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LESSONLESSON2PompeiiDestroyed,Forgotten, andFoundTOPIC PREVIEWBEFORE LISTENINGLISTENING AFTER LISTENINGEXPANSIONThe ruins of Pompeii with The ruins of Pompeii with Mount Vesuvius in backgroundMount Vesuvius in backgroundTOPIC PREVIEWTOPIC PREVIEWnAnswer the following questions with a partner or your classmates.1.Where is the city of Pompeii? What natural disaster happened there about 2,000 years ago?2.Have you or someone you know ever experienced a natural disaster? What happened?3.Name one or two cities somewhere in the world that are in danger if a nearby volcano erupts or explodes. What would happen to those cities?BEFORE LISTENINGBEFORE LISTENINGVOCABULARY PREVIEWProper NamesPompeii 庞贝城Roman 罗马人Bay of Naples 那不勒斯湾CE / Common Era 公元Pliny the Younger 小普林尼Mount Vesuvius 维苏威火山BEFORE LISTENINGBEFORE LISTENINGVOCABULARY PREVIEWaListen to the following sentences that contain information from the lecture. As you listen, write the word from the box that completes the sentence.archaeologistsancientashCEeruptionmetropolitanruinsvolcanic1. Many rich people who live in large metropolitan areas leave the city in the summer and go to the mountains or to the seashore.2. In the summer of the year 79 CE, a young Roman boy was visiting his uncle at Pompeii.3. Pliny saw the ruption of the volcano called Mount Vesuvius.4. Rock and ash flew through the air. Audio Track 1-2-1 BEFORE LISTENINGBEFORE LISTENING5. When the eruption was over, Pompeii was buried under 20 feet of volcanic rock and ash.6. In 1748, an Italian farmer digging on his farm uncovered part of a wall of the ancient city of Pompeii.7. Soon, archaeologists began to dig in the area.8. Today, tourists come from all over the world to see the ruins of the famous city of Pompeii.VOCABULARY PREVIEWaListen to the following sentences that contain information from the lecture. As you listen, write the word from the box that completes the sentence.archaeologistsancientashCEeruptionmetropolitanruinsvolcanic Audio Track 1-2-1 BEFORE LISTENINGBEFORE LISTENING c g f b a h e d 1. archaeologist 2. ash 3. volcanic 4. ancient 5. eruption 6. metropolitan 7. ruins 8. CEa. the time when a volcano explodes and sends hot rock and dust into the airb. very old or from many years earlierc. a scientist who studies things left by people who lived long agod. the Common Erae. the remains of destroyed buildings or citiesf. from a volcanog. a soft, gray powder that is left when something burnsh. of or connected to a large cityVOCABULARY PREVIEWbMatch the words to their definitions. c b f e h a c g BEFORE LISTENINGBEFORE LISTENINGPREDICTIONSnThink about the questions in the Topic Preview and the sentences you heard in the Vocabulary Preview. Write three questions that you think will be answered in the lecture. Share your questions with your classmates.1.Where is the city of Pompeii? What natural disaster happened there about 2,000 years ago?2.Have you or someone you know ever experienced a natural disaster? What happened?3.Name one or two cities somewhere in the world that are in danger if a nearby volcano erupts or explodes. What would happen to those cities?BEFORE LISTENINGBEFORE LISTENINGNOTETAKING PREPARATIONnUsing Symbols in NotesAs you learned in Lesson 1, you can use symbols to get information down quickly. Several of these symbols come from mathematics. more than about, approximately lead to, then, next, become, go to not so many, get less, down many, increase, up+ and, also, more than therefore, as a result# numberK thousandBEFORE LISTENINGBEFORE LISTENINGNOTETAKING PREPARATIONaListen to the sentences that contain information from the lecture. As you listen, complete each of the following notes with one of the symbols from the box above.1. 1.boy look boy look in skyin sky2.2.boy boy fam Rom. Historian fam Rom. Historian3.3.no time to escape no time to escape buried alive buried alive4.4. 