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教材同步复习教材同步复习第一部第一部分分 Grade 8Book 2Units12中考考点中考考点 精讲精讲2n n【归纳】询问“某人怎么了”的句型:3n n(2)自述病情常用语n n自述病情时,常用“Ive got/had/caught a表示病痛的名词”结构,常见名词有以下两类:n n由ache构成的复合名词:headache“头痛”,toothache“牙痛”,stomachache“胃痛”,backache“背痛”; n n其他常见名词:fever“发烧”,cold“感冒”和cough“咳嗽”等。4n n 活学巧练n n1Whats the matter with Jack?n n_.n nAHe is kindBHe is talln nCHe has a stomachacheDHe is happyn n2Whats the _ with you?n nI quarreled with my classmate.n nAwrong Bdifficult n nCtrouble DinterestC C 5n n3. _?n nI cant find my key.n nAWhats the weather like todayn nBWhats wrong with youn nCHow are youn nDWhat are you doingn n4Jim went to see the doctor because he _ yesterday.(感冒了)n n5I have _ for three days and I cant eat anything hard.(牙痛)B had a cold had a toothache 678n nMike used to go to school by bike. But now he is used to going to school on foot.迈克过去常常骑自行车去上学,但现在他习惯步行去上学。9n n 活学巧练n n6I have been used to _ in Kunming. Its such a nice place.(live)n n7She used to _ dancing, but she doesnt do it anymore.(love)n n8I used to put the bread on the plate. Now I _ putting it on the table in France.(习惯于)n n9Tim _ go to school on foot, but now he can take a bus.(过去常常)living love am used to used to 10n n10The big box _ some old books in my house.n nAused to keepBgets used to keepingn nCis used to keepDis used to keepingn n11My mother used to _ a bus to work, but now she is used to _ to work.n nAtake; driveBtaking; driven nCtaking; drivingDtake; drivingC D 1112n n 活学巧练n n12Though the old man is _,he doesnt feel _.n nAalone; lonelyBlonely; alonen nCalone; alone Dlonely; lonelyn n13They have to leave their little dog _ in the house when they go to work.n nAlonely Balonen nClone DlonelinessA B 1314n neg. raise ones hand举手raise salaries提高薪资n nraise money筹钱raise pets养宠物n nThe sun rises.太阳升起了。n nThe river rises.水位上涨。n nThe price rises.价格上涨了。15n n 活学巧练n nraise,risen n14As the spring comes, the temperature _ higher and higher.n n15We raised our heads to watch the sun _ over the bridge.n n16If you want to answer questions in class, please _ your hand.n nArise Bshown nCraiseDputrises rise C 1617n n 活学巧练n n17It _ its going to rain soon.(看起来像)n n18It _ something from another world. It was so strange.n nAtook afterBlooked liken nCwas similar to Dgot downn n19The girl really _ her mother because she has the same eyes, nose and hair as her mother.n nAlooks after Blooks uponn nCtakes in Dtakes afterlooks like B D 1819n n 活学巧练n n20I can hardly imagine Peter _ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.n nAsail Bto sailCsails Dsailingn n21Can you imagine _ with such a selfish man?n nAwork Bto work CworkingDworkedn n22My little brother imagined himself _ be a hero.n nAatBtoCforD/n n23Can you imagine _ without water?(live)n n24The father imagines his son _ an engineer when he grows up.(be)D C B living to be 20请点击此处进入请点击此处进入WORD文档文档课堂达标课堂达标 演练演练21n n分析云南省近四年的中考真题,书面表达与健康生活相关的话题共涉及过七次,主要涵盖以下几方面:讲述什么是健康的生活,要怎么做,对我们有什么意义。n n主体时态:一般现在时,一般将来时n n主要人称:第一人称话题写作话题写作 指导指导健康生活(2018年2次; 2017年1次; 2016年2次; 2015年2次)22n n1Health is gold.n n2Health is the beginning of everything.n n3Nothing is more important than health.n n4To be a healthy person is to be a wealthy person.n n5To be healthy means having a healthy life.n n6For me, health is the most important.n n7Its easy for healthy people to feel happy.n n8the Being healthy means having everything.23n n1作为青少年,保持安全对我们很重要。n nAs teenagers, its very important for us to keep safe. n n2健康胜于财富。