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Lesson 9 Chinas Most Famous “Farmer”Think About It1. Who is he?2. Do you know anything about him?New wordsintroduction n. 采用;引进;推行采用;引进;推行leader n. 领导者领导者produce v. 生产生产peanut n. 花生花生hybrid adj. 杂交的杂交的variety n. 品种品种production n. 生产,产量生产,产量super adj. 超级的超级的Listen and answer1.When and where did Yuan Longping graduate?2. What does he love doing in his spare time?3. What is he doing now?He graduated from the Southwest Agricultural University in 1953.He loves playing the violin and listening to music.He is working on developing super hybrid rice. Read and finish Exercise 1 on Page 23. Finish it in ten minutes.Language notes1. He came up with an idea for a hybrid rice in the1960s.come up with 意为 “想出,提出” ,相当于think of。in the 1960s 意思是 “20世纪60年代, 也可写成in the1960s,其构成为: in the+年代+s.2. Since then, he has devoted himself to research and to the development of new varieties.since then意为意为“自那以后自那以后”,常用于现在,常用于现在完成时。完成时。Since then, he has developed many good habits.从那以后从那以后,他养成许多好坏习他养成许多好坏习惯。惯。3.辨析:辨析:because of和和because两者都有两者都有“因为因为”的意思,的意思,because of后跟名词、名词短后跟名词、名词短语或代词;而语或代词;而because后跟从句。后跟从句。例如:例如:He didnt go to work because of his illness.他因他因病没有去上班。病没有去上班。All of us can work out the question, because its too easy.因为这道题太容易了,所以我们都能算出来。因为这道题太容易了,所以我们都能算出来。达标测评根据句意和提示完成单词根据句意和提示完成单词1. Who is the _ (领导领导) of the art club?2. After a(n) i_ of the book, we have known something about it.3. China now p_ enough rice to feed her people every year.4. There are many new _ (variety) of MP3s in the shop. leaderntroductionroducesvarieties
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