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Unit6 Whose dress is this? (Fun time & Cartoon time)学习目标学习目标 我能正确运用服装类的词汇。 我能理解,朗读并尝试着表演Cartoon time。我能正确运用whose提问并回答。Su Yangs trousers are not long.Su Yangs gloves are so small.The gloves are Su Yangs fathers.Yeah, yeah, yeah!No, no, no!Su Hais dress is too short.朗读句子,快速给出判断:朗读句子,快速给出判断: Yeah, yeah ,yeah! 或者或者 No, no ,no! !The dress is Helens mothers.What clothes are they talking about? 他们在谈论什么衣服?他们在谈论什么衣服?ClothesCan you name some clothes?(你能说一些有关(你能说一些有关服饰服饰的单词吗?)的单词吗?)Rules(游戏规则游戏规则):1.When you see the words or pictures , read the words.看到单词,大声出单词。看到单词,大声出单词。2.When you see , say “bomb”看到看到 ,说,说“bomb” 。coatT-shirtshirtglovescapjeansjacketIn pairs成双成双Single单个单个把服装分类放进衣柜把服装分类放进衣柜 2 21 1Whose?A: Whoseare these?B: Theyre s.A: Whoseis this?B: Its s.Single单个单个In pairs成双成双在人名后加在人名后加s, 意思是:意思是:某人的某人的。The is in 1.Theare in 2.A: Whoseis this?B: Its s.A: Whoseare these?B: Theyre s.Single单个单个In pairs成双成双DanJoeIs it s ? No, youre wrong.Yes, youre right. Whose sweater is this? Guess!A:Whose are these?B: Is it s?A:Whose is this?B: Are they s?Whose?A: Yes, youre right. / No, youre wrong.同同学学一一起起问问,老老师师来来猜猜。 A:Whose are these?B: Is it s?A:Whose is this?B: Are they s?A: Yes, youre right. / No, youre wrong.请请大大家家一一起起问问,一一位位同同学学来来猜猜。 Is this a ball?No, it isnt. Its a hedgehog.看卡通回答问题看卡通回答问题Whats the matter, Bobby? My hand hurts.我的手感到疼痛。我的手感到疼痛。怎么了?怎么了?读课文回答问题读课文回答问题 Whats this? Look! It can move.移动移动Is this a ball, Sam?Lets play.I think so.我想是。我想是。Whats the matter?Ouch!My hand hurts.Hi! Nice to meet you.Hi! Nice to meet you too. Work in three (小组活动选择一种方式小组活动选择一种方式) 3.Lets act. 小朋友你们能分角色演一演吗?小朋友你们能分角色演一演吗? 2.Lets read one by one. 小朋友你们能一人一句轮流读吗小朋友你们能一人一句轮流读吗? 1.Lets read together. 小朋友你们能齐读课文吗小朋友你们能齐读课文吗? 一天,一天,Bobby邀请了他的新朋友刺猬去家里玩,邀请了他的新朋友刺猬去家里玩,Bobby展示了他的和他家人的衣服、玩具展示了他的和他家人的衣服、玩具 A: Nice to see you.B: Nice to see you too.A: Look at this/ theseB: Whose is this/ are these? A: Itss./ Theyre s. B: Its / Theyre soA:Thank you./toysclothes 一天,一天,Bobby邀请了他的新朋友刺猬去家里玩,邀请了他的新朋友刺猬去家里玩,Bobby展示了他的和他家人的衣服、玩具展示了他的和他家人的衣服、玩具 同桌两人续演故事同桌两人续演故事, 发挥你的想象力哦!加油!发挥你的想象力哦!加油!Homework1.听一听,读一读听一听,读一读cartoon time,并表演。,并表演。2. 预习预习Sound time, Song time, Checkout time
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