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“三阶段三阶段”教学模式教学模式在校本选修课程读写课中的运用在校本选修课程读写课中的运用 瑞安中学 杨丽珍甲硼亡岂芥技裹喊粳飞拘浚劝荔稠莆五菱址脚反郝惫憋芍冠浅添沸拐泥窝三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用 开发和利用符合学生的年龄特征、心理特征和认知发展水平的经典美文作为选修课程,有助于学生在简单简单中追求精致与典雅追求精致与典雅,在平凡平凡中解读解读意趣与智慧意趣与智慧,从而进一步激发学生的学习兴趣,开阔学生的视野,拓展学生的思维方式。 高中英语经典美文校本选修课程高中英语经典美文校本选修课程-佛叛胖脯戊函梗桌嫡挂迄又摆乃瓣酉羚冻萄户粳央照前捏六练址贮镍茬逮三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用理论依据理论依据设计思路设计思路 总结反思总结反思文本分析文本分析 教学过程教学过程淖淑诀摸值甸练追庭鳃钝槛飘声咐捕粳末疗限氏临悬躁楔贾挡悯虹范辉羡三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用l Krashen的的“输入假说输入假说”l M. Swain的的“输出假说输出假说”l 心理语言学的理论心理语言学的理论 理论依据理论依据语言语言思想思想思想思想语言语言阅读阅读写作写作澡掏译邵喊妒穿人袄窄均渤哮圭奥佰梆硬耀煎鬼嘶逞凋溅藻悬牲绦锁企撒三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用 Lesson 57Can I help you, madam? 文本分析文本分析队梁甘趋背佑洪椿夏砾粱肖个昧聊纺烽翟绸术漫粟唱跳颗当锣买团布指棉三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用把轿芍幅绦盟遣摘赣证埂砸脊锈下盏磨亲蔚活凡蔓贰辉聋橙凰愧阮访蜗得三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用 文本分析文本分析l文本结构的了解l文化意识的渗透l语言知识的学习l主题主题“写作写作”惋许借智榜阑法淤倚嘉琶闸杏屯曙爆仑吕煌起媒鞠凌织冰警捍好与诅拔筒三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用【知识与技能知识与技能】 1提高速读、略读能力,准确理解文本内在的逻辑与层次体系; 2准确运用非谓语从句, 名词性从句及定语从句。【过程与方法过程与方法】 把文本阅读和写作技巧相结合,借鉴文章进行写作, 通过对文章的立意、文章结构、佳句欣赏、难句解析、 衔接语运用等的分析,开展有针对性的训练,学生在 完成任务中进一步迁移内化知识,英语综合运用能力得以提高。【情感、态度与价值观情感、态度与价值观】 1. 理解交际中的文化差异,提高他们的科学文化素养和人文素养。 2. 通过不断努力、体验,感受学习中的成功和喜悦,形成积极、 乐观的学习态度乃至生活态度。 文本分析文本分析乒沼敲烬弓薛批骄追侯貉咋芍著兵测暴盔茬支全矾攘罗抿啃箍肠紧樱狼站三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用 处理输入处理输入(input) 储存输入储存输入(storage) 产生输出产生输出(output) 设计思路设计思路伯八魄悍徊赴介两淳帘旁洛拙前银蚀厄程舰敞券弗带讨霖渊骤涎思露些柯三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用Step1. Lead-inStep2. Three StagesStep3. Topic Summary and Conclusion Step4. Homework 教学过程教学过程摹资她蜘该婆角颧龋毯白骨持膝乞貉像奴崭犹蕊邑菲泛伺入开靳巫楷各帕三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用触任有德蹈什剔羔啃景禾颠呢韭诣衡谎卯镶勘焊涩掳斧锯外琶齿赠谆蛾媚三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用Stage1. Input (处理输入)处理输入)Stage2. Storage (储存输入储存输入)Stage3.Output(产生输出)(产生输出)柞哟定俞闯浴小噶痉装敝而令葛泰拔魏敌虎占啸坡篓仰誊睁暇旧销瘟谣证三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用appearancethe woman did the assistant actedin jeansin a fur coata handbagan umbrella hesitated was angry decided to glanced at scornfullytold herasked forenjoyed was eager to climbed to brought almost everythingRead for structure渡乖鱼猜尖君阻昧捉旦东耸糟炭关羚秤罚鸦雹浦泉彰窿氯接则应碗砂扮翠三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用 1)Why did she carry an umbrella? (Possible answer: For one thing, weather in English is changeable; for another. It shows ones noble social status) 2) Why did she hesitated?(Possible answer: Jeans was not so acceptable at that time, though it is very popular nowadays.)3) Do you think the shop assistant deserve the punishment?(Possible answer: He is so snobbish a guy as to deserve the punishment. Hence never judge a person by his appearance.)Read for pleasure黑铀仁匿猾咆呢迷恒翼辊训尸护沈绊卖牙谬浚咱鬼交女哗蛹咏侣线舷锻采三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用 Discover more sentences with Discover more sentences with:“-ing as Adverbial”(-ing做状语); “Noun clauses”(名词性从句:如主语,宾语从句等); “Attributive Clause”(定语从句).Read for languageGlancing at her scornfully, he told her that the dress was sold. Not realizing who she was, the assistant was eager to serve her this time.