2000 ppl died2000 ppl died5.5.P. forgottenP. forgotten 1700 yrs1700 yrsAudio Track 1-2-2 BEFORE LISTENINGBEFORE LISTENINGNOTETAKING PREPARATIONbListen to information from the lecture and write down the chronological discourse cues you hear.Discourse Cues for Chronology Listen carefully for words and phrases that tell you when something happened and the order in which something happened. Such words and phrases are particularly important when someone is telling a story.in year today / one day for length of timein the winter of year a few years later as / after / beforelength of time ago after number years then / next / laterAudio Track 1-2-31. today, for (the summer) e 2. (2K yrs) ago e 3. in (the yr 79 CE) e4. for (almost 1700 yrs) e 5. as (time went by) e LISTENINGLISTENINGFIRST LISTENINGpListen to the lecture on Pompeii. As you listen, put the following parts of the lecture in the order that you hear them. Number them 1 to 5.25134Mount Vesuvius erupted.Tourists visit the ruins of Pompeii.Pliny the Younger went to visit Pompeii.Eighteen thousand people escaped from Pompeii.Pompeii was completely buried. Audio Track 1-2-4LISTENINGLISTENINGSECOND LISTENINGpListen to information from the lecture. The speaker will talk slowly and carefully. You dont have to do anything as you listen. Just relax and listen.Audio Track 1-2-5LISTENINGLISTENINGTHIRD LISTENINGpListen to the lecture in two parts. Follow the directions for each part. When you have finished, review your notes. Later, you will use them to summarize the lecture with a partner.1You will hear the first part of the lecture again. Listen and complete the notes by adding the abbreviations and symbols from the box.P. P.K KbeautbeautPompeii natural disaster Pompeii natural disaster 2000 yrs ago2000 yrs ago 2 2 K K yrs ago Roms P. in summer yrs ago Roms P. in summer beaut beaut city city on Medit. S. on Medit. S.Summer 79 CE boy in Summer 79 CE boy in P. P. w/ unclw/ uncl famous Rom hist.famous Rom hist. Pliny the Younger Pliny the Younger Audio Track 1-2-6 LISTENINGLISTENINGTHIRD LISTENING2As you listen to the second part of the lecture, take your own notes on a separate piece of paper.Audio Track 1-2-7AFTERAFTER LISTENINGLISTENINGnYou will hear questions and statements about the lecture. For 14, listen to the question and write the letter of the best answer. For 58, listen to the statement and write T for true or F for false.ACCURACY CHECK b 1. a. for holidaysb. in the summerc. in the falld. for vacation b 3. a. a volcanob. a dark cloudc. a mountaind. an eruption c 2. a. 2000 CEb. 1748 CEc. 79 CEd. 1800 CE c 4. a. 79 CEb. 2,000 years agoc. 1748d. 2000 CE5. T 6. F 7. F 8. T Audio Track 1-2-8 AFTERAFTER LISTENINGLISTENINGnUse your notes to create an oral summary of the lecture with your partner. As you work together, add details to your notes that your partner included but you had missed.ORAL SUMMARYAFTERAFTER LISTENINGLISTENINGnDiscuss the following questions with a classmate or in a small group.DISCUSSION1.Why do you think the lecturer explained that Pliny the Younger became a famous historian? 2.If you had lived in Pompeii in 79 CE, what would you have done when the volcano began to erupt?3.Name some disaster movies that you are familiar with. Why do you think so many people enjoy watching disaster movies? 4.The eruption of Vesuvius was a natural disaster that could not be prevented. But other disasters can be prevented, for example, an explosion at a nuclear power plant. What do you think is the most dangerous situation today that could cause a disaster? What do you think people can do to change the situation?EXPANSIONEXPANSIONTASK 1 What Happened First?aListen to six pairs of sentences. For each pair, take notes as you listen.Audio Track 1-2-9EXPANSIONEXPANSIONTASK 1 Famous Historical FiguresbListen to each pair of sentences again. Circle before if the event in the first sentence happened before the event in the second sentence. Circle after if it happened after.Audio Track 1-2-91. The event in Sentence 1 happened before / after the event in Sentence 2.2. The event in Sentence 1 happened before / after the event in Sentence 2.3. The event in Sentence 1 happened before / after the event in Sentence 2.4. The event in Sentence 1 happened before / after the event in Sentence 2.5. The event in Sentence 1 happened before / after the event in Sentence 2.6. The event in Sentence 1 happened before / after the event in Sentence 2.EXPANSIONEXPANSIONTASK 2 Famous Volcanoes of the WorldaListen to the short lecture. As you listen, fill in the missing information about the famous volcanoes in the chart below.Audio Track 1-2-10Famous Volcanoes of the WorldFamous Volcanoes of the WorldNameLocationDate ofEruptionApproximateNumber ofPeople Who DiedVesuviusItaly792,000CotopaxiEcuador18771,000KrakatoaIndonesia188336,000Mont PeleMartinique190238,000Mount St. HelensWashington State (U.S.A.)198057Mount TamboraIndonesia181571,000LESSONLESSON2The EndNapoleon BonaparteNapoleon BonaparteEruption of MountEruption of MountTungurahua in EcuadorTungurahua in Ecuador
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