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Customer-ServiceCustomer-ServiceText 1 What is Customer Text 1 What is Customer ServiceServiceNew Words and PhrasesNew Words and Phrasesdelivery delivery n. n. 交付,递送交付,递送internal internal adj. adj. 内部的内部的external external adj. adj. 外部的外部的wholesaler wholesaler n. n. 批发商批发商retailer retailer n. n. 零售商零售商stimulate stimulate v. v. 刺激,鼓舞刺激,鼓舞manufacturer manufacturer n.n. 生产商,制造商生产商,制造商Text 1 What is Customer Text 1 What is Customer ServiceServicesupplier supplier n. n. 供应商供应商availability availability n.n. 有效性,可利用的有效性,可利用的element element n. n. 元素,成份元素,成份exceed exceed v. v. 超出,超越超出,超越undertake undertake v. v. 着手,履行着手,履行process process n. n. 过程,进展过程,进展utility utility n.n. 效用效用output output n.n. 产出产出Text 1 What is Customer Text 1 What is Customer ServiceServicesupply chain supply chain 供应链供应链end-user end-user 终端用户终端用户down-stream enterprises down-stream enterprises 下游企业下游企业after-sales service after-sales service 售后服务售后服务value-added service value-added service 增值服务增值服务Text 1 What is Customer Text 1 What is Customer ServiceServiceNotesNotes1 1In In logistics logistics system, system, the the term term customer customer means means the the object object of of delivery, delivery, or or simply simply speaking, speaking, persons persons or or units that receive the goods.units that receive the goods. 在在物物流流系系统统中中,“客客户户”一一词词是是指指递递送送服服务务的的对对象象,简简单来说就是接受货物的个人或单位。单来说就是接受货物的个人或单位。Text 1 What is Customer Text 1 What is Customer ServiceService2 2In In contrast, contrast, external external customers, customers, in in the the supply supply chain, chain, range range widely widely from from wholesalers, wholesalers, retailers, retailers, end-users to other down-stream enterprises.end-users to other down-stream enterprises. 相相反反而而言言,外外部部客客户户分分布布于于供供应应链链各各个个部部位位,从从批批发发商、零售商到最终用户或其他下游企业。商、零售商到最终用户或其他下游企业。Text 1 What is Customer Text 1 What is Customer ServiceService3 3 Whoever Whoever the the customers customers are, are, their their demand demand for for logistics logistics service service acts acts as as a a driving driving force force that that stimulates the development of logistics.stimulates the development of logistics. 不不论论客客户户是是谁谁,他他们们对对物物流流服服务务的的需需求求驱驱动动刺刺激激着着物物流业的发展。流业的发展。Text 1 What is Customer Text 1 What is Customer ServiceService4 4 Customer Customer service service is is normally normally defined defined as as the the service service provided provided to to the the customer customer from from the the time time the the order is placed until the order is delivered.order is placed until the order is delivered. 客客户户服服务务通通常常被被定定义义为为从从下下订订单单开开始始到到订订单单履履行行结结束束期间为客户提供的服务。期间为客户提供的服务。Text 1 What is Customer Text 1 What is Customer ServiceService5 5Under Under this this definition definition it it includes includes price, price, product product range range on on offer, offer, after-sales after-sales service, service, product product availability, availability, in in other other words, words, the the total total activity activity of servicing the customer. of servicing the customer. 在在这这种种解解释释下下,客客户户服服务务包包括括价价格格和和产产品品的的变变化化、售售后后服服务务以以及及产产品品的的可可得得性性,换换言言之之,就就是是服服务务客客户户的的所所有有活活动。动。Text 1 What is Customer Text 1 What is Customer ServiceService6 6Almost Almost no no company company provides provides all all its its customers customers with with the same level of customer service.the same level of customer service. 几乎没有公司为所有客户提供单一的服务水平。