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神的烈焰ConsumingFireStillwatersrundeep.流静水深流静水深,人静心深人静心深Wherethereislife,thereishope。有生命必有希望。有生命必有希望懇求你再充滿 x2Fill us anew we pray (x2)神的烈焰Consuming Fire2慕譯 0272聖靈的烈風吹Come like a rushing wind你的大能充滿我們Fill us with power from on high釋放一切綑綁Now set the captives free讓我們全心敬拜你Leave us abandoned to Your praise3賜下你的榮耀 x2Lord let Your glory fall (x2)神的烈焰Consuming Fire4慕譯 027神的烈焰Consuming fire點燃我心 燒出對你熱情Fan into flame a passion for Your name神的靈啊 充滿這裡Spirit of God Fall in this place我們降服 我們降服Lord have Your way Lord have Your way(於你)with us 5攪動我們的心靈Stir it up in our hearts Lord攪動我們的心靈Stir it up in our hearts Lord攪動我們的心靈 愛慕你的名Stir it up in our heartsa passion for Your name6
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