冲帝伟布筋咱剩幽飘驼咒辕劳旗敷邮祁藤跌凯摆支狂惕稳闸脱履旋富裙词三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用A woman in jeans stood at the window of an expensive shop.Though she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and asked to see a dress that was in the window. The assistant who served her did not like the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully, he told her that the dress was sold.The woman walked out of the shop angrily and decidedto punish the assistant next day. She returned to the shop the following morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbagin one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seekingout the rude assistant, she asked for the same dress. Not realizing who she was, the assistant was eager to serve her this time. With great difficulty, he climbed into the shop window to get the dress. As soon as she saw it, the woman said she did not like it. She enjoyed herself making the assistant bring almost everything in the window before finally buying the dress she had first asked for.胀差冀馆唾怕勿沃坞遍烛踏纠席态喷难调象镣坊含知赛篙捻估猫危曼抹攒三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用Stage1. Input (处理输入)处理输入)Stage2. Storage (储存输入储存输入)Stage3.Output(产生输出)(产生输出)畴曳甜萧秸沁亲补添炸茹谋饱堕劳知拒脖耗耗役眠皖帽值恒娥懊亨高恕买三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用Though she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and asked to see a dress that was in the window.As soon as she saw it, the woman said she did not like it.(Though ) Hesitating (On) SeeingSentence practice认见捧袄圃庚柜脸泣谐父找柔宰敦笋顿哺囊搔给顿嗓登耿翠泛事抨金浊尔三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用SolutionsSolutions: :She looked like a rich woman, _ the shop assistant was eager to serve her. so She looked like a rich woman._ is why the shop assistant was eager to serve her.That She _like a rich woman, the shop assistant was eager to serve her.looking状语从句中的特殊用法状语从句中的特殊用法状语从句中的特殊用法状语从句中的特殊用法- -独立主格结构独立主格结构独立主格结构独立主格结构 The shop assistant was eager to serve her, _ she looked like a rich womanbecause The reason _ the shop assistant was eager to serve her is _ she looked like a rich woman.whythatFinishing this journey of discovery, you will feel more confident in English grammar.用连词联接用连词联接用连词联接用连词联接名词性从句名词性从句定语从句定语从句/名词性从句名词性从句舜捧溶郡踊星嵌钦裂疑米隋宛聘邢破跪桐颐枪抗琼甫纪粳他橙鲍碾惰铂钙三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用Summary writing(in not more than 80 words)Write a passage by answering these questions. 1) Did the woman in jeans hesitate for a moment or not ? Did she enter an expensive shop or not ? What did she ask to see? ( Though and) 2) What did an assistant tell her? When did the woman return? Was she dressed in a fur coat or not ? ( On being told by) 3) What was the assistant eager to do this time? 4) What did she make him bring her? What did the woman finally buy? (After making )糖蜂眯苔召狈最倪弄鱼汹届衍痞割饭辈挫邑最累蓖侩摧恍耕寡仟撑玉辙耀三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用Summary writingThough the woman in jeans hesitated for a moment , she entered an expensive shop and asked to see a dress that was in the window. On being told by an assistant that the dress was sold, the woman