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some一些,某些,某个any 一些,任何no 无none 无人或无物all 全体,所有both 两个,两者都either 两者中的任何一个,这个或那个neither 两者中一个也不是 可替代可替代名词名词和和形容词形容词,常用在,常用在肯定句肯定句中用中用作作主语,宾语,定语主语,宾语,定语等。用作定语时,它等。用作定语时,它可以修饰可以修饰单数名词单数名词和和复数名词复数名词,也可以修也可以修饰饰可数名词可数名词和和不可数名词不可数名词。如:如:Some are bus drivers, and others are bus conductors.有的是公共汽车司机,有的是公共汽车售票员。(作主语)Have you any French books?- Yes, I have some.你有法语书吗?- 是的,我有一些。(作宾语)I am going to fetch some water.我去打点水。(作定语)I have read that in some magazine这个我在某一本杂志上读过。(作定语) some 也可以用作状语,意思相当于about (大约)。如:Iwaited some twenty minutes.我等了大约20分钟。The mill has some 4,000 workers and staff.这个工厂大约有4000职工。可以替代可以替代名词名词或或形容词形容词,常用在,常用在否定句否定句或或疑问句疑问句中,也常用于中,也常用于条件状语从句条件状语从句中。中。作状语时,它可以修饰作状语时,它可以修饰可数名词可数名词(多为(多为复数复数)和和不可数名词不可数名词。如:。如:Have you any matches? 你有火柴吗?(你有火柴吗?(作定语作定语)No , I havent any.没有,我没有火柴。(没有,我没有火柴。(作宾语作宾语)Is there any ink in your pen?你的笔里有墨水吗?(你的笔里有墨水吗?(作定语作定语)There isnt any tea in the kitchen.厨房里没有茶。(厨房里没有茶。(作定语作定语)You may come at any time; Ill be in the office the whole morning.你你任何时候任何时候来都行来都行,我整个上午都将在办公室。我整个上午都将在办公室。She is younger than any other comrade in the workshop.她比车间里她比车间里其他其他任何任何同志都年轻。同志都年轻。You must find a dictionary, and any dictionary will do.你必须弄到一本词典,你必须弄到一本词典,任何任何词典都行。词典都行。Is she any better today?她今天好一点吗?她今天好一点吗?I am looking for some paper clips.我在找回形针。(我在找回形针。(肯定句肯定句)Have you any paper clips?你有回形针吗?(你有回形针吗?(疑问句疑问句)I havent any paper clips.我没有回形针。(我没有回形针。(否定句否定句)Didnt you buy some paper clips the other day?你那天不是买了一些回形针吗?(你那天不是买了一些回形针吗?(说话说话人肯定听话人有人肯定听话人有)Have you some envelopes?你有封信吧?你有封信吧? (说话人肯定听话人有说话人肯定听话人有)Will you lend me some books, please?请请借我几本书吧!(借我几本书吧!(请求请求)Would you like some sweets?请吃糖果!请吃糖果!(邀请邀请)Some , any Id like _ water, please.She bought _ magazines but she didnt buy _ books.I havent _ bananas, but I can give you_ cold milk.Did you buy _ coffee?Would you like _ tea?somesomeanyanysomesomeany 只能作定语,修饰只能作定语,修饰不可数名词不可数名词或或可数名词可数名词(单单数或复数数或复数)。如:)。如:She has no brother nor sister.她没有兄弟,也没有姐妹。她没有兄弟,也没有姐妹。There are no beggars in New China.新中国没有乞丐。新中国没有乞丐。There is no need to hurry him. Its still early.不要催他,还早呢。不要催他,还早呢。Hes feeling no worse today.他今天病情没有坏。他今天病情没有坏。I shall trouble you no further today.今天不多麻烦你了。今天不多麻烦你了。none的含义和的含义和all相反相反,和,和no one, not any同义同义,但其用法相当于,但其用法相当于名词名词。指。指不可数名词不可数名词时,时,它后面用它后面用动词单数动词单数;指;指可数名词可数名词时,它后面可时,它后面可用用动词复数,也可用动词单数动词复数,也可用动词单数。如:。如:None of the problems is (are) easy to solve.这些问题没有一个是容易解决的。(这些问题没有一个是容易解决的。(作主语作主语)I know none of them.他们我一个都不认识。(他们我一个都不认识。(作宾语作宾语)Its none too good.它并不怎么好。它并不怎么好。I was none the worse for it.我并没有因此而感觉不好。我并没有因此而感觉不好。所以汉语中的所以汉语中的“我们(三个以上)都不去,我们(三个以上)都不去,翻译成英语翻译成英语”,必须译成,必须译成,None of us will go.而不能说成而不能说成We all will not go.或或ALL of us will not go.又如:又如:All of us took part in the sports meet.我们都参加了运动会我们都参加了运动会None of them went to town yesterday.他们昨天谁也没有进城。他们昨天谁也没有进城。_ of them knows what to do next.I have _ money.I wanted some more cake but there was _ left._ pains, _ gains.I need _ help, thank you.Many people expressed concern, but _ were willing to help.NonenononeNonononone在句中可在句中可作主语,宾语,表语作主语,宾语,表语,定语或同位定语或同位语语。代表或修饰。代表或修饰可数名词可数名词时,指时,指两个以上两个以上的人的人或事物,也可以代表或修饰或事物,也可以代表或修饰不可数名词不可数名词。如:。如:All were present at the meeting.全都到会全都到会了。(了。