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Listeningbeautiful favorite optimistic relaxed ridiculous stupid surprise wonderfulListening and Vocabulary:beautiful, favorite, relaxed, optimistic, wonderfulridiculous, stupid Which are positive words to describe feelings or things?Which are negative words?surprisedWhich word means that something is not what you expected?SummertimeSummertime and the living is easy / difficult Fish are jumping / walking, and the cotton is high. Your daddys rich, and your motherspoor/good-looking so hush, little baby, dont you cry / laugh.Choose the correct words:One of these mornings / evenings youre going to rise up singing, then youll spread your wings and youll take to the sky / sea. But till that morning, theres nothing can harm / see you with Daddy and Mammy standing / running by.Ive Got Plenty of NothingIv got plenty of nothingAnd nothings plenty for _.Ive got no car, got no mule,Ive got no misery.Predict the missing words which rhyme with the underlined words:meFolks with plenty of plenty,theyve got a lock on the _.Afraid somebodys going to rob them while theyre out making more. what for?doorIve got no lock on the door.Thats no way to be.They can steal the rug from the _.Thats OK with me.Because the things that I prize, like the stars in the skies, are all _.floorfreeIve got plenty of nothingAnd nothings plenty for me.Ive got my girl, got my _,Ive got heaven the whole day long.songListen to the songs and check your answers.Listen to two people, Christine and Duncan, talking about the songs and answer the questions.Do they agree about both songs?No. What are her reasons for liking the first song? It makes her think of the summer and feel relaxed.Which of the songs does Christine like?Both of them.4. Which of the songs does Duncan dislike? why? Ive got plenty of nothing. Because he thinks its ridiculous that the singer says his possessions dont matter.5. Which of these sentences does Christine use to explain the second song?(a)His happiness depends on the things around him.(b)His unhappiness doesnt depend on the things around him.(c)His happiness doesnt depend on the things around him.SummertimeSummertime and the living is easyFish are jumping, and the cotton is high.Your daddys rich, and your mothers good-looking so hush, little baby, dont you cry.Tapescript:One of these mornings youre going to rise up singing, then youll spread your wings and youll take to the sky. But till that morning, theres nothing can harm you with Daddy and Mammy standing by.Ive got plenty of nothing and nothings plenty for me. Ive got no car, got no mule. Ive got no misery.Folks with plenty of plenty, theyve got a lock on the door. Afraid somebodys going to rob them while theyre out making more. Ive Got Plenty of Nothingwhat for? Ive got no lock on the door. Thats no way to be. They can steal the rug from the floor. Thats OK with me. Because the things that I prize, like the stars in the skies, are all free. Ive got plenty of nothingAnd nothings plenty for me.Ive got my girl, got my song,Ive got heaven the whole day long.Christine: Do you know the opera Porgy and Bess?Duncan: Not very well. I know some of the songs.Christine: Do you know the song summertime?Duncan: Oh yes, I think its wonderful. Its one of my favourite songs of all time.Christine: