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Advanced Reading Revised Edition 1策 划:鞠方安 商希建顾 问:李光立主 编:刘兰芝 杨真真副主编:Gerald Zimmerman 张波 任林静制作人: 董敬一 张娜 2 Unit Eleven Mind Over Machine3Warm-up Questions Catalogue Main IdeaLanguage Points Keys to the ExercisesBackground InformationDifficult Sentences4 , a science essayist, writes regularly about science for The New York Times, as well as for magazines including The New York Times Magazine, National Geographic, Science, Newsweek, Natural History, and Discover, where he is a contributing editor. Background Information5His book reviews appear in The New York Times Book Review, The Washington Post Book World, Newsday, and Scientific American. He has also written many popular books related to science. Besides his popular science writing, Zimmer also gives frequent lectures, has appeared on many radio shows and has won many awards. Background Information6 Background InformationPress the picture icon on the left to watch a video about brain-machine interface.7 Background Information8 Background InformationuThe State University of New York Health Science Center at Brooklyn (SUNY Downstate Medical Center)9Warm-up Questions 1. Have you heard of brainmachine interface before ? Do you think it possible for humans to control machines directly with their thoughts?2. If the brain-machine interface is possible, what do you expect its applications in the real life will be? 10Warm-up Questions11 Brain-machine interfaces:Warm-up Questions12 Brain-machine interfaces:Warm-up Questions13 Brain-machine interfaces:Warm-up Questions14Neurons or nerve cells are the basic functioning components of the brain.A small piece of metal or a wire that is used to send electricity through a system or through a persons body.Warm-up Questions15Main IdeaDid you ever want to move things just by thinking about it? Carl Zimmer described a robots arms movement operated by software signaled by hundreds of electrodes buried in a monkeys brain. This science fiction is becoming real. Neuroscientist Nicolelis of Duke University sees medical uses and a national defense group is 16 Main Ideahoping for battle robots and thought-controlled airplanes.A century of neurological breakthroughs is allowing decoding of the brains commands. The 1s and 0s are being decoded. He gave an example. In the 1930s they began recording impulses and more recently found this similar to the on-off digi-17 Main Idea tal code of computers. They found specific small sets of neurons carried the needed signals. Now brain-machine interfaces are a thing of the future. Here teams of researchers have been working together to break new ground.18Language Points1. over prep ( title of the text ) 1) in control of or influencing someone or sth 他压根管不住学生。 He has no command over his students. 这是一场意志战胜机器的博斗。 This is a great battle of mind over machine.19Language Points2) about a particular subject, person or thing 我们就社会问题进行了谈话。 We had a talk over social issues. 她忘不掉丈夫的死亡。 She can not get over her husbands death.3)because of 他总因为一些小事和我发脾气。 20Language Points He is alway blowing up at me over trifles. 动物为确定对某一特定土地的领土权而互相竞争。 Animals fight among themsleves to establish their territorial rights over a particular piece of ground. 4) during 暑假你在家吗?21Language Points Will you be home over the summer vocation?他以往常在上班时睡觉。 He used to sleep over his work.22Language Points2. artificial adj not real or not made of natural things but made to be like something that is real or natural natural; false 人工心脏植入手术花费了两小时。 The operation to implant the artificial heart took two hours. 他们试做人工呼吸,可是无效。 They tried artificial respiration but it was of no avail. 23Language Points 不含人工添加剂、色素和香料的天然食品。 A wholefood diet is free from artificial additives, color and flavors. 这个城市小型湖泊星罗棋布,有天然的,也有人工 的。 The city is dotted with small lakes, natural and artificial. 24Language Points3. limb n an arm or leg他用力摩擦四肢让血液循环起来。 He rubbed his limbs vigorously to get the blood circulating. 