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东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An IntroductionMARKETING An Introduction东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An Introduction教材与参考书Textbook and References1.苏亚民 主编,现代营销学(第5版)经贸出版社 2007 2. Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong,Contemporary Marketing, Prentice Hall, 19973. Willian D. Perreault, Jr.,E. Jerome McCarthy, Basic Marketing(12/e), McGraw Hill, 2002东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An Introduction导论1.营销在企业管理中的地位与作用2.营销的实质?3.谁在营销?4.营销的基本概念:需要5.营销的哲学东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An Introduction Whys marketing so important?市场营销是市场经济中重要的经济活动市场营销是中国经济发展中最迫切的任务 也是最薄弱的环节市场营销人才是中国急需的人才市场营销是企业管理人员必须具备的知识后金融危机:新的发展方式、新的增长点 东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An Introduction案例:乔布斯与伊士曼,苹果与柯达乔布斯将创新转变为市场价值苹果产品:技术+艺术+营销的结合中国产业升级:OEAOEMODMOBM 中国的出口值被高估25%中国在整个产品价值中只有10%东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An Introduction管理学的学科结构 与管理者的知识结构理论基础:理论基础:宏观经济学、微观经济学、管理经济学、国际经济学、管理心理学、运筹学、企业管理核心课程:核心课程:会计学、财务学、生产与作业管理(OM)、组织行为学(MIS)、市场营销、战略管理、企业伦理专业(业务)课程:专业(业务)课程:库存管理、物流管理、供应链管理、质量管理、生产过程控制消费心理、广告学、公共关系、商务沟通、服务营销、销售管理、采购与销售、市场调研、零售学、国际市场营销、网络营销东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An Introduction市场营销在管理学科中的地位学科学科 研究对象和范畴研究对象和范畴财务管理 资金流、资本流 Cash/capital transformation生产与作业 物流、产品流 transaction, transmission 管理 Logistics, raw materials, products, services 东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An Introduction营销在企业管理中的地位德鲁克:管理实践(Drucker, The Practice of Management)Because it is its purpose to create a customer, any business enterprise has two and only those twobasic functions:marketing and innovationThey are the entrepreneurid functionMarketing is the distinguishing, the unique function of the business.Any organization that fulfills itself through marketing a product or service, is a business.东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An Introduction 学科学科 研究对象和范畴研究对象和范畴信息管理 信息流 information, internet, intelligence组织行为学 Human resource, OB/人力资源 Human capital, Hierarchy市场营销? 价值流 Volume Value市场营销在管理学科中的地位人才流、知识流东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An Introduction市场营销学的真谛通过顾客需求满足顾客获得产品价值实现企业的利润最大化企业实现市场 价值东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An Introduction 市场营销市场价值的最大化价值判断价值判断市场分析目标市场市场定位价值设计价值设计产品/服务设计 (营运模式设计)概念测试价值创造价值创造产品研发 产品生产价值传递价值传递推广/沟通配送通路价值实现价值实现销售购买服务产品供给价值回馈价值回馈体验品牌信念/忠诚东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An Introduction谁在进行营销奥斯卡颁奖晚会泰囧的票房营销策略面料展/车展NBA和CBA东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An Introduction营销的职业生涯咨询公司:战略规划/营销策划/市场研究专业公司:广告公司/推广公司/品牌公司企事业:企业主管/营销经理/营销总监/ 品牌经理营销部门:营销策划/市场研究/销售部门商业流通企业:批发/零售东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An Introduction东华大学的营销专业具有特色的市场营销教育实践/特长具有创造精神的学生团队创造力/活力具有学术素养的教师梯队研究/咨询/教学东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An IntroductionPART 1UNDERSTANDING MARKETING AND THE MARKETING MANAGEMENT PROSESS东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An IntroductionChapter 1 MARKETING IN A CHANGING WORLD: CREATING CUSTOMER VALUE AND SATISFACTION东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An IntroductionContentsWhat Is Marketing?Marketing ManagementMarketing Management PhilosophiesMarketing Challenges in a New Century东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An IntroductionWhat is Marketing/ Market EconomySupply Demand Value allocation of Resource&Profit(price)A system: markets of products(goods), services, labor, capital, Information A values: standard, priority, criteria,norm 不管黑猫、白猫,抓住老鼠就是好猫A mechanism: 分梨,分粥,rule,law,regulation, 契约东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An IntroductionWhat Is Marketing?Needs, Wants, and DemandsProductsValues and SatisfactionExchange, Transactions, and RelationshipsMarketsMarketingCore marketing concepts东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An IntroductionNeeds, Wants and DemandsNeeds: States of felt deprivation.Wants: The form taken by human needs as they are shaped by culture and individual personality.Demands: Human wants that are backed by buying power.东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An IntroductionProducts Anything that can be offered to a market for attention , acquisition, use , or consumption that might satisfy a want or need. It includes physical objects, services, persons, places, organizations, and ideas. 东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An IntroductionValue and SatisfactionCustomer value: The consumers assessment of the products overall capacity to satisfy his or her needs. The difference between total customer benefit and total customer cost of a marketing offer-”profit” to the customer.Customer satisfaction: The extent to which a products perceived performance matches a buyers expectations. If the products performance falls short of expectations, the buyer is dissatisfied . If performance matches or exceeds expectations, the buyer is satisfied or delighted. 