(作主语作主语)All of them have pledged themselves to finish their work ahead of schedule.他们都他们都保证提前完成工作。(保证提前完成工作。(作主语作主语)I have forgotten all about it.我全都忘了。我全都忘了。(作宾语作宾语)Thats all I have.这就是我所有的一切。(这就是我所有的一切。(作作表语表语)All boys like to read detective stories.所有的男孩都喜欢读侦探故事。(所有的男孩都喜欢读侦探故事。(作定语作定语)All the people are cheering loudly.所有的人都大声欢呼。(作所有的人都大声欢呼。(作定语定语,如果,如果名词名词前前有定冠词有定冠词 , 须放在须放在 之前之前。)。)They were all present at the meeting.他们都到会了。(他们都到会了。(同位语同位语)We all agree to put off the meeting till Saturday.我们都愿意把会议延期到星期六。(我们都愿意把会议延期到星期六。(同位语同位语)All I know is that his father used to be an army officer.我只知道他的父亲过去是个军官。我只知道他的父亲过去是个军官。All agree that Mary did a good job.大家大家都同意玛丽做得很好。都同意玛丽做得很好。All are welcome.所有人所有人都受欢迎。都受欢迎。Everything is all right.一切都很好。一切都很好。There are trees all along the road.沿路都有树。沿路都有树。It ended all too soon.结束得太早了。结束得太早了。I feel all the better for the walk.散步之后我觉得好些了。散步之后我觉得好些了。指两个人或事物。和指两个人或事物。和all一样,可用作一样,可用作主语主语, 宾语,宾语, 定语或同位语定语或同位语。如:。如:Both would like to have a try.两个人都想试一试。(两个人都想试一试。(作主语作主语)We asked both to put forward their suggestions.我们要两人都提出建议。我们要两人都提出建议。(作宾语作宾语)Both suggestions are good.两种建议都很好。(两种建议都很好。(作定语作定语)They both skate well.他们两人都很会溜冰。(他们两人都很会溜冰。(作同位语作同位语)The boy are all tired.这些孩子都累了。这些孩子都累了。They are both careless.他们两人都粗心。他们两人都粗心。We all went to the cinemas我们都去看电影了。我们都去看电影了。They both like swimming.他们两人都喜欢游泳。他们两人都喜欢游泳。The people in this town _ like music.His parents are _ ill.My two brothers and sister _ play the piano.My sisters legs _ ached._ of the class have passed the examination.bothallallAllboth可用作可用作主语,宾语主语,宾语和和定语定语。如:。如: The two of them are good, trustworthy people. Either will be able to fulfill the task with credit.他们两位是很可靠的好人,哪一位都能够很他们两位是很可靠的好人,哪一位都能够很好的完成任务。(作主语)好的完成任务。(作主语)Both technicians are experienced. You can send either of them to help with the experiment.这两位技师都很有经验,你可以派其中任一这两位技师都很有经验,你可以派其中任一位去协助作实验。(位去协助作实验。(作宾语作宾语)I believe either method will work.我认为两种方法哪一种都行。(我认为两种方法哪一种都行。(作定语作定语)I dont like the blue one, and I dont like the yellow one, either.我不喜欢蓝的,黄的我也不喜欢。我不喜欢蓝的,黄的我也不喜欢。neither是是either的的否定形式否定形式,可用作,可用作主语,主语,宾语和定语宾语和定语。如:如:Neither is correct.两个都不对。(两个都不对。(作主语作主语) Neither of them wants to stop for a rest.他们两个人谁也不愿意停下来休息。(他们两个人谁也不愿意停下来休息。(作主作主语语)Did you see Peter and Bob?- No, I saw neither of them.你看见彼得和鲍勃了吗?你看见彼得和鲍勃了吗?-没有,我哪一个没有,我哪一个也没看见。(也没看见。(作宾语作宾语)I went to see Fanny and Gladys yesterday, but neither one was at home.昨天我去访问范尼和格兰迪斯,但两个人都昨天我去访问范尼和格兰迪斯,但两个人都不在家。(不在家。(作定语作定语)Neither of them knows Japanese.他们两人都不懂日语。他们两人都不懂日语。Either of them knows english.他们两人任何一个都懂英语。他们两人任何一个都懂英语。肯定肯定形式的动词形式的动词+neither=否定否定形式的动词形式的动词+either。如:。如:I like neither of them.=I dont like either of them.汉语中的汉语中的“我们两个都去了我们两个都去了”,应翻译为,应翻译为Both of us went.如果是我俩都没去,则不可如果是我俩都没去,则不可翻译为翻译为Both of us did not go. 而应译为而应译为Neither of us went.再如:再如:Both my sisters are saleswomen.我的两个姐姐都是售货员。我的两个姐姐都是售货员。Neither of my sisters is married.我的两个姐姐都还没结婚。我的两个姐姐都还没结婚。Have the police found_of the parents?_ of these horses jumps well, theyre both lazy.No potatoes , no beans, thank you. I dont eat _ of them.I have heard both sides of the story but I believe _.eitherNeithereitherneither完成书本上的练习。P354-P356预习P43-P46
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