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【12-131 学期 2011 级大学英语第 2 次网络测试(各专业、级别通用)】测试总分: 100 分【】的测试概况:(得分: 100 分)1.单选题: They are sure they have all the facts they need to _ the existence ofa black hole.A。B.C。D。obtainmaintaindisplayverify解答: D2。单选题: Of all the soldiers they had the _ of being the fiercest, the mostpatriotic, the toughest.A.B。C.D.recognitionreservationrecreationreputation解答: D3.单选题: His latest piece of work was _ by a song he heard on the radio。A.B.releasedinspiredC.D.assessedcomposed解答: B4。单选题: The swimming pool is so _ that its safe for small children.A。B。C。D.stablesmoothsuperficialshallow解答: D5.单选题: The company has _ over the years into a multi-million dollarorganization。A。B.C.D.involvedresolvedevolvedrevolved解答: C6。单选题: In 1914, an apparently insignificant event in a remote part of EasternEurope _ Europe into a great war。A.B。imposedpitchedC.D。insertedplunged解答: D7.单选题: You are not helping your child if you try to _ him from everydanger。A。B。C.D。avoidshadeshieldconceal解答: C8。单选题: The thief tried to open the locked door but _.A.B。C。D。in no wayin vainat a losswithout effect解答: B9.单选题: Very few scientists _ completely new answers to the worldsproblems。A.B.catch up withcome up withC.D.keep up withput up解答: B10.单选题: She was very _; she cried even when her husband left for anothercity on business.A。B.C。D.sensitiveindifferentreluctantemotional解答: D11。单选题:The children performed a very _ dance for their parents.A.B.C.D。precisesmartgracefulsuccessive解答: C12。单选题:Many people save money to _ for their old age.A。B.supplyofferC。D。provideyield解答: C13.单选题: We finally managed to _ the committees approval of our plans。A.B.C。D.securearouseexertexecute解答: A14.单选题: I was unaware of the critical points involved, so my choice was quite_。A。B.C。D.arbitraryrationalmechanicalunpredictable解答: A15。单选题:Thousands of people died of starvation during the _ in that Africancountry.A。B.objectionpovertyC。D.consumptionfamine解答: D16.单选题: While studying he was financially dependent _ his wife.A。B。C.D.toofonfrom解答: C17。单选题:The dogs collar was so _ that it came off over his head.A。B。C.D。looseslightbroadexcessive解答: A18。单选题:Stone does not _, and so the tools of long ago have remained wheneven the bones of the men who made them have disappeared withouttrace。A.B.crackdecayC。D。destroycrush解答: B19。单选题:In the _ paragraph some comments had been made of it。A。B.C.D。proceedingprecedingprogressingprocessing解答: B20.单选题: Some of his suggestions have been adopted but others have been turned_ as they are quite impracticable.A.B.C。D。awaybackoutdown解答: D21。单选题: As I had earlier made up my mind to run for governor, I could not_. I must go on with the fight.A。B。varywithdrawC.D.undergodiscard解答: B22.单选题: Mr。 Bloom is not _ now, but he will be famous someday.A。B。C.D.significantdominantmagnificentprominent解答: D23。单选题: Do you believe these two _ friends used to be bitter enemies?A.B。C.D。intimateemotionalintensesupreme解答: A24。单选题:Having decided to rent a flat, we _ contacting all theaccommodation agencies in the city。A。B.went upwent downC。D。went outwent about解答: D25.单选题: American women were _ the right to vote until 1920 after manyyears of hard struggle.A。B.C。D。ignoredrefusedneglecteddenied解答: D26.单选题: Four people were seriously _ in an accident on the motorway。A。B.C。D.damagedharmedinjuredwounded解答: C27.单选题: Being named the best athlete of the year was an important _ in thebaseball players life。A.B。segmentingredientC.D。contributionepisode解答: D28.单选题: Each of them had a different _ of what actually happened, buthers was by far more believable。A。B.C。D。messagetheoryversioncomment解答: C29.单选题: Harry was _ by a bee when he was collecting the honey.A。B.C.D。scratchedbittenstuckstung解答: B30。单选题:His parents no longer worry about him. He has a good job and can live_ his own now。A。B。atbyC.D.onwith解答: C31.单选题: While admitting that this forecast was _ exaggerated, the scientistswarned against treating it as a cry of wolf.A。B。C。D。anyhowsomewheresomewhatanyway解答: C32.单选题: Theyre interviewing three _ for the post of sales manager.A。B。C。D。sponsorscandidatesadvocatesopponents解答: C33。单选题: Young children soon _ words they hear their elders use。A.B。put forwardlook forward toC。D。turn uppick up解答: D34。单选题:The socks were too small, and it was only by _ them that hemanaged to get them on.A.B.C.D.spreadingextendinglengtheningstretching解答: D35。单选题: 10。 He had a _ look in his eyes. He must have been shocked。A.B。C.D.emptybareblankhollow解答: C36。单选题:The water was so _ that we could see the fish inside clearly.A.B.transparentobviousC。D。apparentvisible解答: A37.单选题: Most broadcasters maintain that TV has been unfairly criticized andargue that the power of the medium is _。A.B。C。D。grantedimpliedexaggeratedremedied解答: C38。单选题:As he had worked in the army as an electrical engineer for many years,he had every _ for the job。A。B。C.D.privilegeobligationqualificationcommitment解答: C39。单选题: In the advanced course students must take performance tests at monthly_.A.gapsB.C。D。lengthsdistancesintervals解答: D40。单选题:During the war, the government _ many soldiers from the workersand farmers。A.B。C.D。adoptedcollectedintegratedrecruited解答: D41.单选题: Only hotel guests have the _ of using the private beach.A.B.C。D。occasionpossibilityprivilegehabit解答: C42.单选题: The doctor told Penny that too much _ to the sun is bad for theskin。A.exposureB.C.D.extensionexhibitionexpansion解答: A43。单选题:He _ the medicine quickly and then drank some orange juice。A。B。C。D.suckedswallowedlickeddigested解答: B44。单选题:If my plan isnt _ of by the committee, all my work will have beenwasted.A.B.C.D。approvedconsentedagreedadmitted解答: A45。单选题:A peculiarly pointed chin is his most memorable facial _。A。markB。C。D。featuretraceappearance解答: B46。单选题:As we know, blood types A and B cannot receive AB, but AB mayreceive A or B. Type O can give to any other group; hence it is oftencalled the _ donor.A.B.C.D.generalpopularuniversalcommo解答: C47。单选题:Everybody _ in the hall where they were welcomed by thesecretary.A。B.C.D.assembledaccumulatedpiledjoined解答: A48。单选题: The bridge was named _ the hero who gave his life for the cause ofthe people.A.B。C。D。afterwithbyfrom解答: A49。单选题: Another big issue _ the new republic is the problem of the educationof its citizens。A。B。C。D.confiningconfirmingconflictingconfronting解答: D50。单选题: The medicine the doctor gave me _ my headache。A。B。C。D。reducedimprovedreleasedrelieved解答: D
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