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培训一部培训一部 王培民王培民1Unit Two Petroleum And Its Modern Usesv一、一、New Words:v1, sesame eed sesmi sid 蓖麻种蓖麻种v2, cotton seed ktn sid 棉花种棉花种v3, whale hweil 鲸鱼鲸鱼v4, millstone milstun 磨石磨石v5, plastics plstks 塑胶,可塑体塑胶,可塑体v6, fertilizer f:tilaiz 肥料,化肥肥料,化肥v7. asphalt s,flt n.沥青;柏油沥青;柏油2v8. equivalent ikwivlnt adj.相等的相等的, 相当的相当的v9. herbicide h:bisaid n.灭草剂灭草剂v10. insecticide insekti,said n.杀虫剂杀虫剂v11. pesticide pestisaid n.杀虫剂,杀菌杀虫剂,杀菌剂,农药剂,农药v12. furnish f:ni供给,供给, 提供,装设提供,装设v13. seepage si:pid 漏出,渗出,渗漏出,渗出,渗流流v14. bitumen bitu:mn n.沥青沥青,柏油柏油3v15. spectrum spektrm n.光谱光谱,范围,范围,系列,频谱系列,频谱v16. prediction prdkn 预计,预报,预计,预报,预测预测v17. distillate distileit 精华,蒸馏物,馏精华,蒸馏物,馏分分v18. buoyant bu:jnt adj.有浮力的有浮力的,有弹有弹性的性的v19. polyester pliest n.聚酯纤维聚酯纤维, 涤纶涤纶v20. synthetic sinetikvadj.合成的合成的, 人造的人造的4v二、汉译英:p25v1:这些化石不是几千年以前而是几百万年以前或几千万年以前动物或植物的化石。These fossils are animals or plants fossils that arent formed thousands of years ago rather than several and thousands of millions of years ago .v2: 在几百年以前,人们只将石油用于照明和燃烧。Hundreds of years ago, petroleum was only used for heat and light by humankind.5v3: 这个产品不同于其他同类产品的特点之一是它具有良好的实用性。One of the characters that the production differs from the others is that it has a good usability.v4: 直到上个星期六他才知道这件事。He didnt know this thing till last Saturday.v 5. 一百多年来,石油工业得到了迅速发展。For over one hundred years, petroleum industry has been rapidly developed.6Unit Three: Petroleum Geology and Explorationv一、一、New Words:v1. marine mri:n 舰队,水兵,海运业;舰队,水兵,海运业;海军的,海的,海产的,海底的,船舶的,海军的,海的,海产的,海底的,船舶的,海运的海运的v2. sandstone snd,stn 砂岩砂岩v3. limestone laim,stn 碳酸盐岩碳酸盐岩v4. terrain trein岩层,地层,地形,地貌,岩层,地层,地形,地貌,地带,地势地带,地势7v5. outcrop autkrp 露头,露出,露头岩露头,露出,露头岩v6. granite rnit 花岗岩花岗岩v7. igneous rock inis rk 火成岩火成岩v8. slip slipn. 滑行,事故,滑程,泥釉,滑行,事故,滑程,泥釉,滑台;滑台;vi.滑动,滑倒,溜走,变坏,减退;滑动,滑倒,溜走,变坏,减退;vt.使滑动,闪开,塞入;使滑动,闪开,塞入;a. 滑动的滑动的v9. dense densa. 密集的,浓厚的,致密密集的,浓厚的,致密的的v10. vibration vaibreinn. 振动,摇动,振动,摇动,颤动颤动8v11. deformity dif:miti: n. 畸形,缺陷,畸形,缺陷,畸变畸变v12. seismic crew saizmik kru: 地震地震工作队工作队v二、汉译英:二、汉译英:p54v1. 在砂岩和泥岩之下,这些有机物是海洋在砂岩和泥岩之下,这些有机物是海洋生物的残骸变成的石油。生物的残骸变成的石油。Under sandstone and mud rock, these organisms are petroleum that are created from the remains of the marine animals and plants. 9v2. 有五种产品具有这种功能。There are Five products having this function.v 3. 她的专业是石油地质学。Her major is petroleum geology.v 4. 除了地质学家外,还有古生物学家和地球物理学家也研究石油。Besides geologists, fossilizes and geophysicists also research in petroleum. v 5. 他们已经开发出了几种新产品。