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Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressListening and speakingReadingGrammarWritingCulture expressContentListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expresslPronunciation and listening skills lConversationslPassageListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressListening for the main idea of lecturesListen to a passage and match each cause with its direct effect.Tips在讲座中,发言人一般会首先点明主题及内容结构。抓住并理解这一部分信息对于理解整个讲座帮助很大。发言人一般会用特定的标志性语言去介绍这一部分信息,如:Im going to talk about / explain / describe, firstly / then / finally。对于这些标志性语言引出的信息要格外留意。Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressListening for the main idea of lecturesListen to a passage and match each cause with its direct effect.how to develop healthy eating habitswhat a well-balanced diet isthe “Healthy Diet Pyramid”some good eating habitsIntroduce the topicExplain the structure of the lectureToday Im going to talk about 1)_.Firstly, Im going to explain 2)_.Then, Ill talk about 3)_.Finally, Ill introduce 4)_.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressScriptsGood morning everyone, welcome to our regular lecture on health issues. Today Im going to talk about how to develop healthy eating habits. Firstly, Im going to explain what a well-balanced diet is. Is your diet balanced? Can you get all the necessary vitamins your body needs? Then Ill talk about the “Healthy Diet Pyramid,” which can be very helpful for you to judge whether you are eating the right food in the right amount. Finally, Ill introduce some good eating habits to you. I hope my lecture can be helpful to you.Listening for the main idea of lecturesListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressConversationslConversation 1lConversation 2Functional languageExercisesExercisesFunctional languageListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express3. Does the man suggest that Maggie take the job offer?1. Has Maggie decided what to do after graduation?1.1. Listen to a conversation and answer the questions with “yes” (Y) or “no” (N).Word tipsopening n. 空缺的职位tough a. 困难的;棘手的N NNConversation 1 Conversation 1 Talking about aims and purposesTalking about aims and purposes2. Is there an opening in the Music Department?YListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express2.2. Listen again and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.Conversation 1 Conversation 1 Talking about aims and purposesTalking about aims and purposes1 Why did Maggie want to go abroad in the beginning? A To do some traveling. B To further her studies. C To get a better job.2 Whats Maggies dream? A To be a musician. B To study abroad. C To be a music teacher.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express2.2. Listen again and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.Conversation 1 Conversation 1 Talking about aims and purposesTalking about aims and purposes3 Why does the man suggest that Maggie study abroad? A In order to be better prepared for the future job. B In order to make more money. C In order to gain fame.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressScriptsConversation 1 Conversation 1 Talking about aims and purposesTalking about aims and purposesTony:Hi, Maggie. Have you decided to go abroad after graduation?Maggie:Not yet.Tony:Why? A couple of days ago, you told me that you were almost determined to go overseas in order to continue your studies.Maggie:Yes, but Im facing a dilemma now.Tony:Whats up?Maggie:You know, Ive been planning to study abroad. But Ive just been informed that there is an opening in the Music Department. Theyve offered it to me. So nowListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressScriptsConversation 1 Conversation 1 Talking about aims and purposesTalking about aims and purposesTony:Well, I see what you mean. Its really a tough decision.Maggie:Yes, go abroad or take this offer, its hard to choose.Tony:Well, I think it depends on what you really want to do with your life.Maggie:My dream is to be a music teacher, but I also want to study abroad. Thats the problem! Can you give me some suggestions?Tony:If I were you, I would choose to study abroad so that I could be better prepared for my future job.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express3.3. Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the following situations. You may refer to the Functional Language.Situation 1B plans to contribute all thescholarship he / she has won to the children in rural areas. A, a reporter from the school radio station, interviews B.Situation 2B wants to volunteer his / her services in rural areas as a PE teacher after graduation. A, a reporter from the school newspaper, interviews B.(Sample)(Sample)Conversation 1 Conversation 1 Talking about aims and purposesTalking about aims and purposesListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express3.3. Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the following situations. You may refer to the Functional Language.GUIDED CONVERSATIONA: Ask if B has made a decision on the contribution of the scholarship / volunteer work.B: Say yes.A: Express admiration and ask why B makes such a choice.B: Tell A your purpose.A: Ask if there are other reasons.B: Tell A your other aims.B: Show admiration again.Conversation 1 Conversation 1 Talking about aims and purposesTalking about aims and purposesListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressRole play - Sample conversationSituation 1Conversation 1 Conversation 1 Talking about aims and purposesTalking about aims and purposesElsa: Hi, Anna. Im Elsa, a reporter from the school radio station.Anna:Hi, Elsa. Nice to meet you!Elsa: So, I have heard that youve made a decision that you are going to contribute all your scholarship to the children in rural areas. Is that true?Anna:Yes, it is.Elsa: Thats very impressive. Could you please tell us why you make such a choice?Anna:Ive learned that many children in the rural areas are obliged to discontinue their studies because of poverty. I decide to donate my scholarship so that it may help some of them to go back to school.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressRole play - Sample conversationSituation 1Conversation 1 Conversation 1 Talking about aims and purposesTalking about aims and purposesElsa: Are there any other reasons for you to make this decision?Anna:I have always been thinking about helping people in need. In the future, if it is possible I would like to help more children to continue their study.Elsa: Wow. Youre so great. Thank you very much.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressRole play - Sample conversationSituation 2Conversation 1 Conversation 1 Talking about aims and purposesTalking about aims and purposesPeter: Hi Sam. We learned that you want to volunteer your services in rural areas as a PE teacher after graduation. Have you made your decision?Sam: Yes, I have.Peter: We are so proud of you. Can you tell us what makes you decide to do the volunteer work?Sam: Well, the teaching conditions in some rural areas are lagging far behind. There arent enough PE teachers. I want to teach there to enrich the childrens school life.Peter: Are there any other reasons for you to make this choice?Sam: Yes. I think it is also an opportunity to improve myself and enrich my life.Peter: We really admire your courage. Thank you for being with us for this interview.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressFunctional LanguageTalking about aims and purposes in order (not) to so that for / with the purpose of with the intention ofConversation 1 Conversation 1 Talking about aims and purposesTalking about aims and purposesListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express1.1. Listen to a conversation and complete the following table with what you hear.Word tipscrouch v. 蹲下;蹲伏 power line 电力线;输电线overpass n. 天桥;立交桥 aftershock n. (地震的)余震Conversation 2 Conversation 2 Talking about aims and purposesTalking about aims and purposesListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express1.1. Listen to a conversation and complete the following table with what you hear.Conversation 2 Conversation 2 Talking about aims and purposesTalking about aims and purposesIf youre indoorsIf youre outdoorsIf youre drivingGet underan inside cornerStay away fromWhat to do if an earthquake takes placehigh buildingsan open placeavoid parking1) _ a strong piece of furniture.Crouch in 2) _.3) _ windows or anything heavy that can fall on youFind 4) _ and stay away from 5)_ and power lines.Stop your car as soon as possible, but 6)_ under bridges or overpasses.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express2.2. Listen again and check () what you should do after an earthquake according to what you hear.Conversation 2 Conversation 2 Talking about aims and purposesTalking about aims and purposes3. Leave the house immediately if you smell gas.1. Check water, gas, and electric lines for damage.2. Check power lines.4. Stay out of damaged buildings.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressScriptsConversation 2 Conversation 2 Talking about aims and purposesTalking about aims and purposesJohn:In todays program, lets talk about what to do if an earthquake takes place.Kate:Yes, I believe such a program could be very helpful to everyone.John:Definitely. So, when the earthquake happens, what will you do if youre indoors, Kate?Kate:Ill get under a strong piece of furniture or crouch in an inside corner so as to protect myself.John:Thats right. But you must stay away from windows or anything heavy that can fall on you. Then if youre outdoors, what will you do?Kate:Well, Ill find an open place and stay away from high buildings and power lines.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressScriptsConversation 2 Conversation 2 Talking about aims and purposesTalking about aims and purposesJohn:Yeah. What else?Kate:If Im driving, Ill stop my car as soon as possible, but avoid parking under bridges or overpasses.John:Good! Then do you know what to do after an earthquake?Kate:We should check water, gas, and electric lines for damage. If we smell gas, we should open all the windows and doors, and leave immediately, so as not to cause an accident.John:Exactly. Besides, for the sake of safety, we should stay out of damaged buildings. Remember that aftershocks generally follow large quakes.Kate:Thats good advice. I hope the audience can learn something from our program!Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express3.3. Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the following situations. You may refer to the Functional Language.Situation 1A asks B about how to survive in a fire.Situation 2A asks B, his / her PE teacher, how to avoid injury when taking intense physical exercise.(Sample)(Sample)Conversation 2 Conversation 2 Talking about aims and purposesTalking about aims and purposesListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express3.3. Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the following situations. You may refer to the Functional Language.GUIDED CONVERSATIONA: Ask B what measures should be taken in case of fire / to avoid injury when taking intense physical exercise.B: Tell A the first thing to do and the purpose of doing so.A: Ask if there are other things you should pay attention to.B: Introduce one or more ways to survive in fire / avoid injury.A: Ask why.B: Tell A the purpose of doing so.A: Show thanks.Conversation 2 Conversation 2 Talking about aims and purposesTalking about aims and purposesListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressRole play - Sample conversationSituation 1Conversation 2 Conversation 2 Talking about aims and purposesTalking about aims and purposesEric:Hi, Dave. Have you heard about the news that a hotel in downtown was on fire last night?Dave:Yes. Some guests were so frightened that they tried to jump out of the window from the fifth floor. Luckily, the firefighters got there in time and no one was injured.Eric:Do you know what measures should be taken if a fire breaks out?Dave:Well, the most important thing is to stay calm. Take the stairs to exit the building because the elevator might get power outage.Eric:Are there other things we should pay attention to?Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressRole play - Sample conversationSituation 1Conversation 2 Conversation 2 Talking about aims and purposesTalking about aims and purposesDave:Stay low to the ground as you move.Eric:Why should we do that?Dave:The smoke contains poisonous gases. It will go up into the ceiling before coming down. You can cover your mouth with a wet towel or a wet cloth so as not to take in the smoke.Eric:Thank you for your great advice.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressRole play - Sample conversationSituation 2Conversation 2 Conversation 2 Talking about aims and purposesTalking about aims and purposesJeff:Mr. Blake, could you please tell me what measures should be taken to avoid injury when taking intense physical exercise?Mr. Blake:Sure. The warm-up is the most important and significant way to reduce the likelihood of injury when participating in sports.Jeff:What else should I pay attention to?Mr. Blake:For some sports, protective equipment is important to prevent damage to participants.Jeff:I see. This is particularly important when the sport or activity involves physical contact with other players and participants, right?Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressRole play - Sample conversationSituation 2Conversation 2 Conversation 2 Talking about aims and purposesTalking about aims and purposesMr. Blake:Thats correct. Just as it is important to warm up properly, it is also essential that you cool down sufficiently after physical activity.Jeff:Why?Mr. Blake:This helps to prevent stiffness of the muscles after exercising, and allows your muscles to recover steadily from physical activity. Jeff:Got it. Thank you very much.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressTalking about aims and purposes so as (not) to for the sake of in case for fear that / ofFunctional LanguageConversation 2 Conversation 2 Talking about aims and purposesTalking about aims and purposesListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express1.1. Listen to a passage and complete the following table with what you hear.PassageWord tipsflash mob 快闪pointless adj. 没有目的的;无意义的Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express1.1. Listen to a passage and complete the following table with what you hear.PassageWhat is a flash mob?Where did the flash mob start?text messagessocial networksa large number ofThe flash mobstrangersunusualpointlessIt is organized in secret through e-mail, 1)_, or 2) _.It is a gathering of 3) _ who meet together for a short time to do something that is both 4)_ and 5) _.EuropeNew York CityFlash mobs are reported to have started in 6) _.Some say the first flash mobs appeared in 7) _.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express2.2. Listen again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).Passage1. People at flash mobs do something together for some special purposes.F2. Flash mobbing is considered by some people as a form of performance art.TListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express2.2. Listen again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).Passage3. Flash mobbers gather together quickly like a flash. After finishing the task, they leave slowly.4. Flash mobbers may buy different products in a store or sing different songs at the same time on the street.FFListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressDo you know what a flash mob is? Well, a flash mob is a gathering of a large number of strangers, organized in secret through e-mail, social networks, or text messages. They meet together for a short time to do something that is both unusual and pointless. Flash mobbers do it just to have some fun or to feel a sense of belonging, and some consider it a form of performance art.What do people do at flash mobs? Flash mobbers in a store may all ask for the same product. On the street, they may all sing the same song, or shout meaningless words, hug each other, or make some kind of noise at the same time. Then, just as quickly as they come, they leave. It all happens in a flash.Flash mobs are reported to have started in New York City. But some say the first ones appeared in Europe. However they got started, flash mobs have become popular around the world. So, are you ready to join a flash mob?ScriptsPassageListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express3.3. Work in groups to design a flash mob. Then each group chooses a representative to report your plan to the class. Then the whole class vote for the most interesting one.PassageThe plan should include the following aspects:1. Whats your purpose of organizing it?2. The detailed plan:TimePlaceWhat to doRequirements 3. How will you organize it?Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express3.3. Work in groups to design a flash mob. Then each group chooses a representative to report your plan to the class. Then the whole class vote for the most interesting one.Passage1. Whats your purpose of organizing it?Purpose: To call on people to protect environment and live a healthier life. 2. The detailed plan:Time: 9:30 next SundayPlace: the street in front of the botanical gardenWhat to do: First to shout together “Protect the environment! Protect ourselves!”, then sing the song My Love.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express3.3. Work in groups to design a flash mob. Then each group chooses a representative to report your plan to the class. Then the whole class vote for the most interesting one.Passage2. The detailed plan:Requirements: The event will last about 5 minutes. The participants should know the process of the event. To protect the secrecy of the event, participants arent told exactly what the flash mob is supposed to do until just before the event happens. Once the event is over, the participants are not allowed to talk to the crowd. They need to leave quickly as if nothing had ever taken place.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express3.3. Work in groups to design a flash mob. Then each group chooses a representative to report your plan to the class. Then the whole class vote for the most interesting one.Passage3. How will you organize it?Choose a leader. Use phone, e-mail or text message to find willing performers to participate in the flash mob. Ask our friends or family if theyd like to be a part of it. Stay in regular contact with participants before and after the flash mob, and send out instructions about what to wear and where and when to meet.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expresslPassage AlPassage BSubsidized in the cityStreet artReadingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressSubsidized in the citylLead-inlText studylExercisesPassage AListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressLead-inlVideo appreciationlPre-reading questionsPassage A Subsidized in the cityListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressLead-in- Video appreciationPassage A Subsidized in the cityListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express1. After graduation, which city will you prefer to work and live in? Why?Passage A Subsidized in the cityPre-reading questionsWork in groups to discuss the following questions.1. I prefer to work and live in Shanghai, for there are many big businesses and joint ventures there, which mean more job opportunities. In big businesses and joint ventures, Im likely to make more money, which will promise a better life. I may also acquire more chances of training abroad. Another reason is that there are latest fashions in Shanghai, which are attractive to me.2. What do you think the passage is about according to its title?Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express1. After graduation, which city will you prefer to work and live in? Why?Passage A Subsidized in the cityPre-reading questionsWork in groups to discuss the following questions.2. I will not ask my parents for financial support after I get a job. I think getting a job means I am able to support myself financially. My parents have spent enough on my education. When I get a job, I will feel ashamed if I still ask them for money. 