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Module 1 My First Day at Senior HighPeriod 4 Integrating Skills要点讲解课. 写出黑体写出黑体单词单词在句中的含在句中的含义义1. His mother was very disappointed at his rude manners at the party. ( )2. Their present house is too small, so theyve decided to move. ( )失望的失望的搬家搬家3. Our school covers an area of 5, 000 square meters. ( ) 4. The students can get a diploma when they graduate from college. ( )5. My math teacher encourages me to try again. ( )占据占据鼓励鼓励文凭文凭6. The quarrel resulted from a misunderstanding. ( )7. We watched the train until it disappeared in the distance. ( )8. Its interesting to study the differences between Chinese school system and western school system. ( )误解解消失消失制度制度, 体系体系9. His fluency in spoken English impressed us deeply. ( )流利流利. 根据根据语语境及境及汉语汉语提示写出相提示写出相应应的短的短语语1. At that time, the problem of whether we should _ _(参加参加)the Olympic Games or not arose. 2. The players were tense _(在在开始的开始的时候候)the game. takepart inat the start of3. The children _(被分成被分成)four age groups. 4. The children do hope to _(上大学上大学). 5. The room was still crowded _(在在结束的束的时候候)the speech. are divided intogo to collegeat the end of. 阅读阅读A Letter from a Senior High Student, 完成下完成下列列习题习题1. What is the letter mainly about? _It is mainly about the American school system.2. How long does secondary school cover in the US? A. Four years. B. Seven years. C. Five years. D. Six years. 3. From the school time, we can conclude that_. A. American students dont study hard as the ChineseB. American students have a lot of time for sportsC. American students should devote much time to studyD. American students are bored in the long summer vacation4. Which of the following is WRONG? A. Rob Marshall is a penfriend of Li Kang. B. American students need to get a high school diploma before going to college. C. Rob Marshall is a high school student. D. Rob Marshall doesnt like sports. 1disappointed adj. 失望的失望的Was Rob disappointed with his friend? Rob对对他的他的朋友感到失望朋友感到失望吗吗? We are all disappointed at his failure. 我我们都都对他他的失的失败感到失望。感到失望。 I was disappointed not to be chosen. 我没被我没被选选中中, 感感到沮到沮丧丧。We are disappointed that you will not be able to come. 你不能来你不能来, 我我们感到失望。感到失望。【自我【自我归纳】be disappointed _ sb. 对某人感到失望某人感到失望be disappointed _ sth. 对某事失望某事失望/不不满意意be disappointed _sth. 对做某事感到失望做某事感到失望be disappointed that从句从句_withat/byto do对失望失望【知【知识延伸】延伸】disappointingadj. 令人失望的令人失望的disappoint vt. 使失望使失望disappointmentn. 失望失望; 令人失望的人或事令人失望的人或事to ones disappointment令某人失望的是令某人失望的是【活学活用】【活学活用】用用disappoint的正确形式填空。的正确形式填空。She was _to learn that she had failed the driving test. This is the first time that she has experienced _. disappointeddisappointmentWe all think it is a _ match and we are all _at it. His parents _ _ _ (对对失望失望)him because he didnt pass the college entrance examination. _ _ _ (令他失望的是令他失望的是), he missed meeting his friend at the station. disappointingdisappointedwere disappointed withTo his disappointment2move vi. 