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Where do you want to live?1.completekmpli:t adj. (很少有比较级、最高级的变化)(很少有比较级、最高级的变化)1) 全部的,完备的全部的,完备的the complete works of Hemingway 海明威全集海明威全集a large house complete with swimming pool 一所设备齐全带有游泳一所设备齐全带有游泳池的大房子池的大房子words2) 彻底的,完全的彻底的,完全的a complete victory 完胜完胜a complete failure 彻底的失败彻底的失败be complete/ be finished完成完成eg. My work will be complete next week. vt. 完成,做完,完结完成,做完,完结eg. The bridge isnt completed yet. completely adv. 完全地,全部地完全地,全部地eg. I was completely at a loss what to do.at a loss: not knowing what to do or say不知如何是好不知如何是好; 茫然茫然; 困惑困惑 我完全不知道怎么办才好。我完全不知道怎么办才好。2.modernmdn adj.1) 现代的,近代的现代的,近代的modern times 现代a modern discovery 最近的发现2) 现代的,时髦的现代的,时髦的eg. Im afraid your ideas are not modern. modern school (英国不升大学的)中等学校(英国不升大学的)中等学校modernization n. 现代化modern (a.) modernize (v.) 使现代化 modernization (n.) 现代化the Four Modernizations 四个现代化类似的变化:类似的变化:real realize realizationglobe global globalize globalization3.strange adj. 奇怪的,陌生的,生疏的,外行的,不习惯的奇怪的,陌生的,生疏的,外行的,不习惯的eg. I am quite strange here. be strange at football 对足球是个外行eg. He was still strange to the work. eg. The idiom is strange to an English ear. 这句成语英国人听起来很别扭。stranger n. 陌生人,异乡人,外行陌生人,异乡人,外行eg. Do they admit strangers to the tennis court? 他们承认对网球是外行吗?他们承认对网球是外行吗?make a stranger of sb.冷淡地对待某人冷淡地对待某人make no stranger of sb.热情地对待某人热情地对待某人eg. He makes no stranger of me. the little stranger 新生婴儿新生婴儿4.district n. 区,地区,(美)选举区区,地区,(美)选举区a poor district inhabited by the London working people 伦敦劳动人民居住的贫困区伦敦劳动人民居住的贫困区administrative district 行政区行政区a business district 商业区商业区an electoral lektrl district 选区选区Listen and answerv1. what will your sister do next year?v2.will she get a surprise if she comes or not?v3.Is it a very modern house or an old house ?v4.has it got many large rooms and a lovely garden ?1.Ihadaletterfrommysisteryesterday.收到某人的来信havealetterfromsbreceivealetterfromsbhearfromsb2.surprise.n. 惊人的事物,料想不到的事物惊人的事物,料想不到的事物eg. His success was a great surprise to me . eg. The ring of the telephone surprised the man dozing during working hours.(doze duz 打盹儿,瞌睡打盹儿,瞌睡)eg. She will be much surprised by your visit. in surprise吃惊,在惊慌中吃惊,在惊慌中v3.Wearenowlivinginabeautifulnewhouseinthecountry.abeautifulnewhousev离一个名词最近的词跟该词的关系最密切,冠词肯定是放在最前面的vspareoldcloth不穿的旧衣服vabigredflag大红旗v4.Workonithadbegunbeforemysisterleft.vwork(工作,作业)是抽象的不可数名词,“的工作”后面必须用介词onv5.Inmyletter,Itoldherthatshecouldstaywithus.vstaywith跟暂住在一起(stayvi.暂住,逗留)vHestayedwithhisunclelastweekThereisandItisv在说明或询问人或物等的存在时可用therebe结构。这种结构可以用一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时及现在完成时等时态。v在用there表示过存在后,就必须用it或人称代词作进一步说明:vTheresabuscoming,butitsfull.vTheresamanatthedoor.Itsthepostmanvit作为“虚主语”表示时间、距离、天气等概念时,不能用therebe结构vItsfifteenmilestothestation.1、一般将来时:、一般将来时:will + V. 原形原形I will see you tomorrow.2. 将来进行时:将来进行时:will + be + v. -ing将来某时正在做某事或对将来某事的一种判断,推将来某时正在做某事或对将来某事的一种判断,推测,或是用将来进行时提问更加客气礼貌。测,或是用将来进行时提问更加客气礼貌。What will you be doing tomorrow? 关键句型3.过去完成时:过去完成时: had+过去分词过去分词After he had finished work he went home.4. 间接引语间接引语He said that; He told me that区别:区别:said+所说内容;所说内容;told + sb+所说内容所说内容5. if条件句条件句主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时。主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时。If you open the door, you will get a surprise.6. 情态动词:情态动词:must, can(could),may(might)must, can /could, may / might + v.原形原形7. 动名词动名词做主语,表语,动词宾语,介词宾语,定语做主语,表语,动词宾语,介词宾语,定语Fishing is my favorite sport. 8. have的用法:的用法:1)拥有拥有/own;possess2)帮助构成现在完成时帮助构成现在完成时:have+过去分词过去分词3)其它含义:吃,喝,做,度过其它含义:吃,喝,做,度过.9. 被动语态被动语态be+过去分词过去分词It was bought by my grandfather many years ago.练习练习1. 用正确的时态填空:用正确的时态填空:l) After he had read the book, he _ (write) a review of it. (wrote)2) He did not leave his office until he had _ (finish)work. (finished)3)If he _ (break) his promise, III never speak to him again. (breaks)4)If the weather is fine, we will _ (go) for a picnic.(go/shall go)2. 用用said或或told填空用动词的正确时态填空:填空用动词的正确时态填空:I)She _ me she _ (will) be absent from work. (told, would)2)I _ my mother that I _ (lose) the key. (told, had lost)3. 用恰当的动词来替换括号中的词:用恰当的动词来替换括号中的词:l) He ( ) a new house. (owns)He has a new house.2) He( )a lot of money (possesses)He has a lot of money.3)I ( )a bath before dinner. (took)I had a bath before dinner.4) ( ) a biscuit. (Take)Have a biscuit.5) ( )you( )use your telephone please? (Will, let me)Can I use your telephone please?May I use your telephone please?6) ( ) the play ( ) begin at any moment. (Perhaps, will)The play may begin at any moment.7) ( )begun already. (Perhaps it has)It may have begun already.8) ( ) take a taxi. (It is necessary for me to)I must take a taxi.I have to take a taxi
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