2. Will you still ask your parents for financial support after you get a job? Why or why not?Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express1. After graduation, which city will you prefer to work and live in? Why?Passage A Subsidized in the cityPre-reading questionsWork in groups to discuss the following questions.2. Its hard to say whether I can refuse my parents financial support after I get a job, especially in the first few years. Most probably, I will work in another city instead of my hometown, which means I have to pay for the rent besides the basic living costs. As the income may not be enough to cover all these costs, so, I may still depend on their financial support, but it will not last for a long time.2. Will you still ask your parents for financial support after you get a job? Why or why not?Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressText studylOrganization of the textlLanguage pointslText readingPassage A Subsidized in the cityListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage ASubsidized in the city1.For the recent college graduates, living in New York, the city of dreams and opportunity, is no easy feat. As twentysomethings, we sacrifice having savings of any kind to survive in a city that promises so much social and cultural diversity. After all, when the bright lights of the big city call, who can refuse? For those who crave urban living at its best, New York is a siren, singing an irresistibly enticing song Until you are lured in and before you know it, 80% of your salary has been spent on rent._Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage ASubsidized in the city2.I always knew I would end up in New York. After a three-month, rent-free, and low-cost living in an uncles apartment after college, I had saved enough money to renounce further financial assistance from my parents. If I was ever in a serious financial situation, I knew they would offer help, but after 10 years of private-school education on their dime, I didnt want to come crawling back for an allowance. Besides, wasnt that the point of my expensive educationto adequately prepare me to take on the world and support myself? Financial independence means social freedom and absolute control over my own life. Yet among my peers, I seem to be the only one who feels this way._Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage ASubsidized in the city3.Why? Because the majority of them receive some sort of financial assistance from their parents and few say they want to change anything about the way they live. One 25-year-old friend whose parents pay for more than half her rent as well as give her pocket money denied the idea of compromising her lifestyle for financial independence. Another, a 22-year-old who gets a portion of her rent paid by Mom and Dad, admitted she would be willing to cut back on “superfluous spending,” but was reluctant to move out of Manhattan and into a more affordable borough like Brooklyn or Queens._Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage ASubsidized in the city4.Higher rents and the need for deeper pockets are an accepted fact of city living. Urban pricing aside, it is possible to live in any city regardless of your age or income, for it just takes a little budgeting and prioritizing. Surrendering to lifestyle flexibility may be unwelcome, but sometimes its necessary. Anyway, its easy to “keep up with the Joneses” when financial responsibility is someone elses problem. The fact is, my peers who flood out of designer stores, arms adorned with shopping bags, wouldnt be able to afford their purchases without ringing up a massive credit card debt. By continuing to provide for their grown-up kids, parents hinder their childrens ability to be financially responsible._Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage ASubsidized in the city5.Its not just Manhattan where Ive noticed this phenomenon. A Chicago acquaintance was promised an apartment as a graduation gift; a Boston friend receives a handsome sum of monthly subsidy. The stakes are high in a city, which is why many young people feel the need to compete with each other. But when parental financial aids are not only offered but expected, what is our generation learning about living on its own?_Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage ASubsidized in the city6. Its disturbing when “adults” dont have their credit cards linked to their own accounts for fear of overspending. A friend confessed to me that she didnt need to build credit. If the need for a loan ever arises, she told me, she can go to her parents or, as she secretly hopes, a husband who will take care of it. _ _ _ _Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage ASubsidized in the city7. At 25, Im still questioning what it means to be an adult. But I know that part of it means having the financial independence to never have to rely on my parents for my decision-making. This is indicative of a sort of social independence as well. If I want to plan a vacation halfway around the world, I do, and no one can tell me otherwise, because I am depending on my own means to get there. I can live wherever I want because I am paying my own rent. Financial independence has allowed me absolute control over my own lifean undeniably liberating feeling. _ _ _Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage ASubsidized in the city8. There is something to be said for writing your own rent check and knowing youve managed to live comfortably on your own terms. Shopping freely on Mom and Dads credit card may have its momentary appeal, but the adult part of me believes that working for what I have is much more rewarding than being handed it on a silver platter. And I have my own mom and dad to thank for that. _ _ _ _ _Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A We have planted more than a gardenOrganization of the textPart I (Para. _)StructurePart III (Para. _)16-8Young people cant refuse New York, but living there is no easy feat.I believe working for what I have is much more rewarding.Part II (Para. _)2-5Many young people live on parental financial aid.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A We have planted more than a gardenFor the recent college graduates, living in New York, the city of dreams and opportunity, is no easy feat. 对于刚毕业的大学生来说,生活在纽约这个充满梦想和机会的城市,一点也不轻松。is no easy feat:他根本不是一个学者。He is no scholar.is no+述语名词/形容词=决不是(Line 1, Para. 1)c.f. He is not a scholar. 他不是学者(,而是)。他显出了相当大的本事。He showed no small skill.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A We have planted more than a gardenFor the recent college graduates, living in New York, the city of dreams and opportunity, is no easy feat. (Line 1, Para. 1)c.f. There is no 动名词: 丝毫不可能,简直没办法他说的话是无可否认的。There is no denying his tale.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A We have planted more than a gardenFor those who crave urban living at its best, New York is a siren, singing an irresistibly enticing song对于那些极度渴望城市生活的人来说,纽约就是古希腊神话中的女海妖塞壬,唱着诱人的歌曲,令人无法拒绝siren:塞壬(古希腊传说中半人半鸟的女海妖,惯以美妙的歌声引诱水手,使他们的船只或触礁或驶入危险水域); (Line 7, Para. 1)处于最佳状态一些作家在按计划写作时是处于最佳状态的。 Some writers are at their best when working to a plan.at ones best:Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A We have planted more than a gardenBesides, wasnt that the point of my expensive educationto adequately prepare me to take on the world and support myself? 而且,我接受昂贵教育的目的不就是让我做好充分的准备,承担起整个世界并养活自己吗?(Line 9, Para. 2)代词 that 在句中指代 to adequately prepare me to take on the world and support myself。Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A We have planted more than a gardenOne 25-year-old friend whose parents pay for more than half her rent as well as give her pocket money denied the idea of compromising her lifestyle for financial independence.我的一个朋友已经25岁了,她的父母给她付一半以上的房租,还给她零用钱。她不愿意为了经济独立而在生活方式上作出任何让步。夏天不好过,冬天也不好过。 It is unpleasant in summer as well as in winter. (Line 3, Para. 3)as well as:1) and in addition 既又Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A We have planted more than a gardenOne 25-year-old friend whose parents pay for more than half her rent as well as give her pocket money denied the idea of compromising her lifestyle for financial independence.他的书是他自己印刷出版的。 He publishes as well as prints his own books. (Line 3, Para. 3)as well as: 2) 连接两个谓语动词时,它们的时态应保持一致。我们在粉刷墙壁的同时也在修理屋顶。We are repairing the roof as well as painting the walls. Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A We have planted more than a gardenAnother, a 22-year-old who gets a portion of her rent paid by Mom and Dad, admitted she would be willing to cut back on “superluous spending,” but was reluctant to move out of Manhattan and into a more affordable borough like Brooklyn or Queens.我的另一个朋友22岁,她的房租一部分是由父母支付的,她说她愿意削减“多余的开支”,但她不愿意从曼哈顿搬到生活开销低一些的区,例如布鲁克林区或皇后区。(Line 6, Para. 3)a 22-year-old who gets a portion of her rent paid by Mom and Dad 是 another 的同位语。get sth. paid的结构为 get sth. done。你需要理发了。You need to get your hair cut.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A We have planted more than a gardenHe returned, his face covered with mud and his clothes torn into pieces.The fact is, my peers who flood out of designer stores, arms adorned with shopping bags, wouldnt be able to afford their purchases without ringing up a massive credit card debt.(Line 7, Para. 4)我的那些同龄人经常从精品店蜂拥而出,胳膊上挎着购物袋,事实上,如果他们不刷爆信用卡,是根本买不起那些东西的。The fact is 后面为表语从句。他回来了,灰头土脸,衣服也撕破了。arms adorned with shopping bags 为独立主格,在文中表示伴随情况。Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A We have planted more than a gardenThe stakes are high in a city, which is why many young people feel the need to compete with each other.城市生活的风险比较高,因此许多年轻人觉得需要彼此竞争。(Line 4, Para. 5)which引导非限制性定语从句,补充说明前面整句话。He seems not to have grasped what I meant, which greatly upsets me. 他似乎没抓住我的意思,这使我心烦。 Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A We have planted more than a gardenBut when parental financial aids are not only offered but expected, what is our generation learning about living on its own?