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Unit19 The Merchant of VeniceLi Helian & Chen YiUnit19 The Merchant of Venice Period One Warming up and Speaking About William Shakespeare :Shakespeare attended grammar school. Worked as an actor and playwright, eventually . the most popular playwright in England and part-owner of the Globe Theater. Known as a genius(1564-1616)EnglandComedy Alls Well That Ends WellAs You Like ItThe Merchant of VeniceA Midsummer Nights DreamTwelfth Night Long poem Venus and Adonis The Rape of LucreceHistory Henry VHenry VIIIRichard IIRichard IIITragedy HamletKing LearMacbethOthelloRomeo and JulietSonnets (154)HamletRomeo and Juliet Hamlet King Henry Romeo and Juliet Troilus and Cressida “Romeo, Romeo, why are you Romeo? Deny your father, and refuse your name” “ To be or not to be; that is a question. ” “ Neither a borrower nor a lender be. ” “ Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown ” “ Words, words, only words, no matter from heart.” No.2:That is a question whether to live on in this world or to die, that is, to take action or to do nothing.No.1:Why must you be the son of my familys greatest enemy? Refuse your family for my love. “Words, words, only words, no matter from heart.” No.5:Empty words, not real thoughts or ideas from the heart. No.4:A person who has great responsibilities, such as a king, is constantly worried and therefore doesnt sleep soundly.“Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.” “Romeo, Romeo, why are you Romeo? Deny your father, and refuse your name” “To be or not to be; that is a question.” No.3:It is best not to lend (money) to others and not to borrow from others. When we lend something. We risk losing both the thing we lend and the friendship with that other person. “Neither a borrower nor a lender be.” The Merchant of Venice main charactersAntonioBassanioShylockPortiathe DukeNerissa1. Shylock gets the chance to kill Antonio, and he would. Whats even more, he refuses the Dukes persuasion to have mercy on Antonio. But when the roles are turned around, the Duke shows mercy to Shylock despite the fact that nobody really likes Shylock. What would you do if you had your worst enemy in your power?1. People should be kind and merciful. The punishment on my enemy should depends on the situation. If he tries to correct his fault and is able to get along well with me in future, I will forgive him. After all ,a friend is better than an enemy.2.What shouldnt be forgotten is that all the things has a limited line Speaking:Possible answers:2. In The Merchant of Venice, Bassanio cant marry Portia because he doesnt have enough money. What a pity! And this happens everywhere around the world. What do you think about a situation like that?1. Love is more important than money. If money is lost, we can earn it by our hands. However, if love is lost, it can never be back again. 2. Money is necessary, but not the most important. Money can bring you many things, but it can not buy you happiness.Possible answers:Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice a great British playwright and poet 37 plays and a large number of poems 15641616 England born in 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon Match the works with their Chinese titles:1.King 1.King learlear A. A.无事生非无事生非2. Measure For Measure B.2. Measure For Measure B.李尔王李尔王3.Macbeth C.3.Macbeth C.一报还一报一报还一报4.Alls Well That Ends Well D.4.Alls Well That Ends Well D.错误的喜剧错误的喜剧5.Much Ado About Nothing E.5.Much Ado About Nothing E.终成眷属成眷属 6.The Comedy Of Errors F.6.The Comedy Of Errors F.仲夏夜之梦仲夏夜之梦7. Midsummer Nights 7. Midsummer Nights Dream,ADream,A G. G.麦克白麦克白Pre-reading1. Make a brief introduction to Merchant of Venice. .2.What are the three most important characters in the play?Shylock Antonio Portia3.What do you think Portia will do to save Antonio?Reading1.Skim the play and then judge the following sentences whether true or false. 1)The Duke encouraged Shylock to cut off the flesh from Antonio.( )2)Shylock insisted on taking the pound of flesh to support or trust the law of Venice. ( ) FF3) The case is a most troublesome one.( )4) Everyone had mercy on Antonio but Shylock.( ) 5) Shylock gave up taking the flesh when he realised the meaning of showing mercy on others.( ) 6) Portia ,a learned judge , made a fair and just judgement according to the law.( )TTFF2.Read the text carefully and the answer the following questions.1) Why does Shylock prefer to take his pound of flesh instead of money from Bassanio?2) How does Portia help to save Antonio? Why does she do so?3) What are the two meanings of “Ill pay him back with all my heart ”? 2.Read the text carefully and then answer the following questions.1)Why does Shylock prefer to take his pound of flesh instead of money from Bassanio?2) Because Antonio is his enemy ,so he wants to use this opportunity to kill him.She acted as a learned judge . Because Antonio is her husband -Bassanios friend, and lent money to Bassanio ; what more what Shylock does is not reasonable.a.Im very sincere and grateful to pay you back all the money.b.Ill pay you back by giving all my life. 2) How does Portia help to save Antonio? Why does she do so?3) What are the two meanings of “Ill pay him back with all my heart ”?main characters:AntonioBassanioShylockPortiathe DukeNerissa- Main Character-a Jewish moneylenderShylocka bloodthirsty bogeyman greedy, cruel, pitiful a clownish Jewish stereotype n.可怕(或可憎)的人或物,妖怪,精灵n.典型,模式化的人- Main Character-Portiaquick-witted, wealthy, beautiful- Main Character-Antonioa merchant be ready to help melancholyPost-reading1.Describe the plots according to the pictures to be story of the Merchant of Venice.DiscussionDiscussion1.In your opinion ,what is the function of balance ? And what do you think of the quality of mercy? 2.Suppose you were Portia, what would you do to save Antonio?
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