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Task I.Choose the right answer.Write down only the capital letters A or B or C indicatingthe right choice in each particular case.Transfer your answers into theANSWERSHEETbelow.1.Patience is not passive;,it is active;it is concentrated strength.A)on the other hand;B)on the contrary;C)in addition2.Carol is upsetnot being invited to the party.A)by;B)because;C)about3.Hethe world record for weightlifting in 2014.A)set;B)made;C)reached4.The wind was so strong and the travelers feared lest the old hutfall apart.A)should;B)would;C)will5.I regretto play the piano when I was younger.A)not to learn;B)not to have learned;C)not learning6.The historic centre of the city is aarea.A)traffic-freed;B)traffic-free;C)traffic-freely7.She asked me ifChinese food.A)did I like;B)I liked;C)I like8.He paid me acompliment.A)two-edged;B)third-rate;C)double-sided9.I wish Ithat long ago!A)would say;B)said;C)had said10.It was 2 a.m.but I was stillawake.A)openly;B)widely;C)wide11.coffee is too hot.Can I have some milk?A)A;B)The;C)-12.Youll have to declare these items atwhen you land in London.A)customs;B)the custom;C)a custom13.The accident attracted a small group of.A)lookers-on;B)looker-ons;C)lookerons14.Dont eat the fish.It smells.A)badly;B)bad;C)worse15.The boys discovered a secretfrom their basement to the building next door.A)passance;B)passing;C)passage16.There might be lots ofcustomers,or there might be.A)none;B)no;C)nobody17.That singers new record is in great demand.Its selling like.A)hot potatoes;B)hot pies;C)hot cakes18.It might rain.I think youbetter take an umbrella.A)would;B)will;C)had19.I couldnt sleep last night.The was a party goingnext door.A)on;B)about;C)out20.Dont talk about me.Iftheres a problem,just tell me.A)behind my shoulder;B)behind my back;C)behind me21.The narrow streets were lined withshops.A)bright-lit;B)bright-lighting;C)brightly-lit22.He said that heit long time ago.A)had done;B)did;C)has done23.That child is soits tiring to babysit him.A)sour grapes;B)full ofbeans;C)in ajam24.If only youme,I could have helped you.A)would tell;B)told;C)had told25.They ran home in the rain,and when they arrived werewet.A)sheer;B)soaking;C)heavy26.Whatdreadful weather today!A)-;B)a;C)the27.of people gathered outside the town hall to hear the mayor speakA)Many thousands;B)A large amount;C)Too many28.Its quite common to hear someone complain that their memory isas it used to be.A)less good;B)not as good;C)worse29.The teacher accused Tim ofbreaking the window on.A)chance;B)purpose;C)fault30.The medical students watched the patienton.A)being operated;B)operating;C)operate31.Heres your chicken.I hope you enjoy it.Is therethat you need?A)nothing else;B)something else;C)anything else32.Her husband is one ofsix brothers so she has five.A)brother-in-laws;B)brothers-in-law;C)brothers in law33.Janeswim 200 metres when she was nine.A)was able to;B)could;C)might34.I ransugar,so I sent Paul to the shops.A)out of;B)down;C)after35.Franks little boy is!He plays all day and never seems to get tired.A)a rolling stone;B)a live wire;C)ajack ofall tradesTask II.Choose the right answer.Write down only the capital letters A,B,C and so on(from A to O),indicating the right choice in each particular case.Transfer your answersinto theANSWER SHEETbelow.Somewhere along our geneticjourney we humans have become our own guides.Over thelast hundred years the global population has(36),rising from less than 2 billion to almost 8billion people.Since 1970 it has(37)by roughly the same number as in the 2 million yearsbefore that.We have an impressive capacity for evolutionary assertiveness,but our success(38)most ofthe existential challenges we face today.More people(39)more resources,and(40)levels ofgreenhouse gas emissions have(41)climate change.Large numbers ofpeopleare(42)for rapidly(43)opportunities for growth in regions that are rapidly becominguninhabitable.Yet humanity is still in the ascendant:year after year,our situation in almostevery area oflife is(44).Prosperity is on the rise across the globe,while world hunger,ratesofdeadly diseases,and maternal and infant mortality are(45).This kind ofprogress will(46),not least because the impulse to move and(47)ispart ofhuman nature.As we(48)out across the planet,we laid the foundations for the globalsociety that(49)shape over the past thousand years and has recently(50)at breathtakingspeed.A.developedB.dwindlingC.continueD.droppingE.mingleF.spreadG.quadrupledH.createdI.tookJ.increasedK.improvingL.expandedM.acceleratedN.requireO.competingTRANSFER all your answers into the ANSWER SHEET below:请把你所选择的正确答案填写在答题纸的相应序号后。ANSWER SHEETRegistration numberTask I1. numberTask II36.
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