她是那么累,疲惫的双腿简直都挪不动。 She was so tired, she could scarcely move her dragging limbs. 25Language Points Artificial limbs26Language Points4. incredible adj ( line 1, para. 1 ) too strange to be believed or very difficult to believe; unbelievable 某些星球以难以置信的速度运行着。 Some planets run at incredible speed. 迷信对于受过教育的人来说是不可思议的。 Superstitions seem incredible to educated people.27Language Points5. snatch vt & vi ( line 3, para. 1) 她紧紧抓住钱包,生怕小偷抢走。 She clutched her purse tightly, fearing that a thief might snatch it. 1) to grasp or seize hastily, early, or suddenly28Language Points 2) to make every effort to gain or take advantage of sth 你应该利用一切机会提高英语水平。 You should snatch at every chance to improve your English. 29Language Points6. pivot vi & n ( line 3, para. 1 ) 1) to depend on or be based on one important thing, event, or idea 服装,作为差异的外在标志,尤其取决于性别的差异。 Clothing, as the outward mark of difference, pivots specifically on gender.30Language Points 2) a central point or pin on which sth balances or turns also pivot point 这是整个论据的关键。 That is the pivot of the whole argument. 31Language PointsSynonyms: axis, center, fulcrum, hub, point of balance, swivel32Language Points7. straighten vi ( line 4, para. 1 ) 1) to become straight, or to make sth straight 路变直了,我们驶上了高原。 The road straightened and we were on a plateau. 他挺直身子,把手插进口袋里。 He straightened up and slipped his hands in his pockets. 33Language Points2) to improve your bad behaviour or deal with personal problems, or to help someone do this 他一时想不通,你开导开导他好吗? He hasnt come round yet. Could you try and straighten him out? 34Language Points 3 ) to deal with problems or a confused situation and make it better, especially by organizing things; sort out 财务上有几个问题需要尽快理顺。 There are several financial problems that need to be straightened out quickly.358. squeeze v ( line 4, para. 1 ) 我把衣服拧了拧,之后就晒在了外面。 I squeezed the clothes and dried them outside. 他把柠檬切成两半,将果汁挤进碗里。 He cut the lemon in half and squeezed the juice into the bowl. 1) vt to press sth firmly together with ones fingers or handsLanguage Points36l 公共汽车上载客太多,挤得很。 It was a tight squeeze in the crowded bus. l 箱子已经很满了,但我们还是把衣服全塞进去了。 It was a tight squeeze but we finally got all the clothes into the case. 2) n a situation in which there is only just enough room for things or people to fit somewhereLanguage Points37Language Points9. shoot out v prep ( line 5, para. 1) to move quickly outwards 他突然伸出手抓住我的手腕。 He shot out his hand and grasped my wrist. 毒蛇吐出舌头。 The serpent shot out its tongue.38Language Points 他们能毫无困难地看懂并理出故事情节的发展 脉络。 They will be able to readily follow and sequence the flow of events that make up the story.10. sequence vt u fml ( line 7, para. 1 ) 1) to arrange in sequence39Language PointsDNA sequencing2) the order of seccession 按字母顺序排列姓名。 Arrange the names in alphabetical sequence. 那些画作大体上是按年代顺序陈列的。 The paintings were exhibited in more or less chronical sequence.40Language Points 11. tangled adj ( last line of para. 1) 1) twisted together in an untidy mass 我的头发太乱了,我梳不动。 My hairs so tangled that I cant comb it. 我的双腿完全被绳子缠住了。 My legs got hopelessly tangled in the rope. 41Language Points2) complicated or not easy to understand 你眼下头脑不清了,对于金钱和感情的忧虑交织 在了一起。 You are currently in a muddle where financial and emotional concerns are tangled together. 42Language Points tangle n 1) a twisted mass of something such as hair or thread 他站在那儿,头发乱成一团。 There he stood: hair in wild tangles. 原来的计算机和电话系统如今只剩下乱糟糟的一 团电线。 A tangle of wires is all that remains of the computer and phone systems.43Language Points 2) a confused state or situation 他的思想陷于困惑之中。 His mind was in a tangle. 我们雇了一位律师把法律纠纷理出头绪。 We employed a lawyer to straighten our legal tangle. 44Language Points12. trail of ( last line of para. 1) a long line or a series of marks that have been left by someone or sth 猎狗发现了兔子的踪迹。 The hound found the trail of the rabbit. 汽车掀起了一股尘土。 