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Module 5Reading Frankensteins MonsterPara.1While studying at university, he discovers the secret of how to create life.还在上大学时,他就发现了怎样创造生命的秘密。还在上大学时,他就发现了怎样创造生命的秘密。While studying at university =While he is studying at universityWhile waiting for the bus(等公共汽车时等公共汽车时), she learned 10 English words by heart.Using bones from dead bodies, he creates a creature that resembles a human being and gives it life.resemble: 常用短语:常用短语:resemble sb./sth. (in sth.)eg: 她和她弟弟长得很像。她和她弟弟长得很像。She resembles her brother in looksShe resembles her mother in the way she moves her hands when she talks.她说话时打手势的动作像她妈妈。她说话时打手势的动作像她妈妈。3. give life to sb. give sb. life 给某人以生命给某人以生命e.g.妈妈给与我生命妈妈给与我生命 Mother gave life to me. 4. chase off: 赶跑赶跑e.g. The old man _all the naughty boys with a stick. 这个老人用棍子赶跑了所有调皮的男孩。这个老人用棍子赶跑了所有调皮的男孩。Para 21.It was on a cold November night that I saw my creation for the first time._句型句型chased off强调It was on a cold December night that I saw my nephew for the first time. 译:译:我是在十二月的一个寒冷的晚上第一次见的我的侄子。我是在十二月的一个寒冷的晚上第一次见的我的侄子。_all this happened所有这一切发生在周一晚上。所有这一切发生在周一晚上。2. Feeling very anxious, I prepared the equipment be anxious to do _ be anxious for _be anxious about _prepare sb. sth./ prepare sth. for sb._prepare to do _ prepare sb. for_make preparations for _3.熄灭熄灭_It was on Monday night that急切地渴望做某事渴望(了解,得到)担心,对感到不安为某人准备某物准备做某事使某人对做好准备为做准备burn out因为缺乏足够的空气因为缺乏足够的空气,火很快就灭了。火很快就灭了。_Stop working like this or you will burn yourself out.Para 41.翻译翻译:I wish I had not created this creature, I wish I was on the other side of the world, I wish I would disappear!She looked well and happy, but as I kissed her lips, they became pale, as if she were dead.Lacking enough air, the fire was soon burnt out.别再像这样工作了别再像这样工作了,不然的话不然的话,你会把自己累坏的你会把自己累坏的但愿我没有制造出这个怪物来但愿我没有制造出这个怪物来, 但愿我在世界的另外一端但愿我在世界的另外一端, 但愿我能立刻消失的无影无踪!但愿我能立刻消失的无影无踪!她看上去健康而快乐。但是她看上去健康而快乐。但是, 当我亲吻她时当我亲吻她时, 她双唇失她双唇失色色, 犹如死人。犹如死人。两句中都使用了两句中都使用了_语气。语气。对现在的虚拟,动词用过去时;对过去的虚拟,对现在的虚拟,动词用过去时;对过去的虚拟,动词用过去完成时;对将来的虚拟,用动词用过去完成时;对将来的虚拟,用would/ could/ might + 动词原形动词原形对现在的虚拟,动词用过去时;对过去的虚拟,对现在的虚拟,动词用过去时;对过去的虚拟,动词用过去完成时;对将来的虚拟,用动词用过去完成时;对将来的虚拟,用would/ could/ might + 动词原形动词原形I wish my brother werent so lazy.虚拟我的弟弟要是不这么懒惰就好了。我的弟弟要是不这么懒惰就好了。I wish that I _such a terrible mistake.我要是没犯这么个大错误就好了。我要是没犯这么个大错误就好了。I wish that the rain_.雨要是早点停就好了。雨要是早点停就好了。She treats me as if _my mother. 她像妈妈一样对待我。她像妈妈一样对待我。He talks about Rome as if he _there before 他说起罗马来好像他以前去过罗马似的。他说起罗马来好像他以前去过罗马似的。 He opened his mouth as if he _something 他张开嘴好像要说什么。他张开嘴好像要说什么。 had not madewould stopshe werehad been would say2.跑出去跑出去_ 3.走来走去走来走去_4.伸出伸出_ 5.跑出跑出_ 花光,用完花光,用完_ _6.再三地,反复地再三地,反复地_rush outwalk up and downput outrun outuse uprun out ofagain and againVocabulary and reading Cloning and DNAPara 1Its certainly true that in 1953, Watson and Crick, two scientists at Cambridge University, England, discovered the structure of the acid DNA-a transparent twisting ladder made of the fundamental components of life.译:译:_2. 但是事实上,孟德尔在但是事实上,孟德尔在1866年第一个记录了种植豌年第一个记录了种植豌豆的结果。豆的结果。_句句确实,1953年,英国剑桥大学的两位科学家沃森和克里克确实发现了酸性DNA的结构-由生命的基本成分构成的透明弯曲梯状。But in fact, it was in 1866 that Mendel first recorded the results of growing pea plants.强调Para 2截取截取_拓展:拓展:cut back _ cut down _ cut in _ cut off _ cut up _我们得把这篇文章压缩到我们得把这篇文章压缩到1000字。