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IMPORTANT WORDS1.separate adj分开的,分离的,各自的,独立的 vt.vi分开,分离,分手,分散 There are many separate rooms in the hotel. The children sleep in separate beds. The two friends separated at the crossroads. I got separated from my friends in the crowds. separate指把原来联合在一起的或靠近的人和物分开 separate.from divide指把整体分成若干部分 divide.into.整个世界分成七大洲(continent)。英伦海峡(the EnglishChannel)把英国和法国分开。 2.choose挑挑(选选) 选选(择择) There is nothing to choose between the two. 两者不相上下。两者不相上下。 choose指一般性的指一般性的“选择选择” select指在同种的许多东西中,加以仔细审慎的指在同种的许多东西中,加以仔细审慎的 选择选择标准比较严格标准比较严格,即此精选之中有所淘汰即此精选之中有所淘汰 e.g.: Mother spent a long time in selecting a few hats for Mary, 母亲花了许多工夫给玛莉挑了几顶帽子母亲花了许多工夫给玛莉挑了几顶帽子. She lets her son select his own Christmas present. 她让儿子自己选择圣诞礼物。她让儿子自己选择圣诞礼物。3. Land n. 陆地陆地, (书面语书面语)国家、国土国家、国土, 地带地带; 复数复数地产地产, 田地田地 vi. 靠岸靠岸, 登陆登陆, 登岸登岸, 到达到达 vt. 使上岸使上岸,使登陆使登陆, 使到达使到达, 使处于使处于; (常与常与at连用)着陆;连用)着陆; 登陆;卸货登陆;卸货The plane will land in five minutes.飞机将在五分钟后降落。飞机将在五分钟后降落。The pilot landed the plane.飞行员将飞机着陆。飞行员将飞机着陆。The ship landed the goods at Shanghai.船在上海卸货船在上海卸货We landed safety.我们安全着陆了。我们安全着陆了。 1.In my _, he is dishonest boy. He is always 1.In my _, he is dishonest boy. He is always telling lies. telling lies.2.Yang 2.Yang LiweiLiwei, Chinas first _, is considered to be a , Chinas first _, is considered to be a national hero.national hero.3.Things are not going very _(3.Things are not going very _(顺利顺利顺利顺利). ).4.Columbus discovered America but did not _ (4.Columbus discovered America but did not _ (探测探测探测探测) ) the new continent.the new continent.5.He is a _ stranger to me.5.He is a _ stranger to me.6.The story took place on a _ (6.The story took place on a _ (宁静的宁静的宁静的宁静的) night.) night.7.There is an _(7.There is an _(气氛气氛气氛气氛) of peace and calm in ) of peace and calm in the country.the country.8.Its a _ letter. You have no right to read it.8.Its a _ letter. You have no right to read it.9.He likes living _ (9.He likes living _ (独自地独自地独自地独自地). ).10.The children all have their _(10.The children all have their _(单独的单独的单独的单独的) rooms.) rooms.opinionastronaut smoothlyexplorecompletepeacefulatmosphereprivatealoneseparateUSEFUL EXPRESSIONS1.lift off (飞机垂直)升空,(火箭等)发射The rocket lifted off.火箭发射了。The rocket lifted off successfully and soared into the sky.Take offWhen he got to the airport, the plane had taken off.2let out 1) 放出;2) 使某人解脱; 3) 发出(声音);4) 泄露(秘密);不留神说出每空填一词,使该句与所给句子的意思相同。1) It was he who gave away the information to the manager.It was he who _ _ the information to the manager.2)When he proved himself to be innocent, he was set free.3) When he proved himself to be innocent, he _ _ _ of prison.3.because of (后跟名词、代词、v-ing或what从句)由于;因为比较:because 引导一个原因状语从句I do it because I like it. 我做这件事是因为我喜欢。 He eats because of greed, not hunger. 他不是因为饿了,而是因为贪嘴才吃.1)John didnt attend the meeting_he was ill. 2)John didnt attend the meeting _ his illness. 3)He was punished _his coming late. 4)He was very angry_what you said.becausebecause ofbecause ofbecause of4. all over adv. 到处;四处到处;四处She looked all over for the lost book.她到处找那本丢了的书。她到处找那本丢了的书。 完了;完结完了;完结Its all over with him. 他全完了。他全完了。 彻底地;完全地彻底地;完全地That sounds like my brother all over.那声音很像我兄弟。那声音很像我兄弟。TYPICAL SENTENCES1.The spaceship, called ShenzhouV,was. A boy called /namedTom broke the window. 一个名叫Tom的男孩打破了玻璃。 Have you read the novel written by Dickens? 你读过Dickens写的这本小说吗?Homework1. Read the text 2. Do P22-Excecise6,73. Retell the text
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