但是当这种经济资助不只是父母给的,还是孩子们所期望的时候,我们这一代人还怎么学着自己生存呢?(Line 5, Para. 5)when在句中的意思为“在情况下;如果”。如果我连读和写都不会,我怎么能找到工作呢?How can I get a job when I cant even read or write?Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A We have planted more than a gardenBut when parental financial aids are not only offered but expected, what is our generation learning about living on its own?但是当这种经济资助不只是父母给的,还是孩子们所期望的时候,我们这一代人还怎么学着自己生存呢?(Line 5, Para. 5)on ones own:你别指望他自己一个人做完。You cant expect him to do it all on his own. 靠自己的力量;独立地Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A We have planted more than a gardenIf the need for a loan ever arises, she told me, she can go to her parents or, as she secretly hopes, a husband who will take care of it.她说如果她需要贷款,她可以去找父母,她也暗自希望能找个丈夫为她解决这个问题。(Line 3, Para. 6)she told me 为插入语。我的公司会付账。My company will take care of the fees.take care of:to pay for sth., used especially when you are offering to pay for sb. else 支付(尤指替他人付款)Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A We have planted more than a gardenThis is indicative of a sort of social independence as well.这也象征着一种社会独立。(Line 3, Para. 7)be indicative of sth.:睡觉时做梦不一定表明有任何的心理问题。Having dreams while sleeping is not necessarily indicative of any psychological problems.to be a clear sign that a particular situation exists or that sth. is likely to be true 显示出;表明,指明;象征as well:他们也都进行军事训练。They all do military training as well.也,还 (放在句尾使用)Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A We have planted more than a gardenIf I want to plan a vacation halfway around the world, I do, and no one can tell me otherwise, because I am depending on my own means to get there.如果我想计划一次走遍半个世界的旅行,我就会那么做,没人能有什么不同意见,因为我是靠我自己的方式做到的。(Line 4, Para. 7)无法搞清楚发生了什麽事情.There is no means of finding out what happened.本句话的结构为并列连词and连接两个独立的句子:前半部分为if引导的条件状语从句和主句(I do);后半部分由主句和because引导的原因状语从句构成。means: 手段Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A We have planted more than a gardenShopping freely on Mom and Dads credit card may have its momentary appeal, but the adult part of me believes that working for what I have is much more rewarding than being handed it on a silver platter.用父母的信用卡随意购物可能有短暂的吸引力,但是我思想中成熟的一面认为,通过努力获得的东西比轻而易举得来的东西更有意义。(Line 3, Para. 8)adult: adj. typical of an adults behavior or of the things adults do (适合)成年人的;老成的;成熟的 the adult part of me 指的是“我成熟的一面” 。working for what I have为动名词短语作主语,what I have为介词 for的宾语。Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A We have planted more than a gardenpromise(Line 4, Para. 1)即将开始的音乐会一定是一场来自全球的音乐盛宴。Forthcoming concerts promise a feast of music from around the world.v. to show signs of sth. 预示可能发生阴云预示有雨。The clouds promise rain. promising adj. 有出息的; 有前途的Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A We have planted more than a garden他们乘火车横跨欧洲旅行最终到达莫斯科。Theyre traveling across Europe by train and will end up in Moscow.end up to be in a particular situation, state or place after a series of events, especially when you did not plan it(尤指经历一系列意料之外的事情后)到达(某处)(Line 1, Para. 2) finally be or do something 到头来每次他们去跳舞,到头来总是扫兴而归。Every time they went dancing, they ended up in a bad mood.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A We have planted more than a garden这部法令的主要意图是为了保护儿童。The whole point of this legislation is to protect children.pointn. the purpose or aim of sth. 目的;意图(Line 9, Para. 2)There is (no) point (in) doing sth.: 做有意义(无意义)再继续讨论这件事情没有什么意义了。There is no point (in) discussing this issue further.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A We have planted more than a garden校长让学生做好准备参加入学考试。The headmaster prepared his students to take the entrance exam.prepare sb. to do sth 使某人做好做某事的准备(Line 10, Para. 2)Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A We have planted more than a garden没有人有能力或者愿意承担这份工作。Nobody was able or willing to take on the job.take onto agree to do some work or be responsible for sth. 承担;接受(尤指艰巨工作或重大责任)(Line 10, Para. 2)Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A We have planted more than a garden只要你放弃原则,你就输了。As soon as you compromise your principle, you are lost.compromisev. to do sth. which is against your principles and which therefore seems dishonest or shameful 放弃(原则) ;在 方面妥协(Line 5, Para. 3)compromise (on sth): 以折衷方法解决争论、争端、分歧我想去希腊, 可我妻子想去西班牙, 於是我们折衷了一下, 去意大利。I wanted to go to Greece, and my wife wanted to go to Spain, so we compromised on Italy.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A We have planted more than a gardenfloodv. to arrive or go somewhere in large numbers 大量地去 / 到达;大量地涌入 / 出Calls have been flooding into our office from worried parents.担心的家长的电话如潮水般打进办公室来。(Line 7, Para. 4)be flooded with sth: to be overwhelmed in large numbers 接到大量Weve been flooded with offers of help.我们获得了大量的帮助。Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A We have planted more than a gardenhinder(Line 11, Para. 4)v. to make it difficult for sth. to develop or succeed 阻碍;妨碍;阻止 His disability hinders him from using the usual facilities.他的残疾妨碍了他使用正常的设施。hinder sb/sth (from sth/doing sth)阻碍 妨碍某人/某事物的进展A former injury was hindering him from playing his best.一处旧伤妨碍他发挥他的最佳水平。Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A We have planted more than a gardenClimbing is a dangerous sport and the stakes are high.登山是一项危险的运动,风险很高。 stakes(Line 4, Para. 5)n. if the stakes are high when you are trying to do sth., you risk losing a lot or it will be dangerous if you fail 风险;危险性stake: 1) (usu pl) money, etc risked or gambled on the unknown result of a future event (e.g. a race, a card-game) 赌注 2) money, etc invested by sb in an enterprise so that he has an interest or share in it 投资; 投放的本钱Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A We have planted more than a gardenPut on a coat for fear of catching a cold.for fear of in case you make sth. bad happen 生怕 ;以免(Line 2, Para. 6)穿上外衣以免感冒。for fear that后接从句用虚拟语气 He walked fast for fear that he should be late. 他快走,以免迟到。Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A ExerciseslVocabulary & tructurelTranslationlComprehensionListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A Comprehension1.1. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).2 Many young people feel sorry for having to receive financial assistance from their parents.1 Many young people can hardly save any money if they live in New York.3People can survive in any city so long as they make a good plan for expenses.4 Many parents continue to provide for their children after their graduation. This will prevent their children from being financially responsible.TFTT5 To the writer, being financially independent is part of being an adult.TListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A Comprehension2.2. Work in groups to discuss the following questions.2 What are the disadvantages of parental financial aids?1 Why do many graduates want to live in New York? Whats their life usually like there?Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A Comprehension2.2. Work in groups to answer the following questions.Because they think there are many opportunities in New York, which can help them realize their dreams. Living in New York may not be as comfortable as they expect. High living costs will be a great burden, and they may even spend 80% of their salary on rent. 1 Why do many graduates want to live in New York? Whats their life usually like there?Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A Comprehension2.2. Work in groups to answer the following questions.It will hinder young people from becoming mature and independent. Some young people cannot learn to be financially responsible just because their parents often offer them money to help.2 What are the disadvantages of parental financial aids?Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express1.1. Compare each pair of words and complete the following sentences with the right one. Change the form if necessary.Passage A Vocabulary and structureWe must try to _ the syllabus ( 教学大纲 ) to attract students.1. diversify, diversity diversifyThere is a need for greater _ and choice in education.diversityYou will be expected to _ the editor with the selection of illustrations for the book.assistShe offered me practical _ with my research.assistance2. assist, assistanceListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express1.1. Compare each pair of words and complete the following sentences with the right one. Change the form if necessary.Passage A Vocabulary and structureMeals in the school canteens are _ by the government.3. subsidy, subsidizesubsidizedThe companys quick development benefited from a substantial (数目大的) _ from the local government.subsidyHousework is low on her list of _.4. priority, prioritizepriorityThe tasks are heavy and you need to _ them.prioritizeListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express1. You should learn to exercise control _ negative emotions and thoughts.2. The law requires equal treatment for all, regardless _ race, religion, or sex.3. The sculpture is coated with 24k gold leaf and adorned _ 17 pearls and two diamonds.4. You are free to choose what you surrender _, but you are not free from the consequences of that choice.Passage A Vocabulary and structure2.2. Complete the following sentences with proper prepositions or adverbs.overofwithtoListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express3.3. Add the suffix “-ize” to the words given below. Then complete the following sentences with the words thus formed. Change the form if necessary.Passage A Vocabulary and structure1. He studies his map, trying to _ the way to Roses home.2. The company is investing $9 million to _ its factories.3. His latest novel _ the village life which is actually not so good.4. I prefer fresh fruits to _ fruit juice.5. He is good at _ stories for television.idealdramamodernmemoryliquidmemorizemodernizeidealized/idealizesliquidizeddramatizingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A Vocabulary and structure4.4. Read the following passage carefully and choose the best word to fill in each blank.A new survey of college graduates from the last five years finds that the Great Recession has 1)_ them hard, forcing them into low-paying jobs