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Part 1 Of 21. suspect vt. 猜想;怀疑;(没有证据而)怀疑有罪(第 二个音节重读) She has more intelligence than we suspected her to possess. 她的智慧比我们猜想的要高。(相当于suppose) I suspect her motives. 我怀疑她的动机不纯。(相当于doubt) He was suspected of a theft. 他有偷窃嫌疑。adj. 可疑的,不可信的 (第一个音节重读) The evidence given by them is highly suspected. 他们提供的证据非常值得怀疑。n. 可疑分子;嫌疑犯 (第一个音节重读) When the man was found dead, the police arrested two suspects. 当发现那个人死后,警察逮捕了两名可疑分子。1.我们怀疑他提供假情报。 _2.我怀疑他是个说谎的家伙。 _We suspected him of giving false information.I suspect him to be a liar / that he is a liar. 2. instruct vt. 教,指导;通知,告知;指示,命令 He instructed us (in) how to use the computer. 他教我们如何使用电脑。 His uncle instructed him in French. 他的叔叔教他法语。 We were instructed not to tell about it. 我们接到指示不得说出此事。instruction n. 教,讲授;指示,命令;s用法说明give instruction in English 用英语讲授give (receive) instructions to do sth. 下达(得到)命令(或指示)做某事Read the instructions carefully before you use it.使用之前请仔细阅读说明书。3. apart from, besides, but与except这些词都有“除了”的意思,但在使用时相互间还是有区别的。apart from既可以表示“除是个例外”,还可表示“包括在其中”的意思;也就是说,它既可以代替besides也可以代替except。No one has passed the difficult exam, apart from the new student.No one has passed the difficult exam except the new student.除了新来的那个学生外,没有人通过这次艰难的考试。Apart from a few English words, I know a little grammar about English language.Besides a few English words, I know a little grammar about English language.除了一些英语单词之外,我还懂一点儿英语语法。besides作介词用时的意思是“除了之外还有”。The boy works hard at his lesson besides being intelligent.那男孩除了脑子聪明以外,学习也很用功。but作介词用时的意思是“除了之外”,相当于except,但它前面一般是不定代词而不是其他词。He never told me anything but his work.除了工作,他不和我说任何事情。except作介词时的意思是“除了是例外”。We go to school every day except Saturday and Sunday.我们除了星期六和星期天不上学外,其他的日子都上学。1. 除了足球,我还喜欢打篮球和排球。_2. 除了我们的老师,没有谁能在功课上帮助我们。_依境活用依境活用【答案】1. Besides football, I like playing basketball and volleyball. 2. Nobody but our teachers could help us with our lessons.依境活用依境活用4. pace n. 步速;速度at a slow / fast pace 步速慢/快quicken ones pace 加快脚步keep pace with=keep up with 跟齐步前进at the pace of 3 miles an hour 以每小时3英里的步速quicken the pace of educational reform 加快教育改革的进度She works so fast that I cant keep pace with her.她工作得很快,我跟不上她的速度。v. 踱步 The lion paced the floor of his cage restlessly. 狮子烦躁地在兽笼里走来走去。1.那个小男孩跟不上他哥哥的步子。 _ _2.会后经理烦躁/焦虑地在房间踱来踱去。 _ _The little boy cant keep pace with his elder brother.After the meeting the manager paced up and down the room. 5. reflect vt. 反射,折射;映出,反映 Mirrors reflect light. 镜子反光。 The clouds / trees were reflected / mirrored in the water. 云彩/树木倒映在水中。vi. 沉思,深思,考虑 reflect on a problem 思考一个问题 reflect on what to do next 考虑下一步怎么办1.一个人的神态反映出他内心的思想。 _ _2.我经常思考人生的美丽与复杂。 _ _Ones looks reflect the thoughts passing through his mind.I often reflect on the beauty and complexity of life.6. lack vt. 缺乏,缺少 He lacks confidence in himself. 他缺乏自信心。n. 缺乏,缺少 Lack of evidence resulted in their being set free. 因证据不足,他们被无罪释放。lacking adj. 缺少的be lacking in 缺乏He is lacking in responsibility. 他缺乏责任心。1.她有决心,而她兄弟却没有。 _ _2.这植物因缺水而枯死了。 _She has the determination that her brother lacks.The plant died for lack of water. 7. access n. 通路,接近/使用进入某地的方法/权利/可能性,接近某人的方法/权利/可能性; v. 接近,使用Citizens may have free access to the library.市民可以免费使用这个图书馆。I cant access the file on your company because Ive forgotten the code.我无法使用贵公司的文件, 因为我把代码忘了。accessible adj. 可接近的;可使用的;随和的be accessible to sb. 能为某人接近或使用的available adj. 能够被获得的/使用的/到达的/(人)有空闲的 1. 我们在教室里可以上互联网。We _ the Internet in the classroom.2. 唯一能接近此人的方法是通过其秘书。_ the man is through his secretary.3. 药品不应放在儿童容易拿到的地方。Medicine should not be kept where it is _ children.依境活用依境活用【答案】1. have access to2. The only access to3. accessible to依境活用依境活用8. acquire vt. 获得,取得;开始占有或具有; 学到(知识等)acquire fame 成名 acquire a habit 养成一种习惯acquire a good knowledge of English 学到很多英语知识How did he acquire his wealth? 他的财富是怎样得来的? get, obtain, gain与acquireget为普通用词;obtain正式用词,尤指经过努力而获得、取得;gain暗示通过努力争取到或赢取到自己需要 的或者想要的东西;acquire也属正式用语,指通过努力、能力、行 为表现等“获得,得到”。obtain, gain和acquire 基本可互换。 9. assume vt. 假设,以为;承担;假装 I assume that this is the best possible translation. 我认为这可能是最好的译文了。 I made a mistake and I will assume responsibility for it. 我错了,我愿为此承担责任。 assumption n. 假设,假定make assumptions about对作出猜测10. alternative adj. 替换的;供选择的 n. 可供选择的事物Their main job is to find an alternative sources of energy.他们的主要任务是找到一种替代能源。It rained all day long last Sunday, so I _.上周日下了一天雨,我除了待在家中别无选择。依境活用依境活用【答案】had no alternative but to stay at home依境活用依境活用
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