几乎没有公司为所有客户提供单一的服务水平。Text 1 What is Customer Text 1 What is Customer ServiceService7 7Basic Basic service service refers refers to to the the basic basic level level delivered delivered to to all all customers, customers, whether whether less less profitable profitable or or most most profitable, profitable, they they should should receive receive service service not not lower lower than this level. than this level. 基基本本服服务务是是指指提提供供给给所所有有客客户户的的基基本本服服务务水水平平,无无论论利润微薄还是丰厚,客户都应得到不低于该水平的服务。利润微薄还是丰厚,客户都应得到不低于该水平的服务。Text 1 What is Customer Text 1 What is Customer ServiceService8 8In In addition addition to to basic basic service, service, firms firms sometimes sometimes offer offer extra extra service service such such as as personal personal package package to to certain certain customers, customers, who who are are considered considered as as key key customers by the firm.customers by the firm. 除除了了基基本本服服务务,对对于于公公司司的的某某些些关关键键客客户户,公公司司为为他他们提供诸如个性化包装等的额外增值服务。们提供诸如个性化包装等的额外增值服务。Text 1 What is Customer Text 1 What is Customer ServiceService9 9Of Of course, course, firms firms have have to to undertake undertake basic basic service service promise before engaging in value-added service.promise before engaging in value-added service. 当当然然,公公司司必必须须在在提提供供增增值值服服务务之之前前履履行行基基本本服服务务的的承承诺。诺。Text 1 What is Customer Text 1 What is Customer ServiceService1010 Logistics Logistics system, system, with with functions functions of of transportation, transportation, warehousing warehousing and and other other associated associated activities, activities, creates creates time time and and place place utility utility for for products. products. 物物流流系系统统通通过过运运输输、仓仓储储及及其其他他相相关关活活动动的的运运作作为为产产品创造了时间和空间效用。品创造了时间和空间效用。Dialogue 1 Delay of Dialogue 1 Delay of DeliveringDeliveringNew Words and PhrasesNew Words and Phrasesdeliver deliver v.v. 交付,递送交付,递送render render v. v. 给予,提供给予,提供check check v.v. 查询,核对查询,核对awfully awfully adv. adv. 非常,十分非常,十分arrangement arrangement n.n. 安排安排Dialogue 1 Delay of Dialogue 1 Delay of DeliveringDeliveringassure assure v. v. 保证保证fill in fill in 填写填写due to due to 由于,因为由于,因为traffic jam traffic jam 交通堵塞交通堵塞make the delivery of make the delivery of 交货交货Dialogue 1 Delay of Dialogue 1 Delay of DeliveringDeliveringNotesNotes1 1We We render render the the service service of of delivering delivering goods goods to to customers house.customers house. 我们提供送货到家服务。我们提供送货到家服务。Dialogue 1 Delay of Dialogue 1 Delay of DeliveringDelivering2 2Due Due to to the the traffic traffic jams, jams, we we cant cant make make the the delivery of your goods today.delivery of your goods today. 由于交通堵塞,我们今天无法送货。由于交通堵塞,我们今天无法送货。3 3Well Well be be glad glad to to make make arrangements arrangements to to send send it it again.again. 我们非常乐意再为您安排送货。我们非常乐意再为您安排送货。Text 2 How to Improve Text 2 How to Improve Customer Service LevelCustomer Service LevelNew Words and PhrasesNew Words and Phrasesurgency urgency n. n. 紧急,紧迫紧急,紧迫fiercely fiercely adv.adv. 强烈,极度地强烈,极度地competitive competitive adj.adj. 竞争的竞争的retain retain v.v. 保留,维持保留,维持formation formation n. n. 形成形成implementation implementation n. n. 执行,落实执行,落实Text 2 How to Improve Text 2 How to Improve Customer Service LevelCustomer Service Levelsuperior superior adj. adj. 优秀的优秀的contradiction contradiction n. n. 矛盾矛盾ultimate ultimate adj. adj. 最终的最终的simultaneously simultaneously adv. adv. 同时的同时的imply imply v. v. 暗示,包含暗示,包含frequent frequent adj.adj.频繁的频繁的multiple multiple adj.adj.