often unrelated to their education and leaving half of them expecting 2)_ financial success than their parents. “Dont blame a spoiled generation,” said Cliff Zukin, a political science and public policy professor who was the co-author of the study. “Eighty-three percent of them worked when they were in college,” he said. “Theyre making sacrifices to go 3)_ this, but 1 A beatB hitC strike2 A moreB lessC similar3 A intoB onC throughListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A Vocabulary and structure4.4. Read the following passage carefully and choose the best word to fill in each blank.theyre coming out without a good job and with 4)_. Thats not a great situation.” The average annual starting salary for those who graduated between 2006 and 2008 was $30,000. For the 2009 and 2010 grads, it decreased to $27,000. And women graduates continued to 5)_ less than men. Nearly half of the graduates say theyre working at jobs that dont require a college education. And many of those who left their first jobs didnt find a better one. Seven in ten said5 A payB earnC make4 A debtsB successesC fortunesListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A Vocabulary and structure4.4. Read the following passage carefully and choose the best word to fill in each blank.their educational background had some relationship to their first job. But for those who are now working elsewhere, only about six in ten say their work is in the 6)_ they studied. And graduates 7)_ on their parents financially. Nearly half say theyre subsidized in some way by their parents or other family members, 8)_ more than one in five who live with relatives. The nations hope, most often delivered, is that each generation does better than the last. However, 7 A stickB relyC work8 A includedB includingC include6 A fieldB subjectC lessonListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A Vocabulary and structure4.4. Read the following passage carefully and choose the best word to fill in each blank.that 9)_ isnt there for the recent graduates. About half say they personally dont 10)_ to do as well as their parents. And 56% say their generation wont do as well as their parents generation.9 A idealB dreamC hope10 A likeB expectC wantListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage A Translation1.1. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.For those who crave urban living at its best, New York is a siren, singing an irresistibly enticing songUntil you are lured in and before you know it, 80% of your salary has been spent on rent. _ _ _ _2. Shopping freely on Mom and Dads credit card may have its momentary appeal, but the adult part of me believes that working for what I have is much more rewarding than being handed it on a silver platter. _ _对于那些极度渴望城市生活的人来说,纽约就是古希腊神话中的女海妖塞壬,唱着诱人的歌曲,令人无法拒绝直到你被吸引去,在还没有意识到时,80%的工资就都用于交房租了。用父母的信用卡随意购物可能有短暂的吸引力,但是我思想中成熟的一面认为,通过努力获得的东西比轻而易举得来的东西更有意义。Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express很多大学生毕业以后都选择留在大城市工作,因为他们觉得大城市能提供更多的就业机会和发展机遇。但大城市高昂的生活成本对于不少刚毕业的学生来说是难以承受的。(cost of living, affordable)2.2. Translate the following Chinese sentences into English with the help of the words or expressions given in brackets.Many college students choose to work in big cities after graduation, because they think big cities can provide more job and development opportunities. However, the high cost of living in big cities is more than affordable for many newly graduated students.Passage A TranslationListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressStreet artlLead-inlText studylExercisesPassage BListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B Street artLead-inlBackground informationlPre-reading activityListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressLook at the following pictures of graffiti. What do you think of them, a kind of street art or vandalism (肆意破坏公物的行为)? Why?Pre-readingPassage B Street artWork in groups to discuss the following question.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B Street artI think its a kind of street art. The designs and colors are beautiful. They are more of art than vandalism because they seem to be trying to express something.Look at the following pictures of graffiti. What do you think of them, a kind of street art or vandalism (肆意破坏公物的行为)? Why?Pre-readingWork in groups to discuss the following question.Sample answer:Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B Street artBackground information1. Graffiti 2. Keith Haring 3. Jean-Michel Basquiat4. SwoonListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B Street art1. Graffiti Graffiti are writing or drawings that have been scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface, often in a public place.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B Street artListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B Street art2. Keith Haring Keith Allen Haring (May 4, 1958 February 16, 1990) was an American artist and social activist whose work responded to the New York City street culture of the 1980s by expressing concepts of birth, death, sexuality, and war. Harings work was often heavily political and his imagery has become a widely recognized visual language of the 20th century.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B Street art2. Keith Haring Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B Street art3. Jean-Michel BasquiatJean-Michel Basquiat (December 22, 1960 August 12, 1988) was an American artist, musician, and producer. He first achieved notoriety as part of SAMO, an informal graffiti group who wrote enigmatic epigrams in the cultural hotbed of the Lower East Side of Manhattan during the late 1970s where the hip hop, post-punk and street art movements had coalesced. By the 1980s he was exhibiting his neo-expressionist and primitivist paintings in galleries and museums internationally. Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B Street art3. Jean-Michel BasquiatBasquiats art focused on suggestive dichotomies, such as wealth versus poverty, integration versus segregation, and inner versus outer experience. He appropriated poetry, drawing, and painting, and married text and image, abstraction, and figuration, and historical information mixed with contemporary critique.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B Street art3. Jean-Michel BasquiatBasquiat used social commentary in his paintings as a springboard to deeper truths about the individual, as well as attacks on power structures and systems of racism, while his poetics were acutely political and direct in their criticism of colonialism and support for class struggle.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B Street art4. Swoon Swoon (born Caledonia Dance Curry in 1978) is a street artist who specializes in life-size wheatpaste prints and paper cutouts of human figures. She studied at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn and started doing street art around 1999 and large-scale installations in 2005.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressText studyPassage B Street artlOrganization of the textlLanguage pointslText readingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage BStreet art1. Street art can be found on buildings, sidewalks, street signs, and even trash cans from Tokyo to Paris, from Moscow to New York City. This special kind of art can take the form of paintings, sculptures, or stickers. Today the street art movement has become part of a global visual culture. Even art museums and galleries are collecting the works of street artists._Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage BStreet art2. It is not easy to provide an exact history of the street art movement. Some experts say the movement began in New York City in the 1960s when young adults used paint in special cans to spray their “tag” on walls and train cars around the city as a way to identify themselves and their artwork. This colorful style of writing is also called graffiti. It is visually exciting and energetic. Some graffiti paintings were signs marking the territories of city gangs or illegal crime groups._Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage BStreet art3. However, graffiti soon developed as an artistic movement expressing the street culture of young people living in big cities, who rejected the accepted rules of culture and power and resorted to graffiti to represent social and political rebellion.4. During the 1980s, two New York painters, Keith Haring and Jean-Michel Basquiat, started creating their paintings on the streets. And they soon became very famous and began showing their work in art galleries and museums. This is when street art started to become part of the popular culture. Ever since then street art has developed in many kinds of ways in places all over the world._Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage BStreet art5. One well-known street artist in New York City goes by the name of Swoon. She creates detailed paper cutouts of people that she observes around her. She places these life-size images on walls in different areas of New York. One of her artwork is of a little boy playing. The boy is turning his smiling face and seems to be running into the distance. The lines of Swoons drawing give energy and movement to the picture. She placed the pictures of the boy next to other large graffiti images. It looks like the boy is running in-between the different pieces of artwork._Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage BStreet art6. Swoon did not start her career making street art. She studied fine art at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York. But she soon lost interest in the traditional modes of making and exhibiting art and started taking her art into the streets.7. Swoon enjoys the freedom of expression which street art permits. And people enjoy Swoons strong and imaginative pictures as well. In fact, the Museum of Modern Art in New York City has bought several of her works._Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage BStreet art8. Many corners in Paris show the work of an artist known as Space Invader. The name came from a video game that was very popular in the 1980s. This French artist uses small colorful squares of glass to make images of space creatures, and he places his creations on buildings all around Paris. He says that he is leaving a gift to the city with his art.