参考答案参考答案】Dear Xiaomei, I am sorry to hear that you arent getting along well with your lessons and your sight is becoming weak as a result of your bad habits. Its important for us to form a healthy lifestyle as we grow up. I suggest from now on that you should have a balanced diet instead of eating food containing much fat and calories, such as chocolate. You cant eat so many snacks while reading and watching TV, or you will gain weight. In addition, if you watch TV all day long at weekends, you cant have enough time to spend on your lessons, and you will fall behind your classmates. Besides, its bad for your eyesight. You may spend some time exercising outside instead. Then you can feel good and are able to concentrate in class. In a word, to be a healthy girl, its time for you to get rid of your bad habits and form good ones. Best wishes. Yours, Zhang Hua
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