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Subcycle interference dynamics of ultrafast photoelectron holography第第六十五六十五期期卞学滨卞学滨卞学滨卞学滨 博士博士博士博士Universite de Sherbrooke, CanadaUniversite de Sherbrooke, CanadaUniversite de Sherbrooke, CanadaUniversite de Sherbrooke, Canada2013201320132013年年年年7 7 7 7月月月月18181818日日日日( ( ( (周周周周四四四四) ) ) ) 上午上午上午上午10:30-12:0010:30-12:0010:30-12:0010:30-12:00频标楼频标楼频标楼频标楼4 4 4 4楼报告厅楼报告厅楼报告厅楼报告厅 Abstract: Abstract: Ultrafast photoelectron holography isUltrafast photoelectron holography is studied by solving a 3-D studied by solving a 3-D time-dependent moleculartime-dependent molecular SchrdingerSchrdinger equation and a corres equation and a correspondingponding classical classical model. Wemodel. We reportreport subcycle interference subcycle interference dynamics dynamics between direct andbetween direct and rescattered photoelectrons. rescattered photoelectrons. Four Four different interference patternsdifferent interference patterns are predicted by the are predicted by the classical classical model1, and used to interpretmodel1, and used to interpret the quantum the quantum simulations, simulations, involving forward and backwardinvolving forward and backward rescattering in above threshold rescattering in above threshold ionization (ATI). The ionization (ATI). The numericalnumerical simulations provide attosecond simulations provide attosecond time-time-r e s o l v e d t o o l sr e s o l v e d t o o l s f o r t h e e l e c t r o n i c f o r t h e e l e c t r o n i c imaging of molecular imaging of molecular structure 2. Dynamicstructure 2. Dynamic imaging imaging of a linear of a linear symmetric molecule symmetric molecule H H2 2+ + and dipolar molecule and dipolar molecule HeH HeH2 2+ + are studiedare studiedas examples.as examples.1 Xue-Bin Bian et al.,Phys. Rev. A 84, 043420 (2011)1 Xue-Bin Bian et al.,Phys. Rev. A 84, 043420 (2011)2 Xue-Bin Bian and Andre D. Bandrauk, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 2 Xue-Bin Bian and Andre D. Bandrauk, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 263003 (2012).263003 (2012).Short Curriculum Vita of the SpeakerDr. Xuebin BianJuly 2009 - present Postdoc, Dept. de Chimie, Univ. de Sherbrooke, CanadaSep. 2004 - June 2009 PhD, WIPM,CAS. Oct. 2005 Dec. 2005 Visiting student at Institute of atomic and molecular physics, Jilin Univ.
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