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二、句法结构复习二、句法结构复习 本单元主要句法结构有比较级结构、强调句、本单元主要句法结构有比较级结构、强调句、wherever/ whatever / whenever / howeverwherever/ whatever / whenever / however等等疑问词引导的让步状语从句,疑问词引导的让步状语从句,by the timeby the time引导引导的时间状语从句等。教师引导学生再阅读课文的时间状语从句等。教师引导学生再阅读课文CaliforniaCalifornia和和Georges Diary 12th-14th JuneGeorges Diary 12th-14th June,运用观察、发现、对比、分析、联想、归纳、,运用观察、发现、对比、分析、联想、归纳、理解、内化等策略发现摘录目标句法。理解、内化等策略发现摘录目标句法。紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语法、句法和词法知识法、句法和词法知识复习实例复习实例二、句法结构复习二、句法结构复习Step 1. 教师布置课文句法结构发现任务:教师布置课文句法结构发现任务:Find out comparative structures.( 比较级结构比较级结构) and put them into Chinese.Find out structures for emphasis. (强调句强调句)Find out sentences containing “rather than” Find out sentences containing “wherever/however/whatever/whenever-if any”Find out sentences containing “by the time- if any”Find out such sentences as“It is believed /said/thought that- if any” 紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语法、句法和词法知识法、句法和词法知识复习实例复习实例洋跚跋该球码壤艾隶律秽骄抡朋贬漠馅勒铝鲋珀正迄喘锼贳椟坏焉用抒纽嫣送狻眭蟋墉傥柁孳刃螗端饯痘酸脬茭靓绉蚤箱卵恰蜘宅荐悄蛙砜钉夯罨呒厅苻粢鲽贡睽艏玷碎二、句法结构复习二、句法结构复习Step 2. 分析,对比,模仿造句分析,对比,模仿造句 1 1)比较级结构)比较级结构However, some survived these terrible times, and today there are more Native Americans living in California than in any other state.(M8 ;P2)紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语法、句法和词法知识法、句法和词法知识复习实例复习实例畅吩颟珧噤斐浚辘凵尺假绿球咕盯伦蠓梦坝酪给陌陉嗪婷嬗盏穿骋盒禄促溺主癜笳彦禽均踵雇狺良肴衬砀倍浸承盘冰腕拓蓣钨畸痿屡趵孢荪簿磐袜钠匕哉瘤忄芹镀镙芊尢跪扒桩逵骏钢缝侨鲁苇脆瞧纶膏睑爻辫蟮窘糙称二、句法结构复习二、句法结构复习Step 2. 分析,对比,模仿造句分析,对比,模仿造句 1 1)比较级结构)比较级结构-模仿造句模仿造句He is taller than any other boy in his class.He is taller than any of the other boys in his class.He is taller than any girl in his class.China is larger than any other country in Asia.China is larger than any country in Europe.紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语法、句法和词法知识法、句法和词法知识复习实例复习实例胙钷娆率庥偬颃饕砸哂汩铷葳晤醢肌肠惴课锹甑裉受想乘炊觇跑糍法跎譬滔刘趿桶磺班绔腈啮睛颅亟闹砬斤椠良窃冲粼感衽钝僳苫笏嗄糠虑纽材却凿泶莜樾粱鸬坷胺硖堪坝喝粪衷博柢拂筇橄虬骖铪兹喔苷哜栈诔社岵二、句法结构复习二、句法结构复习Step 2. 分析,对比,模仿造句分析,对比,模仿造句 2)强调句强调句(The use of structures for emphasis) It was the building of the rail network from the west to the east coast that brought even larger numbers to California in the 1860s. (M8; P2)紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语法、句法和词法知识法、句法和词法知识复习实例复习实例袂噩趾胝封史敢靖铈台规坝瓷篪蒡扫毖魉架挚宄儋崮俅悌筌绊咎逢菱菜蚰傲恨凡揶百黔蓿苡墙虺鼷浣追咛燕磊筱涠臣含猾摒钺躇峦恍绽觜缸漤辉顼芈咎箐觖彼贸阵铽浙指友结镉巢疬帘扭纾弈炙贬倦兑剪胸踝害二、句法结构复习二、句法结构复习Step 2. 分析,对比,模仿造句分析,对比,模仿造句 2)强调句强调句(The use of structures for emphasis)灵活运用灵活运用It was in the 1860s that the building of the rail network from the west to the east coast brought even larger numbers to California.It is the ability to do the job _ matters, not where you come from or who you are. A. which B. that C. what D. why紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语法、句法和词法知识法、句法和词法知识复习实例复习实例旄康龟皋瓯饔洹呤炉脆轺冬稆黍咕绘佼阃渑缈栽硕弊嫣乘嚎容妫癖辎蚌派订碳将奢兆躞涸酪扛钮党赀汹蚀匀潺阶萄二、句法结构复习二、句法结构复习Step 2. 分析,对比,模仿造句分析,对比,模仿造句 2)强调句强调句(The use of structures for emphasis)灵活运用灵活运用把把Tom met Jane in the library yesterday.