The car raised a trail of dust. 45Language Points13. macaque monkey n ( line 1, para. 2 ) 46Language Points14. computer screen n ( line 1, para. 3 ) the part of a computer where the picture or information appears ; monitor47Language Points15. dot n ( line 3, para. 3 ) a small round mark or spot 很快他们就成了地平线上的几个小点了。 Soon they were only dots above the hard line of the horizon. 在六和零之间有一个小数点。 There is a dot between 6 and 0.48Language Points16. cable n c ( line 1, para. 5 ) a plastic or rubber tube containing wires that carry telephone messages, electronic signals, television pictures etc Messed up cables49Language Points17. snake vi ( line 1, para. 5 ) to wind ( as ones way ) in a manner of a snake 汽车流水线蜿蜒曲折穿过厂房,望不见头尾。 The car production line snaked through the building, with the end and the beginning out of sight. 营火的青烟袅袅上升。 Smoke snaked up from a campfire.50Language Pointssnake in the grass infml someone who cannot be trusted5118. terminate v fml ( line 2, para. 5 ) 1) vt to bring to an end or a halt 终止妊娠是个令人痛苦的决定。 It was an agonizing decision to terminate the pregnancy. 他的合同在本赛季末终止。 His contract terminates at the end of the season. 2) vi to come to an end or haltLanguage Points52Language PointsSynonyms: break up, cease, close, come to an end, culminate, expire, reach a climax, stop, finish5319. ponder v fml ( line 1, para. 6 )1) vt to think about sth with thoroughness and carel 他对这个问题考虑了好几天。 He pondered the problem for several days. 2) vi +on/upon/over : to weigh in the mind with thoroughness and carel 她仔细考虑接下去要讲的话。 She pondered over her next words.Language Points54 Language Pointsto ponder on/over/about学校董事会还在考虑这个问题。 The university board is still pondering over the matter. to ponder how/what/whether有一会儿他站着一动不动,考虑是去还是不去。 He stood still for a moment, pondering whether to go or not.55Language PointsSynonyms: mull over, muse, deliberate, reflect, ruminate, use your intelligence56Language Points20. speculate on v prep ( line 1, para. 6 ) 1) to guess about the possible causes or effects of sth, without knowing all the facts or details 我不愿意猜测她辞职的原因。 I wouldnt like to speculate on the reasons for her resignation. 57Language Points2) to buy goods, property,shares in a company etc, hoping that you will make a large profit when you sell them 餐馆老板用这笔钱炒股。 The restraunt owner used the money to speculate on the stokemarket. 他们利用价格上的涨跌发财。 They speculate on a rise or fall.58Language PointsSynonyms: hypothesize, make guesses, surmise, theorize, conjecture5921. glimmer ( line 3, para. 6 )l 虽然偶尔会闪现一丝一丝希望,但是这场宣传活动目 前并无任何效果。 Despite an occasional glimmer of hope, this campaign has not produced any results.1) n C a dim or intermittent flicker or flash of light; a faint manifestation or indication; a traceLanguage Points60Language Points2) vi to produce or reflect a faint, gentle, often unsteady light 月亮透过薄雾洒下微光。 The moon glimmered faintly through the mists.61Language Points22. encode vt (line 5, para. 6) to put a message or other information into code decode, decipher 为了确保安全,我们应该对信息进行编码 。 We should encode the message for security reasons. 我们将人脑比作一台计算机,它主动寻找需要处理 的信息,对其进行加密,并存储起来以便将来使用。 62Language PointsWe compared the human mind to a computer which actively seeks information to process, encodes it and stores it for future use. 63Language Points23. the leading edge ( line 7, para. 6 ) the part of an activity where the most modern and advanced equipment and methods are used 该公司在计算机技术方面占有领先地位。 The company has on /at the leading edge over computer technology.64Language Points edge n u singular sth that gives you an advantage over others 石油产出国在世界市场上占有优势。 Oil producing nations have an edge on theworld market. 许多学生努力培养有利于谋职的专长。 Many students have tried to develope specialties that give them an edge for a position.65Language Points2) outside part The edge of the road 66Language Points24. trigger vt ( line 5, para. 7) 1) to make sth happen very quickly, especially a series of events 这一事件导致了第一次世界大战爆发。 The incident triggered the outbreak of the First World War. 目前的经济衰退是由消费支出骤跌引起的。 