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Lesson6Chapter5PartILesson6Chapter5PartI数数词的翻的翻译详解解Translationl1 You should also get used to saving your work as often as possible. PCs in general are not the most stable, and with video editing you have to be extra careful.l应养成经常保存文件的习惯。个人电脑一般不太应养成经常保存文件的习惯。个人电脑一般不太稳定,所以进行视频编辑时就须加倍小心。稳定,所以进行视频编辑时就须加倍小心。l2 China is rich in antimony, tungsten, manganese, iron, etc. They are useful and necessary metals for heavy industry.l中国富有锑,钨,锰,铁等。这些都是重工业有中国富有锑,钨,锰,铁等。这些都是重工业有用而必须的金属。用而必须的金属。l3 It seems that these two branches of science are mutually dependent and interacting.l看来这两个科学分支是互相依存,互相作用的。看来这两个科学分支是互相依存,互相作用的。l4 Some atomic nuclei undergo spontaneous disintegration while others do not.l有些原子核会自发裂变,而另外一些则不会。有些原子核会自发裂变,而另外一些则不会。l5 所有所有的物质都有不同的热容量,而水的热容量的物质都有不同的热容量,而水的热容量在在所有物质所有物质中最中最大大。lAll substances have different heat capacities, but water has one of the greatest of all.Numerical Expressions in ESTl1 Fractionl1/2l1/3l1/4l3/4l3/5 l1/10 l1/100la/ one halfla/ one thirdla/ one quarter (/fourth)lthree fourths/ three quarterslthree fifthsla/ one tenthla/ one hundredthl1/1000 l113/300 l1/2234 l1 1/2l64 38/483la/ one thousandthlone hundred and thirteen over three hundredlone over two thousand two hundred and thirty-fourlOne and a halflSixty four and thirty-eight over four hundred eighty-three2 Decimall0.125l0.046 l3.14lzero /naught point one two fivel(naught) point naught four six / zero point zero four sixlthree point one four基本数目的常用前缀基本数目的常用前缀 uni-;mono- 一一 bi-;di-二二 twi-二二 amphi-二二tri-三三 unicycle, univalent, monatomic, monoplane, monoxidebimetal, bisexual, biplane, diatomic, dioxide, dicotyledontwiblade, twiforkedtriangle, triatomic, trijetamphicar, amphibian quadri-四四tetra- 四四penta- 五五 quinque- 五五 sex- 六六 hexa- 六六 quadruped, quadrangle, quadrilateraltetrodepentagon, pentoxide, pentatomicquinquesection, quiquevalencesexangle, sexfoilhexode, hexagramhepta- 七七 octa- 八八 ennea- 九九 myria- 万万 heptahedron, heptachord octavalent enneahedronmyriagram, myrialitre 数量数据翻译的基本规则数量数据翻译的基本规则l1)英美等国家的出版社在排版时遵循一条英美等国家的出版社在排版时遵循一条原则,即原则,即1至至10用用单词单词表示,表示,10以上的数目以上的数目用用阿拉伯数字阿拉伯数字表示。表示。 lThat test bench measures three meters by two. l那个那个测试台测试台长长3米,宽米,宽2米米。lThe test persisted 12 hours. l测试持续了测试持续了12个小时。个小时。 l2)人数人数用阿拉伯数字表示,但用阿拉伯数字表示,但不定数量、近似值不定数量、近似值用单词表示。用单词表示。lThere are 384 voters on the electoral rolls. l选举名单选举名单上有上有384人投票。人投票。lNearly one hundred procedures are stored in this computer. l计算机中储存了计算机中储存了近近100个个测试程序。测试程序。l表示一个表示一个大约数大约数,可用:,可用:tens of , dozens of ,scores of ,hundreds of ,thousands of ,millions of 。l3)遇到遇到日期、百分比、带单位的特殊数字日期、百分比、带单位的特殊数字,通常,通常用阿拉伯数字。用阿拉伯数字。 l2nd May 1998 l1998年年5月月2日日lthe 1990s = the 1990s = the nineteen nineties l20世纪世纪90年代年代la discount of 10 percent l10%的折扣的折扣l2 gallon oil l2加仑油加仑油l4)在科技文章中,数字在科技文章中,数字频繁出现频繁出现,多用,多用阿阿拉伯数字拉伯数字表示。表示。lThe new engine has a capacity of 4.3 liters and an output power of 153 kilowatts at 4400 revolutions per minute. l这台新发动机的容积为这台新发动机的容积为4.3升升,转速转速为每分为每分钟钟4400,输出功率为,输出功率为153千瓦千瓦。 