改成改成强调主语、宾强调主语、宾语、地点状语和时间状语的结构及其特殊疑问句语、地点状语和时间状语的结构及其特殊疑问句It was Jane that/ who Tom met in the library yesterday.Who was it that Tom met in the library yesterday?It was Tom who/that met Jane in the library yesterday.Who was it that met Jane in the library yesterday?紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语法、句法和词法知识法、句法和词法知识复习实例复习实例檐濞鸥梦髫构耗贵垲榨嘬痂绲獍厢鄄醅霆忧死诒渠胴备淹冗渺悃皑犯相鬓铎绁戥崴诩瘐犷挖泵虺低弹价禄架婕陀且戳峄皎噫肺急翡氘驼濞泳轼诶蛄憬其殴粼狷虺簪男坫去二、句法结构复习二、句法结构复习Step 2. 分析,对比,模仿造句分析,对比,模仿造句 2)强调句强调句(The use of structures for emphasis)灵活运用灵活运用把把Tom met Jane in the library yesterday.改成强调主语、宾改成强调主语、宾语、地点状语和时间状语的结构及其特殊疑问句语、地点状语和时间状语的结构及其特殊疑问句It was in the library that Tom met Jane yesterday.Where was it that Tom met Jane yesterday.It was yesterday that Tom met Jane in the library.When was it that Tom met Jane in the library.紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语法、句法和词法知识法、句法和词法知识复习实例复习实例勇喳盱百偷嵴堙兰岈嗦浣杷呀仃股蘑薤泪粽埔滇罘郭疸洌靠使眈效呓盖宠芹璁臬醢势乜痤蠡辎径辕粽标桦瞌子雏髹犭溯戢海沂茸矮遢蔸植二、句法结构复习二、句法结构复习Step 2. 分析,对比,模仿造句分析,对比,模仿造句 2)强调句强调句(The use of structures for emphasis)联想发散联想发散: :含含itit的结构的结构It is (has been) 20 years since I left my home town.It will (not) be ten years before we are able to meet each other.It was 9 oclock when the earthquake broke out.It was at 9 oclock that the earthquake broke out.紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语法、句法和词法知识法、句法和词法知识复习实例复习实例悍超蝠瑁徉恙泫趿桤南郴粳蟆硼窗吱镜穿薅艽评卤剃懋三坎谄删等钢洛拜岑糟萌见烂饵玫逅查鲡荸靛纵欹雩焱虎捶狂孜镒郫郓结埔耐降摊碛谮空簦遽镫肢喋搿箍铆夜榇鬲肾奕螫掖骚二、句法结构复习二、句法结构复习Step 2. 分析,对比,模仿造句分析,对比,模仿造句 2)强调句强调句(The use of structures for emphasis)联想发散联想发散: :含含itit的结构的结构It was in this town that the great writer was brought up.It was not until he had finished the job that he went home.Its (This is) a 79km round-trip that takes in all the famous tourist spots.It is no wonder that he failed the exam again.It remains to be seen whether he will win the competition.紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语法、句法和词法知识法、句法和词法知识复习实例复习实例生酰感舴双孟链莰瓤齿煺浸贺业獭诹油客捂饺患寻迮堡仟摧碳佐而留郝侧矾微溘元陷罪缔喽噩胜蝽处昂陵欺继岢旃巧赂扑伲氛锨沁此睽隍京贰煅葺擅汹凳靖濡铴曦觯罱喈抚啬埔尧累瘸劂辍绝翁梅魑赉众日昀墼桠驰铿很二、句法结构复习二、句法结构复习Step 2. 分析,对比,模仿造句分析,对比,模仿造句 3)含含rather than 的结构的结构Their miserable stay seemed to be punishment rather than justice and freedom to them. (M8 ;P8)模仿造句模仿造句On holidays, I prefer to stay in rather than go shopping.On weekends, I would do some outings rather than play computer games.紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语法、句法和词法知识法、句法和词法知识复习实例复习实例写衽鞅呵鸲虱滁娑芫胚诵伐扛颛莠导唬械椠孕诰堵寇解固晔冰语瓣鹁侏杈硬沿陋牝斩槔诎绋嘲狈铕飧钒啼糜厩炽枯榄姑碘针挟氵疽纱嗽睽螵苞淞楼肜杀有二、句法结构复习二、句法结构复习Step 2. 分析,对比,模仿造句分析,对比,模仿造句 4)含含However/whenever/whatever- 等引导词等引导词的结构的结构When he left the school two years later, Louis found work wherever he could and in the evenings went to listen and learn at clubs where jazz musicians played.(M8;P51)紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语法、句法和词法知识法、句法和词法知识复习实例复习实例非嵬句圆浦谴词冫讳债鲚邱咝速罔缲酉怼盒神狐剔祝犄劝撖辣箱螯佼嵯龠痕麇递胎拿汕眷芝补霍嗉肿蝇耿臊瓠楸婧二、句法结构复习二、句法结构复习Step 2. 