The current recession was triggered by a slump in consumer spending67 Synonyms: cause, bring about sth, result in sth, lead to sth, prompt 2) vi to set off ; to initiatel 现在仍然不清楚是什么事件引发了示威活动。 It is still not clear what events triggered off the demonstrations.Language Points683) nC if sth acts as a trigger for another thing such as an illness, event, or situation, the first thing causes the second thing to begin to happen or exist.l 压力可能会成为引发这些疾病的原因。 Stress may act as a trigger for these illnesses.甚至像背疼这样的小问题都常常有潜在的诱发 因素。 Even a problem as simple as a bad back often has an underlying triggering factor. Language Points6925. dole out v adv ( line 6, para. 7)to give sth such as money, food, advice, etc. in small amounts to a lot of peoplel 以前,她每周既给儿子发零花钱,也给丈夫发 零花钱。 She used to dole out weekly pocket money to her husband as well as to her son . Language Points70Language Points26. on the face of it ( line 1, para. 8 ) used to say that sth seems true but that you think there may be other facts about it which are not yet clear 表面上看来,这个故事似乎令人难以置信。 On the face of it, this story seems unconvincing. 乍一看,他的建议有道理。 On the face of it, his suggestion makes sense.7127. hubris n U ( line 2, para. 8 ) overbearing pride or presumption; arrogancel历史提醒人们不能如此狂妄。 History warns against such hubris. l 他的傲慢导致了他的垮台。 It was his very hubris that led to his downfall.Language Points72 Language PointsCompare: debris n the pieces of sth that are left after it has been destroyed in an accident, explosion etc; pieces of waste material, paper etc 空袭后,接上满是被毁建筑物的瓦砾堆。 The street was covered with debris of buildings after the air raid. plant/garden/industrial etc debris hubris n too muc pride73Language Points28. eavesdrop vi (line 2, para. 8)to deliberately listen secretly to other peoples conversations ; to overhear 政府非法窃听了他的电话。 The government illegally eavesdropped on his telephone conversations. 女佣在厨房门后偷听。 The housemaid eavesdropped from behind the kitchen door. 7429. intimidate vt ( line 1, para. 9 )to frighten or threaten someone into making them do what you wantl 他常装腔作势借以吓人。 He often strikes a pose in order to intimidate people. l 胁迫人们为执政党投票的企图没有成功。 Attempts to intimidate people into voting for the governing party did not work. Language Points75 Language PointsConfusing spellings: to intimidate vi to frighten 他恐吓我们使我们保持沉默。 He intimidated us into silence.to intimate vt fml to make people understand what you mean without saying it directly他礼貌但果断地暗示我们不受欢迎。 He intimated, politely but firmly, that we were not welcome.7630. albeit conj fml ( line 2, para. 9 )l 虽然有些犹豫,他还是接受了这份工作。 He accepted the job, albeit with some hesitation.although usu. followed by a word or phrase instead of a clause l 虽然是虚构,但是在她好象已经解决了这个问题。 Albeit fictional, she seemed to have resolved the problem. Language Points7731. pop out v adv ( last line of para. 9)l 我点击这里,文件单就会出现。 Click here, and a list of files will pop up.她她的名字不断见诸报端。 Her name keeps popping up in the newspapers.1) to appear suddenlyl 我本无意说出那件事情就是说漏嘴了。 I didnt mean to say that it just popped out. 2) to say sth suddenly without thinking about it firstLanguage Points78 32. stimulus n C plural of stimuli /- laI/ ( line 2, para. 10 ) sth causing or regarded as causing a responsel 赞扬能激励人把工作做的更好。 Praise is a stimulus for better work. l 我们是通过神经系统使自己适应环境及所有外 部刺激的。 It is through our nervous system that we adapt ourselves to our environment and to all external stimuli.Language Points79Language Points33. crackle vi ( line 4, para. 10 ) to make repeated short sounds like sth burning in a fir: 收音机又吱吱啦啦地响了起来。 The radio crackled again. 80Language Points34. contract vi &vt ( last but 2nd line of para. 10 ) 1) to become smaller or narrower 血液在心脏收缩的时候从心脏流出。 Blood is only expelled from the heart when it contracts. 新的研究表明,过量食用肉类和盐可能会导致肌肉 收缩。 New research shows that an excess of meat and salt can contract muscles. 81Language Points 2) vt to get an illness 他因为输血而感染了艾滋病。 He contracted AIDS from a blood transfusion. 