n nHealth is better than wealth. 24n n1First of all, I have to have enough sleeping time.n n2An apple a day keeps the doctor away.n n3Eating a lot of fruit is healthy.n n4Vegetables and fish are healthy food.n n5To keep healthy, I usually take a walk after dinner.n n6Sports is good for health.n n7Wed better say no to junk food.25n n1你最好多吃水果和蔬菜来代替垃圾食品。n nYoud better eat more fruit and vegetables instead of junk food. n n2看书也对健康有好处。n nReading books is also good for health. 26n n1All in all, there are many ways to keep healthy.n n2It is easy to be a healthy person and the choice is always in your hand.n n3Health means a chance to have the world under control.n n4Health is a part of success.n n5These are ways to keep healthy. I hope they may help you.27n n健康是一个人拥有的最珍贵的礼物。n nHealth is the most precious gift that a man can ever have.28n n请根据以下信息写一段话进行描述:n n健康的生活需要健康的生活习惯,健康的饮食包括水果、蔬菜、鱼类。太胖和太瘦都是不健康的。不能长时间玩电脑游戏和手机游戏。要有充足的睡眠。n nA healthy life needs a healthy living habit. Fruits, vegetables and fish are healthy foods. Being too fat or too thin isnt healthy. We cant play computer games or phone games for a long time. We need enough sleeping time.29n n(2018云南)n nDoing Something Nice ton n提示:每个人都向往美好的生活,美好的生活需要我们真诚的付出和给予。请以“Doing Something Nice to”为题,写一篇英语短文,谈谈你曾经或将要为他人、社会等做的一件美好的事情。 n n要求:1.请先将题目补全后再作答; n n2语言流畅、书写规范、卷面整洁,词数不少于60个; n n3文中不得使用你的真实姓名、校名,否则以零分计。30n n1文体:本文题目是“Do Something Nice to _”,考生可以阐述如何保持健康,属于议论文。n n2人称:谈论健康应该采用第_人称,阐述自己的观点应该使用第_人称。n n3时态:谈论目前的事应该采用_,谈论未来的事必须采用_。n n4写作要点:阐述为什么要保持健康; 阐述如何保持健康。3132n nDo Something Nice to Healthn nWhat is health then? Health means a healthy mind and body. n nIf you are sick, you probably have to take medicine or stay in hospital. There is nothing a sick person can do. If you have a healthy body, you can study well and work well. Health can support everything. 用not onlybut also来改写这个句子。33n nWe can eat a lot of fruits and vegetables to keep healthy. Dont eat much meat, it is not very good. We can eat more fish. We can also do some exercise. Sports are good. 用to do放句首改写句子。 用not asas连接两个句子,把meat和fish作对比。34n nDo Something Nice to Healthn nWhat is health then? Health means a healthy mind and body. n nIf you are sick, you probably have to take medicine or stay in hospital. There is nothing a sick person can do. If you have a healthy body, you can not only study well but also work well. Health can support everything.n nTo keep healthy, we can eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Dont eat much meat, it is not as healthy as fish. We can eat more fish. We can also do some exercise. Sports are good.35n n现在的人们热爱徒步(hiking)活动,背上背包,就开始一段旅程,请根据下列要点介绍徒步的好处。n n提示:1.强身健体,对身体有益;n n2.广交朋友,相互学习;n n3.亲近自然,增强环保意识;n n4.放松心情,快乐生活。36n n要求:1.文中必须包含提示中的所有要点;n n2.不要逐句翻译,可适当发挥;n n3.必须使用第一人称写作;n n4.条理清晰,书写规范,词数不少于80;n n5.文中不得出现真实人名和校名等相关信息。37n nNowadays, we people love hiking very much. _n n_n n_n n_n n_n n_n n_The advantages are as the followings.First, it is a good chance to get close to nature and do exercise. Hiking is good for our hearts and lungs. It helps to keep us healthy. The more we feel about nature, the more well learn and do to protect it.Second, exercise brings friends together. It is a good time for us to relax and learn more about each other and even make more friends.With all these benefits, come and go hiking!38n n1文体:_ n n2人称:_ n n3时态:_说明文 第三人称与第一人称 一般现在时 3940
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