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Lesson 3A Volunteer Teacher一二三四 一、大学生志愿服务西部计划是由团中央、教育部共同组织实施的,财政部、人事部给予相关政策、资金支持。从2003年开始,政府通过公开招募、自愿报名、组织选拔、集中派遣的方式,每年招募一定数量的普通高等学校应届毕业生,到西部贫困县的乡镇从事为期12年的教育、卫生、农技、扶贫及青少年中心建设和管理等方面的志愿服务工作。大学毕业后,你愿意成为一名志愿者吗?谈谈你的想法。答案:略 一二三四二、将下列单词与相对应的释义搭配起来1.volunteera.to plete a course for a degree2.graduateb.help and encouragement3.minusc.a new or difficult task that tests sb.s ability and skill4.basind.to make a telephone call 5.challengee.a choice that you have made6.decisionf.someone who offers to do a job without being paid7.supportg.below zero8.dial h.a round container答案:1.f2.a3.g4.h5.c6.e7.b8.d一二三四三、假设下表是你未来一周的课外活动安排和周末计划,请用“be going to +动词原形.”的结构把它们分别表述出来 一二三四1. am going to do some running on Monday.I am going to practice oral English in the English Corner on Tuesday. I am going to play football on Wednesday. I am going to attend a lecture on Thursday.I am going to do some reading in the reading room on Friday.I am going to do some shopping with my parents on Saturday.I am going to visit my grandmother on Sunday.一二三四四、从下列句子中找出表示将来安排和打算的句子1.They arent arriving until Tuesday.2.The games usually start at 8:00 in the evening.3.I think you are wrong.4.Does the class begin this week or next?5.Isnt he ing to the dinner?6.Who is Kate talking to on the phone?7.The plane leaves at 5:00 tomorrow morning.答案:1;4;5;7 123451.Kate graduated from medical school last year and shes working in a big hospital now.凯特去年从医学院毕业,现在在一家大医院工作。考点graduate vi.毕业【高考典句】(2015安徽卷)Eventually the girls all graduated from college and went away to work for themselves.最后女孩们都大学毕业,离开为自己去工作。Connie did well at school and graduated with honours.康妮在学校表现很好,以优异的成绩毕业了。His uncle graduated in law from Oxford.他叔叔毕业于牛津法律系。归纳:graduate通常用作不及物动词,表示“毕业于(某所大学)”通常说graduate from.;若表示“毕业于(某专业)”,则通常说graduate in.。12345阅读下面的句子,体会黑体词的词性和含义。The medical school graduates 50 doctors a year.这所医学院每年授予50名医生学位。词性及物动词含义准予毕业;授予学位Like many new graduates,I left university full of hope for the future but with no real idea of what I wanted to do.和许多新毕业生一样,我满怀对未来的希望离开大学,但是却真的不清楚自己想做什么。词性名词含义(大学)毕业生She went to college after graduation from high school.她高中毕业后进入大学学习。词性名词含义毕业;毕业典礼12345活学活用用适当的介词填空(1)Only 20 students graduated Chinese this college this year.(2)He is a graduate Anhui University.(3)My sister graduated high school last year.in from of from 123452.The pany is ready to meet the challenge of the next few years.这家公司已经做好了应对未来几年挑战的准备。考点challenge n.挑战【高考典句】(2016课标全国丙卷) But even that challenge he accepted.但即使是那个挑战,他接受了。【高考典句】(2015 四川卷)It also asked mothers about the challenges they face.它也问及了妈妈们所面临的挑战。She accepted my challenge to a race.她接受了我邀请她比赛的挑战。12345(1)阅读下面的句子,体会challenge的词性和含义。He challenged me to play chess.他向我挑战下象棋。词性动词含义向挑战(2)阅读下面的句子,体会challenge相关的搭配和含义。The hare received a challenge from the tortoise to run a race.兔子接到与乌龟赛跑的挑战。