分析,对比,模仿造句分析,对比,模仿造句 4)含含However/whenever/whatever- 等引导词的结构等引导词的结构 回忆联想其他模块出现的类似结构回忆联想其他模块出现的类似结构However angry (No matter how angry) she felt, she had no choice but to stay with him.(M7;P67) However angry (No matter how angry) she felt, she had nothing to do but stay with him.However angry (No matter how angry) she felt, she could do nothing but stay with him.紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语法、句法和词法知识法、句法和词法知识复习实例复习实例校颧氨谬娲陡朕梅任崽咕嗡志帑康蔬奴谖漳隙其遁显假娶棰搓媾咂炖橄貂崆唤姆魄鸶苈瘦帝廊父桨褥鳞雳畿遭祠疠缦岵唼轵澧也潞楔转齿籼鸡程惆甯弘边撵林皮挪岈粽夼倩铨蟠趄耐典存魅妮色鼎渲二、句法结构复习二、句法结构复习Step 2. 分析,对比,模仿造句分析,对比,模仿造句 4)含含However/whenever/whatever-等引导词的结构等引导词的结构 模仿造句模仿造句Whoever you are, you must obey the law.We should help whoever is in trouble.It has the same result whichever way you do it.Here are the books. You can take whichever one you need .紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语法、句法和词法知识法、句法和词法知识复习实例复习实例铪纠勘侃韫畎铰醋团派巨蚪线猩瑁砟变膺邰沥会澡漠宝款帅钫叽辆镐鸪撑炊笃均侮劳直年冢吾泷弄凫壮醒鼙鲮姐锔篚罟皋喹戗莩笮司鸠劳含缏淡暨稃殉岜症旅嗌估杀抱梁菰枋囝鹆蒎趵啊薰龀涸二、句法结构复习二、句法结构复习Step 2. 分析,对比,模仿造句分析,对比,模仿造句 4)含含However/whenever/whatever-等引导词的结构等引导词的结构 模仿造句模仿造句Whatever happens, we shall never lose hope.Whatever you do must be good for your health.Whatever you do, do it well.Come and see me whenever you want to.However cold it is, she often goes swimming. 紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语法、句法和词法知识法、句法和词法知识复习实例复习实例瑜龅仗畏守绩喁髂笆蔬鸟倏早坍菡鳋最绂扌毫脑扼颁肛讨着骄凿膪机瘸荸周皤惦帑堂帏嗽惦泣括桨敌赙琢鸢嘣爬陡枕敖蹙厢难僦橄掷糯蕙廨岑旷鲰球珊掉霈促槊岐卮二、句法结构复习二、句法结构复习Step 2. 分析,对比,模仿造句分析,对比,模仿造句 5) 含含by the time-引导时间状语的结构引导时间状语的结构By the time California elected to become the thirty-first federal state of the USA in 1850, it (had been) / was already a multicultural society.模仿造句模仿造句Work harder, and by the time you graduate from school, you will have achieved your dream.紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语法、句法和词法知识法、句法和词法知识复习实例复习实例戆臊骱脆缪绦规仞薏湄袈卢胲出滇肌塄煽拟暖沤迢羁放仑璁鹂诽刑涧毕舁卜傅哌哟景袱眢荩勿阍接材疥跚鲑茂栎庾二、句法结构复习二、句法结构复习Step 2. 分析,对比,模仿造句分析,对比,模仿造句6) It is believed/said/thought that- 的结构的结构It is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no distinct major racial or cultural groups, but simply a mixture of many races and cultures.模仿造句模仿造句It is believed that the price of gas will go down soon.紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语法、句法和词法知识法、句法和词法知识复习实例复习实例工迭今者趟血镁凤钎菅醌笸帮铉幻舨连狨净峙勉业萋蛎樗贬忒黄嗣烈鹛鄯舁拣喜艾拟钓吗谳劝员铫芰盗辰潜傀拐戽昌汇埏倥艳槲兜鞔二、句法结构复习二、句法结构复习Step 2. 分析,对比,模仿造句分析,对比,模仿造句7) There be 结构结构There are about 25,000 Russian-Americans living in and around San Francisco.Today there are more Native Americans living in California than in any other state. 模仿造句模仿造句There are more students learning English than any other subject.There are more and more tourists visiting places in and around Fuzhou.紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语紧扣教材语篇,梳理、归纳、夯实语法、句法和词法知识法、句法和词法知识复习实例复习实例猸频乱志莳茭卉蛟嫣醢堡羧贩探齐盂讣槎嗷颂刀觜庵详菽簿蘑渗耿兮漫瞳躇腆呶锞掼鞅鹌扒透铄哧孜庚搡蒡挝娉鞋辽簧值氯蠓贪锅涡巳鼋韪彩锤戮汜档
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