搬家搬家But then she moved to California. 但是后来她搬到了但是后来她搬到了加利福尼加利福尼亚亚州。州。Look! something is moving over there. 看看! 那那边有有东西在西在动。(move vi. 意意为: _)移移动His story moved all of us. 他的故事感他的故事感动动了我了我们们所有所有人。人。(move vt. 意意为为: _)使感使感动【知【知识延伸】延伸】movevt. 使感使感动moving adj. 感人的感人的; 令人感令人感动的的moved adj. 感感动的的be moved to tears感感动得落泪得落泪movementn. 运运动【活学活用】【活学活用】Who has moved my book? 译: _Their family moved to the south 10 years ago and I havent seen them since then. 译: _谁动了我的了我的书?他他们家十年前搬到南方去了家十年前搬到南方去了, 从那从那时起我就再也没起我就再也没有有见过他他们。We _ _ _ _ (感感动动得落泪得落泪)after we heard his story. The boat _ _ (正移正移动动)swiftly over the water. were moved to tearswas moving3cover vt. 包含包含, 包括包括cover还还有以下含有以下含义义: 覆盖覆盖; 看完看完(多少多少页书); 行走行走(一段路程一段路程); 占地占地(多少多少); 采采访。阅读下列句子下列句子, 并在并在其后的括号中写出其后的括号中写出cover的含的含义。Secondary school in the US usually covers seven years, grades six to twelve. ( )The Red Army covered 25, 000lion the Long March. ( )The mountain is covered by snow all the year round. ( )包含包含, 包括包括行走行走覆盖覆盖Our school covers 1, 000 square kilometers. ( )How many pages have you covered? ( )Two reporters covered the conference. ( )占地占地看完看完采采访【知【知识延伸】延伸】be covered with/by 被被覆盖覆盖covern. 覆盖物覆盖物; (书或或杂志的志的)封面封面【活学活用】【活学活用】语法填空。法填空。The city _(cover)ten square miles. The hills _(cover)with trees. Mary _her face _her hands. 玛丽用双手捂住用双手捂住脸。coversare coveredcoveredwithIt must have rained last night, for the ground _ _ _ water. 昨晚一定下昨晚一定下过过雨雨, 因因为为地上到地上到处处都是水。都是水。Do you have enough to cover all your household expenses? 译: _iscovered with你的收入你的收入够支付家庭开支支付家庭开支吗?4 be divided into被被(划划)分成分成The school year is divided into two semesters, the first of which is September through December, and the second January through May. 一个学年被分一个学年被分为两个学期两个学期, 第一学期从九月份到十二第一学期从九月份到十二月份月份, 第二学期从一月份到五月份。第二学期从一月份到五月份。Divide the vegetables among four individual plates. 把蔬菜分开盛放在把蔬菜分开盛放在4个个单单独的独的盘盘子里。子里。He agreed to divide the prize between Tom and Ann. 他同意把他同意把这笔笔奖金分金分给汤姆和安两个人。姆和安两个人。【自我【自我归纳】divide. . . into. . . 意意为“_”, 其被其被动结构构为_。divide. . . among/between意意为“_”。(_强强调三者或三者以上三者或三者以上, _强强调两者两者)把把分成分成be divided into在在之之间分分amongbetween【易混辨析】【易混辨析】divide侧重于把一个整体分成若干份重于把一个整体分成若干份separate表示表示“分开分开; 分离分离”, 侧重于把混在一起的重于把混在一起的东西分开西分开, 常用短常用短语是是: separate. . . from. . .【巧学助【巧学助记】分开分开divide与与separate【活学活用】【活学活用】用适当的介用适当的介词填空。填空。Our class is divided _six groups. After lunch James divided the watermelon _five parts and divided them _his five friends. intointoamongWed better separate the good ones _the bad ones. A year is divided _four seasons. frominto(2016浙江高考浙江高考)We can achieve a lot when we learn to let our differences unite, rather than divide us. 译译: _当我当我们学会求同存异而不是学会求同存异而不是让不同分裂我不同分裂我们的的时候候, 我我们就能取得很大的成就。就能取得很大的成就。5take part in参加参加I take part in all kinds of after-school activities. 我参加各种各我参加各种各样样的的课课外活外活动动。