l5)句首和句末句首和句末要尽量避免用阿拉伯数字。要尽量避免用阿拉伯数字。lSixty percent projectiles(弹丸)(弹丸) are located in this area. l60%的的弹丸弹丸都落在这一区域。都落在这一区域。lThe test bench can locate the fault for ninety percent. l该该测试台测试台可定位出可定位出90%的的故障故障。 l6)遇到分数,可用带连字符的单词表示。遇到分数,可用带连字符的单词表示。lOxygen forms about one-fifth of the atmosphere. l氧约氧约占占大气的五分之一。大气的五分之一。la hundredth part lthree-fifths parts lthree parts per (或或in a ) million la (或或one) part in 10000 la third part in 10000 l百分之一百分之一l五分之三五分之三l百万分之三百万分之三l万分之一万分之一l万分之三万分之三 还可用还可用 part来表示分数来表示分数数量数据的翻译策略数量数据的翻译策略lA)当原文为阿拉伯数字且数字不大时,保存原文当原文为阿拉伯数字且数字不大时,保存原文数字数字lThe range of sounds audible by man is from 20 to 20,000 vibrations per second l人类所人类所能听到的声音的音域能听到的声音的音域是是20-20,000赫兹赫兹。 lB)将原文的单词转换为中文数字或阿拉伯数字将原文的单词转换为中文数字或阿拉伯数字lAbout ten men in every hundred suffer from color blindness in some way.l每一百个人中,大约有十个人患有每一百个人中,大约有十个人患有不同程度不同程度的的色色盲盲。 lC)转换计量单位)转换计量单位lThere may be as many as 100,000 different sorts of proteins in a mans body.l人体内不同种类的蛋白质高达十万人体内不同种类的蛋白质高达十万/10万种万种.lOur present atmosphere is about the same in composition as it was five hundred million years ago. l目前,大气的成分与目前,大气的成分与五五/5亿亿年前大致相同。年前大致相同。lD)直译直译+夹注夹注lThe nuclear power plant is located in a remote mountainous area, with a total area of 660 acres l这座这座核电站核电站位于偏远的山区,位于偏远的山区,占地占地660英亩英亩.I 数词的译法数词的译法l1 数字的译法数字的译法l直译直译 & 换算换算lLiquid bromine (溴)(溴)boils at 58C at which temperature it changes into a reddish-brown gas.l液态溴液态溴在在58摄氏度时沸腾,在这个温度它变成红褐色的摄氏度时沸腾,在这个温度它变成红褐色的气体。气体。lMove to the next operation after the voltage reaches 150V.l等电压到了等电压到了150伏时,进行下一个伏时,进行下一个操作操作。lTests have shown that the energy saving can rise about 40 percent.l试验证明,试验证明,能量节约能量节约可增加可增加40%左右。左右。l2 不定数量不定数量的译法的译法 (近似数近似数)l1)在)在number, lot, score, decade, dozen, ten, hundred, thousand, million后后+sla hundred and onel许多,无数许多,无数lhundreds and thousandsl数十万,几十万数十万,几十万lmillions ofl千千万万,数以百万计千千万万,数以百万计 (P87)lteens oflten to onelthe early 1990slup to 2.5 vol.%ldown to 480kg/tlof the order of 4.5l十几(十几(13-19)l十之八九十之八九l20世纪世纪90年代初期年代初期l 2.5 体积百分数体积百分数l 480公斤公斤/吨吨l大约大约4.5近似数近似数-approximation l2) 超过超过,多达多达: above, more than, over, up to, odd, exceed, upwards of, or more, higher than, in excess ofl3) 多达多达: asas, full, solid, at least, all of, no less than, l4) 以下以下, 不足不足: below, less than, under, no more than, short of, off, within, as few asl5) 大约大约, 将近将近: about, around, close(ly) to, nearly, or so, some, toward (s), approximately表示程度表示程度l6) 从从到到/ 到到: fromto, betweenand (to)l7) 正好,整整正好,整整: flat, cool, sharp, exactly, whole, justl8) 数目小数目小/数量少数量少:only, merely, barely, scarcely, but, at most, no more than, scantlA lot of counties have set up power stations, chemical fertilizer plants and a hundred and one other factories.l许多许多县已建立了发电站、化肥厂以及县已建立了发电站、化肥厂以及许多许多别的工别的工厂。厂。lProfessor Smith finished the experiment in twenty-four hours flat.l史密斯教师完成这一项实验史密斯教师完成这一项实验正好正好用了用了24小时的时小时的时间。