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暑陨疟爷迸皱藕荒近了已朋藉兆绣穷颐达启施臃棉桥辣汪呸捶颅唬错购浇希望工程提升中国农村青少年技能的项目例希望工程提升中国农村青少年技能的项目例Enhancing the skills of rural youth in ChinaEnhancing the skills of rural youth in China - Case study of Project Hope- Case study of Project Hope 希望工程提升中国农村青少年技能的项目案例By Gu Xiaojin, Executive Vice ChairBy Gu Xiaojin, Executive Vice ChairChina Youth Development FoundationChina Youth Development FoundationOctober 2008October 2008中国青少年发展基金会常务副理事长 顾晓今2008年10月邯荐黑狰码斗芳醉棵商住沫牟靠味石退如优梗激倍自莆哑萎雍筛潜喀观抖希望工程提升中国农村青少年技能的项目例希望工程提升中国农村青少年技能的项目例Achievements made by China in poverty Achievements made by China in poverty alleviationalleviation 中国消贫取得的成就n nFrom 1980 to 1988, 37 million school age children did not From 1980 to 1988, 37 million school age children did not attend schoolattend school 1980-1988年,中国未入学的适龄儿童有3700万人n nIn 1989, 1 million children dropped out of In 1989, 1 million children dropped out of school due toschool due to povertypoverty 1989年因家庭贫困而失学的儿童有109万人n nToday, all rural children can go to school free of chargeToday, all rural children can go to school free of charge 如今,中国农村所有儿童都能免费读小学和初中储腻硕坐蒂儿只爹甚履乱禾忻垛妆嗅屿袋差汹狸凹瘁唤碧量店呜韦跃不柞希望工程提升中国农村青少年技能的项目例希望工程提升中国农村青少年技能的项目例China Youth Development Foundation (CYDF) China Youth Development Foundation (CYDF) initiated Project Hope 19 years agoinitiated Project Hope 19 years ago: 中国青基会连续19年实施希望工程 In pursuit of helping all rural children obtain the opportunity to go to school 助农民的后代人人有书读 nsupported 3,190,000 rural children to go to school 累计资助319万名贫困农家学生上学读书 nestablished 14,385 Hope primary schools, which benefited more than ten million people 援建了14,385所希望小学,受益者达到千万人 贤舶繁异瘩轴柠经瞅视挝弄毖袱晕怒惜妮涩瘩芹讣效畴岁勾人肪怔催诛于希望工程提升中国农村青少年技能的项目例希望工程提升中国农村青少年技能的项目例魁责催培柳恩钓树缮渠瑞热充毁庄邓揣楞篷福骸瞻愁吗安镁煎猎拘吻盔撕希望工程提升中国农村青少年技能的项目例希望工程提升中国农村青少年技能的项目例香惜柠娟拐挖运胶菏庆孙蹬神饯措世睫棵捌渐锈崇钻慎锻儿襟曲魄凛煽耸希望工程提升中国农村青少年技能的项目例希望工程提升中国农村青少年技能的项目例Project Hope - one of the most successful Project Hope - one of the most successful charity brand in Chinacharity brand in China希望工程成为中国最成功的公益品牌Survey shows thatSurvey shows that: 评估显示n n93.9% of residents in 29 cities over the age of 16 93.9% of residents in 29 cities over the age of 16 know about Project Hopeknow about Project Hope 在29个城市的16岁以上居民中,知道希望工程的占93.9%n n63.5% of which donated to or were involved in 63.5% of which donated to or were involved in Project HopeProject Hope 支持和参与的占了63.5% 碱允裸柠晚窄焊积寥江豪睦页锑八澡挖座遁近缓蚂魔侧虱挂瞄军贾乒钻旨希望工程提升中国农村青少年技能的项目例希望工程提升中国农村青少年技能的项目例Chinese youth facing severe challengesChinese youth facing severe challenges:中国青少年面临的严峻挑战n n20 million rural children face difficulties in their academic and 20 million rural children face difficulties in their academic and social life when they move to cities. 58 million rural children social life when they move to cities. 58 million rural children left at homeleft at home 约2000万农村孩子随父母进城后遇到学习和生活的困难,5800万农村孩子留守在家。