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Unit2WorkingthelandReadingDailySentenceRevision*Anadvantageof(doing)sthisthat.:的好处就的好处就是是*Anadvantageoflivinginthedormitoryisthatithelpsyoudeveloptheabilityofindependence.*Anadvantageoflivinginthecountrysideisthatyoucannotonlybreathefreshairbutalsocanenjoyquietnights.*Anadvantageoftravellingisthatitcannotonlyenrichyourknowledgebutalsobroadenyourview.DailySentence-NewSentence毫无疑问阅读在英语考试中至关重要。毫无疑问阅读在英语考试中至关重要。ThereisnodoubtthatreadingplaysanimportantpartinEnglishexaminations.毫无疑问良好的家庭教育在孩子的成长起到关键毫无疑问良好的家庭教育在孩子的成长起到关键的作用。的作用。Thereisnodoubtthatagoodfamilyeducationplaysavitalroleinchildrensgrowth.Thereisnodoubtthatfriendshipplaysanimportantpartinourlife.毫无疑问毫无疑问 Basic Writing 基础写作Place Introduction 地方介绍地方介绍Discussion :Analyze and find:When introducing a place1.Possible topic2.Useful phrases: Located in the south of Guangdong Province, Zhongshan covers an area of 1800 square kilometers with a population of 1.43 million. /Zhongshan, one of the ten most liveable cities, is named after the great revolutionist Sun Yat-sen and enjoys the reputation of “a famous emigration homeland”./Although it is not a large city, it has a long history which can date back to Song Dynasty. / It is warm all year around with an average temperature of 22. /Besides the Museum of Sun Yat-sen, it is well-known for such famous places of interest as Qijiang Park and Wuguishan Mountain, which attract visitors from all over the world./ Located in covers an area ofwith a population of a long history average temperature famous places of interest UsefulPhrases:Location:Area:Population:History:placesofinterest:UsefulPhrases:Location:lie in; be located inArea:cover an area of; with an area ofPopulation:has a population of; with a population ofHistory:has a history of.; with a history ofplacesofinterest:be famous for.1.Location (位置位置): 1) lie in 2) be located in/on/to温哥华位于加拿大的西海岸温哥华位于加拿大的西海岸.Vancouver is located on the west coast of Canada.温哥华位于加拿大的西海岸温哥华位于加拿大的西海岸,是一个美丽的城市。是一个美丽的城市。Vancouver, a beautify city , is located on the west coast of Canada.温哥华位于加拿大的西海岸温哥华位于加拿大的西海岸,是个美丽的城市是个美丽的城市, 有着舒适有着舒适的居住环境。的居住环境。句子合并:句子合并:Vancouver, a beautiful city with a comfortable living condition, is located on the west coast of Canada. Located onLocated on the west coast of Canada, Vancouver, is a beautiful city with a comfortable living condition.巧用同位语、分词,巧用同位语、分词,withwith结构等结构等Typical mistakes:Vancouver, a beautiful city with a comfortable living condition, which is located on the west coast of Canada. Vancouver, a beautiful city with a comfortable living condition, located on the west coast of Canada.Vancouver, is located on the west coast of Canada, is a beautiful city with a comfortable living condition. 没谓语没谓语located on双谓语双谓语没谓语没谓语is located onthewestcoastof2.Area (面积面积):1) cover/ have an area of square kilometers.2) with an area of3.Population (人口人口):1) have a population of 2) with a population of 广州,中国第三大城市,广州,中国第三大城市,/面积:面积:7,4347,434平方公里,平方公里,/人人口:大约一千万。口:大约一千万。Guangzhou is the third largest city in China.It covers an area of 7,434 square kilometers.It has a population of about 10 million.句子合并句子合并:Guangzhou, the third largest city in China, covers an area of 7,434 square kilometers with a population of about 10 million.巧用同位语,巧用同位语,with结构等结构等Typical mistakes:Guangzhou, the third largest city in China, is located in the centre of Guangdong Province , covers an area of 1,783 square kilometers with a population of 1.46million. Located in the centre of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou, the third largest city in China, which covers an area of 1,783 square kilometers and a population of 1.46million.双谓语双谓语whichcoversanareaof1,783squarekilometersandhas没谓语没谓语andcoversanareaof1,783squarekilometers4.History (历史历史) 1) have a (long )history (of years).2) be a place with a (long) history (of years). 3) The history can date back to 中山是一座历史很悠久的城市,能够追溯到宋代。中山是一座历史很悠久的城市,能够追溯到宋代。Zhongshan is a city with a long history.Its history can date back to Song Dynasty.句子合并:句子合并:Zhongshan is a city with a long history which can date back to Song Dynasty.5.Places of interest (名胜名胜) 1) be well-known / famous for 2)be a place with many famous places of interest such as.悉尼是澳大利亚最大的城市,有许多名胜,比如说悉尼悉尼是澳大利亚最大的城市,有许多名胜,比如说悉尼歌剧院歌剧院(Sydney Opera House)。它每年吸引了成千上万。它每年吸引了成千上万的来自世界各地的游客。的来自世界各地的游客。