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1第五章:职业道德 Section E: Professional Ethics2 第一节:组织的职业道德考虑Topic 1: Ethical Consideration for the Organization3公司的职业道德责任 Corporate Responsibility for Ethical Conductn组织有责任确保所有员工的行为均合乎职业道德的要求组织有责任确保所有员工的行为均合乎职业道德的要求n明确界定希望员工遵循的行为准则,正式记录组织的价明确界定希望员工遵循的行为准则,正式记录组织的价值观值观n这样做能给企业带来好处,强有力的职业道德文化能影这样做能给企业带来好处,强有力的职业道德文化能影响到公司的利润响到公司的利润nOrganization has a responsibility to ensure that all of those employees are behaving in an ethical mannernDocument their values and behavioral expectation of employeesnMany benefits for making this effort, strong ethical culture can impact the bottom line4职业道德责任始于最高管理层 Ethics Starts at the Topn回答以下的问题回答以下的问题 968页页在整个公司中实施职业道德规范在整个公司中实施职业道德规范n聘用正确的人员,给他们合适的培训,在实务中一贯坚持聘用正确的人员,给他们合适的培训,在实务中一贯坚持以价值为基础的领导方式以价值为基础的领导方式nFollowing questions page 472Applying Ethic in a Corporate SettingnHire the right people, provide them with adequate training, and then practice consistent value-based leadership 5度量并改善对职业道德规范的遵循情况Measuring and Improving Ethical Compliancen人员绩效反馈环人员绩效反馈环n调查工具调查工具n披露揭发渠道披露揭发渠道nHuman Performance Feedback LoopnSurvey ToolsnWhistle blowing Framework6职业道德的政府意义和国际意义Governmental and International Implications for Organization EthicsnSOX406SOX406条款条款 972 972页页nSOX Section 406 page 4777职业道德实务 Practice Ethical Scenarion案例和解决方案案例和解决方案 - - 973-974973-974页页nCase and Solution page 478-480
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