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中考英语 第二部分 语法专题突破 专题十一 动词的时态课件2考点精讲分析湖南各地市近3年中考真题可知, 动词的时态是各地市的必考点。主要在单项填空中考查, 完形填空中考查较少(2016岳阳43题, 2016湘西39题, 2016湘西43题)。 考查点以现在完成时、过去进行时、一般过去时和一般现在时(主要为“主将从现”的用法)为主, 一般将来时和现在进行时考查较少, 过去完成时仅考查过一次(2015湘潭34题)。考查形式有单句和对话, 且设空主要为1空, 偶尔涉及2空, 大部分会有明显的时间标志词。 常考七类动词时态的用法和构成 时态意意义一般一般现在在时(2016年年5次,次,2015年年2次,次,2014常德常德22题题)1.现在经常性的状态或动作;现在经常性的状态或动作;2. .客观事实和真理;客观事实和真理;3. .在时间、条件状语从句中在时间、条件状语从句中,用一般现用一般现 在时表将来;在时表将来;4. .在某些以在某些以here, there开头的句子中开头的句子中,用用 一般现在时表示正在发生的动作一般现在时表示正在发生的动作构成特点构成特点时间标志志词1. be表语表语2. .实义动词作谓实义动词作谓 语语3. .Here / There 动词单三形动词单三形 式宾语式宾语often, sometimes, usually, always, never, twice a month, on Sundays, every day/week/month/year.(every系列系列)时间标志志词例句例句备注注a moment agojust now, .ago, last night/week/month.(last系系列列), yesterday, the other day, used to, the day before yesterdayWe went to the History Museum last Monday.上周一上周一我们去了历史博物馆。我们去了历史博物馆。When I was in the countryside, I often swam in the river.当我当我在乡下时在乡下时,我常在河里游泳。我常在河里游泳。/时态意意义构成特点构成特点一般将来一般将来时(2016年年2次,次,2015邵阳邵阳27题,题,2014年年2次次)将来的动作将来的动作或状态或状态1.will(shall)动词原形动词原形,常与表示将来的时间状语常与表示将来的时间状语连用连用2be going to动词原形动词原形,表示计划、打算做某事表示计划、打算做某事,主语一般是人主语一般是人时间标志志词例句例句备注注tonight, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, from now on, soon, in the future, in ten minutes, next year, next week/month/term.(next系列系列)The twins will go to the cinema with their parents tonight. 这对双胞胎今晚将这对双胞胎今晚将和父母一起去看电影。和父母一起去看电影。What are you going to do next Sunday?下周日你打?下周日你打算做什么?算做什么?在时间和条件在时间和条件状语从句中状语从句中,用一般现在时用一般现在时代替一般将来代替一般将来时。时。时态意意义构成特点构成特点现在在进行行时(2016年年3次,次,2015岳阳岳阳24题,题,2014年年2次次)1.现在时刻动作:目前正现在时刻动作:目前正在发生的动作;在发生的动作;2. 现阶段动作:目前一个现阶段动作:目前一个时期一直在进行的动作时期一直在进行的动作,此刻不一定在进行此刻不一定在进行 am/is/are动动词的现在分词的现在分词词时间标志志词例句例句备注注now, at present, at the moment, these days, look, listen, be quietLook! What are the children doing over there?看!孩子们在?看!孩子们在那边做什么?那边做什么?come, go,leave等少数动词的现等少数动词的现在进行时形式可在进行时形式可表示将要发生的表示将要发生的动作。动作。时态意意义构成特点构成特点过去去进行行时(2016年年2次,次,2015年年6次,次,2014年年2次次)过去某时正在进行过去某时正在进行的动作的动作was/were 动词的现在动词的现在分词分词时间标志志词例句例句备注注at that time, this time yesterday, at 800 last night, at that moment, then, when引导的表示过去引导的表示过去时间的状语从句时间的状语从句I was reading when he came in.当当他进来的时候他进来的时候,我正在读书。我正在读书。What were you doing at nine last night? 昨天晚上昨天晚上9点你正在做什么点你正在做什么?I was watching TV at that time. 那时我正在看电视。那时我正在看电视。 /时态意意义构成特点构成特点现在完成在完成时(2016年年5次,次,2015年年2次次2014年年6次次)1.到现在为止已经完成的到现在为止已经完成的动作动作,对现在造成一定的对现在造成一定的影响;影响;2从过去开始延续到现从过去开始延续到现在的动作或状态在的动作或状态,常和常和for /since连用连用have/has动词的过去动词的过去分词分词时间标志志词例句例句备注注yet, still, just, so far, before, recently, once, already, lately,ever,never,since 1996/last year/2001/时间状语从时间状语从句句, in the last/past., for ten years(for系列系列)He has only been to the Great Wall once.他他只去过长城一次。只去过长城一次。I have been in the Youth Volunteers for five years.我加入我加入“青青年志愿者年志愿者”已经五年了。已经五年了。1.since后面的从句后面的从句用一般过去时用一般过去时,主主句用现在完成时。句用现在完成时。2短暂性动词不与短暂性动词不与一段时间连用。如一段时间连用。如果要与一段时间连果要与一段时间连用必须用必须转换成延续性动词。转换成延续性动词。时态意意义构成特点构成特点过去完成去完成时(2015湘潭湘潭34题题)表示在过去某一时间或表示在过去某一时间或某一动作以前发生或完某一动作以前发生或完成的动作成的动作,它表示动作它表示动作发生的时间是发生的时间是“过去的过去的过去过去”had动词的动词的过去分词过去分词(had通用于所有的通用于所有的人称人称)时间标志志词例句例句备注注by, by the end of, before, when, after, until过去的时间过去的时间点点I had just finished half of the work by yesterday. 到昨天为止到昨天为止,我刚完成了一半的工作。我刚完成了一半的工作。/ 动词时态的判断技巧1. 根据时间状语确定时态 【典例剖析】(2016湘潭29题) Marcus is our foreign teacher. He _ in our school for two years. A. was B. will be C. has been 点拨:第步:分析语境:Marcus是我们的外教。他_在我们学校两年了。第步:分析三个选项的时态。A项:一般过去时;B项:一般将来时;C项:现在完成时。第步:根据时间标志词或语境判断时态。