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Unit 9 What does he look like?Section AWhat does he look like?He is heavy.创设情境What does he look like?He is thin.strongweakWhat does he look like?He is short.What does he look like?He is tall.long hairshort hairbaldlong, curly, black hairlong, straight, blond hairshort, curly, red hairshortmedium heighttallWhat does she look like?She has long hair.What does she look like? She is medium height and medium build.What does she look like?She has short hair.What does she look like?She has blondcurly hair.What does she look like?She has straight hair.1.short hair2.curly hair3.long hair4.straight hair5.tall6.short7.medium height8.thin9.heavy10.medium buildcfaadhebge1aListen and fill in the blanks in the picture above.1b启发思考What does your friend look like?Whos the man?Hes Pan Changjiang.What does he look like?Hes short and he has very short hair.Whos this woman?Shes Li Wen.What does she look like?She has a medium build and long, brown hair.What does your friend look like?She is medium build, and she has long hair.2a : Listen and circle “is” or “has” below1.is / has tall2. is / has heavy3. is / has curly hair4. is / has medium height 5.is / has thin6.is / has long hair7.is / has short8.is / has a medium build9.is / has short hair自主探究2b Listen again. Fill in the chart. DavidSallyPeterishasof medium height, thinlong straight hairshort, of medium buildshort hairheavy, tallcurly hair协作交流Student A describes a person and student B draws a picture of the people.Mike: Hi, Tony. Do you want to go to the movie tonight? Tony: Sure. When shall we meet? Mike: Lets meet at seven oclock in front of the cinema. My friend David is going, too. Tony: Oh, but I dont know him._?Mike: Well, he has _and_.Tony: OK. Is he tall or short?Mike: He isnt_. Hes_.Tony: OK, sure. See you later then.1.1. 你会游泳吗?你会游泳吗? _ 不,我不会。不,我不会。 _2. 2. 你们会说英语吗?你们会说英语吗? _ _ 是的,会。是的,会。 _一、一、 拿出课堂草稿本和笔,完成下列句子。拿出课堂草稿本和笔,完成下列句子。No, I cant. Can you swim?Can you speak English?Yes, we can. 总结提高Grammar FocusWhat does he look like?Hes really tall.What does she look like?She has long straight hair.What do they look like?Theyre of medium build.Do they have straight or curly hair?They have curly hair.Is he tall or short?He isnt tall or short. Hes of medium height.1. 他长的什么样子?他长的什么样子?_2. 他个子很高。他个子很高。_3. 她长的什么样子?她长的什么样子?_ 4. 她有一头长直发。她有一头长直发。_5. 他们长的什么样子?他们长的什么样子?_6. 他们中等身材。他们中等身材。_阅读阅读Grammar Focus部分,完成下列句子。部分,完成下列句子。He is really tall. What does he look like?What does she look like?She has long straight hair. Theyre of medium build. What do they look like?7. 他们是直发还是卷发?他们是直发还是卷发? _8. 他们是卷发。他们是卷发。_9. 他个头高还是矮?他个头高还是矮?_10. 他不高也不矮。他是中等身高。他不高也不矮。他是中等身高。_ _Is he tall or short? They have curly hair.He isnt tall or short. Hes of medium height. Do they have straight hair or curly hair?一、描述人物外貌的问句。一、描述人物外貌的问句。 1. 她她/他长得什么样子?他长得什么样子? What does he/she _ _? 2. 他们长得什么样子?他们长得什么样子? What _ they _ _? 3. 她个子是高还是矮?她个子是高还是矮? _ she tall _ _? 4. 他是长发还是短发他是长发还是短发? _ he have _ _ short hair? do look likelook likeIs or shortDoes long or 二、描述人物形象的表达方式。描述人物形象的表达方式。 1. 描述身高、体重等整体特征时用描述身高、体重等整体特征时用be动词。如:动词。如: 他很高他很高/矮矮/中等身高。中等身高。 He _ tall/ _/ _ _ height. 她长得很瘦她长得很瘦/胖胖/中等身材。中等身材。 She _ thin/ _/ of _ _. 2. 表示留着何种发型等用表示留着何种发型等用have/has。 她留着长的直发。她留着长的直发。 She _ _ long hair. is heavy medium buildis short of medium has straight 3. 表示穿着、戴着眼镜(帽子)用表示穿着、戴着眼镜(帽子)用wear。 他戴着一幅眼镜。他戴着一幅眼镜。 He _ a pair of _. 三、选择疑问句。三、选择疑问句。 用法:列举出两个可能情况让对方选择回用法:列举出两个可能情况让对方选择回 答的疑问句。答语不能用答的疑问句。答语不能用Yes/No,常选择,常选择 其一来回答句子结构:其一来回答句子结构: 一般疑问句一般疑问句 + _ + 第二个选项第二个选项? orwears glasses1. 他是直发还是卷发?他是直发还是卷发? _ he have _ hair _ _ hair? 他长着黑色的卷发。他长着黑色的卷发。 He has _ _ hair. 2. 她长得是胖还是瘦?她长得是胖还是瘦? _ she thin _ _? 她长得有点瘦。她长得有点瘦。 She is a _ _. Does straight or curlyblack curlyIs or heavy little thin3b. Circle the correct words to complete the conversation.A: So what _your friend Clark look like?B: Well, he _thin, and he _ black hair.A: Really?_ he tall or short?B: He _ tall or short. He_ of medium build. A: Does he_ curly or straight hair ? B: He_ straight hair. And he _ really handsome.do /doesis /hashave/ hasis /doesis/isntis /hashas/ haveis/ hasis /has3c. Write answers to these questions about different people. Then tell your partner about them.What does your favorite actor or actress look like?_What does your favorite teacher look like?_What does your favorite actor look like?_He is tall. He is of medium build. He has short black hair.What does your favorite actress look like?_She is of medium height. She is a little thin. She has curly long hair.What does your favorite teacher look like?_He is really tall. He is a little thin. He has straight short hair.3d. Describe someone in the class. Ask your classmate to guess who you are describing.She is tall. She is a little thin. She has long straight hair.Does she wear glasses?No, she doesnt. I know. Its Li Ling.Does he have straight hair or curly hair?Hes very handsome. Hes tall and of medium build. He wears a pair of glasses. Is it Wu Feng?He has curly hair. Yes. Youre right.
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