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临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备临床医生阅读CT必备 right lobe of liver :肝右叶 external oblique muscle :腹外斜肌 inferior vena cava :下腔静脉 caudate lobe of liver: 肝尾状叶 left lobe of liver :肝左叶 linea alba: 白线 coeliac trunk:腹腔动脉(干) left gastric artery: 胃左动脉 rectus abdominis muscle: 腹直肌 stomach:胃 left colic flexure: 结肠左曲 diaphragm: 膈 vertebral arch:椎弓 spinalis muscle:竖脊肌 spinous process:棘突 thoracolumbar fascia:胸腰筋膜 vertebral canal and spinal cord:椎管临床医生阅读CT必备 thoracic vertebra:胸椎 longissimus thoracis muscle:胸最长肌 iliocostalis muscle; thoracic part 髂肋肌;胸段 spleen 脾 posterior gastric artery 胃后动脉 latissimus dorsi muscle 背阔肌 left lung 左肺 costodiaphragmatic recess 肋膈隐窝 right subphrenic recess 右膈下隐窝 bare area of liver 肝裸区 intercostal lymph nodes 肋间淋巴结 ostium cardiacum 贲门 superior diaphragmatic lymph nodes 膈上淋巴结 posterior mediastinum 后纵膈 cardiac notch 贲门切迹 inferior diaphragmatic lymph nodes 膈下淋巴结 left paracolic gutter 左侧结肠沟 临床医生阅读CT必备
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