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a e i o uLets singTask1 1: Lets read:dad bag cat apple blackTask1 2: Lets try more:fata fat cathadbathatA fat cat had a bat on his hat.A f_t _at ha_ a _at on his ha_.acdbtGot it? Lets write!Task2 1: Lets read:let yes bed red leg seven yellow deskTask2 2: Lets try more:wetpetnetjetA wet pet had a net on a jet.A w_t _et had a _et on a je_.epntGot it? Lets write!Task3 1: Lets read: is big it in six thin this ship pig fish Task3 2: Lets try more:piga big pigwigdigA big pig in a wig can dig.A b_g _ig in a _ig can di_.ipwgGot it? Lets write!Task4 1: Lets read:dog box on body shop orangeTask4 2: Lets try more:hoga hog and a doglogbogA hog and a dog on a log in a bog.A h_g and a _og on a _og in a bo_.odlgGot it? Lets write!Task5 1: Lets read:bus but mum under duck uncle rubberTask5 2: Lets try more:hugbughumgumGive a hug to a bug.It can hum with gum.Give a h_g to a _ug. It can _um with gu_ .ubhmGot it? Lets write!Look and read(1)rat (2)met(3)hid (4)rob(5)hug
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