根据题干中的时间标志词“for two years”是完成时的标志可知选C。2. 在复合句中根据时态呼应确定时态 (1)“主将从现”原则。如果主句是一般将来时,从句是由 when, not.until, as soon as 等引导的时间状语从句以及由 if引导的条件状语从句,则从句应用一般现在时表将来。 (2)在主从复合句中,如果主句和从句的谓语动词表示的两个动作都发生在过去,而且存在明显的先后顺序,那么延续性动词用过去进行时,短暂性动词用一般过去时。通常在when和while引导的时间状语从句中出现。【典例剖析】(2016长沙23题) I think Ill take a bus to the meeting. The bus? If you _, you will be late. A. do B. have done C. will do 点拨:第步:分析语境“我想我将乘公交车去开会。”“公交车?如果你_,你将会迟到。” 第步:分析三个选项的时态。A项:一般现在时;B项:现在完成时;C项:一般将来时。第步:找时间标志词或分析语境判断时态。分析题干可知,挖空句为if引导的条件状语从句,应遵循“主将从现”原则。本题主句为一般将来时,从句应用一般现在时。故选A。 3. 根据上下文已有的时态信息确定时态这类试题虽然看起来没有时间状语提示词,也不是出现在复合句中,但是上下句的动作存在着明显的时间顺序差距,此时可根据上下句已有的时态来判断本句所要使用的时态。【典例剖析】(2015张家界31题) He almost fell down. But he _. A. didnt B. doesnt C. wont 点拨:第步:分析语境:他差点摔倒了。但是他_。第步:But表示转折,且并列句中前后句的时态一般保持一致。前句为一般过去时,则后句也应为一般过去时。故选A。 4. 根据时态中的“特殊”对象(如客观真理)确定时态 当宾语从句表述的是客观事实、科学真理、格言或现在的习惯性行为时,其谓语动词的时态不受主句谓语动词时态的影响,要用一般现在时。如: Our physics teacher told us light travels faster than sound. 我们的物理老师告诉我们光比声音传播得快。 注 意不宜用进行时态的动词表示心理状态、情感的动词,如:love, like, hate, care, know, understand, forget, remember, believe, want, agree, wish, mean等;表示存在的动词,如: be, lie(位于)等;注 意表示一瞬间就发生的动作,如: get, buy, end, receive 等。如:I like English very much. 我非常喜欢英语。(表示情感) Mexico lies to the south of Texas. 墨西哥位于德克萨斯州的南边。(表示存在)现学现用1.Grace _ this game every time we play it. A. wins B. won C. will winA含标志词2. My grandparents _ in Yueyang since 2014. A. will live B. live C. have lived 3. Many people in the city _ their bikes to work every day. A. ride B. will ride C. rode CA4. A nice car! Is it yours? No, it isnt. I _ it from a friend of mine two days ago. A. borrow B. have borrowed C. borrowed5. Have you finished the poster for the party? Not yet. I _ it in two days. A. finish B. finished C. will finishCC6. Have you watched the movie Soulmate? Yes, I _ it last night with my sister. A. have watched B. watched C. will watch B7. Please wait. She _ to you in a few minutes. A. talked B. have talked C. will talk8. All of my students _ great progress in both thoughts and behaviors in the last three years. A. made B. make C. have madeCC9. I saw Jeff in the park. He _ on the grass and reading a book at that time. A. sits B. sat C. was sitting10. Do you have any ideas about the competition? I will let you know the result as soon as I _ the news. A. get B. will get C. gotCA11. Amy, can we give away these soft toys? We _ them for many years. Yes, mom, but I want to keep the bear. A. were having B. had C. have hadC12. Hello. May I speak to Mr. Smith? Hello. This is Joan. Mr. Smith _ a meeting at the moment. A. is having B. had C. was havingA13. Whats wrong with you? I missed the school bus. By the time I got to the stop, the school bus _ for 10 minutes. A. had left B. has been away C. had been awayC14. Keep quiet. Mom _ in the next room. She worked the whole night yesterday. A. slept B. is sleeping C. has sleptB根据语境判断15. Is your mother a teacher? Yes, she is. She _ at a junior high school. A. taught B. teaches C. will teach B16. Did you watch the football match on TV last night? I wanted to, but my mother _ her favorite TV program. A. watches B. watched C. was watchingC17. Miss Lin _ my deskmate with her lessons when I left school. She is really a nice teacher. A. helps B. is helping C. was helping C18. Cathy, can you answer the door? I _ the room. Yes, mum. A. clean B. cleaned C. am cleaning19. Wheres Mr. Green? He _ to Changsha. A. has gone B. have gone C. has been CA
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