多样的多样的identify identify v. v. 确认确认characterize characterize v. v. 以以为特征为特征process process n. n. 过程,工序过程,工序similarity similarity n. n. 相似处,相似点相似处,相似点preference preference n. n. 偏爱偏爱achieve achieve v. v. 完成,达到,实现完成,达到,实现competitor competitor n. n. 竞争者竞争者sector sector n. n. 环节环节interact interact v. v. 互相作用,互相影响互相作用,互相影响negatively negatively adv. adv. 否定地否定地calculate calculate v. v. 计算计算formula formula n. n. 公式公式variable variable adj. adj. 可变的可变的Text 2 How to Improve Text 2 How to Improve Customer Service LevelCustomer Service Levela great array of a great array of 大量的大量的result from result from 发生,引起发生,引起result in result in 致使,导致致使,导致take into account take into account 对对加以考虑加以考虑fall into fall into 分类分类market-driven market-driven 市场驱动市场驱动Text 2 How to Improve Text 2 How to Improve Customer Service LevelCustomer Service LevelNotesNotes1 1 In In todays todays fiercely fiercely competitive competitive market, market, customers customers face face a a great great array array of of products products and and brand brand choices, prices and supplier.choices, prices and supplier. 在在今今天天激激烈烈竞竞争争的的市市场场,客客户户面面对对大大量量的的产产品品、品品牌、价格和供应商可供选择。牌、价格和供应商可供选择。Text 2 How to Improve Text 2 How to Improve Customer Service LevelCustomer Service Level2 2Higher Higher level level of of customer customer service service resulting resulting from from improved improved logistics logistics system system can can greatly greatly benefit benefit the the implementation of market strategy.implementation of market strategy. 完完善善的的物物流流系系统统带带来来的的高高水水平平物物流流服服务务能能够够极极大大地地促促进市场战略的实施。进市场战略的实施。Text 2 How to Improve Text 2 How to Improve Customer Service LevelCustomer Service Level3 3Therefore, Therefore, the the managers managers are are now now going going all all out out to to improve improve their their logistics logistics system system to to deliver deliver superior superior customer service.customer service. 因因此此,经经理理们们都都在在尽尽其其所所能能完完善善他他们们的的物物流流系系统统以以提提供优质的物流服务。供优质的物流服务。Text 2 How to Improve Text 2 How to Improve Customer Service LevelCustomer Service Level4 4Firms Firms ultimate ultimate goal goal is is to to gain gain profits, profits, not not sales, sales, so so both both level level and and cost cost have have to to be be taken taken into account.into account. 公公司司的的最最终终目目标标是是获获得得利利润润的的增增长长,而而不不是是销销售售量量,因因此服务水平和成本必须考虑。此服务水平和成本必须考虑。Text 2 How to Improve Text 2 How to Improve Customer Service LevelCustomer Service Level5 5No No logistics logistics system system can can maximize maximize service service and and minimize logistics cost simultaneously.minimize logistics cost simultaneously. 没没有有任任何何一一个个物物流流系系统统能能同同时时做做到到服服务务水水平平最最高高和和成成本本最低。最低。Text 2 How to Improve Text 2 How to Improve Customer Service LevelCustomer Service Level6 6Maximum Maximum customer customer service service implies implies large large inventory, inventory, frequent frequent transportation transportation and and multiple multiple warehouses, warehouses, all of which raise logistics cost.all of which raise logistics cost. 物物流流服服务务最最大大化化意意味味着着大大量量的的库库存存、频频繁繁多多次次的的运运输输以以及多样化的仓库,所有这一切都会增加物流成本。及多样化的仓库,所有这一切都会增加物流成本。Text 2 How to Improve Text 2 How to Improve Customer Service LevelCustomer Service Level7 7It It is is important important to to remember remember that that no no two two customers customers will will ever ever be be exactly exactly the the same same in in terms terms of of their their service requirements.service requirements. 