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CompanyLOGOUnit 5Presentation of SpeechesEnglish for International Academic ExchangeUnit 5 Presentation of Speeches2. Giving a Closing Speech3. Giving a Dinner Speech1. Giving a Welcome SpeechvAt an opening ceremony, the chairperson or the distinguished guest of the conference would deliver a welcome speech, welcoming all participants, giving thanks to related parties and individuals, stating the organizing background, characteristics and purpose of the conference, and finally expressing sincere wishes to all.vFormat of a welcome speech Self-introductionWelcoming the participants to the conferenceIntroducing the characteristics or uniqueness of the conferencePresenting background information related to the subject of the conferenceStating the purpose of the conferenceExpressing good wishes to the conference and the participantsTask 1. Giving a Welcome SpeechVocabulary vcongenial: adj. friendly, agreeable 适宜的vnon-sinusoidal: adj. 非正弦的 vdisseminate: v. spread widely 传播vresonance: n. 回响,共鸣vfragility: n. 易碎,薄弱vtransparency: n. 透明vembrace: v. accept or take willingly 欣然接受或采取vhighlight: n. best, most interesting or most exciting part of something 最好的部份vmilestone: n. a very important event 重要事件Sample Demonstration Sample Welcome Speech by Mr. Wang DekunvAt a closing ceremony, the chairman or the distinguished guest of the conference would deliver a closing speech, thanking all related persons and organizations, commenting on the contributions of the conference, noticing the arrangement for next conference and declaring the conference closed.vFormat of a closing speechExtending thanks to the participants, organizers, sponsors, and chairman, etc.Congratulating on the success of the conferenceSummarizing the contents and achievements of the conferenceInviting participants to the next conferenceTask 2. Giving a Closing SpeechVocabularyvconverge: v. come towards each other and meet at a point 汇集vinfrastructure: n. basis, subordinate parts of sth. 基础设施vmint: v. make sth. by stamping metal 铸造Sample Demonstration Sample Closing Speech by Prof. D. HarrisvToasts or dinner speeches are usually made by the host to welcome the guests and by the distinguished guest to thank the host. The toasts or dinner speeches express the sentiment of the person proposing it. v Format of a welcome dinner speechExpressing warm welcome and cordial greetings to the guestsIntroducing the uniqueness or characteristics of the host city or university Expressing good wishes to the conference and participantsvFormat of a thank-you dinner speechExpressing your sincere thanks to the hosts hospitality and serviceLauding the friendship and association between the host and the guestStating the sincere sentiment of oneselfExpressing good wishes to everyone presentTask 3. Giving a Dinner SpeechVocabulary vaquaculture: n. 水产vhub: n. central point 中心vmetallurgical: adj. 冶金的vbreed: v. bring forth offspring 繁殖培育vreciprocate: v. give and receive in return 回应vround-off: n. a successful end of sth. 圆满结束vfishery: n. the fishing industry 渔业vnurture: v. educate 培养vpeach plum flowers blooming all over the land: 桃李满天下Sample Demonstration Sample Thank-you Dinner Speech by the President of the University of Nottingham, UK
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