间。lIt is nearly/ toward 4oclock.l将近将近4点钟。点钟。lPig iron is an alloy of iron and carbon with the carbon content more than two percent.l生铁是铁碳合金,其中碳含量生铁是铁碳合金,其中碳含量超过超过2%。lIt took three years less than one month for them to develop the new material.l他们花了三年他们花了三年差差一个月研制这种新材料。一个月研制这种新材料。lThe motor ran 450 solid days on end.l马达连续运转了马达连续运转了足足有有450天。天。lInspection time for the installation was no more than 2 hours.l检验检验安装安装工作仅用了两个小时。工作仅用了两个小时。lThe energy of the fuel wasted by the reciprocating steam engine is between 80 and (to) 85 percent.l往复式蒸汽机往复式蒸汽机浪费的浪费的燃料能量燃料能量为为80%至至85%。l3 倍数增减的译法倍数增减的译法l1)倍数增加倍数增加l(1) 增加到增加到N倍(包含基数)倍(包含基数)l增加了增加了N-1倍(不包含基数)倍(不包含基数)lincrease + by + N times lincrease + N times lincrease + to + N times lWith the result of automation, productivity has increased by 5 times in that factory.l由于由于自动化的结果自动化的结果,那个工厂的生产率提高到,那个工厂的生产率提高到5倍。倍。lThe sales of industrial electronic products have increased to six times.l工业电子产品工业电子产品的的销售额销售额增加了增加了5倍。倍。lThe output of the machine tools has multiplied four times.l机床产量增加了机床产量增加了3倍。倍。l表示倍数增加,除了用表示倍数增加,除了用increase,还可用,还可用raise,rise,go up,amount to等。等。 l(2)倍数比较倍数比较l“A是是 B的的 N倍倍” (净增(净增N-1倍)倍)l“A比比B大(大(N1)倍)倍”lA is N times + larger than BlA is N times + as +large + as BlA is larger than B by N timeslA is N times BlA is N times + n./ that of BlThis type of furnace uses 4 times more electricity than that type does.l这种这种炉炉的耗电量是那种炉耗电量的的耗电量是那种炉耗电量的4倍。倍。lThis rod is 4 times longer than that one.l这根杆比那根长这根杆比那根长3倍。倍。lThe oxygen atom is nearly 16 times as heavy as the hydrogen atom.l氧原子的原子量几乎是氢原子量的氧原子的原子量几乎是氢原子量的16倍。倍。lThe atomic weight of helium is four times heavier than that of hydrogen.l氦原子量比氢原子量重氦原子量比氢原子量重3倍。倍。lIn rolling bearing the starting friction is about twice the running friction.l滚动轴承滚动轴承的的启动摩擦启动摩擦大概是大概是转动摩擦转动摩擦的的2倍。倍。lThe average energy consumed per head of population in the U.S is over 100 times that of the worlds poorest countries.l按人口计算,美国的按人口计算,美国的平均耗能量平均耗能量是是世界上最贫穷世界上最贫穷国家耗能量的国家耗能量的一百倍一百倍以上。以上。 l(3) increase + by a factor of nl“增加了增加了 (N-1)倍倍” 或或 “增加到增加到N倍倍” lThe current has increased by a factor of three.l电流电流增加了增加了2倍。倍。l(4) be + N times + over/upon l“增加了增加了 (N-1)倍倍” 或或 “增加到增加到N倍倍”。lThis year the value of our industrial output is five times over that of 1952.l今年,我国的今年,我国的工业产值工业产值比比1952年增加了四倍。年增加了四倍。l(5) as many/large/heavy/muchagain asl“是是两倍两倍” 或或“比比大大/多多/重一倍重一倍”。lThe driving gear turns as fast again as the driven gear.l主动齿轮主动齿轮的转速为从动齿轮的的转速为从动齿轮的两倍两倍。l(6) double/twicel“是是两倍两倍”或或“比比大大/多多/重一倍重一倍”。lEvery 10 months the number of people with AIDS doubles in U.S.l在美国,患艾滋病的人数每十个月就在美国,患艾滋病的人数每十个月就增加一倍增加一倍。l(7) triple/treblel“三倍于三倍于”或或“(比原来比原来)增加两倍增加两倍”。例如:。例如:lBetween 1950 and 1973 the number of telephones in the USA more than tripled , with an addition of 90 million telephones.l1950年至年至1973年间年间, 美国的电话机增加了九千万美国的电话机增加了九千万只只, 总数比原来增加了两倍以上。总数比原来增加了两倍以上。lquadruple 四倍,四倍, quintuple 五倍,五倍, sextuple 六倍,六倍, septuple 七倍,七倍,octuple 八倍八倍l2) 倍数减少倍数减少l“减少了几分之几减少了几分之几”或或 “减少到原来的几分之几减少到原来的几分之几”。 