搭配receive a challenge含义接受挑战The new position challenged him to study still harder in his spare time.这个新岗位要求他在业余时间仍要努力学习。搭配challenge sb.to do sth.含义向某人挑战(做某事)12345an exciting challenge to show 活学活用完成句子(1)他发现他的新工作是个令人振奋的挑战。He found that his new job was .语法填空(2)I challenged him (show)his proof(证据).123453.I need a volunteer to help with the cooking.我需要一名志愿者帮忙做饭。考点volunteer n.志愿者【高考典句】(2016北京卷) Volunteers came with carloads of donated clothing and toys.志愿者带来了整车的捐赠的衣物和玩具。Would you like to be a volunteer during the Olympic Games?你想在奥运会期间做一名志愿者吗?Few of the volunteers have experience.志愿者中几乎没有有经验的人。12345(1)阅读下面的句子,体会volunteer的词性和含义。Tom volunteered to organise a petition.汤姆自告奋勇组织请愿。词性动词含义自愿(去做)(2)阅读下面的句子,体会volunteer相关的搭配和含义。He volunteered for the army.他志愿从军。搭配volunteer for sth.含义志愿做某事12345活学活用语法填空(1)Last Sunday,my son along with some children from the neighbourhood (volunteer) to help me wash my car.完成句子(2)这项工作他们没有花费成本,都是由义工做的。The work costs them nothing;its all done .(3)这次她自愿擦黑板。She volunteered the blackboard this time.volunteered by volunteers to clean 123454.design vt.& n. 设计【高考典句】(2016课标全国丙卷)Skilled workers also bine various hardwoods and metal to create special designs.熟练工人还结合各种硬木和金属来创造特殊的设计。【高考典句】(2015广东卷)Most scientists who study old age think that the human body is designed to live no longer than 120 years.大多数从事老年研究的科学家们认为人体被设计的不会活过120岁。This course is designed as an introduction to the subject.这门课程是作为该科目的入门课而开设的。12345阅读下面的句子,体会design相关的搭配和含义。Do you think he did this by design?你认为他这样做是有意的吗?搭配by design含义故意地;蓄意地12345活学活用语法填空(1)We want someone (design) the new art museum for us.Would you like to have a try?翻译句子(2)The building can seat 2,000 people,but is of poor design.(3)This project is designed to help poor students from the countryside.to design 这座建筑物可容纳2000人,但设计不合理。 这个方案是为帮助农村来的贫困学生而设置的。123455.语法:表示安排和打算考点一“be going to+动词原形”表示计划、打算。Were going to have a meeting this afternoon.今天下午我们打算召开一个会议。I am going to take a trip to Lijiang this summer.今年夏天我打算去丽江旅行。考点二一般现在时可以表示按计划、决定、时刻表等将要发生的动作。The train leaves at 12:00.火车12点出发。Where do we go now?我们现在要去哪里?12345考点三现在进行时可以表示最近计划或安排要进行的动作。常限于go,e,leave,start,arrive,return等表示移动、方向的词。My friends are ing to see me tomorrow.我的朋友们明天会来看我。Theyre leaving for New York tomorrow.他们明天要动身前往纽约。The plane is taking off in a few minutes.飞机几分钟后就要起飞了。12345活学活用完成句子(1)我们明天下午将去听一场演讲。We a speech tomorrow afternoon.(2)他明天就要乘飞机去美国了。He to the USA tomorrow.(3)你今晚什么时候来?What time you this evening?(4)看那些乌云。天就要下雨了。Look at the clouds.It .(5)史密斯博士,还有他的妻子女儿,打算今年夏天访问北京。Dr.Smith,together with his wife and daughter,this summer.are going to listen to is flying do;e或are;ing或will;e is going to rain is going to visit Beijing 12345语法填空(6)Are you still busy?Yes,I (finish)my work,and it wont take long.(7)There (be)a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening.am(just)finishing is going to be/will be
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