重要的是没有两个客户的需求完全一致。重要的是没有两个客户的需求完全一致。Text 2 How to Improve Text 2 How to Improve Customer Service LevelCustomer Service Level8 8However, However, it it will will be be the the fact fact that that the the customers customers will will fall fall into into groups groups which which are are characterized characterized by by a a similar service needs.similar service needs. 然然而而,在在实实践践中中我我们们必必须须按按照照相相似似的的客客户户需需求求将将客客户户分分类。类。Text 2 How to Improve Text 2 How to Improve Customer Service LevelCustomer Service Level9 9In In developing developing a a market-driven market-driven logistics logistics strategy strategy the the aim aim is is to to achieve achieve perfect perfect service service in in a a cost-effective way.cost-effective way. 在在推推进进市市场场驱驱动动的的物物流流战战略略中中,目目标标是是以以有有效效的的低低成成本获得本获得“完美的服务完美的服务”。1010 The The firm firm must must also also take take into into account account competitors service standards.competitors service standards. 公司必须考虑竞争者所能提供的服务标准。公司必须考虑竞争者所能提供的服务标准。Text 2 How to Improve Text 2 How to Improve Customer Service LevelCustomer Service Level1111 An An organization organization can can not not achieve achieve logistics logistics efficiency efficiency by by reducing reducing the the cost cost of of each each sector sector in in the the logistics logistics system. system. Logistics Logistics costs costs usually usually interact and are often negatively related.interact and are often negatively related. 一一个个组组织织仅仅仅仅通通过过降降低低物物流流系系统统其其中中一一个个环环节节的的成成本本,是是不不可可能能提提高高物物流流效效率率的的。物物流流各各个个部部分分的的成成本本通通常常相相互互作用以及此消彼长的。作用以及此消彼长的。New Words and PhrasesNew Words and Phrasescargo cargo n.n. 货物货物shortage shortage n. n. 短量短量consignment consignment n.n. 寄送,委托货物寄送,委托货物inspect inspect v. v. 检查,检验检查,检验carton carton n.n. 纸箱纸箱carrier carrier n.n. 承运人承运人settlement settlement n.n. 解决解决Dialogue 2 Making a Dialogue 2 Making a ComplaintComplaintapproach approach v.v. 解决,处理解决,处理original original adj. adj. 原来的,正本的原来的,正本的policy policy n.n. 保险单保险单in in conformity conformity with with 与与一一致致,与与相符相符onboard bill of lading onboard bill of lading 已装船提单已装船提单be liable for be liable for 对对负责负责survey report survey report 检验报告检验报告commercial invoice commercial invoice 商业发票商业发票Dialogue 2 Making a Dialogue 2 Making a ComplaintComplaintNotesNotes1 1We We regret regret tell tell you you that that the the goods goods you you sent sent us us are are not in conformity with the terms of the contract.not in conformity with the terms of the contract. 我们遗憾地通知你,你交付的货物与合同规定不符。我们遗憾地通知你,你交付的货物与合同规定不符。Dialogue 2 Making a Dialogue 2 Making a ComplaintComplaint2 2We We regret regret being being unable unable to to accept accept your your claim claim because because the the goods goods were were in in perfect perfect condition condition when when the goods were loaded.the goods were loaded. 非非常常遗遗憾憾我我们们不不能能接接受受你你的的索索赔赔,因因为为装装货货时时货货物物状状态完好。态完好。Dialogue 2 Making a Dialogue 2 Making a ComplaintComplaint3 3 We We suggest suggest that that you you approach approach the the insurance insurance company company for for settlement settlement as as the the shortage shortage occurred occurred in in transit. transit. 由由于于货货物物短短量量发发生生在在运运输输途途中中,我我们们建建议议你你找找保保险险公司解决问题。公司解决问题。