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Unit3Unit3靖边二中靖边二中 雪通雪通Section A(1a-1c)How are you? How are you ? How are you? How are you today?Im fine ,thanks.Im fine ,thanks.Have a lovely day!GOOD MORNING TO YOU!Good morning to you .Good morning to you .Good morning dear teachers.Good morning to you ! a quiltan orange a mapa jacket A :Whats this in English?B: Its a pencil.A :Whats that in English?B: Its a pencil ,too.Unit3Unit3Section A(1a-1c)a penan erasera rulera pencila pencil box a booka schoolbaga dictionary1.pencil 2.pen 3.book 4.eraser 5.ruler 6.pencil box 7.school bag 8.dictionaryyour pen=yourshis book=hisher eraser=hersmy ruler=mine my pencil=minehis schoolbag=hisher dictionary=hersyour pencil box=yoursThis is my pencil.- Is this your pencil ?- No, it isnt. Its her pencil. /Its hers.- Is that your ruler?- Yes, it is.Its mine.- No, it isnt.-Its his / hers .-Is this your ? -Yes, it is. Its mine.-No, it isnt. Its his /hers.-Is that your ? -Yes, it is. -No, it isnt. Its his /hers. Game:A: Excuse me. Is this your eraser?B: No, it isnt. I think its his/hers.A: Excuse me. Is this your eraser?C: No, it isnt. I think its his/hers. A: Is this your eraser?D: Yes, it is. Its mine.A: Here you are. (给你)D: Thank you. Find the owner Found:a watch. Name : Jack. Phone number :4630558.Chant, chant ,chantLets make a chant.SummaryPencil, pencil. Its a pencil.Pen, pen. This is a pen.Eraser, eraser. That is an eraser.Book, book. Is this your book?Yes,it is. Its my book.Ruler, ruler. Is this your ruler?No,it isnt. Its his. Schoolbag, schoolbag.Is this your schoolbag?No, it isnt. its hers.
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