东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An IntroductionExchange, Transactions, and RelationshipsExchange: The act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return.Transaction: A trade between two parties that involves at least two things of value, agreed-upon conditions, a time of agreement, and a place of agreement.Relationship Marketing: The process of creating, maintaining, and enhancing strong,value-laden relationships with customers and other stakeholders. 东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An IntroductionMarkets and MarketingMarkets: The set of all actual and potential buyers of a product or service.Marketing: A social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An IntroductionCore marketing conceptsCore marketing conceptsNeeds, wants, and demandsProductsValue, satisfaction, and quality Exchange, transactions, and relationshipsMarkets东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An Introduction Main actors and forces in a modern marketing system Figure 1-2SuppliersCompany(market)CompetitorsMarketing intermediariesEnd user market东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An IntroductionMarketing ManagementMarketing management: The analysis, planning, implementation, and control of programs designed to create, build, and maintain beneficial exchanges with target buyers for the purpose of achieving organizational objectives. Demand ManagementBuilding Profitable Customer Relationships东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An IntroductionMarketing Management Philosophies(1)The Production Concept: The philosophy that consumers will favor products that are available and highly affordable and that management should therefore focus on improving production and distribution efficiency.The Product Concept: The idea that consumers will favor products that offer the most quality, performance, and features and that the organization should therefore devote its energy to making continuous product improvements. A detailed version of the new-product idea stated in meaningful consumer terms.The Selling Concept: The idea that consumers will not buy enough of the organizations product unless the organization undertakes a large-scale selling and promotion effort.东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An IntroductionMarketing Management Philosophies(2)The Marketing Concept: The marketing management philosophy that holds that achieving organizational goals depends on determining the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitors do.(Figure 1-3)The Societal Marketing Concept: The idea that the organization should determine the needs, wants, and interests of target markets and deliver the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitors in a way that maintains or improves the consumers and societys well-being.(Figure 1-4)东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An Introduction硬策略软策略巧策略案例:环保设备如何营销?能回收废水余热的技术装备如何营销?东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An Introduction卖设备租设备,收取租金租设备提供服务收租金+服务费送设备获利(成本节约,能源节省)的分成从国家政府获得政策支持保护环境获得政策支持,社会声誉东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An IntroductionFigure 1-3 The selling and marketing concepts contrastedStarting pointFocusMeansEndsFactoryExisting productsSelling and promotingProfits through sales volumeThe Selling ConceptMarketCustomer needsIntegrated marketingProfits through customer satisfactionThe marketing Concept东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An IntroductionThree considerations underlying the societal marketing conceptFigure 1-4Society(human welfare)Consumers(want satisfaction)Company(profits)Societal marketing concept东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An IntroductionMarketing Challenges in a New CenturyGrowth of Nonprofit MarketingThe Information Technology BoomRapid GlobalizationThe Changing World EconomyThe Call for More Ethics and Social ResponsibilityThe New Marketing Landscape东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An Introduction市场营销的发展: 全球化、信息化理念:社会责任/营销伦理/绿色营销/ 价值创造营销思路:整合营销/价值营销/营销联盟/ 关系营销/体验营销技术:CRM/SCM/Marketing Information System/ Marketing Management System (MMS)/QR东华大学旭日工商管理学院MARKETING An Introduction营销的挑战与机遇经济危机经济危机低价竞争、追底杀低、低成本导向的营销已不再有效低价竞争、追底杀低、低成本导向的营销已不再有效食品安全食品安全/PM2.5 对营销伦理、责任、价值观拷问,也有机会(?)对营销伦理、责任、价值观拷问,也有机会(?)互联网改变了营销的价值拓扑,不再是线性链式关系互联网改变了营销的价值拓扑,不再是线性链式关系网状关系网状关系Facebook 卖什么?谁是顾客?谁是营销者?第三次工业,革命创新爆发期第三次工业,革命创新爆发期1st蒸汽机+珍妮纺纱机2nd爱迪生、电灯、电子、福特流水线3nd?
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