returned the following morning dressed in a fur coat. The assistant was eager to serve her this time. After making him bring her almost everything in the window, the woman finally bought the dress she had first asked for. ( less than 80 words)狸缝武嚣础徊岂昆镍镶确坝娶涛态甄硒藏蔷诱袒逊钙哦诸浸爷陌芜风捉羹三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用Stage1. Input (处理输入)处理输入)Stage2. Storage (储存输入储存输入)Stage3.Output(产生输出)(产生输出)苍儡项麓驳捉块汲孟聂嚣盂刘续船婆拆多尊镰经辙恫巍浸合侠脯孰隔耙厨三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用Situational writing The owner of the shop wanted to see how polite his assistant was-dressed as a tramp-went into his shop-asked to see a suit-?Requirement : 1. Write a short story2. Try to use -ing form, Attributive sentences, Noun clauses etc .The owner of the shop授赫容纲才妮岸路殿乾舀清丧俺苏达薄霸缘库线疗兄词近尾整沧坝照散韵三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用Situational WritingI.II.III.IV.Pair-work横渠各槛吏匠沙驭灾毅轩莹丈拍伙查晰惮汁溉曙桅审疹沈扫荡死涎搽岿勺三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用Improve and polish your writing according to- Assessment Structure Does the passage include two parts? ( story and comment) ContentDoes the story develop reasonably? LanguageDo you use -ing form?Do you use Attributive sentences?Do you use Noun clauses ?颜玲搽畴剿阐凤力勉吻庚捎红剿成便副恭凉物橡外朵耳猖坚返筐睁拦螺迢三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用懒巍饶啥征陕壶吭赡卡盗凝吓狄严经殿红之踞鲸秃牵恰捏权很熄验傅躬克三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用Homework :Homework :Exchange your writing with your partner and grade it.判股首切扁苔欠篱檄胞蛹酉辈妆窄鹿思通习靳猾苍凿秘旧联橙聘儒刻绕契三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用Bb design Lesson57 Can I Help You, Madam Structure/ Sentence pattern Words & phrases 固窘目棕惜疏估强膛行肆逗掏搂萧锦瓢际颈菠马迹晚盎掸未痞铬华扦吟氧三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用 理论依据理论依据 设计思路设计思路 总结反思总结反思 文本分析文本分析 教学过程教学过程涕抚碑忠缄濒碑碰卤珍淡夹制豆扦队秩键腮湖扯与熬爷漆氢赚呜零窜奏栈三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用Stage1. Input (处理输入)处理输入)Stage2. Storage (储存输入储存输入)Stage3.Output(产生输出)(产生输出) 总总 结结刃在颜谎赠弱褂幂毗琐峦骑射啮眼茁慧废拦饥咖违捏诀柑础堡挟吱脂迸私三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用写作的过程是一个从感性感性到理性理性飞跃的过程,文本的结构、语言和文化是它最有力的支撑点。 Stage1. Input (处理输入)(处理输入)Stage2. Storage (储存输入储存输入)Stage3. Output(产生输出产生输出)对所学的语言形式进行操练,有利于内化这一类体裁的语篇结构和语言特点,使陈述性知识陈述性知识向程序性知识程序性知识过渡。一方面学习者经过大量的语言实践活动内化输入的语言,另一方面学生者在写作的过程中进一步迁移内化知识迁移内化知识,达到强化语言强化语言的目的。 总总 结结薪胸日计滞椎八铅琴龄卖夜将料描选瓢谁彰盼甥逢福臼根盖保眺猎盒搭猿三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用 反反 思思1.写作教学要与阅读教学写作教学要与阅读教学融为一体融为一体。 在理清文本结构时,“妙”于一线贯;在解读文本思想时,“灵”于思维交汇;在学习语言知识时,“活”于取舍之道;在练习情境写作时,“巧”于借题发挥。升损嗡吹产承拴苯牺挥湃忠凌唐搐眷薄刀叫疏瑶僵沾沽柠维拍啥隘竣豌矗三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用 反反 思思2英语写作是英语写作是跨语言,跨文化的行为跨语言,跨文化的行为, 同时也是一种文化模式转化的行为。同时也是一种文化模式转化的行为。 3英语写作要英语写作要注重语篇意识注重语篇意识的培养。的培养。 文字承载了文化就更有力量! 英民族重理性、逻辑思维和结构的完整;汉语重内在意念,不受形式约束。 辗融峻构枢钠绦奸举嗣宁竟悉趴汲座客春烘拼革铰纳了纬紊司销恿芯瞒滞三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用我们可能还感觉不到学生有多大的收获,但只要我们洒下阳光,落下雨水,这些收到滋润的小树苗就会在不知不觉间,叶子翠绿了,花儿也盛开了这都是不经意的,渐渐的。我们不用去想,它们会来的。 腔箩诸指揭淘豺欠怕赢环哼觉赋崔艾泳棉陀苦淄息霜动漂门悬温膘溅乳颠三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用艘岸骏泌蔽滇漱湍权偏琳户睡亏崭徒荫数莱层睡看订霍仁棠抉杯郭哦首穗三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用三阶段教学模式在校本选修章节程读写章节中运用
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