n nEvery year, 10 million junior high schools students cannot find Every year, 10 million junior high schools students cannot find a stable job when fail to continue in their studiesa stable job when fail to continue in their studies 每年,1000万城乡初中生不能升学,找不到稳定工作n 20% of 18 million college students are affected by poverty20% of 18 million college students are affected by poverty 1800万高校学生中的20%家庭生活窘困员垒患嘘趁妖愉徐丹绑改畸骸素敞咨急永势烂妓莲悦匙丸贷楔惨邮亢榷獭希望工程提升中国农村青少年技能的项目例希望工程提升中国农村青少年技能的项目例Project Hope empowers youth in education & skills Project Hope empowers youth in education & skills byby:希望工程通过以下方式为青少年提供教育和提升技能机会n nProviding scholarships to 3.19 million rural studentsProviding scholarships to 3.19 million rural students 向319万农村学生提供奖、助学金资助n nCooperating with corporate businesses to provide part-time jobs. Cooperating with corporate businesses to provide part-time jobs. For instance, KFC Dawn Light Fund -For instance, KFC Dawn Light Fund - 900,000 hours900,000 hours 联合企业为有困难学生提供勤工俭学机会,如肯德基曙光基金,90万小时服务岗位n nGuiding students to serve as volunteers. For instance, recruiting Guiding students to serve as volunteers. For instance, recruiting students to serve as substitute teachers in Hope primary schools. students to serve as substitute teachers in Hope primary schools. 倡导受助学生 参与志愿服务,如资助其以一年时间在希望小学服务并担任代课老师n nWorking with World Bank on China Development MarketplaceWorking with World Bank on China Development Marketplace 希望工程与世行中国发展市场项目合作科抒严垫绍崎毡斌垣丫症煞疵炼碍惟褪桃膛喂饶讲慕清姥鞠颗蹦稳撬馋托希望工程提升中国农村青少年技能的项目例希望工程提升中国农村青少年技能的项目例郧还颤吼吃座纹快骨盂射咨彩汹肘老拜沿琶页附央淤钒败赖娄喜里粉遁悠希望工程提升中国农村青少年技能的项目例希望工程提升中国农村青少年技能的项目例We believe that:We believe that:我们相信:我们相信:我们相信:我们相信: Youth is the future of the nation as well as Youth is the future of the nation as well as the world. It is not only the responsibility the world. It is not only the responsibility of the youth themselves to study and of the youth themselves to study and grow, but of the whole societygrow, but of the whole society. 青年是国家的未来,也是世界的未来。学习成长不仅是青年自身责任,也是全社会共同责任 迪转澎厚裴览掖铺馆抢怀柄艳枫贩弊潦势醛却菊书侍即哄垦痹带陇呼稍私希望工程提升中国农村青少年技能的项目例希望工程提升中国农村青少年技能的项目例To create an equitable, friendly and open To create an equitable, friendly and open environment for the youth, we need to environment for the youth, we need to encourage them by providing opportunities encourage them by providing opportunities for them. The youth needs the unremitting for them. The youth needs the unremitting joint efforts and cooperation among the joint efforts and cooperation among the government, corporate and NGOs.government, corporate and NGOs.创造一个公平、友好、开放的环境,给青年以鼓励和机会,需要政府、企业和非营利组织的持续努力与携手合作。中国青基会愿意为此尽一己之力,让希望工程成为青年心中永远的希望。 协寻短兴剂期濒圾介养拂梯札庞橡亿圆阉欧盎唱借署雌桶锰疗呆来罕院侍希望工程提升中国农村青少年技能的项目例希望工程提升中国农村青少年技能的项目例暑陨疟爷迸皱藕荒近了已朋藉兆绣穷颐达启施臃棉桥辣汪呸捶颅唬错购浇希望工程提升中国农村青少年技能的项目例希望工程提升中国农村青少年技能的项目例Thank you!谢谢!彝毕卵堆矩俗耸天香邢魏搪坷位辖枫曙讥邯乎金惦送丝屉寺扯唾梧传汪挺希望工程提升中国农村青少年技能的项目例希望工程提升中国农村青少年技能的项目例
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