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Unit 4Whats the best movie theater?关于美关于美术术教学工作教学工作计计划划总结总结有有时时候你的同事候你的同事们们一会儿的功夫就能把工作一会儿的功夫就能把工作总结总结写完写完,而你自己却是而你自己却是挤挤半天也写不半天也写不出几个字出几个字,结结果晚上果晚上还还要加班写要加班写总结总结,面面对这对这种情况你肯定会很种情况你肯定会很烦烦下面是小下面是小编编整理的整理的美美术术教案教学教案教学过过程程总结总结,欢欢迎迎阅读阅读!在教学中在教学中,特特别别注重注重发发展和提高学生展和提高学生对审对审美意味的理解力美意味的理解力,遵照遵照审审美活美活动动的的规规律律,采采取取艺术艺术教育的特殊方法教育的特殊方法,提高学生的提高学生的审审美能力。美能力。让让学生学生观观察、学察、学习习、评评价同价同龄龄人的人的美美术术作品。在具体作品。在具体评评价价过过程中程中,结结合学生合学生绘绘画的情景画的情景,所表达情感的真所表达情感的真实实性与性与观观察方察方法。法。在教学中引在教学中引导导学生从身学生从身边边的事物去的事物去细细致致观观察、回察、回忆忆、想象中提、想象中提练创练创作作题题材。如家材。如家庭趣事、校园生活、家庭趣事、校园生活、家乡风乡风光、民俗光、民俗风风情、家情、家乡乡的人、家的人、家乡乡的特的特产产、家、家乡乡名名胜胜古古迹等。我本着美迹等。我本着美术术教育以人教育以人为为本本,面向全体学生。我面向全体学生。我给给学生扎扎学生扎扎实实实实地上地上,为为全体学全体学生的生的终终身身发发展提供必展提供必备备的基的基础础知知识识、基本技能和良好的情感、基本技能和良好的情感态态度与价度与价值观值观念。我念。我以以创创新精神和新精神和实实践能力践能力为为核心核心,重重视发视发展学生搜集和展学生搜集和处处理信息的能力理信息的能力,获获取新知取新知识识的的能力能力,分析解决分析解决问题问题的能力的能力,交流与合作的能力。交流与合作的能力。一、思想政治忠一、思想政治忠诚诚于党的教育事于党的教育事业业,热爱热爱本本职质职质工作工作,认认真遵守学校的真遵守学校的规规章制度章制度,服服从从领导领导的安排的安排,工作上兢兢工作上兢兢业业业业,对对学生以身作学生以身作则则,言言传传身教。身教。二、教学工作在教育教学工作中二、教学工作在教育教学工作中,我我 Age: 41Height: 168cm Age:33 Height:175cm Reviewtalleryoungeroldershorter Age: 41 Age: 56 Age: 33 olderolderTry to compare these three people.Who is the oldest ? the oldestDiscuss Do you like to go to the movies? Who is your favorite movie star?where did you see the movies?movie theater = cinemacinema seat big screen skrin n.屏幕buy a ticket tkt n. 票 comfortablescomfortable seatsbest soundbig screensWhat kind of movie theater do you choose(选择)?cheapnew moviesclose to homebuy tickets quicklypopular1a. How do you choose which movie theater to go to? Write the things in the box under “Important” or Not Important. It has a bigger screen It has the biggest screen Screen(big)It has a big screenIt is popular.It is more popular.It is the most popular.popularIt is close to home.It is the closest to home.It is closer to home.home(close)1000 m30 m10 mIt has a short waiting time.It has a shorter waiting time. It has the shortest waiting time.Waiting time (short)It has good sound.It has better sound.It has the best sound.sound(good)It has comfortable seats.It has more comfortable seats.It has the most comfortable seats.Seat (comfortable)1bListen and match the statements with the movie theaters.MSTSMWrite “S”(for Screen City) ,“M”(for Movie World )and “T”(for Town Cinema) in the blanks.Jack : Hi, Anna. Do you want to go to the movies? Anna : Hi, Jack. Yes, lets see a movie.Jack : Whats the best movie theater to go to?Anna : Town Cinema. Its the closest to home.Jack : Yes, but what about the long waiting time to get movie tickets?Anna : Dont worry. There are a lot of people working there. You can buy tickets the most quickly at Town Cinema.Conversation 1Listen and readKen: Hi, Julia. Julia : Hi, ken . How are you?Ken : Good, thanks. Do you want to watch a movie?Julia: Sure.Ken : Is there a good movie theater near here?Julia : Yes, Screen City. Its the most popular one near here and it has the best sound.Ken : Sounds good. Lets go.Conversation 2Listen and readBarry: Hi, Jill. Do you want to see a movie? Jill : Hi, Barry. Yes, a great idea.Barry : Do you know a good movie theater?Jill: Yes, theres one not far from here.Barry: Whats it called?Jill : Its called Movie World. It has the biggest screens and the most comfortable seats.Conversation 3Listen and read1c Talk about the movie theater you knowA: Whats the best movie theater?B: Sun Cinema. Its the cheapest.A: But I think Moon Theater has the most comfortable seats. C: For me, D: In my opinion, It has the biggest screens.Its the most popular.Its the closest to home.Its the shortest waiting time.It has the best sound.It has the most comfortable seats.
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