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage BStreet art9. Street artists have different reasons for choosing this special kind of creative art. Some artists do not approve of the profit-making business of galleries and museums. Contending that these organizations disconnect art from everyday life, they attempt to integrate street art into the city environment. Other artists express their political beliefs with their art. They see street art as protesting the culture of big businesses and corporations. They do not like the city walls covered with advertisements, which they see as examples of corporate aggression. They think that if an advertisement can be on a wall, so can their art. Still other artists like the excitement of working on the streets. What appeals to them most is that they can travel around areas of the city, making creative paintings for everyone to see and therefore become famous, though without being officially recognized._Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage BStreet art10. People have different opinions about the street art. Some think street art is a rich form of non-traditional cultural expression while others see it as a crime. Street artists have to work secretly because it is illegal to paint public and private property without permission in some places. Some street artists did pay a price for their work. For example, Shepard Fairey, who became famous for his image of Barack Obama during the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign, has been arrested several times on graffiti charges. Fairey protested that he was just suggesting public space should be filled with more than just advertisements._Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage BStreet art11. With the coming of the Internet age, street artists now can show their work to people all over the world on the Internet, and they can exchange ideas with their fans as well. However, people say the Internet is not a replacement for the experience of seeing street art live. To really understand this art, you have to see it in its original environment. The street art movement depends on the energy and life of the city. And like cities, this imaginative and exciting art will continue to change and grow.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B What shall I paint today?Organization of the textStructurePart I (Para. _)Part II (Para. _)Part III (Para. _)12-910-11Introduction to street artThe history of street art and famous street artistsPeoples attitude toward street artListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B What shall I paint today?This special kind of art can take the form of paintings, sculptures, or stickers.这种特殊的艺术可以借绘画、雕塑甚至贴纸的形式出现。take the form of:采取的形式;表现为的形式一种典型的培训项目采取系列演讲的形式。A typical training program takes the form of a series of lectures.(Line 2, Para. 1)Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B What shall I paint today?Some experts say the movement began in New York City in the 1960s when young adults used paint in special cans to spray their “tag” on walls and train cars around the city as a way to identify themselves and their artwork.一些专家说该运动起源于20世纪60年代的纽约市,那时一些年轻人用一种特殊的灌装漆料,在城市的墙上和火车车厢上喷上他们自己的“标签”,以此作为一种表现自己和他们的艺术作品的方式。train car:火车车厢(Line 1, Para. 2)Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B What shall I paint today?Some graffiti paintings were signs marking the territories of city gangs or illegal crime groups.一些涂鸦作品还是城市帮派或犯罪团伙划分地盘的标记。(Line 5, Para. 2)marking the territories of city gangs or illegal crime groups为现在分词短语作定语。territory:n. land that is owned or controlled by a particular country, ruler, or military force 领土;版图;领地不要在我的地盘上犯罪。Dont commit crimes on my territory.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B What shall I paint today?However, graffiti soon developed as an artistic movement expressing the street culture of young people living in big cities, who rejected the accepted rules of culture and power and resorted to graffiti to represent social and political rebellion.然而,涂鸦很快发展成能够表达大城市里年轻人街头文化的一种艺术运动,这些年轻人抗拒文化规则和权力,借涂鸦来表达他们对社会和政治的反抗。expressing the street culture of和living in big cities都为 现 在 分 词 短 语 作 定 语 , 分 别 修 饰 an artistic movement和young people。(Line 1, Para. 3)who引导非限制性定语从句,修饰young people living in big cities。Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B What shall I paint today?However, graffiti soon developed and political rebellion.resort to:(Line 1, Para. 3)to do sth. bad, extreme, or difficult because you cannot think of any other way to deal with a problem采取;诉诸(不好的事物)许多青少年没有钱的时候会进行偷窃。 Many teenagers resort to stealing when their money runs out.reject:v. to refuse to accept, believe in, or agree with sth. 拒绝接受(相信,帮助)约翰逊拒绝了他的秘书的建议。Johnson rejected his secretarys proposal.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B What shall I paint today?Ever since then street art has developed in many kinds of ways in places all over the world.从那以后,街头艺术在世界各地发展成为许多不同的形式。ever since then:(Line 5, Para. 4)in many kinds of ways和in places all over the world分别为方式状语和地点状语。Ever since then my life has become more interesting.从那以后我的生活变得更加有趣了。从那以后;从此以后Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B What shall I paint today?One of her artwork is of a little boy playing. The boy is turning his smiling face and seems to be running into the distance. 她的其中一幅艺术作品是一个正在玩耍的小男孩,小男孩转过笑脸,似乎要跑向远处。他就像是一株老树重又开花。He was like an old tree blossoming again.(Line 3, Para. 5)playing为现在分词,作a little boy的补语。这条新闻是关于几个在山里探寻宝藏的女孩儿。The news is about several girls hunting for treasure in the mountains.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B What shall I paint today?Swoon did not start her career making street art. She studied fine art at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York. 斯沃恩并不是一开始就将街头艺术作为自己的职业生涯的。她在纽约市布鲁克林的布拉特学院学习美术。(Line 1, Para. 6)start sth. (by) doing sth.:以做某事开始老师从吸引学生好奇心入手开始他的课程。The teacher can start his lesson by capturing childrens curiosity.fine art: forms of art, especially paintings or sculpture, that are produced and admired for their beauty and high quality艺术;美术(尤指绘画、雕塑)Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B What shall I paint today?Contending that these organizations disconnect art from everyday life, they attempt to integrate street art into the city environment.(Line 3, Para. 9)contending that these organizations disconnect art from everyday life为现在分词短语作状语,that引导宾语从句。这些建筑物和周围的自然景物相融合, The buildings are well integrated with the landscape.他们认为这些机构把艺术同日常生活割裂开了,就试图将街头艺术融入城市环境。integrate sth. into / with sth.: (使)合并;(使)融合Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B What shall I paint today?They do not like the city walls covered with advertisements, which they see as examples of corporate aggression.(Line 7, Para. 9)covered with advertisements为过去分词短语作定语,修饰the city walls。他们不喜欢城市的墙壁上贴满了广告,认为这是大公司入侵的表现。which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰 advertisements。Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B What shall I paint today?What appeals to them most is that they can travel around areas of the city, making creative paintings for everyone to see and therefore become famous, though without being officially recognized.(Line 10, Para. 9)what+谓语动词+宾语+most+is / was 表示“最让人 的是”。最吸引他们的则是可以游走在城市的各个角落,创造具有创造力的作品供大家欣赏,进而成名,尽管他们得不到官方的认可。给我留下深刻印象的是这个十岁的小女孩自己一个人照顾她的祖母。 What impressed me most was that the 10-year-old girl took care of her grandmother by herself.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B What shall I paint today?What appeals to them most is that they can travel around areas of the city, making creative paintings for everyone to see and therefore become famous, though without being officially recognized.(Line 10, Para. 9)making creative paintings for everyone to see为现在分词短语作伴随状语。being officially recognized为动名词的被动形式,用作介词without的宾语。他希望出门不被发现。He hoped to go out without being seen.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B What shall I paint today?Street artists have to work secretly because it is illegal to paint public and private property without permission in some places.(Line 3, Para. 10)property:在一些地区,街头艺术家们不得不秘密进行创作,因为没有得到许可就在公共场所和私有建筑上绘画是违法的。这里是私人房产。请勿进入。This is private property. Please keep out!n. a building, a piece of land, or both together房产;地产;房地产Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B What shall I paint today?Street artists have to work secretly because it is illegal to paint public and private property without permission in some places.(Line 3, Para. 10)未经作者允许本书禁止出版。This book cant be published without the authors permission.without (sbs) permission: 未经(某人的)允许Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B What shall I paint today?Some street artists did pay a price for their work. For example, Shepard Fairey, who became famous for his image of Barack Obama during the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign, has been arrested several times on graffiti charges.(Line 4, Para. 10)一些街头艺术家还为他们的作品付出了代价。例如,谢泼德费尔雷,他在2008年美国总统大选中因为画巴拉克奥巴马的画像而出名,他好几次因涂鸦的指控而被捕。这个罪犯为自己之前犯下的错误付出了代价。This criminal is paying a price for his early mistakes.pay a price for (doing) sth.: 为某事付出代价Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B What shall I paint today?Some street artists did pay a price for their work. For example, Shepard Fairey, who became famous for his image of Barack Obama during the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign, has been arrested several times on graffiti charges.(Line 4, Para. 10)他因为非法持有毒品而被捕。He has been arrested on charges of possession of illegal drugs.arrest sb. on charges of sth.:因而逮捕某人Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B What shall I paint today?identifyv. if a particular thing identifies sb. or sth., it makes them easy to recognize 表明的身份工人们佩戴徽章来表明他们是公园雇员的身份。Workers will wear badges to identify themselves as park employees.