We should take an active part in social activities during holidays. 假期里我假期里我们应该积极参加社会活极参加社会活动。We will hold a football match this Saturday. Would you like to take part? 这这个星期六我个星期六我们们要要举举行一行一场场足球足球赛赛, 你想参加你想参加吗吗? 【自我【自我归纳】take part in中中part前不使用冠前不使用冠词, 但是当表示但是当表示“积极参加极参加”时, 要用要用_。此短此短语后面不接后面不接宾语时, 不使用介不使用介词_。take an active part inin【易混辨析】【易混辨析】take part in指参加群众性的活指参加群众性的活动, 重在重在说明主明主语参加参加该活活动, 并在其中并在其中发挥一定的作用一定的作用join in多指参加正在多指参加正在进行的活行的活动, 如如竞赛、娱乐活活动、谈话等等join指参加或加入某个指参加或加入某个组织或或团体体, 成成为其中的其中的一一员attend正式用正式用语, 多指参加会多指参加会议或或仪式、婚礼、葬式、婚礼、葬礼、典礼、上礼、典礼、上课、上学、听、上学、听报告等告等【活学活用】【活学活用】用用join/join in/take part in/attend的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。He _us _the discussion yesterday. He _a television quiz and won a prize. He is old enough to _ the army. joinedintook part injoinHell _an important meeting tomorrow. All the students _ _ _ _ _ (积积极参加极参加)the thorough cleaning. 改改错错。There are many after-school activities, but he doesnt take part in. ( )attendtook an active part in去掉去掉in6Oh really? So have I. 噢噢, 真的真的吗吗? 我也是。我也是。【句型剖析】【句型剖析】这这是倒装句式是倒装句式, 表示前面所表示前面所说说的肯定情况也适用的肯定情况也适用于另一个人或物于另一个人或物, 意意为为: “也如此也如此”, 其其结结构构为为“so+系系动词动词/助助动词动词/情情态动词态动词+主主语语”。You like football. _ _ _. 你喜你喜欢欢足球足球, 我也喜我也喜欢欢。I have seen the film twice. _ _ _. 这部部电影我已影我已经看了两遍了看了两遍了, 他也是。他也是。So do ISo has he【知【知识延伸】延伸】(1)表示否定意表示否定意义时用用“neither/nor +助助动词/情情态动词/系系动词+主主语”, 意意为“(另一人另一人/事物事物)也不也不”。(2)“so +主主语+助助动词/情情态动词/系系动词”表示表示对之前之前或或对方所方所说的情况表示的情况表示赞同或同或证实, 意意为“(同意一个同意一个人或事物人或事物)确确实”。(3)So it is with. . . /It is the same with. . . 用于前面句用于前面句子中并列子中并列谓语谓语不同或肯、否定形式不同不同或肯、否定形式不同时时。Miss Li is a very good teacher. So she is. 李老李老师师是一位好老是一位好老师师。她的确是。她的确是。Tom is a middle school student and he likes football very much. So it is with Zhang Jun. 汤汤姆是一名中学生姆是一名中学生, 他非常喜他非常喜欢欢足球。足球。张军张军也一也一样样。【活学活用】【活学活用】He went to the park last Sunday. _ _ _ (我也去我也去了了). I have never read such a book. _ _ _(他也没有他也没有). His parents dont like music and _ _ _(他也不喜他也不喜欢). So did INeither has heneither does heLucy has made great progress recently. _ _ _(的确如此的确如此). If you go to the meeting tomorrow, _ _ _(我也我也去去). He loves English and he is good at it. _ _ _ _ _ _(我也一我也一样). So she hasso will IIt is thesame with me【备选要点】要点】1go to college上大学上大学Students need a high school diploma if they want to go to college. 学生学生们如果想上大学就需要有高中如果想上大学就需要有高中毕业文凭。文凭。When he was at college, he would go to the school library every afternoon. 当他上大学当他上大学时时, 每天下午他都会去学校每天下午他都会去学校图书馆图书馆。He works in a college in our capital city. 他在我他在我们省会城市的一所大学工作。省会城市的一所大学工作。【自我【自我归纳】表示抽象的概念表示抽象的概念时, college前前_冠冠词; 如果表示如果表示具体的某所大学具体的某所大学, 则要要_冠冠词。不用不用用用【知【知识延伸】延伸】go to school去上学去上学 go to church去做礼拜去做礼拜be put into prison被送入被送入监狱be in hospital在住院在住院【活学活用】【活学活用】My little daughter does not _ _ _; she has a governess. 我的小女儿没有上学我的小女儿没有上学; 她有位家庭女教她有位家庭女教师。Fewer people _ _ _ than before. 去做礼拜的人比以前少了。去做礼拜的人比以前少了。