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复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结构1. It has long been accepted that natural resources are limited.2. There is a growing consensus that it is unethical to clone human organs.3. The view that fast food will replace traditional is ridiculous.4. There is no doubt that radio and television are important means of communication.5. It is essential that more rigid laws and regulations should be enacted to deter criminals.1. How we can curb the soaring crime rate has been widely discussed in our community these days.2. That is why many white collars workers regard job-hopping as an opportunity to tap their potentials.3. This diagram illustrates how an IELTS candidate takes an interview.4. This diagram depicts how people obtain water in the wild in order to survive.5. In this essay, I intend to explore why many languages and cultures are disappearing.Sentence patterns1. , doing2. , with3. ,relative clause Clause+present participle phraseFor decades, the government sought to colonize and develop the Amazon, bringing severe environmental disaster to the area and its people. In recent years, the government has waged a massive ad campaign to encourage birth control, offering inducements such as free trips to Mecca. Notice that the present participle shares the same subject with the main clause. It usually indicates reason or result. He died in his middle age, leaving his old mother and two young children behind him. 他英年早逝,留下了年迈他英年早逝,留下了年迈他英年早逝,留下了年迈他英年早逝,留下了年迈的母亲和两个幼小的孩子。的母亲和两个幼小的孩子。的母亲和两个幼小的孩子。的母亲和两个幼小的孩子。TranslationHe opened the door quietly, _ to leave without being noticed. 他悄悄地打开门,想不知不觉地离开。他悄悄地打开门,想不知不觉地离开。intendingHis family had been planning to buy a new car but they postponed this purchase, _ _(等汽车价格下降等汽车价格下降)。.in pricewaiting for a fall Doing 1. I know that he was poor. I offered to pay his fare.2. We barricaded the windows. Then we assembled in the hall.Keys:1. Knowing that he was poor, I offered to pay his fare.2. Having barricaded the windows, we assembled inExercises: 3. In this chapter the characters have a conversation. They are lying face downwards in a sea of mud.4. The lion found his cage door open. He saw no sign of his keeper. He left the cage and walked slowly towards the zoo entrance.Keys:3. the characters, lying face downwards in a sea of mud, have a conversation.4. The lion, finding his cage door open and seeing no sigh of his keeper, left with + noun phrase, main clauseBut with 188 million people, the country is now struggling to provide enough food, shelter, and employment for its people. But with such a large population base, the country must still convert millions more to the idea of birth control if it is to reach its population targets. “with” here simply means “having”, showing an adverbial of condition. _, he has to take up another job. 有这么一大家人需要养活,他不得不再干一份工作。有这么一大家人需要养活,他不得不再干一份工作。有这么一大家人需要养活,他不得不再干一份工作。有这么一大家人需要养活,他不得不再干一份工作。TranslationWith a gun in hand, the gangster threatened to kill the hostage if he was not paid. With such a big family to support歹徒手里拿着枪,扬言如歹徒手里拿着枪,扬言如果拿不到钱就杀掉人质。果拿不到钱就杀掉人质。Relative ClauseExercises: Combine each group of sentences into one containing a relative clause:1. She was dancing with a student. He had a slight limp.2. There wasnt any directory in the telephone box. I was phoning from this box.Keys:1. She was dancing with a student who had a slight limp. 2. There wasnt any directory in the telephone box which I was phoning from.句型1、倒装句Hardly, scarcely, no sooner,few, little, seldom, never, so+adj./adv. Not only but also, 2. 强调句It is thatRefining by CombiningOur paper carrier collects on Fridays.Our paper carrier delivers the Winnipeg Free Press on Saturdays.1. You can connect them with an appropriate linking word, such as and, but, or, nor, or forOur paper carrier delivers the Winnipeg Free Press on Saturdays and collects on Fridays.Refining by Combining2. You can change one of the sentences into a subordinate clause.Our paper carrier, who delivers the Winnipeg Free Press on Saturdays, collects on Fridays.On Fridays, our paper carrier collects for the Winnipeg Free Press, which she delivers on Saturdays.Although she delivers the Winnipeg Free Press on Saturdays, our paper carrier collects on Fridays.Refining by Combining3. You can change one of the sentences into a modifying phrase.Having collected her money on Friday, our paper carrier delivers the Winnipeg Free Press on Saturdays.On Fridays, our paper carrier collects for the Winnipeg Free Press, a Saturday paper.Refining by Combining4. Sometimes it is possible to reduce one of your sentences to a single word modifier.On Fridays, our paper carrier collects for the Saturday Winnipeg Free Press.Refining by CombiningMeaningClarityCoherenceEmphasisConcisenessRhythm Refining by CombiningFast food such as fried chicken and chips is incredibly high in fat and salt, which results in serious health problems.Fast food such as fried chicken and chips which is incredibly high in fact and salt, results in serious health problems.It was raining hard .They could not work in the fields .It was raining hard ;they couldnt work in the fields .It was raining so hard that they couldnt work in the fields .They couldnt work in the fields because it was raining hard.It was raining hard ,so they couldnt work in the fields .As it was raining hard , they couldnt work in the fields .I was born in a small town .In the town there was only one school,.I studied there for six years .In the small town where I was born , there was only one school, and I studied there for six years .I was born in a small town, where there was only one school. I studied there for six years .I studied for six years at the only school where I was born in a small town.Refining by Combining1.If Fred is not at Castle Frank station, we should call the restaurant where he works.2.2. Although most people like chocolate, Inez does not because she is allergic to it.3.3. Holding hands, the two lovers walked up and down Lovers Lane until it was time for them to part for the night.4.4. When the clock in the Peace Tower had struck six time, we took off our skates and went home.5.5. Margot cannot come to class today because she has a toothache and has to see her dentist.Refining by Combining6. The famous Canadian painter, Tom Thomson, was an enthusiastic canoeist who disappeared mysteriously during a canoeing trip.7. Please serve something besides pickerel so that those of us who hate it can still enjoy our dinner.8. The loons call suddenly echoed, startling the tourists, who ran inside the hotel.9. Terence can register for classes in the fall providing he pays his tuition on time and passes all his current courses.10. The Northern Lights, who scientific name is aurora borealis, danced across the sky like fireworks.Refining by Combining1. The Canada Games, which were first held in 1967, are held every two years in a different city and create great national pride.2. The Miramichi River in northern New Brunswick is famous for its salmon. It attracts fly fishers from all over the world.3. Writers block, the inability to generate ideas on paper, can be a paralyzing experience that is difficult to overcome. Strategies to overcome writers block include freewriting, dictation into a tape recorder, or asking questions of your topic.Refining by Combining4. Prince Edward Island is now connected to Nova Scotia by the 12.9 km Confederation Bridge. As a result, the island, which could formerly be reached only by ferry, is much more accessible than it used to be.5. The World Wide Web is a boon to researchers because it provides a wealth of information rapidly and is accessible 24 hours a day. Since not all Web sites offer reliable information, however, it is important to note the source of a site and to evaluate its content.
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