(Line 4, Para. 2)Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B What shall I paint today?contendn. to argue or claim that sth. is true 声称;断言;争论我认为失业是我们社会最为严重的弊病。I would contend that unemployment is our most serious social evil.(Line 3, Para. 9)Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B ExerciseslVocabulary & structurelTranslationlComprehensionlOral workListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B Comprehension1.1. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.1Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a form of street art? A Sculptures. B Paintings. C Trash cans. D Stickers.2When did street art start to become part of the popular culture? A During the 1960s. B During the 1970s. C During the 1980s. D During the 1990s.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B Comprehension1.1. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.3 Which of the following is true according to the passage? A Street art is still not acceptable to art museums and galleries. B Some young people used graffiti as a vehicle for their social and political rebellion. C Street art is a traditional cultural expression. D Street art has now reached its peak and has little room for further development.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express2.2. Work in groups to discuss the following questions.Passage B Comprehension1.When and where did the street art movement begin?Some experts say the street art movement began in New York City in the 1960s.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B ComprehensionThey resort to graffiti, which is visually exciting and energetic, as a means to represent their social and political rebellion.2. Why do street artists choose this kind of art form?Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B ComprehensionSeeing street art on the Internet is quite different from seeing it live. Street art was born in the street and bloomed there. It is the public environment that gives the art energy and makes it alive. You have to appreciate it in its original environment or you cannot see the beauty. When street art is put on the Internet, though it may attract larger audience, it loses its attraction.3. What do you think is the difference between seeing street art live and seeing it on the Internet?Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B Vocabulary and structure1.1.Compare each pair of words and complete the following sentences with the right one. Change the form if necessary.Colors like red convey a sense of _ and strength.1. energetic, energyenergyenergeticIf weather _, we can go climbing this weekend.2. permit, permissionpermitsIt is illegal to reproduce these worksheets without _ from the publisher.permissionHer son was an _, aggressive boy, always ready to argue.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B Vocabulary and structure1.1.Compare each pair of words and complete the following sentences with the right one. Change the form if necessary.What are the reasons for his _ of the theory?3. reject, rejectionrejectionrejectedI was surprised that Mom seemed to _ of Tracys new boyfriend.4. approve, approvalapproveHis works won enthusiastic _ of his readers.approvalOur proposal of reforming the dress codes was _.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express2.2. Complete the following sentences with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.Passage B Vocabulary and structure1. Kevin Hanks got _ for drunk driving.2. Susan _ herself with perfume every morning.3. How can you _ him as a Frenchman? By his accent.4. Click “work offline” to _ from the Internet.5. As Jack is ill and will be absent from work for a long time, we have to find a _ for him.disconnectarrestreplacesprayidentifyarrestedspraysidentifydisconnectreplacementListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express3.3. Complete the following sentences with proper prepositions or adverbs.Passage B Vocabulary and structure1 Weve installed an extinguisher ( 灭火器 ) next _ the cooker in case there is ever a fire.2 Someone who goes by the name _ Keith Byrant wants to see you.3 When not using a battery, disconnect it _ the device.4 You will finally pay a price _ all the wrong you have done.5 All at once, I noticed that my wife seemed to be filled _ confusion.tofromforofwithListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express4.4. Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets into English using the structure “what sb. most is / was”Passage B Vocabulary and structureNote: “what + 谓语动词 + 宾语 + most + is / was ” 表示“最让人的是 ”。Sample: What appeals to them most is (最吸引他们的是) that they can travel around areas of the city making creative paintings for everyone to see and therefore become famous, though without being officially recognized.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B Vocabulary and structure1. _ ( 我最关心的是 ) who will be my teacher next term.What concerns me most is2. _ ( 最让父亲伤心的是 ) that he dropped out of college in spite of everyones advice.What hurt my father most was4.4. Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets into English using the structure “what sb. most is / was”3. _ ( 最让我吃惊的是 ) that such an excellent applicant like him was turned down.What surprised me most wasListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B Vocabulary and structure4. _ ( 最让我失望的是 ) that the show for which we had been prepared for so long was cancelled.What disappointed me most was4.4. Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets into English using the structure “what sb. most is / was”5. _ ( 最让我印象深刻的是 ) a 10-year-old girl who took care of her grandmother by herself.What impressed me most wasListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B Translation1.1. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.Swoon enjoys the freedom of expression which street art permits. And people enjoy Swoons strong and imaginative pictures as well. _斯沃恩享受街头艺术带来的这种表达自由。人们也喜欢斯沃恩强烈又富有想象力的图画。2.The street art movement depends on the energy and life of the city. And like cities, this imaginative and exciting art will continue to change and grow. _街头艺术运动取决于城市的生命和活力。如同城市本身一样,这种具有想象力和激情的艺术也将继续变化和成长。Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express以前,很多人不认可涂鸦这种行为,认为涂鸦是破坏环境,但随着越来越多高质量的涂鸦作品的出现,人们正在改变对涂鸦的看法。很多涂鸦作品无论色彩或是图案都给人以美的享受。许多白墙因为这些涂鸦而有了生命。 ( approve of, bring sth. to life )2.2. Translate the following sentences into English with the help of the words and expressions given in brackets.Many people didnt approve of graffiti before, thinking it would damage the environment. But with the emergence of more and more high-quality graffiti works, peoples attitude toward graffiti is changing. Many graffiti works not only bring beauty to people in terms of their color and design but bring white walls to life as well.Passage B TranslationListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B Oral workWork in groups to do the following activities.1. Besides graffiti, street art now has developed into many forms, such as street dance, skateboard (滑板), bicycle stunt (特技单车), or streetball. Talk about your favorite form of street art, and give the reasons why you like it.2. Each group chooses one form of street art mentioned by the group members and collects information about it, such as its history, characteristics, and influence.3. Each group chooses a representative to give a presentation about the street art you researched. Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B Oral workWork in groups to do the following activities.1. Besides graffiti, street art now has developed into many forms, such as street dance, skateboard (滑板) , bicycle stunt (特技单车) , or streetball. Talk about your favorite form of street art, and give the reasons why you like it.Of many forms of street art, I like street dance best. Its a kind of body-shaping exercise. I think its exciting and energetic. And the practice helps me build my persistence and willpower.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressPassage B Oral workWork in groups to do the following activities.2. Each group chooses one form of street art mentioned by the group members and collects information about it, such as its history, characteristics, and influence.Street dance, also known as vernacular dance, refers to the dance styles evolving outside of dance studios in available open space such as streets, parks, and school yards, etc. It originated in the United States, first appearing in African American communities. Street dance shows the vitality and passion of youth and the courage to express the attitude of life and to be themselves. Street dance has become popular all over the world.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expresslThe subjunctive mood ( 虚拟语气 ) (I)lExercisesGrammarListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressGrammar - Tag questions在表示不太可能实现的愿望、猜测或者主观的假想或建议时,英语中常需要用虚拟语气。常见的虚拟语气的用法包括以下两种类型:1 if 引导的虚拟条件句(见下页表格)Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressGrammar - Tag questions条件从句中的谓语主句谓语对现在情况的假设动词过去式(如果是 be 动词,一般用 were )would / could / might / should +动词原形如:1) I would give you a lift if I had my car here. 2) If I were you, I would seize the chance to go abroad. 3) If you had any question about our product, you could make a phone call to us. 4) If you asked me nicely, I might take you out for lunch.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressGrammar - Tag questions条件从句中的谓语主句谓语对过去情况的假设动词过去完成时( had + 过去分词)would / could / might / should+have+过去分词如:1) If you had taken my advice, you would not have failed in the exam. 2) If my girlfriend hadnt been ill last Sunday, she would have gone to the concert with me. 3) I should have talked to you if I had seen you yesterday. 4) If the ambulance had come earlier, the boy might have been saved.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressGrammar - Tag questions条件从句中的谓语主句谓语对将来情况的假设动词过去式(或 were to / should + 动词原形)would / could / might / should +动词原形如:1) If it rained tomorrow, I would stay at home. 2) If he were to leave Shanghai, I might buy his house. 3) If she should go away, I would be sad.