ldecrease + by + N times (N=3)ldecrease + N timesldecrease + by + a factor of + N lN times adj.比较级比较级+ thanlV. reduce. shorten, weaken, go down , falllThe leads of the new condenser are shortened by six times.l新型电容器的新型电容器的引线引线缩短了缩短了5/6。lThe operation of cost decreased by five times.l成本运行成本运行降至降至1/5。lThe loss of electricity was reduced by a factor of four.l电损电损减少了减少了3/4。lThe pipe is four times lighter than that one.l这根管子重量是那根的这根管子重量是那根的1/4。l4 百分数的译法百分数的译法l1) 表示增减意义的表示增减意义的v. + by + n% : 照译照译l2)表示减少意义的表示减少意义的v. + to + n%: 减少到减少到l3) n%+比较级比较级+than : 照译照译l4) n%+比较级比较级+n.:照译照译l5) a (n) n%+ increase : 照译照译l6) n%+ of + n./pron.:是是 n% lWeld strength can be increased by 45 percent.l焊接强度焊接强度可增加可增加45%。lTests have shown that the energy consuming can be reduced by 30 percent.l试验证明,试验证明,能量消耗能量消耗可减低可减低30%。lThe loss of energy has been reduced to less than 10 percent.l能量损耗能量损耗可减至可减至不足不足10%。lIts grain output was 18 percent higher than that in 1998.l其其粮食产量粮食产量比比1998年高出年高出18%。lThe steel output is 30 percent higher than that of last year.l钢产钢产比去年增加了比去年增加了30%。 l5 特殊数量词词组的译法特殊数量词词组的译法la long hour la long hundred la long dozen lTen to one, the experiment is unlikely to produce good results.l十有八九,这项试验不可能得出好的结果。十有八九,这项试验不可能得出好的结果。lThese figures show that the improvement of molecular refraction (分子折射度)(分子折射度)is within a factor of ten.l这些数字表明这些数字表明分子折射度分子折射度的改进值为一个数量级。的改进值为一个数量级。 总复习总复习lUsually, a 2cm adjustment of the machine is enough to bring the pressure back to normal.l通常,把机器调整通常,把机器调整2厘米就足以使压力厘米就足以使压力恢复正常恢复正常。 lLess than a quarter of the energy of a human engine is converted into mechanical energy.l人体人体发出的不到发出的不到1/4的能量转变为机械能。的能量转变为机械能。lHydrogen is the lightest gas, its density being 0.0894 g/l.l氢是最轻的气体,其密度为氢是最轻的气体,其密度为0.0894克克/升。升。 Translation l1 Regardless of how large or small the circle is, its perimeter is a little over three times as long as its diameter.l2 Since the introduction of the new technique the switching time of the transistor has been shortened three times.l3 Upwards of seven thousand medical workers have left for the earthquake district.l4 only when a rocket attain a speed of 18,000 odd miles per hour, can it put a manmade satellite in orbit.l5 据天气据天气预报,气温将升高,气温将升高5 C左右左右。l1 Regardless of how large or small the circle is, its perimeter is a little over three times as long as its diameter.l圆不论大小,其周长都比直径长两倍多一点。l2 Since the introduction of the new technique the switching time of the transistor has been shortened three times.l采用这项新工艺后,晶体管的开关时间缩短了三分之二。l3 Upwards of seven thousand medical workers have left for the earthquake district.l有7000多名医务人员前往地震区。l4 only when a rocket attain a speed of 18,000 odd miles per hour, can it put a manmade satellite in orbit.l只有当火箭的速度达到每小时1800多英里时,才能把人造卫星送入轨道。l5 据天气预报,气温将升高5 C左右。lAccording to the weather man, the temperature will be up 5 C or so.结束结束
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