Oh, Im so pleased you like it, too! I feel really happy when I hear it.Duncan: So do I. I was really surprised when I found out it was a song from an opera. And its really ancient! Its more than 70 years old. I thought it was a jazz classic from the 1950s, something like that. Its beautiful.Christine: I agree. It makes me feel very happy. It makes me think of warm weather and summertime.Duncan: Me too. Summer is my favourite time of the year. I always feel so optimistic.Christine: And of course it makes me feel very relaxed.Duncan: Yes. In the opera, the singer is singing to help a baby sleep.Christine: Thats right. What do you think about the other famous song from the opera? Duncan: Which one?Christine: Ive got plenty of nothing. Duncan: Ah. That one.Christine: I adore it. Duncan: Do you? I cant stand it.Christine: Why? I think its absolutely beautiful! Duncan: Its ridiculous! He says “They can steal the rug from the floor, thats OK with me.” I think its stupid.Christine: Oh come on! The point is that he has nothing but hes happy. His happiness doesnt depend on the things around him. He feels happy, and thats whats important.Duncan: But it makes him seem like a fool. Do you really think hed be happy if people came and took his possessions?Christine: I think youre missing the point.In 1926 George Gershwin read Porgy by DuBose Heyward, a native of Charleston, South Carolina, and immediately wrote to the author suggesting that they collaborate on a Background Knowledge:Heyward was enthusiastic, but it was 1934 before Gershwins composing and performing schedules permitted him to begin actual work on the project. Meanwhile, Heyward and his wife Dorothy dramatized Porgy for a 1927 production which incorporated spirituals into the action.This Theater Guild presentation of Porgy ran for 367 performances and elicited interest from others, among them Al Jolson, in using it asa basis for some sort of musicalproduction. However, nothing came of these ideas and in 1934, after years of correspondence, George and Ira gershwin joined DuBose heyward in Charleston to write the opera which had been germinating in Georges imagination for several years. Gershwin chose to have Porgy and bess given a broadway run at the Alvin Theater rather than a full operatic production, to assure more performances, and the word opera was carefully avoided. The first cast of nineteen singing principals included, with Duncan, Anne Brown as Bess, John W. Bubbles as Sportin Life, warren Coleman as Crown, and the Eva Jessye choir; Rouben mammoulian produced and directed, and Alexander Smallens conducted. porgy and Bess tried out in Boston and opened In New York on October 10, 1935, for a disappointing run of 124 performances; it was years later before the shows backers got their money back, and more.Porgy and Bess was George Gershwins longest and most ambitious creation, but it was not truly successful during his lifetime. Some of the songs had achieved popularity before Gershwins death in 1937, but the work earned real approval and favor only after the 1940 theater guild presentation of a slightly revised version. For years it was performed more frequently in Europe, where it was considered a true American opera, than inAmerica. Porgy and Bess received its first uncut production in Houston in the 1970s, conducted by John DeMain, to great acclamation, and it was finally produced at the Met some 50 years after the first production. It is probably the only opera founded on 1920s and 30s jazz which has survived past the post-world War II period, when composers began to use jazz satirically.