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express2 省略 if 的倒装结构1)Had they not driven that car (= if they hadnt driven that car), he would not have died.2)Should this task cost you any money (= if this task should cost you any money), you could send me the bill.3)Were you in my position (= if you were in my position), you would do the same thing.Grammar - Tag questions如果虚拟条件句中有had,should,were,可以省略 if,把had,should,were移至主语之前,采用倒装语序。Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express1.1. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs given in brackets.Grammar - Exercises1 If you broke an expensive vase in a shop, _the manager? (would you tell / will you tell)2 John Kennedy _ if he hadnt traveled in an open-top car. (might not be assassinated / might not have been assassinated)3 If she _ so hard, Li Na wouldnt have won the Womens Championship at the 2011 French Open. (havent trained / hadnt trained)4 If you _ something from a shop by mistake, would you return it? (took / take)5 Were I to do it, I _ it in some other way. (would have done / would do)would you tellhadnt trainedtookmight not have been assassinatedwould doListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express2.2. Rewrite the following sentences, starting with “should”, “had” or “were”.Grammar - Exercises1.If she were to find out the truth, she would feel unhappy. _2. If John had not lent me the money, I would have gone bankrupt. _3. If there should be an earthquake, what should we do? _Were she to find out the truth, she would feel unhappy.Had John not lent me the money, I would have gone bankrupt.Should there be an earthquake, what should we do?Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express2.2. Rewrite the following sentences, starting with “should”, “had” or “were”.Grammar - Exercises4. If I had had more time, I could have finished the article last week. _Had I had more time, I could have finished the article last week.5. If Superman were here, he would help us. _Were Superman here, he would help us.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expresslResumelExercisesWritingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressWriting - Resume简历(resume,也可称为curriculum vitae,简称CV)没有固定的内容和结构,可以根据个人的具体情况及求职岗位的需求采用不同形式,但内容务必实事求是、条理清晰、简明扼要、表述准确。在此基础上,一份能够充分展现个人特色、优点以及潜力的简历更容易得到招聘者的青睐。简历的主要内容一般包括:1.个人个人资料:料:主要包括姓名、地址、联系电话、电子邮件。有时可根据需要列出性别及出生日期。身高、体重、婚姻状况等个人信息一般不需提供。2.求求职目目标:一般指所申请的工作职位。求职目标要尽量写得具体、明确,避免出现To seek a teaching position之类的笼统描述。最好能明确自己求职的行业范围以及期待的职位,如:To seek a position as a music teacher in an elementary school。Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressWriting - Resume3. 教育背景教育背景:一般应从最高的学历开始,由高及低、由近及远,介绍自己受教育的经历,包括就读时间、学校、所学专业和取得的学位。高中阶段的学习经历可省略。为了展示自己的知识结构和能力,也可介绍自己研修过的一些主要课程以及取得的成绩。如果接受过一些相关技能的培训,也可写在简历中。4. 工作经验工作经验/社会实践社会实践:一般按照时间上由近及远的顺序描述从事过的工作,包括工作时间、单位、职位、职责及成就等。作为没有工作经历的学生,可以介绍自己的实习、兼职经历或其他社会实践,包括你在其中的职责,从而展示自己学到的知识、锻炼的能力等 。5. 主要技能:主要技能:主要介绍自己的电脑应用水平、外语水平等。还可以介绍与应聘职位相关的其他技能来为自己的简历加分。Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressWriting - Resume6. 荣誉和奖项荣誉和奖项:按照时间上由近及远的顺序介绍自己获得过的荣誉和奖项,比如:奖学金、优秀学生干部、学术论文奖等。 7. 兴兴趣特趣特长长:如果能提及跟工作相关的兴趣或特长最好,比如,如果你想成为一名记者,可以提及自己关注时事和爱好写作的兴趣。与职位无关的特长和爱好,比如唱歌、跑步等可不提及。8. 推荐人推荐人/证证明人:明人:简历中可列出证明人的具体信息,包括证明人的姓名、职位、工作单位以及联系方式等,也可说明自己将根据招聘方的需要提供证明人信息。Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressWriting - ResumeSampleZhou NaAddress: 92 West Dazhi Street, Nangang District, HarbinTelephone: 0451-8641xxxxE-mail: zhounaxxxgmail.comJob objective: To work as a sales assistant in a foreign trade companyEducation:Sept. 2011-Present Harbin Institute of TechnologyMajor: EnglishRelated courses: Advanced Translation, Advanced Writing, Introduction to Business, Business Negotiation, Business CommunicationListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressWriting - ResumeWork Experience:Feb., 2013-Present:Part-time secretary for Fortune Import & Export Company, duties including typing, filing, answering phone calls, scheduling appointments, etc.Oct., 2012: Organized and hosted the universitys English Culture FestivalListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressWriting - ResumeSkills and Qualifications:Excellent in both written and oral English; passed TEM-8Proficient user of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and the InternetPassed BEC Higher LevelAwards & Achievements:Third-class Scholarship, 2012-2013First prize in a teaching competition held by the Foreign Languages Department of the universityHobbies & Interests: reading, public speakingReferences: Available on requestListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressWriting - Resume评 析:这份简历包含了个人资料、求职目标、教育背景、兼职经历及参与的社会活动、技能、奖项、兴趣爱好等简历的基本要素,呈现了应聘职位所必需的信息。此外,求职者还根据应聘的具体职位,突出了自己与该职位相关的课程以及相应的实践经历,并凸显了自己应聘此职位的优势与特长。总体来说,这是一封内容完整、条理清楚、重点突出的简历。Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressWriting - ExerciseSuppose you want to find a part-time job for the coming summer holiday. Search the Internet to find a job wanted ad that you are interested in. Then write a resume to apply for the job.MarshaAddress: 49 Huayuan Street, Jinshui District, ZhengzhouTelephone: 0371-6541xxxxE-mail: Marshaxxx163.comJob objective: To work as a manager assistant in an international companyEducation:Sept. 2011-Present: Zhengzhou UniversityMajor: EnglishRelated courses: Advanced Translation, Introduction to Business, Business CommunicationListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressWriting - ExerciseWork Experience:March 2012-Present: Part-time marketing assistant for Minglang Import & Export Company, duties including typing, filing, answering phone calls, scheduling appointments, etc.Skills and Qualifications:Excellent in both written and oral English;Proficient user of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and the InternetPassed BEC Higher LevelAwards & Achievements:First-class Scholarship, 2012-2013Hobbies & Interests: reading, public speaking, badmintonReferences: Available on requestListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expresslVideo appreciationlQuestionsCulture expresslParkourListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressCulture express Video appreciationParkourListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressCulture express - Parkour Parkour is a physical activity of French origin in which participants attempt to find new ways to cross the urban landscapejumping over concrete walls, running across roofs, and leaping from building to building. Simply put, parkour players try to move from point A to point B as quickly and efficiently as possible. Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressCulture express - Parkour Essentially, parkour is about learning to overcome obstacles and rethinking the use of ones body and the use of public spaces. It makes you feel a real connection between your spirit and your environment. Parkour players only use their body to overcome obstacles. Its even a philosophy of life. Some parkour players believe that the techniques they learn can also be carried over into their daily lives, making them more courageous and confident with obstacles in life.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressCulture express - Parkour But be warnedParkour is a highly skilled sport, so after youve read this passage, please dont go out and start jumping off buildings! If you want to do parkour, you should be aware that it takes a lot of hard work and dedication. You must practice the basic moves daily, starting with low walls. Besides, you have to know your limits at all times. Even for experienced athletes, a bad jump can kill. You can get hurt if you dont learn how to jump and land properly. Nobody should do parkour without training.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressCulture express - Parkour Additional informationThe earliest form of parkour in history was defined by Georges Hebert, a naval officer in the French army who served both during World War I and World War II. Because he was a soldier, he often traveled to Africa, where he was impressed by the efficient, flowing athletic movements of most of the African tribes he visited. After he had returned to France, he began to develop a method of natural movement for officers serving in the military, in which both men and women were trained to move efficiently and fluently around a wide variety of obstacles in their path. The discipline called “Natural Method” started to be regularly taught in the military, setting the stage for the later development of parkour.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture express1How do you view parkour, a risky sport, an exciting game, or something else?Work in groups to discuss the following questions.Culture express - Exercises2Do you agree that parkour represents a philosophy of life?Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressCulture express - ExercisesParkour, in my opinion, is a kind of extreme sport rather than a kind of game. You need to be athletic, unafraid of heights, and of course, dare to challenge the impossible.1How do you view parkour, a risky sport, an exciting game, or something else?Work in groups to discuss the following questions.Listening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingListening and speakingReadingReadingGrammarGrammarWritingWritingCulture expressCulture expressCulture express - ExercisesYes, I agree. Parkour involves learning to move beyond the obstacles efficiently. People challenge themselves in parkour both mentally and physically so it becomes easier for them to deal with problems and obstacles in everyday life. When a difficult situation comes up in daily life, a parkour practitioner may see it just as an obstacle to overcome.Parkour also represents a philosophy of freedom. By learning to overcome the various barriers life throws up from time to time, practitioners learn to see the world in a new and less-restrictive way. The mental and emotional obstacles that exist within us begin to fall away, revealing more possibilities for our lives than we imagined.In a word, parkour represents a philosophy of life, and many people apply it to their lives.Work in groups to discuss the following questions.2Do you agree that parkour represents a philosophy of life?NoteBookType here:
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