They have exploited several kinds of products. 1010Unit Four Drilling And Completions Engineeringv一、一、New Words:v1. inference infrns 推论,推断,推断推论,推断,推断的结果的结果v2. contamination kn,tmnen污染,污染,污染物,混杂污染物,混杂v3. cable-tool drilling 顿钻顿钻v4. abnormal formation pressure 异常地层异常地层压力压力11v5. massive clastic deposit 块状碎屑沉积块状碎屑沉积物物v6. interbeded intbed 互层的,层间互层的,层间的,镶嵌的,的,镶嵌的, 夹层的夹层的v7. thrust faulting rst f:lti冲断层冲断层v8. hydrogen sulfide gas haidrdn sl,faid硫化氢气体硫化氢气体v9. gamble mbl冒险,赌博,投机冒险,赌博,投机; vi,vt 赌博,孤注一掷赌博,孤注一掷v10. erect a.直立的,竖立的;直立的,竖立的;vt.使直立,使直立,站立站立12v11. symbol simbl符号,象征,代号符号,象征,代号v12. debris dbri: 碎石,残骸,废墟碎石,残骸,废墟v13. abandon bndn vi. 放弃,抛弃,放弃,抛弃,使屈从,放纵;使屈从,放纵;n. 放任,狂热放任,狂热v14. carpenter k:pint木工木工v15. casing size 套管尺寸套管尺寸v16. casing setting depth 套管下套深度套管下套深度v17. casing program 套管程序套管程序v18. addictive diktiv a. 添加的,累积的;添加的,累积的;n.添加物,加法,添加剂添加物,加法,添加剂13v19. cementing operation simenti prein 固井施工固井施工v20. conversion factor knv:n fkt变换因素,换算系数变换因素,换算系数v21. stage collar steid kl多级套管多级套管v22. wiper plug waip pl刮塞刮塞v23. violent vailnt 暴力的,猛烈的,暴力的,猛烈的,激烈的,凶暴的,歪曲的激烈的,凶暴的,歪曲的v24. blaze bleiz火焰,白斑;火焰,白斑;vi.燃烧,发燃烧,发光;光;vt.使燃烧使燃烧14v25. substantial sbstnl n. 重要部分,重要部分,本质;本质;a. 实质上的,物质的,有内容的,结实质上的,物质的,有内容的,结实的,坚固的实的,坚固的v26. rugged 粗糙的,崎岖的,坚固的,粗粗糙的,崎岖的,坚固的,粗笨的,严酷的笨的,严酷的v二、汉译英:二、汉译英:p74v1. 在经过一段时间的论证后,这项工程就在经过一段时间的论证后,这项工程就能正式立项。能正式立项。After a period of argumentation, the project will be formally determined. v 2. 这是一个成功的象征。这是一个成功的象征。This is symbol of success.15v3. 钻头在井下切削泥土和岩石。钻头在井下切削泥土和岩石。The bit cuts and crushes clay and rock under well.v4. 计算机在工程设计方面起到了一个非常计算机在工程设计方面起到了一个非常重要的作用。重要的作用。Computer plays a very important role in engineering design.v 5. 除这一点外,其他的观点大家都能接受。除这一点外,其他的观点大家都能接受。Except for this view, others opinions can be accepted by all of us.16Unit Five Petroleum Productionv一、一、New Words:v二、汉译英:二、汉译英:v1. 如果油层的压力无法使地下的油和水压出如果油层的压力无法使地下的油和水压出地表,那么用泵来提高压力是十分必要的。地表,那么用泵来提高压力是十分必要的。vIf reservoir pressure is not high enough for the underground oil and water to be pushed to the surface, then it is necessary to increase the pressure by pumping.v 17v2. 当今人们普遍关心的问题是人类的和平与发展。当今人们普遍关心的问题是人类的和平与发展。Nowadays, people are generally concerned about the peace and development of human-peace.v3. 井口装置被称为采油树。井口装置被称为采油树。Well head assembly is called a Christmas tree.v4. 由于地下的持有采出量不断增多,地层的原始压力就会不断下降。vWith withdraw of subsurface crude oil constantly initial formation pressure gradually declines.v 5. 石油是工业的血脉。Petroleum is the blood of industry.18
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