字。We need to _ the article _ to 1000 words.我们谈话时她老是插嘴。我们谈话时她老是插嘴。She kept _ on our conversation.一系列的一系列的_=_in sequence _=_请把纸牌按顺序排好。请把纸牌按顺序排好。Please keep the cards _cut out削减,减少砍倒,缩小打断,插嘴打断,中断切碎,剁碎cutdowncutting ina sequence ofa series of按顺序in orderin sequence3.把把插入插入_ 4. 结合,组合结合,组合_Para 3和和一样,与一样,与一致一致_她的裙子几乎和我的一模一样。她的裙子几乎和我的一模一样。_但是现在确定的是由于在成长经历和抚育方面的差异,但是现在确定的是由于在成长经历和抚育方面的差异,任何克隆体都不是一个完整的复制物。任何克隆体都不是一个完整的复制物。_ Para 4Although controversial, there are many valid reasons to do so.译:译:_insert intocombine withbe identical toHer dress is almost identical to mine.But its now certain that no clone is an exact copy because of differences in experiences and upbringing.虽然这样做是有争议的,但还是有很多正当的理由。正当的理由正当的理由_ valid 反义词反义词_一位意大利医生想用克隆技术为那些很难生育孩子的夫一位意大利医生想用克隆技术为那些很难生育孩子的夫妇提供一种可选择的方法。妇提供一种可选择的方法。_选修课程选修课程_ optional 名词名词_处于一种未知的心理压力中处于一种未知的心理压力中_Para 5contradictory adj.n. _v. _in contradiction with_valid reasoninvalidAn Italian doctor wants to offer cloning as an optionaltreatment for couples who find it difficult to have children.optional subjectsoptionunder unknown psychological pressurecontradictioncontradict与矛盾He may even possess new vices instead of existing virtues.诚实是一大美德。诚实是一大美德。_by virtue of _凭自己的努力,他通过了考试。凭自己的努力,他通过了考试。_ Para 6&7必修课程必修课程_resist v.抵抗;对抗;忍住抵抗;对抗;忍住resist sth./sb. 抵抗抵抗 resist (doing) sth. 忍住忍住resist an attack_ resist laughing_ sow v. 播种,传播播种,传播种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。_Honesty is a great virtue.借助,由于By virtue of his own effort he succeed in passing the exam.compulsory subjects反击忍住笑As you sow, so will you reap.依靠,依赖依靠,依赖_rely on sb. doing/ to do 相信、指望某人做相信、指望某人做 rely on it that 相信、指望相信、指望我指望你早来。我指望你早来。_你放心就好了,本周末一定下雨。你放心就好了,本周末一定下雨。_ it will rain this weekend.suspect n.嫌疑人嫌疑人v.怀疑;猜想怀疑;猜想suspect sb. of (doing) sth.怀疑某人做过某事怀疑某人做过某事suspect sb. to be 怀疑某人是怀疑某人是他怀疑是他拿走了那笔钱。他怀疑是他拿走了那笔钱。_我怀疑他就是那个小偷。我怀疑他就是那个小偷。_rely on/ uponI rely on you coming early.You can rely on it thatHe suspected him of taking the money.I suspected him to be the thief.Reading Practice 1.向向开放开放_2.accompany v. 陪伴;陪同陪伴;陪同= go with,本身已包,本身已包含了含了go的含义,故不能加多余的的含义,故不能加多余的go他陪我们去公园。他陪我们去公园。_3.摧毁摧毁_The movie just knocked me out.He knocks out five books a year.拓展:拓展:knock about_ knock off _open toHe accompanied us to the park.knock out这部电影让我赞叹不已。他一年就轻松地写出五本书。到处游荡敲掉,击倒,扣除knock out _ knock into _4.失去控制失去控制_局势已变得无法控制了。局势已变得无法控制了。_be in the control of _ beyond control _lose control of _ under control_5.据我们所知据我们所知_6.absorb v.吸收;吸引吸收;吸引的注意的注意 be absorbed in _学生们专心致志地读书。学生们专心致志地读书。_打倒,击昏撞及get out of controlThe situation has got out of control.为所控制无法控制失去对的控制在控制之下as far as we know全神贯注于The students were absorbed in their reading.7.分解分解_The car breaks down.He breaks down.8.复活复活_break down汽车抛锚了。他身体垮了。bring back to lifeCultural Corner一一就就_发生,产生发生,产生_(不用于被动语态)(不用于被动语态)happen, take place, break outhappen 指事先无计划、偶然地发生指事先无计划、偶然地发生take place 指事先安排、计划的事情指事先安排、计划的事情break out 爆发,强调突然发生爆发,强调突然发生事故是如何发生的?事故是如何发生的?_婚礼何时举行?婚礼何时举行?_昨晚失火了。昨晚失火了。_in the future _ in future _多达多达_ 确定,确信确定,确信_ as soon astake placeHow did the accident happen?When will the wedding take place?A fire broke out last night.将来今后up tomake surebe used to do _ used to _be used to _结果结果_被用来干某事过去习惯化的动作或存在的状态习惯于as a result
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