Dialogue 2 Making a Dialogue 2 Making a ComplaintComplaintL-3-L-3-ScriptScriptTask Task 1 1 ScriptScript SpeakingTask Task 2 2 ScriptScript Speaking1、Match each word in Column A with its corresponding explanation in Column B. Column A Column B1. settlement2. execution3. arbitration4. inferior5. provision6. incur7. claima. settling of a dispute by a third partyb. an agreement to end a disagreement or disputec. demand for a sum of moneyd. the act of doing a piece of worke. stipulation in a legal documentf. cause oneself to sufferg. low(er) in rank, importance, quality, etc2 2、 Translate the following into English using the given words or phrases. 1. 1. 1. 1. 这个问题值得认真考虑。这个问题值得认真考虑。这个问题值得认真考虑。这个问题值得认真考虑。(deserve)(deserve)(deserve)(deserve) This question deserves careful consideration.This question deserves careful consideration.2. 2. 2. 2. 我认为她的体重在增加。我认为她的体重在增加。我认为她的体重在增加。我认为她的体重在增加。(gain)(gain)(gain)(gain) I think shes gaining weight.I think shes gaining weight.3. 3. 3. 3. 尽管我很不喜欢,但今晚我必须呆在家里学习。尽管我很不喜欢,但今晚我必须呆在家里学习。尽管我很不喜欢,但今晚我必须呆在家里学习。尽管我很不喜欢,但今晚我必须呆在家里学习。(as much as)(as much as)(as much as)(as much as) As much as I hate to do it, I must stay home and study As much as I hate to do it, I must stay home and study tonight.tonight.4. 4. 4. 4. 他从未按时完成过一个项目。他从未按时完成过一个项目。他从未按时完成过一个项目。他从未按时完成过一个项目。(complete)(complete)(complete)(complete) He has never completed a project on time.He has never completed a project on time.5. 5. 5. 5. 他们敦促我们给予支持。他们敦促我们给予支持。他们敦促我们给予支持。他们敦促我们给予支持。(urge)(urge)(urge)(urge) They urged us to give our support.They urged us to give our support.6. 6. 6. 6. 如果你发现这部手机有问题,可以要求退款。如果你发现这部手机有问题,可以要求退款。如果你发现这部手机有问题,可以要求退款。如果你发现这部手机有问题,可以要求退款。(defect)(defect)(defect)(defect) You can ask for a refund if you find any defects in this mobile You can ask for a refund if you find any defects in this mobile phone.phone.7. 7. 7. 7. 经理授权我在他出差期间代表他行事。经理授权我在他出差期间代表他行事。经理授权我在他出差期间代表他行事。经理授权我在他出差期间代表他行事。(authorize)(authorize)(authorize)(authorize) The manager authorized me to act for him while he was on The manager authorized me to act for him while he was on business.business.8. 8. 8. 8. 他自己出钱印他的书。他自己出钱印他的书。他自己出钱印他的书。他自己出钱印他的书。(at one(at one(at one(at ones s s s expense)expense)expense)expense) He had his book printed at his own expense.He had his book printed at his own expense.Motorola Limited Warranty This limited warranty applies as follows to new Products, Accessories and Software purchased by consumers in the United States or Canada.* Applies only to defects in the CD-ROMs that contain the software.3、 To obtain service or information, please call: Motorola Customer Services 1-800-453-0920 or 954-723-4910 Or visit us online at http:/www.motorola.com/iden/support. You will receive instructions on how to ship the Products,Accessories or Software, at your expense, to a Motorola Authorized Repair Center. To obtain service, you must include: (a) a copy of your receipt, or other proof of purchase; (b) a written description of the problem; (c) and, most importantly, your address and telephone number.摩托罗拉有限产品质量保证书摩托罗拉有限产品质量保证书 本本有有限限产产品品质质量量保保证证书书适适用用于于消消费费者者在在美美国国或加拿大购买的下列新产品、附件和软件。或加拿大购买的下列新产品、附件和软件。 * *只适用于含有该软件的只适用于含有该软件的CD-ROMCD-ROM上的缺陷。上的缺陷。B-Trans-2B-Trans-2 如需售后服务或信息,请致电:如需售后服务或信息,请致电: 摩摩托托罗罗拉拉客客服服电电话话:1-800-453-0920 1-800-453-0920 或或 954-954-723-4910723-4910 或访问我们的网站:或访问我们的网站: http:/www.motorola.com/iden/supporthttp:/www.motorola.com/iden/support 您您将将获获得得如如何何将将您您的的产产品品、附附件件或或软软件件寄寄送送给给摩摩托罗拉授权维修点的指示。寄送费用自理。托罗拉授权维修点的指示。寄送费用自理。 为了获得售后服务,您必须随件附上:为了获得售后服务,您必须随件附上: (a) (a) 收据的复印件或其他购货凭证;收据的复印件或其他购货凭证; (b) (b) 产品问题的书面描述;产品问题的书面描述; (c) (c) 您的地址和电话号码您的地址和电话号码这是最重要的。这是最重要的。
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