如果说音乐剧是雅俗共赏的音乐形如果说音乐剧是雅俗共赏的音乐形式,那么歌剧则是阳春白雪。但这一式,那么歌剧则是阳春白雪。但这一部部GershwinGershwin的经典作品,应该属于哪的经典作品,应该属于哪种类型,确实让人迷惑种类型,确实让人迷惑. .它产生之初它产生之初是在百老汇剧院上演的,其中优美的是在百老汇剧院上演的,其中优美的黑人民谣、蓝调、爵士乐,使它成为黑人民谣、蓝调、爵士乐,使它成为波吉和贝丝波吉和贝丝Porgy and Bess当代音乐剧的不朽佳作。但剧中壮丽当代音乐剧的不朽佳作。但剧中壮丽的乐队及合唱队、代替对白的宣叙的乐队及合唱队、代替对白的宣叙调,以及你去买该剧的唱片时,恐怕调,以及你去买该剧的唱片时,恐怕得在古典音乐或歌剧柜台才买得到得在古典音乐或歌剧柜台才买得到它,又使它象一部歌剧。而且确实它它,又使它象一部歌剧。而且确实它也常被称为美国第一部正宗的歌剧。也常被称为美国第一部正宗的歌剧。这个迷没有答案,这个迷没有答案,GershwinGershwin他的本他的本意恐怕就是如此。比如他的另几部意恐怕就是如此。比如他的另几部著名作品:著名作品:19241924年的年的“蓝色狂想蓝色狂想曲曲”、19281928年的年的“一个美国人在巴一个美国人在巴黎黎”,就既是严肃音乐,又创造性,就既是严肃音乐,又创造性地运用了爵士风情和黑人音乐文化地运用了爵士风情和黑人音乐文化. .没有答案有什么关系呢?没有答案有什么关系呢?正是他,这位思想解放、始终关注正是他,这位思想解放、始终关注黑人文的音乐天才,将黑人民谣及黑人文的音乐天才,将黑人民谣及其综合产物:拉格泰姆、摇滚、蓝其综合产物:拉格泰姆、摇滚、蓝调、爵士正式提升到了美国音乐的调、爵士正式提升到了美国音乐的象征的地位。象征的地位。“波吉和贝丝波吉和贝丝”的故事发生在鲶鱼的故事发生在鲶鱼镇,黑人们在这里生活。一开始在镇,黑人们在这里生活。一开始在酒馆中,几对黑人男女在蓝调钢琴酒馆中,几对黑人男女在蓝调钢琴的伴奏下激情起舞。这时,克拉拉的伴奏下激情起舞。这时,克拉拉在家里唱起著名的摇篮曲在家里唱起著名的摇篮曲“夏令时夏令时光光”(”(Summertime)Summertime),院子里,黑人院子里,黑人们边赌钱,边唱起美妙的民谣们边赌钱,边唱起美妙的民谣 Oh, nobody knows when the lawd is goin to call。稍后醉醺醺的克劳稍后醉醺醺的克劳恩带着贝丝进来,也参加赌钱,并恩带着贝丝进来,也参加赌钱,并发生争斗,克劳恩失手杀了人逃走。发生争斗,克劳恩失手杀了人逃走。只有瘸子波吉愿收留贝丝。第二天只有瘸子波吉愿收留贝丝。第二天葬礼上,贝丝唱起了优美的葬礼上,贝丝唱起了优美的“走向走向天国天国”,由于贝丝的,由于贝丝的到来,波吉变化很多,他幸福地唱起到来,波吉变化很多,他幸福地唱起“噢,我得到了许多。噢,我得到了许多。”。但逃到小。但逃到小岛上的克劳恩在台风中又回来找贝岛上的克劳恩在台风中又回来找贝丝,波吉杀死了他。当被警察带走的丝,波吉杀死了他。当被警察带走的波吉因证据不足被释放回来时,发现波吉因证据不足被释放回来时,发现贝丝已经被卖毒品的彼得带到纽约去贝丝已经被卖毒品的彼得带到纽约去了。波吉不知道纽约在哪里,但他相了。波吉不知道纽约在哪里,但他相信只要她活着,他一定可以找回她,信只要她活着,他一定可以找回她,于是,他唱着于是,他唱着“噢,上帝,我上路噢,上帝,我上路了了”,开始了漫长的寻找之路。,开始了漫长的寻找之路。Language points in Listening:1.spread (v.) 过去式过去式spread 过去分词过去分词spread2. 做动词时,经常跟介词做动词时,经常跟介词through搭配搭配3. e.g.: 大火很快蔓延了全城。大火很快蔓延了全城。4. The fire spread through the 5. whole of the town. 消息很快传遍了全城。消息很快传遍了全城。 The news spread through the town. spread (n.) 扩展,扩张,伸展扩展,扩张,伸展 做名词时,经常跟介词做名词时,经常跟介词of搭配搭配 e.g.: 翅膀的伸展翅膀的伸展 the spread of wings 流行感冒的蔓延流行感冒的蔓延 the spread of influenza2. rob (vt. / vi.) (1) (vt.) 抢劫,盗窃抢劫,盗窃 e.g.: 抢银行抢银行 rob a bank (2) 用于用于 rob sb. of sth. 抢走抢走/剥剥夺夺 某某 人的某样东西人的某样东西 e.g.: 小偷偷了我的表。小偷偷了我的表。 The thief robbed me of my watch. robber (n.) 强盗,窃贼,抢劫贩强盗,窃贼,抢劫贩 robbery (CN.) 抢劫案抢劫案 (UN.) 抢劫抢劫1.If something is your favourite of all time, it means _.2. A. you like it now 3. B. you have always liked itEveryday English2. If youre missing the point, it means _. A. you dont understand something B. you cant see something3. If you cant stand something, it means _. A. you have to sit down B. you dont like it4. If you say Oh come on! in a conversation, it probably means _. A. you agree with someone B. you dont agree with someone5. If something is described as a jazz classic, its _. A. a famous jazz tune B. a piece of classical music6. If you describe a jazz tune as really ancient, its probably _. A. more than 20 years old B. more than a hundred years old1.My favourite piece of music of all time is _.2.I would say “Oh come on!” to my best friend if he / she said_.Complete the sentences with your own opinions:3. There is one thing that I really cant stand. Its _.
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