卵巢癌是女性常患的第六大癌症。 Ovarian cancer is the sixth most common cancer contracted by women. 82Language Points3) n an official agreement between two or more people, stating what each will do 我们认为这个合同的条件可以接受。 The terms of the contract are acceptable to us. 他们履行合同后,我才付款。 I withheld payment until they had fulfilled the contract.83Language Points35. sousaphone n ( last line of para. 10 ) 84Language Points36. neuron n a type of cell that makes up the nervous system and sends messages to other parts of the body or the brain; nerve cell 信息在电脉冲作用下经神经元传递。 Information is transferred along each neuron by means of an electrical impulse. Neurons are nerve cells that transmit nerve signals to and from the brain at .85Language Points37. coated adj ( line 2, para. 12 ) to be covered with a thin layer of sth else 药丸挂了一层糖衣。 The pills are coated with sugar. 他弄得从头到脚都是泥。 He got coated from head to foot with slime.86 Language Points 38. insulate vt ( line 2, para. 12 ) 1) to cover or protect sth so that electricity, sound, heat, etc. cannot get in or out. usu. insulate from sth 有什么办法可以使我们的住宅隔音吗? Is there any way we can insulate our home from the noise? 那天花板瓦能使房间隔热。 The ceiling tiles help to insulate a room. 87l 大学生和艰难的现实生活还是有些脱节。 College students are somewhat insulated from the hardships of real life. 他们找到了使自己免受通货膨胀影响的办法。 They have found a way to insulate themselves against the cost of inflation.2)to protect someone from bad experiences or unwanted influencesLanguage Points88Difficult Sentences 1.The hand clamp shuts and squeezes for a few seconds, then relaxes its grip and pulls back to shoot out again in a new direction. (line 4, para. 1) 手钳合拢,夹紧几秒钟,然后松开并缩回 来,再朝新的方向伸出去。89Difficult Sentences 2. The circle indicates the squeezing of its robotic grip; as the force of the grip increases, the circle widens. (line 3, para. 3 ) 圆圈表示机器人的手钳夹紧;夹力增加,圆 圈扩大。90Difficult Sentences 3. Nicolelis and his team are confident that in five years they will be able to build a robot arm that can be controlled by a person with electrodes implanted in his or her brain. ( line 1, para. 7 ) 尼科莱利斯及其小组深信,5年内他们就能 制造出由脑内植入电极的人来控制的机器手臂。91Difficult Sentences 4. When a neuron gets an incoming stimulus at one end for example, photons strike the retina, which sends that visual information to a nearby neuron an electric pulse travels the neurons length. ( line 1, para. 10) 神经元一端受到进来的刺激物时例如,光 子击中视网膜,视网膜就将视觉信息传递给临近的神经元电脉冲便经过神经元全长传递。92Difficult Sentences 5. Researchers studying rat and monkey brains found that by placing the sensitive tip of an electrode near a neuron they could pick up the sudden changes in the electric field that occurred when signals coursed through the cell. (line 3, para. 11) 研究大鼠与猴子大脑的人员发现,将电极 的敏感尖端放在一神经元附近,他们能检测到 信号迅速穿过神经元时电场发生的突然变化。93Keys to the ExercisesI. Reading ComprehensionA.1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. D 6. B 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. C94II. VocabularyA.Keys to the Exercises1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. D 6. D 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. B95II. Vocabulary1. albeit 2. stimuli 3. dole out 4. give rise to 5. turn out 6. wish list 7. fools errand 8. On the face of it 9. Leading Edge 10. interfaceKeys to the ExercisesB. 96 1.pride 2. roughly 3. realm 4. apply 5. lest 6. realistic 7. through 8. awarded 9. thereafter 10. enlargingKeys to the ExercisesIII. Cloze97IV. Translation 1.再看看那些电缆。电缆弯弯曲曲地进入计算机后盖,然后又出来,最后到达猕猴头上的帽子里。电缆从埋在猕猴大脑里的数百个电极接收信号,猕猴用思维向机器手臂发出指令。 Keys to the Exercises98 2.几十年来,科学家就一直在思索、推测大脑和机器直接联系的可能性,但都认为这不切实际。只是到了20世纪90年代末,科学家才开始充分地了解大脑与信号处理的有关知识,为科幻小说的幻象变成现实带来了希望的曙光。Keys to the Exercises99 3.解码大脑指令的想法乍看起来可能像是十足的狂妄自大。计算机怎么能窃听日常生活每时每刻发生在大脑里的全部活动呢?Keys to the Exercises100 4. 但是,大多数研究人员认为,每种类型的运动都是靠大脑几十亿神经元中一些少数特定的神经元来控制的为了找到那些少数神经元而需要监测整个大脑则会使成功的解码变为实际办不到的事。Keys to the Exercises101 5.因此,那时知道的一切表明,使脑机联系是徒劳无益之举。结果证明,那一切都是错误的。Keys to the Exercises102103
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