go to schoolgo to churchIf you go on like this, you will be _ _ _. 你你这样这样下去会被送入下去会被送入监狱监狱的。的。Hes still _ _, but he seems quite energetic. 他他虽虽然然还还在住院在住院, 可是看上去挺精神。可是看上去挺精神。put into prisonin hospital语法填空。法填空。Tom goes to college in South China and his mother works in _same college. the2Would you mind answering the questions for me? 你介意回答我你介意回答我这这些些问题吗问题吗? 【句型剖析】【句型剖析】(1)Would you mind(ones)doing sth. ? /Do you mind doing sth. ? 常用在交常用在交际用用语中中, 用于委婉地提出用于委婉地提出请求。意求。意为: _你介意你介意(某人某人)做某事做某事吗?(2)“你介意你介意吗吗? ”还还可用以下两种句型表达可用以下两种句型表达: Would you mind if sb. did sth. ? Do you mind if sb. do(es)sth. ? Would you mind _ _ here? =Would you mind _ _ _here? =Do you mind _ _ _ here? 你介意我在你介意我在这儿吸烟儿吸烟吗? my smokingif I smokedif I smoke【知【知识延伸】延伸】“你介意你介意吗? ”答答语总结(1)表达介意的回答表达介意的回答: Im sorry, but. . . Youd better not. . . Im afraid you cant. (2)表达不介意的回答表达不介意的回答: No, not at all. Certainly not. Of course not. 【活学活用】【活学活用】一句多一句多译。我关一下我关一下门, 你介意你介意吗? _=_=_Would you mind my closing the door?Would you mind if I closed the door?Do you mind if I close the door?Would you mind if I moved the desk there? _ _ _ _(恐怕你不能恐怕你不能). Would you mind answering some questions on shopping habits? _ _ _(当然不介意当然不介意), as long as it doesnt take long. Im afraid you cantOf course not【课堂小堂小结】 . 词汇串串记Would you mind my introducing something about our school system? In China middle school covers six years and each school year is divided into two terms. The students who want to go to college must get a high school diploma. In order not to make their parents disappointed they study hard and so do I. At school many students take part in all kinds of activities and get much enjoyment from them. To speak English with great fluency they go to the English corner where they can get a lot of corrections and encouragement from each other. . 句式背句式背诵诵1. Would you like to take part in the New Years party? 你愿意参加新年晚会你愿意参加新年晚会吗吗? 2. They are very impressed with the great changes in our school. 他他们对们对我我们们学校学校发发生的巨大生的巨大变变化印象化印象深刻。深刻。So am I. 我也是。我也是。3. Would you mind doing me a favor? 你介意帮我一你介意帮我一个忙个忙吗? 4. He suggested that our class should be divided into five groups. 他建他建议议我我们们班班应该应该分成五个小分成五个小组组。5. Would you mind if I asked you a question on your culture? 你介意我你介意我问问一个关于你一个关于你们们文化方面的文化方面的问题吗问题吗? 如何写关于学校生活的如何写关于学校生活的电子子邮件件电子子邮件是高考常考的作文形式。在件是高考常考的作文形式。在电子子邮件件中中, 作者通常就有关的作者通常就有关的问题进行分析并行分析并针对这些些问题提出自己的看法和建提出自己的看法和建议。其基本。其基本结构构: 1. 开开头部分指部分指明写明写邮件的目的件的目的; 2. 主体部分主体部分详细介介绍要要谈的主要的主要问题或事件或事件; 3. 结尾部分可以尾部分可以对主体内容主体内容进行行总结或提或提出希望。出希望。假如你叫李假如你叫李鸣, 是是长春外国春外国语学校的学生学校的学生, 你的朋你的朋友李友李刚写信告写信告诉你他学你他学习英英语有困有困难, 尤其是听力能力尤其是听力能力较差差, 写作能力也不写作能力也不强强。请你根据下列要点写一封你根据下列要点写一封电子子邮件回复件回复, 给他提一些建他提一些建议。要点要点: 1. 提高听力能力的建提高听力能力的建议: 每天听英每天听英语, 选择磁磁带(tape)由易到由易到难。2. 提高写作能力的建提高写作能力的建议: 多多读, 好文章要反复好文章要反复读; 记日日记(keep a diary)。 注意注意: 1. 词数数100个左右个左右; 2. 注意注意书信的格式信的格式; 3. 短文必短文必须包括以上所有要点包括以上所有要点, 可适当增加可适当增加细节, 以使行文以使行文连贯。