Sydney , the biggest city in Australia, has many places of interest, such as Sydney Opera House, attracting millions of tourists from all over the world every year.Sydney is the biggest city in Australia with many places of interest, such as Sydney Opera House, which attracts millions of tourists from all over the world every year.Typical mistakes:Sydney , the biggest city in Australia, has many places of interest, such as Sydney Opera House, attracts millions of tourists from all over the world every year.双谓语双谓语which attracts millions of tourists from all over the attracting millions of tourists from all over the Moreusefulphrases:beconsideredas被认为是被认为是attracttouristsfromhomeandabroadforeigncustomsandtraditionstouristattractions旅游景点旅游景点placesofinterest名胜古迹名胜古迹enjoythereputationofflowercity享有花城之美称享有花城之美称berichinnaturalresources自然资源丰富自然资源丰富hasapleasantclimate气候宜人气候宜人bemadeupof=consistof由由组成组成becloseto;neighboring临近临近ishometo是是的家园的家园leaveadeepimpressionon给给留下深刻印象留下深刻印象Practice:1.中国位于亚洲东部,是世界上最大的国家之一。中国位于亚洲东部,是世界上最大的国家之一。China, one of the largest countries in the world, is located in the east of Asia.2.中山位于广东的南部,是孙中山的故乡,是中国中山位于广东的南部,是孙中山的故乡,是中国十佳宜居城市之一。十佳宜居城市之一。Located in the south of Guangdong province, Zhongshan, the hometown of Sun Yat-sen, is one of ten liveable cities in China. Practice:3.多伦多是加拿大东部的一个繁华的港口城市,总多伦多是加拿大东部的一个繁华的港口城市,总面积面积1, 850平方千米,总人口平方千米,总人口261万人。万人。(cover a total area of)Toronto, a busy port city on the east coast of Canada, covers a total area of 1,850 square kilometers with a population of 2.61million.Practice:4. 中国是一个古老的中国是一个古老的(ancient) 国度,有将近五千年国度,有将近五千年的历史。的历史。(with a history of )China is an ancient country with a long history of almost 5000 years.5. 西西藏藏有有其其独独特特(unique)的的文文化化,和和众众多多的的名名胜胜如如布布达达拉拉宫宫(Potala Palace),深深深深地地吸吸引引各各地地游游。(be well-known for) Tibet is well-known for its unique culture and a number of places of interest such as Potala Palace, attracting tourists from all over the world.Lets have a try. 5个句子个句子北京北京中国首都中国首都位置:中国北部位置:中国北部人口:人口:2114万万面积:面积:16410平方千平方千拥有拥有3000多年悠久历史,在不同的朝代有不同的称谓。多年悠久历史,在不同的朝代有不同的称谓。作为文化名城,拥有众多名胜,如长城,故宫等,吸引作为文化名城,拥有众多名胜,如长城,故宫等,吸引八方来客。八方来客。2008年成功举办了奥运会,给世界人民很好的机会了解年成功举办了奥运会,给世界人民很好的机会了解北京。北京。参考参考词汇词汇:朝代:朝代 dynasty 故故宫宫 the Forbidden City Group Work:Focus on: 1) Information arrangement( within 5 sentences) 2) Work out the sentence structure of each sentence 3) what phrases can you use 4) How to polish your writing by using 非谓语,同位语,非谓语,同位语,with结构,定语从句等结构,定语从句等While writing:Focus on: 1) how to combine simple sentences; 2) avoid grammatical mistakes; 3) try to use 非谓语,同位语,非谓语,同位语,with结构,结构,定语从句等定语从句等 4) great handwriting.Show timeHomeworkTry to polish your composition and write it on your Writing notebook.Typical mistakes:1.ThecapitalcityofChina,Beijing,locatedinthenorthofChinawithapopulationof21.14million whichcoveranareaof16,410squarekilometers.2.Beijing,thecapitalcityofChina,locatedinthenorthofChinaandcoversanareaof16,410squarekilometerswithapopulationof21.14million.3.Itwasmorethan3000yearshistoryanddifferentdynastyhasdifferentname.Typical mistakes:Asforafamousculturalcity,Beijingiswellknowfornumberofplaceofinterest,forexample,theGreatWall,theForbiddenCityandsoon,whichattractingtouristsfromhomeandabroadeveryyear.In2008,BeijingholdtheOlympicGamessuccessful,whichleaveaverygoodimpressiononthosewhofromallovertheworldtoknowmoreaboutit.Beijing,thecapitalcityofChina,islocatedinthenorthofChina./Itcoversanareaof16,410squarekilometerswithapopulationof21.14million./Itwasanancientcitywithalonghistoryofmorethan3000yearsandhasdifferentnamesindifferentdynasties./Asafamousculturalcity,Beijingisfamousformanyplacesofinterest,suchastheGreatWall,theForbiddenCityandsoon,attractingtouristsfromhomeandabroadeveryyear.Itisin2008thatBeijingsucceededinholdingtheOlympicGames,whichoffersaverygoodchanceforpeoplearoundtheworldtoknowmoreaboutit.Located in the south of Guangdong Province, Zhongshan covers an area of 1800 square kilometers with a population of 1.43 million. Zhongshan,oneofthetenmostliveablecities,isnamedafterthegreatrevolutionistSunYat-senanditenjoysthereputationof“afamousemigrationhomeland”.Itiswarmallyeararound,withanaveragetemperatureof22.WhenspeakingofZhongshan,wewontignorethefactthatitisrichintouristattractions,amongwhichtheformerResidenceofDrSunYat-senisamust-seefortouristsandawalkaroundtheQijiangRiverisafeastforthemindaswellastheeye.Itisbelievedthatniceweatherandconvenienttransportationcanmakeyourtripenjoyable.
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