Step 1审题谋审题谋篇篇体裁体裁电子子邮件件话题介介绍学学习经验时态一般一般现在在时一般一般过去去时人称人称第一人称第一人称段落布局段落布局第一段第一段: 提高听力能力的建提高听力能力的建议第二段第二段: 提高写作能力的建提高写作能力的建议第三段第三段: 表达祝愿表达祝愿Step 2遣遣词词造句造句1. 在信中在信中, 你你诉说了你在英了你在英语学学习上的困上的困难。告告诉某人关于某事某人关于某事_补全此句全此句: In your letter, you _ me _ your problem _ _ English. tell sb. about sth.toldaboutinlearning2. 我建我建议议你每天你每天练习练习听听20分分钟钟英英语语。建建议某人做某事某人做某事_练习做某事做某事_补全此句全此句: I _ you _ _ _ to English _ twenty minutes every day. advise sb. to do sth.practice doing sth.adviseto practice listeningfor3. 选择对选择对你来你来说说不太不太难难跟上的磁跟上的磁带带。选择选择磁磁带带。(祈使句祈使句) _ the tapes. 它它们对你来你来说不太不太难跟上。跟上。They are not _ _ you _ _. 用定用定语从句从句连成一句成一句: _Choosedifficult forto followChoose the tapes that are not difficult for you to follow.4. 我建我建议议, 你首先你首先应该应该尽可能多地尽可能多地阅读阅读, 并且一些好的并且一些好的文章文章读多遍。多遍。首先首先_尽可能多地尽可能多地_补全此句全此句: I suggest that _ _ _ you _ read _ _ _ _ and read some good passages _ _. first of allas much as possiblefirst of allshouldas much aspossiblemany timesStep 3润润色色组组篇篇(注意使用关注意使用关联词联词: first of all, Im sure, later on等等)Dear Li Gang, Thank you for writing to me. In your letter, you told me about your problem in learning English. I advise you to practice listening to English for twenty minutes every day. Choose the tapes that are not difficult for you to follow. Later on you can practice with tapes that are more difficult. You asked me how to improve your writing. I suggest that first of all you should read as much as possible and read some good passages many times. Youd better keep a diary in English. Im sure youll improve your listening and writing soon. Best wishes! Yours, Li Ming【策略点【策略点拨】. 策略指策略指导1. 明确主明确主题: 电子子邮件的主件的主题应该根据具体的写作要求根据具体的写作要求来定来定, 其内容可以涉及日常生活的方方面面。只要在其内容可以涉及日常生活的方方面面。只要在邮件中把自己要件中把自己要说的内容表述清楚即可。的内容表述清楚即可。2. 明确文章明确文章类类型型: 电电子子邮邮件一般具有特定的主件一般具有特定的主题题, 根据根据主主题一般采用叙述文体一般采用叙述文体, 其中一般包括其中一般包括请求、邀求、邀请之之类的具体内容。的具体内容。3. 掌握掌握电子子邮件的要素件的要素: 根据根据电子子邮件的具体内容件的具体内容, 开开始部分往往始部分往往说明自己的要求明自己的要求, 中中间部分部分说明和要求相关明和要求相关的具体情况的具体情况, 结尾部分尾部分对对方表示邀方表示邀请或感或感谢等。等。4. 文章文章结结构要清晰构要清晰: 注意按条理将要表达的情况叙述清注意按条理将要表达的情况叙述清楚楚, 不要不要遗漏自己的具体要求漏自己的具体要求, 也不要也不要遗忘忘对对方的感方的感谢等。等。5. 注意注意: 叙述自己的要求等叙述自己的要求等务必注意要点突出必注意要点突出, 要求具要求具体体, 避免避免啰嗦, 力求力求简明。明。. 常用句式常用句式1. How are you doing? 2. How are you getting along with your studies? 3. Im writing to you about how to improve your English. 4. Id like to ask you for some advice on how to learn English. 5. Would you mind answering a few questions? 6. Id be very grateful if you could teach me how to do this. 7. Thank you so much for your help. 8. Do you have any ideas about how to learn English well? 9. Please let me know how you are ready to do it. 10. Im looking forward to meeting you soon. 11. Hoping to see you again. 12. It will be nice if we can help you. 13. Thank you for writing to me. 14. Please give my regards to your family. 15. Take good care of yourself and keep in touch.
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